Sunday, November 09, 2008

Coming January 20th 2009

It may be the end of the world as we know it right now, but in 2012 we will set things right and things will again be fine!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most people who voted for Obama only see him as a black man, not as a politician. "Forget the policies, we need a black man in the White House for historic significance".
Word has it that most of the white voters elected him because they are tired of members in the black community going around and playing the race card and want to put race baiter's like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson out of business. But that doesn't seem to stop those who do start making a lot of racial issues.
Read a November 5, 2008 column by Larry Meeks to show you what I'm talking about.

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone, it is true. Most blacks wanted to make history. However, Obama is not a recipient of the black American experience as his tribe from Kenya were not slaves but slavers or kidnappers. The race hustlers are not out of business, because all of their menions have not educated themselves enough to see the true race, the human race. The word hu means color , thus the colored race or colored man. We are all colored. Most whites could not afford a slave, as many were sold as indentured servants in America. Only about 5% of the African slaves sold by the Arab and African Muslims were even bought to America. The rest were sent to South America. The Eastern Slave trade had more slaves sent to North Africa and the Middle East than all over the West. Most of the men over 12 were killed and the boys from 9-12 were castrated. This was called the EASTERN SLAVE TRADE. Europe did the Atlantic Slave Trade. Today, Muslims are still killing millions of black Nubian Africans, because they say it is their religious right to do it to all non-Muslims. Iran says sex with a 2 month old is legal, along with animals and smoke weed, but not wine. The little green book-1990. American Muslims say and do nothing because their Arab Masters said slavery was the will of Allah!

4:37 AM  
Blogger Ducky's here said...

Yup, just like you did in 2000 and 2004.

Right wingers, acutely unable to take responsibility for their own bankrupt policies.

Thanks for the mess. But we've had to clean up after the elephant before.

I was a Hillary supporter but Obama is really starting to grow on me. He's a pragmatist and that is what we are going to have to have at this time in history.

So get ready to run Palin in 2012. We can't wait to slap the moron around some more.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

ducky "up, just like you did in 2000 and 2004.Right wingers, acutely unable to take responsibility for their own bankrupt policies.
Thanks for the mess. But we've had to clean up after the elephant before.
I was a Hillary supporter but Obama is really starting to grow on me. He's a pragmatist and that is what we are going to have to have at this time in history.

As usual plucky ducky, the facts aren't your friend. Democrats created the community redevelpment act, not republicans. Opp, research does help ducky. Reagan had to fix Carters mess. Bush 43 had to fix the dot com bubble that was growing under the last term of Clinton, and eventually a Republican is going to have to fix the mess Democrats started originally. It's history REPEATING IT SELF AS USUAL.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Tyrone, it is true. Most blacks wanted to make history. However, Obama is not a recipient of the black American experience as his tribe from Kenya were not slaves but slavers or kidnappers."

The black Obama faithful still can't come to grips that Obama is biracial. He even called himself a mutt. The weird thing about Obama supporters are that when you present facts to them, they start to get angry.

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone, yes they do very angry. He has managed to show his tan face, tanner than Jeremiah Wright, a real black American, they don't know what to say. Obama is exotic looking with tan skin and dark lips. He did marry a darker hued black American, which makes him more acceptable to the masses. Michele is a very pretty woman when she smiles and the girls are adorable. This makes him look like he really is color blind. He forgets that the women who raised him were white women who endured the taint of having a darker skinned male around them. They didnt throw him away, but used their money to make him what he is today. No male should forget that in favor of seeking the man who rejected him for most of his life.
Personally, I am happy that Obama was elected, however, he should be honest enough to tell us what his political ideas really are, Marxist, Islamic or both. Just tell us what to expect!

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we're on the subject of history, most whites in Rhode Island didn't get the vote until the Dorr Rebellion... and even after they had to pay a poll tax.

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not understand anything because I do not speak American English, only British!

6:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not understand anything because I do not speak American English, only British!

6:38 AM  
Blogger Ducky's here said...


Carter appointed the man responsible for the economic policies that cleared up the stagflation mess, Paul Volker. Pretty bright guy who is now on Obama's advisory team.

Ronnie did nothing more than generate huge budget deficits that had to be cleaned up by Papa Bush and Clinton.

