Palin takes aim at Obama at the Tea Party Convention

The haters of Sarah Palin have come out twice and claimed that Sarah Palin is irrelevant and that her political career is over. The first time was after the election of Barack Obama, and the second time was after the Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska. It would appear the the political class isn't exactly singing the left's tune on the demise of Sarah Palin just yet. Whenever people talk about the 2012 election, the name that still comes up is Sarah Palin. Some are saying this morning that Sarah's speach at the Tea Party Convention was her unofficial relaunch onto the national stage for a 2012 run for the Republican nomination for president. Sarah Palin holds no political office, yet her speech last night was carried by not only CSPAN but also CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. I seriously doubt that if any other person would have been the keynote speaker at the Tea Party convention the media would have covered it. Sarah's speech was about 40 minutes long. Her speech was like no other speech I've ever heard her give to date. Her speech was that of a presidential campaign attack speech against Obama. The Tea Party folks loved every second of it. Sarah received several standing ovations during her speech. From a time line stand point. the one year countdown to the Iowa Caucus is less then nine months from now. I flipped over to MSNBC after Sarah finished her speech just to watch the head of Ed Schultz explode. He was trying frantically to claim that Obama was doing everything Sarah said that needs to be done to fix the economy. It was extremely funny to watch. I really appreciated that Sarah recognized the birthday of Ronald Reagan, and she used Reagan throughout her speech. Sarah's keynote speech actually surpassed her Vice Presidential nominee acceptance speech. Time will tell what Sarah's "official" plans are, but I think most people know what Sarah is going to do and so does Sarah.
I hope Sarah Palin runs for President I still like her as a person. I hated how the left viciously attacked her and her family. I find the left to be in a word despicable!
Now imagine if Sarah Palin were black,Asian or even Latina I'm sure the smears against her would be even more vicious the left hates non-whites who don't tow the party line even more just as much as they hate pro-life women.
"The haters of Sarah Palin have come out twice and claimed that Sarah Palin is irrelevant and that her political career is over."
Yep, you are right. Sarah is so irrelevant to them that they had to cover her speech live on MSNBC, CNN, Fox and C-Span.
In the middle of her speech, I turned to the husband and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! This is like listening to the REAL State of the Union speech instead of that campaign speech our dear leader gave the other night!" He heartily agreed, and I subsequently posted the sentiment on my Facebook page. I was surprised by the number of positive comments and "like" clicks I got for that post (probably better than half of my official Facebook friends self-identify as "liberal"). I have enormous hope for 2010 and 2012.
The lastest "controversy" by the left "the huffington post" is that Palin wrote down the topics in order on her hand of what she wanted to cover.I couldn't help not to burst out laughing when I saw Andrea Mitchell report this "smoking gun" revolution on the NBC Newscast tonight. This goes to show how desperate Obamatrons are of Palin. Palin didn't need a teleprompter to feed her what to say. She has the ability to give and entire speech from memory unlike Obama. If this is the best the left can up with against Palin they really better start panicking. I love that line she gave "hows that hopie changie thing working out for you ya"?lol lol Man that was classic!!! She has a very sharp wit.
plumpudding81 "I hope Sarah Palin runs for President I still like her as a person. I hated how the left viciously attacked her and her family. I find the left to be in a word despicable!"
The only thing the left knows how to do is smear and attack. They can't defend their views so what other option do they have plumpudding? Palin is a tough gal, she has become politically battle harden. I believe she knows that she is under the skin of liberals big time. Her hopey changey line was a direct shot at Obama supporters. Even with everything the left has thrown at her including their friends in the media, she is still seen as the top front runner for the 2012 Republican nomination. They've thrown everything at this woman except the kitchen sink, and she is still around actually stronger then she was prior to resigning. The liberals have no kryptonite in which to use against Sarah. They've fired all their shots at her, she's still standing and they are out of bullets.
plumppudding "Now imagine if Sarah Palin were black,Asian or even Latina I'm sure the smears against her would be even more vicious the left hates non-whites who don't tow the party line even more just as much as they hate pro-life women."
Well we both know how liberals are the champions of bigotry, intolerance and non compassion plumppudding. Lets say that Palin was Condi Rice, the hatred for her would be retched up 10 times what it is right now. Your right plumpudding, liberalism and diversity of race based on ideological views are totally incompatible.
allyHM "In the middle of her speech, I turned to the husband and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! This is like listening to the REAL State of the Union speech instead of that campaign speech our dear leader gave the other night!" He heartily agreed, and I subsequently posted the sentiment on my Facebook page. I was surprised by the number of positive comments and "like" clicks I got for that post (probably better than half of my official Facebook friends self-identify as "liberal"). I have enormous hope for 2010 and 2012.
As people continue to turn their backs on Obama's socialist policies, Palin will attract more and more of those people who find themselves aligned with her conservatives views over Obama's liberal views. Palin has taken the gloves off,and she has become a major thorn on the side of Obama. Money is the lifes blood of politics, and Sarah Palin wouldn't' have no problem at all raising hundreds of millions of dollars for a presidential run. She has the name presence and a national grassroots support network already in place just waiting for her to announce she's running. If Obama gave the speech Palin gave, his poll numbers would have gone up by 10 points. As Mayor Goodman of Las Vegas said, Obama is a slow learner.
yeah right...
Rush Limbaugh (RNC Boss) calls people he doesn't agree with him "retards", and according to Palin it's "satire." Rahm Emmanuel says it an she wants him lose his job??? Sarah Palin is a "RETARD." (satire...?)
CB;"The lastest "controversy" by the left "the huffington post" is that Palin wrote down the topics in order on her hand of what she wanted to cover".
I nearly fell off my chair when I saw that! Eleventh grade History class hand notes!!! Makes you wonder whats next... A list of all the "cute" guys in congress? What an airhead...
CB-dont you think that if Palin was reading from a teleprompter she would have been praised as a genius? Of course she would!
Rush limbaugh is the RNC boss? If thats the case, then I better send in my contribution money today!
Again with the Rush/Retard issue. Why is it that when Rush comments on the stupid comments made by the left, he gets blammed as actually saying it?
Allen, we havent had that beer yet and your already sounding tipsy!! JK
I recall there was a DailyKos convention a few years ago where several left wing intellectuals read from cards and prompters. Its too bad they did not use their hands instead, maybe the left would be outraged!
If this is what gets the left fired up, then maybe they should get some help before their heads explode in 2012.
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