Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Do you really believe that the NAACP is still a black civil rights organization?

For almost 30 years, the NAACP has been nothing more then a pathetic, subservient whore of the Democratic Party. It stopped being a black civil rights organization a long time ago. It has become a organization for every cause that isn't related to "the advancement of colored people". A few years ago, the NAACP put a report on of all issues "climate change". When did the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People become the National Association for the Advancement of Climate Protection? I'm still trying to figure out how climate change is racially bias against black people. Maybe the NAACP has taken this up, because they believe Mother Nature is a racist? I would love for someone to tell me, maybe I am not connecting the dots. Here's more proof of how the NAACP has ceased being a legitimate civil rights organization. In North Carolina, over 150 people were arrested at the North Carolina State House for protesting against the Republican led State Assembly. Now of course Democrats have done their best to make black people connect the imaginary dots between the word "REPUBLICAN" and the word "RACIST". So with that said, the NAACP must have a valid reason to have 1,000 people show up and protest right? The North Carolina GOP must be planning some diabolic racist legislation against black folks right? Ah no, that isn't the case. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored people have been protesting in which 100 were arrested not for protesting over any racial issue, they were protesting against the GOP led General Assembly on issues such as "ABORTION RIGHTS" and "CLIMATE CHANGE". The protests that have taken place have been a combination of hard boiled progressive groups, unions hacks and such. I guess the question was never posed to the social misfits why exactly did North Carolina go Republican in the first place. If the progressive agenda led by the then Democratic majority and the former Governor Bev Predue was actually moving the state in the right direction, the GOP wouldn't have never taken control and gained a mandate to begin with. This reminds me of the unions  and other progressive groups crying when Governor Scott Walker and the Republican majority took power in Wisconsin.  I doubt the IRS with it's blind eye will look in to revoking the tax exempt status of the NAACP. They have demonstrated time and time again that they are not a non partisan organization which only purpose is to be a black civil rights group.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-" When did the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People become the National Association for the Advancement of Climate Protection? I'm still trying to figure out how climate change is racially bias against black people. Maybe the NAACP has taken this up, because they believe Mother Nature is a racist?"

My guess is when they stopped becoming a civil rights organization was the day they started blowing "hot air". As for the climate change and bad weather being racist, Rep. Sheryl Jackson Lee years ago suggested that hurricanes too should have black names instead of Anglo-Saxon names. Before that, feminist groups complained hurricanes with female names is sexist.

-Big Pop

12:39 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

They been lowing hot air for many decades. Several years ago I referred to the NAACP as a relic from by gone era. It looks like I have been proven right yet again. If abortion and global warming is all that the once historic civil rights organization has been reduced to, then the civil right era is officially over and so is their relevancy. As for Sheryl Jackson Lee, she's a fool with a capital F. People don't care about the names of hurricanes, they care about how strong they are going to get and the damage they might or will cause. For her to focus on something so trivial as to hurricanes not having black names is absurd, but she's a progressive so that explains it.

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"civil right era is officially over and so is their relevancy."

I ask as to why, since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it took a short amount of time for people to get adjusted to it, why are they still struggling, when they know they're not? No minorities I can think of to this day has been denied housing, employment, and a decent education. Either they were "never told", or they choose to ignore and play this victim mentality.
I've been denied housing and employment before, except, I'm not black or any other minority. I can be denied housing again if my credit rating is bad, or employment because I don't qualify or have the experience for the job I applied for. No one is holding me back or putting me down but myself.

-Big Pop

3:11 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;" When did the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People become the National Association for the Advancement of Climate Protection?".

That's a very silly question Tyrone. The NAACP is not the only "non-environmental" focused organization to take up the climate protection cause.

-The World Bank.
-General Motors.
-Ford Motor Company.
-Proctor and Gamble.
-SONY Corp.

just to name a few. So if you really want to attack an organization that's falling for the Global Climate Change Hoax, you can start with those. You'll also be pleased to know that there are THOUSANDS of other organizations that you can bash for their efforts against climate change.

CB;"I doubt the IRS with it's blind eye will look in to revoking the tax exempt status of the NAACP".

In 2004 The IRS audited the NAACP. And why do you believe their tax exempt status should be looked into, or revoked? The NAACP's efforts in the political arena are no different than the conservative groups that were APPROVED for 501(c)(4) status.

Even though the conservative organizations were targeted for review, NOT A SINGLE ONE has come forward saying they were denied. Yet you imply the IRS should revoke the "liberal" groups status? Frankly you're no better than the hacks at the IRS!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "
That's a very silly question Tyrone. The NAACP is not the only "non-environmental" focused organization to take up the climate protection cause."