The CRA was NOT responsible for any of the mess we are in. The CRA had NOTHING to do with the avalanche of derivatives that essentially turned Wall Street into a freakin' betting parlor.
If you believe that loans in minority communities underperformed (they did not) and that there were not adequate reserves on hand to manage potential defaults then you get your economics from Rush Limbaugh or Thomas Sowell and should be very careful about going into battle thinking you are armed with facts. Oh, when was the CRA passed?

12:29 PM  
Blogger Ducky's here said...

However, you do bring up a good point. An equity bubble did develop under Clinton and this grew to an even larger equity bubble under Bush.

How are we to avoid policies that do not generate a larger bubble this time around.

I feel that progressive taxation, increased savings and a return to previous regulations are good steps.

I don't believe that scamming the American sucker into believing there will not be pain in this cycle is responsible just as it was not responsible to think we could fight very expensive wars while cutting taxes. Complete supply side nonsense and you see the results right now.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is not a victim of American slavery, maybe his wife is and his children. He is a pure African-American. His tribe were as guilty of enslaving other black Africans as the Arabs and the Europeans waiting at the water's edge. The whites had better sense than to go through the jungles and deserts searching for slaves. They simply paid the Arab and African Muslims to do it. Today the Arab Muslims make fun of the ugly, raisin headed, pug nosed abed (black slaves) all over Africa. Egypt is not a Nubian nation, as all of North Africa is considered Caucasian. The hair and features are the same as Caucasians. Nubians are mostly shorter, nappy hair, and closer to the apes as the Arab poets say.
Jarir said that the Black Muslims look like a donkey's penis wrapped in white paper. In America, the foreign Muslims make fun of the black converts. They convert the black males from jail to start a race war. In Philly, the black Muslims have Muslim only housing. Daniel Pipes has his picture and name. This is a way of forcing blacks to accept Islam or no housing. When they get power, they will demand the churches become mosques and the preachers will wqant the whites to help. Well the whites will not be able as they will try to keep from becoming mamluks (white slave name). Arab and African Muslims castrated all boys from 9-12 and killed all males over 12. The girls were used for sex. This is the reason you have black Arabs.

They use a verse in the Quran and hadith which says, there is no difference between the races. They mnever say the rest of the verse which says "all in the faith of Islam are equal). All innocents are Muslims only, as the Imans say in secret in America. In Europe they say it out loud. Europeans are trying to appease Muslims and now Europe is being overrun by Mau Mau Muslims demanding the right to beat women and marry babies. NAMBLA will become Muslims soon, where pedophilia is legal and holy. Ask the Ashnas in Afghanistan.

Dorr Rebellion was short lived, but it was a class rebellion, similar to what Socialism represents.

Obama says go to college. Well it doesn't take a college degree to shampoo hair, cut hair, build a house, sew clothes, cook a meal, dig ditches, learn another language. The W. E. Dubois and Booker T. debate in America, both black men, one a Harvard man and one who used his hands. All kinds are needed as was proven. W.E. thought he was better than Booker T. More history next time.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Kofi Bofah said...

Yes, Jimmy Carter was an inept president. But, so was 'W.'

Obama will be held accountable, just as any President. I would argue that his message is closer to Bill Cosby, than it is to the old-line civil rights leaders such as Sharpton and Jackson.

Who knows, your readers might find this 'interesting,' or maybe you can post it on your site and critique [rip] it. Have fun!

My Chicago Election Day Diary

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sending my army of rodeo clowns to punish all of you.

5:33 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

kofi "Yes, Jimmy Carter was an inept president. But, so was 'W.' "

Compare the economic data between Jimmy Cater's 4 years and Bush's 8 years. They're is no comparison. Under Bush unemployment is right now in mid single digits and at one time below 6%, inflation has remained low compared to carter, and there hasn't been any gas lines due to Bush. That's the reason why Bush won a second term and Carter lost in one of the biggest electoral landslides in political history kofi.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

god of bacon " I'm sending my army of rodeo clowns to punish all of you."

Just send the bacon instead. I'm hungry.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon " Most people who voted for Obama only see him as a black man, not as a politician. "Forget the policies, we need a black man in the White House for historic significance".

