The consumer advocate of "CHANGE" is running for president again.

Mention the name Ralph Nader, and some of Al Gore’s old supporters hairs stand on end. Some political pundits have said that it was Ralph Nader that cost Al Gore the Presidential Election in 2000. Of course that is a whopper of a tale. If Al Gore had won his home state of Tennessee, he would have been President regardless of Nader or hanging chads in Florida. Well the political urban legend is back again for another run for the White House, and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are not pleased. If Barack Obama does get the nomination, Nader will definitely be a major torn in his side. Nader will put Obama’s tagline of “change” to the ultimate test no doubt. Unlike Barack Obama, Ralph Nader isn’t a Washington insider. Barack has been a United States Senator for three years now. Many of the top Democrat special interest groups have contributed heavily to his campaign. On top of that, Barack Obama has been endorsed my most of the old guard Democrats who have been in Washington for thirty years to forty years or more. Some of those names are Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Joe Bidden, and Chuck Schummer etc. Nader can come out and say in essence to Obama, “How can you talk about change when you are apart of the problem in Washington”? What can Obama say in response? The answer is nothing. Ralph Nader can literally expose Barack Obama as nothing more then an empty suit Washington insider. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of pressure put on Nader by top Democrats to exit the race. It’s no secret that Obama and Hillary were thinking prior to today that whoever received the Democrat nomination would have a cakewalk going against John McCain. Amazing how twenty-four hours can change things. I believe a lot of Barack’s younger voters were at one time Ron Paul supporters. Ralph Nader has always had an appeal among white young liberal student types. These types of voters have no loyalty to political party, and they will vote accordingly to the candidate that best represents their views. It will be interesting to see how much support Nader gathers in the days, weeks and months ahead at Obama’s expense.
I laughed out loud when I heard this one. Of course I also heard that Huckabee loves the fact that Nader has entered the race. This is absolutely hilarious to me. I love when 3rd party candidates get into the race. Even though there was a lot of chaos and violence back in the 1800s you did at least have several choices to choose from.
I think I will pay more attention to this stuff now. We will have some real fun now.
Huckabee is too busy trying the use whats left of his campaign to promote his book. It's become a campaign/book tour. Many other superpower nations have more then two poltical parties, I think it comes down the the candidate of their parties that gives those 3rd parties a bad name pamela. I actually liked Ross Perot, he understood how the economy worked inside and out, and he actually knew what to do to fix it. A lot of people were caught up on his accent more so then what he was saying what was needed to be said. There might indeed be the creation of the "Conservatve Party" if the national GOP thinks after this election they can take the conservative vote for graned pamela.
I listened to Perot also. I hope the politicians know that we are hear and will yell out loud when we do not support something. You may be right that there may be a real chance of having a new political party where candidates truly espouse the REAL conservative platform, not this nonsense.
I did not know that Huckabee had a book. No surprise there. He is a true showman.
Although I didn't hear any mention of death threats, I did here that Nader has dropped out. Maybe the DNC hit squad payed him a visit.
BTW, have you seen ? I was going to register the domain name, but I was too late. I'm glad that there are others that see the harm of Obama as POTUS. I also don't see the Farrakhan (kiss of death) enforcement as being a positive. I hope Louie continues to offer his "support" to Obamas campaign.
Correction: The news I heard was incorrect. Nader didn't drop out, he choose a running mate.
Maybe I should send him a check. (lol)
I was about to say 'I can't believe Nadar dropped out'. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't ever remember him dropping out of the race for president. We'll see how much impact he has. We know the Democrats are fearful of him. Look at how he has been attacked since he announced last week.
I bet a good number of people vote for him to pull votes from the Democrats. It's sad that we have to play these games to get the people elected that we want. The media has caused this conundrum.
pamela"I listened to Perot also. I hope the politicians know that we are hear and will yell out loud when we do not support something. You may be right that there may be a real chance of having a new political party where candidates truly espouse the REAL conservative platform, not this nonsense"
At first I was thinking about writing in a candidate in the general election as a protest vote against the GOP and McCain, now it looks like I may have to rethink that plan. Obama's rhetoric is beyond dangerous. Now he wants to create a "world poverty tax". It's starting too look like I may have to vote for McCain out of necessity NOT desire.
eric"BTW, have you seen ? "
I have a better domain name for Barack's supporters.
That has a very real ring to it.
eric"Correction: The news I heard was incorrect. Nader didn't drop out, he choose a running mate.