Ah what you just listed are multi national corporations allen. Not one of them are civil rights groups.A corporation can give money to a particular cause out of the sake of public relations, but their primary function is the make and sell products. What is the acronym of NAACP allen? Focus on the ACP part. If this organization wants to focus on global warming, abortion or some other non racial related cause, they should change their name to one that better describes who they are and they mission statement.

p allen "In 2004 The IRS audited the NAACP. And why do you believe their tax exempt status should be looked into, or revoked?"

Because the NAACP is a partisan organization which isn't suppose to be under IRS tax exempt status.

p allen "The NAACP's efforts in the political arena are no different than the conservative groups that were APPROVED for 501(c)(4) status. "

The NAACP'S efforts are suppose to be about being a civil rights organization to defend blacks against injustice. It's that simple allen.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Red Herring said...

Like every organization that has outlived its' usefulness, they need a fresh cause to direct their righteous indignation against.

1:22 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Ah what you just listed are multi national corporations allen. Not one of them are civil rights groups....If this organization wants to focus on global warming, abortion or some other non racial related cause, they should change their name ".

Tsk, tsk tsk... Typical of you Tyrone. You never take the time to do any common sense research. You should learn to look before you leap...

-Civil Liberties Defense Center.
-National Center for Civil and Human Rights.
-Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.
-Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.,, again, just to name a few...

Climate change is a "human issue." There is no need, nor a reason for politics to claim a side in a issue of science that clearly effects us all. Politicians had enough sense to stay away from Flat Earth movement of the 1950's with the understanding that science is best left up to those who study and know science. Yet, political hacks on both sides of the climate change issue have stooped to even politicizing the WEATHER! It makes me think, hell, whats next... a political debate over if a falling tree makes a noise if nobody's around to hear it?

Tyrone you really should think first before you make statements like "the NAACP claims to be a Civil Rights organization, and should not be and advocate on climate change." Although the leading voices against the Keystone Pipeline are environmentalists, they are supported by all kinds of legal, civil, human, animal, etc... rights organization.

As usual, you've chosen the wrong line of attack. However I understand clearly that you hate the NAACP. Perhaps that why you couldn't come up with a viable counter-attack for the NAACP's effort to prevent the right-wing assault to cut social programs, education resources, and change voting laws in North Carolina.

So you should stick to attacking the NAACP on the political level.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NAACP is not a civil rights organization. Once upon a time it was, but not any more. The NAACP has turned its self into a hate groups that's even worse then the KKK (The KKK will stab you in the front and the NAACP will stab you in the back). The NAACP is promoting a double standard agenda. Ignoring problems that they should be addressing, like the black on black violence that has plagued and economically crippled the black community. While calling the stand your ground law a war on black people, without ever acknowledging the reason for the law. Miami has a murder rate five times the national average, Tallahassee has no choice then to allow its citizens a chance to protect themselves. Paying attention to the aftermath of the Zimmerman case, the NAACP showed their true colors. The double standard being promoted at the expense of the Martin family and the Black community, is being done maliciously and on purpose. Any option expressed by the NAACP should be dismissed and disregarded. It's a shame that NBC teamed up with Al Sharpton and his hate group. Hopefully the black community will over throw this tyrannical dictator before he really turns the clock back on all the hard work that MLK and many like him died for. Well it would seem Al Sharpton is selling out his own people because he is feeling irrelevant and useless. NOT AN EXCUSE!

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NAACP is not a civil rights organization. Once upon a time it was, but not any more. The NAACP has turned its self into a hate groups that's even worse then the KKK (The KKK will stab you in the front and the NAACP will stab you in the back). The NAACP is promoting a double standard agenda. Ignoring problems that they should be addressing, like the black on black violence that has plagued and economically crippled the black community. While calling the stand your ground law a war on black people, without ever acknowledging the reason for the law. Miami has a murder rate five times the national average, Tallahassee has no choice then to allow its citizens a chance to protect themselves. Paying attention to the aftermath of the Zimmerman case, the NAACP showed their true colors. The double standard being promoted at the expense of the Martin family and the Black community, is being done maliciously and on purpose. Any option expressed by the NAACP should be dismissed and disregarded. It's a shame that NBC teamed up with Al Sharpton and his hate group. Hopefully the black community will over throw this tyrannical dictator before he really turns the clock back on all the hard work that MLK and many like him died for. Well it would seem Al Sharpton is selling out his own people because he is feeling irrelevant and useless. NOT AN EXCUSE!

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the NCAAP sad to say I believe what your saying brother. Once upon a time they did stand for something great. Black people like brother Malcolm and Martin don't exist anymore. black people so caught up in the illusions of the world we con ourselves into believing everything is ok and the NCAAP is just one of the results of that.

9:43 PM  
Blogger MARK TRAINA said...


The NAACP name will become OFFICAL at MID-NIGHT on 01-01-2015

If anyone has any QUESTIONS or COMMENTS please call the
NAACP HOTLINE at (504) 231-3056

naacp, ltd., all copyrights unreserved - 2015

11:57 PM  

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