Thats really the only reason they voted for hims. Skin color doesn't a good president, the person does. I saw Oprah today acting crazy over Obama's win, and I know it wasn't because Obama won but because of the skin of Obama. I just wish Obama supporters would just be honest with themselves for once. Because of his skin color, people are making Obama out to be some sort of god. Yes he's biracial or black to some, and yes he was elected, but he is still a moral man of flesh and blood.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

ducky "Carter appointed the man responsible for the economic policies that cleared up the stagflation mess, Paul Volker. Pretty bright guy who is now on Obama's advisory team."

Nice attempt at revisionist history ducky. Next your going to tell me that Carter was also a fiscal hawk. If Carter had the economy under control, he wouldn't have lost and lost big to Reagan. facts are facts ducky. Carter lost for a reason, and the rest is history.

7:27 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"He [Carter] wouldn't have lost and lost big to Reagan."

Yeah right, it was that "fiscal" thing that sunk Carters re-election bid. Not offering enough money and weapons, for hostages, to terrorist regimes is definitely not sound fiscal policy....

The Reagan and GW Bush administrations knew exactly what makes sound fiscal policy. Scare the hell out of the public, then spend whatever you want!

10:20 AM  
Blogger Ducky's here said...

Nice straw man, cb. The subject was Paul Volker, Obama's chief economic adviser, and his performance at the Fed.

Now, were Volker's policies of restraint or Reagan's policies of whopping budget deficits better for the American economy?

Supply side is dead. Stone cold dead as a viable economic platform.

11:30 AM  
Blogger JMK said...

Apparently Ducky needs a basic economics lesson.

Volcker appointed by Carter, after Miller and Burns proverbially “shit the bed,” and re-appointed by Reagan, did help bring down inflation, which at peaked at 13.5% under fed Chief G. William Miller, et another Carter appointee.

Volcker was a devotee of the GREAT Milton Friedman and used Monetary policy to try and undo what Miller’s Keynesianism (big government interventionism) had wrecked.

There are only TWO basic economic systems, the free market, or “market-based system,” and the Command Economy, often misnamed “Keynesianism.”

What has failed and failed consistently is Keynesianism.

LBJ was a Keynesian, Nixon was a Keynesian (he infamously intoned, “We are all Keynesians now,” and he instituted wage and price controls), Ford and Carter were Keynesians as well.

Those policies wrought “the WORST economy since the Great Depression,” when Carter presided over four years of double-digit Misery Indexes (the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate) and an astounding 16.5 average, annual Misery Index during his tenure!

Ironically enough, ONLY about 40% of Democrats consider themselves Liberals and probably FEWER still adhere to Keynesian economic policies. Virtually ALL Conservative Democrats are fiscal Conservatives and staunch Supply Siders and Free Traders. On the other hand, the “Moderate (Country Club) Republicans are virtually ALL Keynesians. Moderate Republicans include the likes of the Bush’s, Dole’s, Whitman’s Kean’s etc.

Bush-41 actually reviled Reagan’s Supply Side (“Voodoo Economics”) and was quick to cooperate with Ted Kennedy in breaking his “Read my lips” pledge.

The result?

Bush-41 was only the 2nd post-WW II American President to preside over four straight double-digit Misery Indexes, although his 10.5 average, annual MI was far lower than Carter’s 16.5.

Bush-43 did ONLY 2 GOOD things, (1) he finally and belatedly confronted radical Islamic jihadism on a military level and (2) his Supply Side across the board tax rate cuts increased income tax revenues in each succeeding year.

In fact, just as Capital gains revenues “skyrocketed” after the Gingrich Congress slashed the rate from 30% to 20%, they rose yet again, when G W Bush cut the rate from 20% to 15%.

Fact is, income tax revenues RISE when rates are cut, precisely because of the graduated nature of the income tax.

Currently the top 10% of income earners (who account for appx 42% of the AGI/adjusted gross income) pay 71% of the income taxes.

That group tends to have more discretionary income, as you’d expect, so when tax rates, rise, that merely incentivizes those people to SAVE/defer more of their income in tax deferred vehicles...and income tax revenues plummet.

That is what ALWAYS happens because, not surprisingly, “People respond to incentives.”

In short, Keynesian policies failed in the 1970s and were remedied with Milton Friedmanesque Supply Side policies in the 1980s.

Bush-41 flirted briefly with Keynesian policies and that failed again during his tenure.

Clinton warred with a Keynesian Democratic Congress for his first two years and cooperated as well with the Supply Side Gingrich Congress (once the Gingrich gang shut down the federal gov’t to show who was boss) as G W Bush has cooperated with the Keynesian Pelosi-Reid Congress.

Aside from the expiring tax cuts, we’ve been on a very Keynesian course the past few years ad it shows.

So far, 2008’s Misery Index is hovering around 10%, if it stays there or gets worse, we’ll have the first double digit Misery Index since 1992.

More Keynesian policies down the road will almost certainly only make that worse.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Kofi Bofah said...

Gas lines, no.

But, if you want to speak on energy policy, the 2008 peak price of crude oil smashed the inflation adjusted price of the late seventies and early '80s.

Yes, Carter bungled the Iran situation - leading to the oil embargo, which created the spike, and wild inflation - but Bush has also had his share of gaffes.

And did Bush really win another term on the strength of the economy - or on G.O.P. WMD/terrorism war-mongering propaganda that had reached a fever pitch at the time?

Herbert Hoover. Jimmy Carter. George W. Bush.

Presidents that will be forever linked to economic debacles.

3:36 PM  
Blogger Ducky's here said...

Those policies wrought “the WORST economy since the Great Depression,”

No jmk, that would be the one we have now.

Currently the top 10% of income earners (who account for appx 42% of the AGI/adjusted gross income) pay 71% of the income taxes.

How much of the total tax do they pay. Why not add SSI in there and redo your figures.
You pull that number of that deep thinker Rush Gasbag's site. When you can stop blowing smoke about taxation we can move on.
Maybe social security doesn't matter because people pay in rubles or something. I can't wait for an explanation.

Supply side is a complete failure. Give it up.

Oh, and it you haven't noticed ... the country's broke. No more Chinese toys for treasury bills economy for you. We're broke thanks to Alan Greenspan the monetarist.

Monetarism is stone cold dead. Stone dead.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Ducky's here said...

oh and jmk, be sure to thank monetarism for the 1987 crash.

It's a tough one isn't it, on one hand you have monetarist deflation and on the other you can have Keynsian inflation.

In economics pragmatism is a very good quality. The true believers usually drive the bus into a ditch.

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today on WCBM Tom Marr was radio jacked by black men. Tom will not listen as I have told him to learn Islam and be able to combat the black Muslims mobats properly. Les will not even interview a so-called Moderate Muslim. Wonder why? He reaches across the aISLE like McCain and get beaten down every time. He exposed the Jim Jones cult and the Mormons, but he is afraid to expose the Muslims. In Virginia, where he lives, Muslims have taken over and he does nothing. Terrorism has won. Muhammad said Allah gave his victory by terror! Obama is using Islam and Christian like a rubber band, while expousing Marxism daily. He even plans to create an armed force bigger thaN the US Military. That is the Brownshirts of Germany. His Marxist buddies also say to kids, if parents wont come around, kill them! We had to fight slavery, the KKK, now Islamic-Marxism. GET READY.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Ducky's here said...

...also we've got a confusion here between strict monetarism which focuses on the quantity of the money supply and the well known supply side claptrap from the Austrian school which tries to pretend it can manage value of money.

Volker sure wasn't part of the Austrian school, which is what most people refer to when they talk about monetarism.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Upper end tax cuts have never been the problem, they have been one of the keys to jump starting economic growth. It's only common sense I think that the people that pay the most in taxes should have their taxes lowered. Some can deny supply side economics all they want, history has shown that it has worked every time it has been applied from Kennedy to Bush 43. That's why I know Obama economic policy is going to fail and fail miserably. Giving tax cuts to people that don't pay taxes is madness. Combine that with the surge in the national debt due to all these bailouts combined with the $700 billion, the valuation of the dollar is going to fall sharply and will lead to hyper inflation very soon. Oh well, at least I can say I didn't vote for Obama. Taxing taxes the right way over time increases the revenue to the government, our country has a serious problem with spending!! Spending is the problem.

kofi "And did Bush really win another term on the strength of the economy - or on G.O.P. WMD/terrorism war-mongering propaganda that had reached a fever pitch at the time?"

Bush had to have won it on both. The only thing Kerry could lie about was when he said "This was the worst economy since Herbert Hoover". People knew better, even Kerry supporters couldn't validate that dribble. Obama won on the economy, his poll numbers turned around at the exact time the stock market started going into free fall. If the same scenario would have happened four years ago, Kerry would have beaten Bush the same way. Bush turned around the economy and if it wasn't for the democrat created sub prime bubble finally exploding and now going global, McCain I seriously believe would have won.

ducky "Right wingers, acutely unable to take responsibility for their own bankrupt policies. "

In 24 hours I am going to post the entire time line of how the Democrat Party is directly and primarily to blame for the global financial crisis ducky. You can blame "right wingers" all you like, unfortunately you don't have facts to point to Republicans, but I have a ton of evidence to point to democrats. Get some popcorn ducky, this will be fun and educational for you and other Obama sheep.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Today on WCBM Tom Marr was radio jacked by black men. Tom will not listen as I have told him to learn Islam and be able to combat the black Muslims mobats properly. Les will not even interview a so-called Moderate Muslim. Wonder why?"

Tom Marr is more of a down to earth common sense thinker. He knows enough about Islam to get under the skin of radical muslims. Les Konsolving rarely does interviews on his show. A frequent listen to both Tom and Les is woman named Bee Bee, she's a black woman and her understanding of Islam is second to none. Her knowledge on islam borders that of an islamic scholar. When ever a radical muslim calls in to debate tom or les,she normally calls in and challenges the caller and she normally makes a fool out of them. It's unsure if Islamic fundamentalism is going to kick into high gear with the election of the inexperienced and naive chipmunck Obama or not. If they do then our nation has another major problem on it's hands.

kofi bofah, I'm curious about something. Do you live in the Democrat paradise of Chicago? If you do,can you tell me what the tax burden is like there?

8:43 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

JMK;"Apparently Ducky needs a basic economics lesson."

And you're just the one to give it to him...right JMK?

Ducky, here's a little bit of unsolicited advice. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain that says JMK"! His intent is to baffle you with bulls#!t, rather that dazzle you with brilliance.

The very first thing one must understand about economics is that it is not a science which implies exact points, but instead a science of tendencies and direction.

By no means am I implying that I am, or claim to be some kind of pseudo expert of economics. I, like others here, do understand the "basic" principles, but it is for that reason I leave predictions and assessments to the experts, and not to blog writers or local firemen...

CB;"Upper end tax cuts have never been the problem, they have been one of the keys to jump starting economic growth."

Cutting taxes on the rich might not cause problems, but there absolutely no proof that has any effect on economic growth.

New York Times writer, Daniel Altman asked the countries leading economists if the 2001, 2003 tax cuts were responsible for the 2003 upturn. Interestingly enough, the answer was no.

CB;"That's why I know Obama economic policy is going to fail and fail miserably. Giving tax cuts to people that don't pay taxes is madness."

Wow! What a stunning forecast Tyrone. Now how is it that you can predict how Obama's policies will fail, yet you couldn't predict the present economic mess? Or did you predict that the "Democratic" administration was going to cause this mess?? Opppps...there was no Democratic administration for 8 years!!! Oh I forgot, conservatives lay the blame on the Carter administrations policies (or was it Roosevelt?? it was Grover Cleveland...hell, the Pilgrims!)

That "right-wing" nonsense about giving tax cuts to people who don't pay taxes didn't get McCain a single vote from common sense minded voters.

You can qualify it, spin it, give examples, graph it, or even create an explanation, but you will never convince the average working American that he will; pay less taxes if he pays no taxes at all!

Working class Americans don't look at what aspect of government is taking part of their earnings. The percentages we pay in local, state or federal government taxes all amount to the same idea. All we see is that we're paying more here, and more there!

Paying "less tax" if you pay "no tax" was one of the "stupidest" negative campaign attacks leveled by McCain on Obama's economic policy. Republicans spent to much effort on attacking the messenger than paying attention to the message. The idea of tax cut's for middle-class workers resonated wide and very clear to middle-class voters. The fact is that people saw and heard how they would benefit and voted accordingly. Whether Obama can deliver on that promise more sooner than later is yet to be determined.

CB;"In 24 hours I am going to post the entire time line of how the Democrat Party is directly and primarily to blame for the global financial crisis ducky."

Why stop there? Obama hasn't even taken office yet and the conservative talking heads have already officially called the crisis the, "Obama Ressession" and the "Global'BAMA Financial Crisis" the, between "Barack and a hard place economy" and "Obam-o-nomics."

So sure, go right ahead and blame the Democrats if it makes you feel better. I think it is an excellent "placebo" for all the heartbroken conservatives and Republicans who are just "sick" over losing the election!

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard BB and she knows her stuff. The Muslims have gone to the UN to stop us exposing Islam. Will they burn up all of the Qurans which say kill all non-muslims. If not, then they should not be allowed to stop nothing. Islamic world will not allow a Bible, a cross, or a Christmas tree. They are behind the Fairness doctrine with their Marxist buddies at Harvard. Islamist-Marxist are well known in the Islamic world as is in Europe.
Philly is a bastion of Islamic terror of the black hand side. They have polygamy, pedophilia, wife beating all of which is Islamic. Tariq Nelson's blog exposed this and now he has been terrorized and threatened and he is a Muslim. If the American Gangster showed the Islamic Connection to the gangster world in Philly, do you think it has gone away? Muslim men in Baltimore send away and get foreign wives as Black women are called ugly, raisin heads, pug-nosed signs of bad diseases and black men accept it.

8:07 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

"New York Times writer, Daniel Altman asked the countries leading economists if the 2001, 2003 tax cuts were responsible for the 2003 upturn. Interestingly enough, the answer was no." (PAA)
There really WASN'T an upturn in the Bush administration....Sarb-Ox's regulations cost businesses so much money, that many of them didn't hire as many workers as they normally would have in recovery periods.

What the vast majority of economists DO agree on is that things would've been a lot worse if we hadn't had all those increased revenues, which resulted from those tax cuts. The problem with the Bush administration, was that aside from those early tax cuts (which DID increase tax revenues) he over-spent. In fact, Bush-43 spent more on misguided social programs than LBJ had.

I restrict my own observations to observable facts, like "Do tax rate hikes increase or decrease tax revenues?

The answer is easy to find on the GAO website.

The Bush tax cuts, like virtually all recent tax cuts have INCREASED tax revenues.

That's what you'd logically expect under the circumstances.

Right now, the top 10% of income earners pay over 70% of the income taxes in America.

When tax rates rise, that incentivizes savings and since those top income earners tend to have more discretionary income, so they defer more of their income in tax-deferred vehicles.

When those top 10% of income earners defer more of their incomes, tax rvenues go down, because even higher taxes on the other 90% of income earners, who pay just 30% of the income taxes, doesn't make up the difference.

Same with the Capital gains rate cuts.

When the Gingrich Congress cut the Cap gains rate from 30% to 20%, Cap Gains rate revenues skyrocketed and they rose yet again, when G W Bush dropped the rate to 15%.

I think we can safely say that We are ALL Supply Siders now at least you and I are, PAA, your comments have never really criticized Supply Side (more market-oriented) policies.
"Paying "less tax" if you pay "no tax" was one of the "stupidest" negative campaign attacks leveled by McCain on Obama's economic policy." (PAA)
No it's not.

A full 40% of Americans pay 0% income taxes.

They pay FICA, state and local taxes and sales taxes, etc., but they pay no income taxes and many get the "Earned Income tax Credit - the EITC (a sort of welfare payment) is neither "earned," nor is it "income," it's a welfare transfer payment.

I don't believe that there are many among this group that want an income tax reduction in the form of an increase in the EITC.

I'm sure most would like to see their FICA taxes go down, but it's hard to believe that there are many people out there who resent the normal and necessary market-based income disparities - a surgeon earning $4.8 MILLION/year to a math teacher's $96,000/year.

Those disparities are an indicator of economic strength, not the reverse.

9:21 PM  

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