Maybe I should send him a check. (lol)
I was thinking of doing the same thing eric lol. Most of Obama's supporters are young people.Hopefully Nader will cut into his base of support. I wonder if Bloomberg's decission not to run was based on Nader running? Maybe Bloomberg knows something about the support of Nader.
i like nader and supported him in the last election. as much as i like nader i cant see my self swtiching support from obama,as he has no chance of winning i live in illinois i definitely know he will not win this state. nader is a man of principle that brings up issues neither party wants to discuss thats why i respect him,so i dont mind him entering this race at all
A co-worker of mine (registered Independent) had not heard that Nader got back in the race. Her eyes perked up when I told her that he announced over a week ago. She said she was telling her husband.
The question will be if he can get enough people to vote for him to really make any dent in the eletion process like Perot did back then.
anon"i like nader and supported him in the last election. as much as i like nader i cant see my self swtiching support from obama"
I'm curious anon, why are you supporting Obama?His biggest so called accomplishment to date is that he beat a last minute carpet bagger from my state being Allen Keyes. Obama can give speeches, but thats about it. Please don't say the bumper sticker slogan of change ok lol. Besides goofy women passing out at the mere sight of him, what is it that you and others see in him? I can't be his policy, because non of his supporters really know what he stands for. I have to know.
"I'm curious anon, why are you supporting Obama?His biggest so called accomplishment to date is that he beat a last minute carpet bagger from my state being Allen Keyes. Obama can give speeches, but thats about it. Please don't say the bumper sticker slogan of change ok lol. Besides goofy women passing out at the mere sight of him, what is it that you and others see in him? I can't be his policy, because non of his supporters really know what he stands for. I have to know"
well conservative bro, i support obama largely because i am against the iraq war, of the last remaining 3 him clinton and mc cain i definitely have to go with obama. mccain really turned me away with the "we'll be in iraq the next 100 years" line i think it would be a gross waste of money and increase our ever growing federal debt.also the fact that the base of mccains party doesnt really respect him doesnt really make him that appealing to me. i even read a soundbyte of ann coulter saying if it came down between clinton and mccain she'd support clinton because she's more conservative. im not sure if that remark was made in jest as i wasnt able to see it live but i think it speaks to the fact he doesnt really have the support of his base. hilary is too much of a polarizing figure to win the presidency in my opinion, people either love her or hate her. the fact she voted to authorize the war and now wants to back out of it at the last minute doesnt sit well with me either, why not say you were wrong earlier? black old guard democrats seem to have this undying loyalty to the clintons that i dont understand that gets on my nerves so that probably has something to do with it as well lol. check out this clip of some bizarre black preacher in harlem criticizing obama for of all things having a white mother
i dont necessarily support obama for what he's accomplished cb i just think he can appeal to people from both sides of the political spectrum . i think he has potential to do some good things. like i said before i would love to support nader i am a registered independent but he just doesnt have a chance of winning my state. however if clinton gets the nomination i might change my mind lol.
i know you're a staunchly conservative guy from reading some of your other articles im curious who do you support of who's left?
anon"i support obama largely because i am against the iraq war"
All of the Democrat candidates that started the primary race railed against the Iraq War and claimed they would remove the troops from Iraq if elected. So Obama's stance against the war isn't nothing NEW by a democrat candidate or even uniquely his own view. It's amusing that Democrats ran on the platform during the 2006midterm election that they would stop funding the war if they won the majority. Well fast forward two years later and they have the majority in the house and senate. To go a little bit further, Harry Reid last year on the Ed Schultz radio show admited that he and he alone has to power to deny Bush the funds for the war. So it looks like the Democrats played their voters for a bunch of suckers. They are still continuing to fund the war eventhough they say they are against it. Thats just too funny.
anon" i even read a soundbyte of ann coulter saying if it came down between clinton and mccain she'd support clinton because she's more conservative"
Eithier Ann Coulter has lost her mind or she has lost her mind. Hillary is a Marxist at heart. She can't stand capitalism. Hillary doesn't have once stread of conservatism in her head. Ann wants Hillary to win to send a message to the National GOP. At first I agreed with her, but now I realize that the country is screwed big time if Obama or Hillary wins.
"All of the Democrat candidates that started the primary race railed against the Iraq War and claimed they would remove the troops from Iraq if elected. So Obama's stance against the war isn't nothing NEW by a democrat candidate or even uniquely his own view. It's amusing that Democrats ran on the platform during the 2006midterm election that they would stop funding the war if they won the majority. Well fast forward two years later and they have the majority in the house and senate. To go a little bit further, Harry Reid last year on the Ed Schultz radio show admited that he and he alone has to power to deny Bush the funds for the war. So it looks like the Democrats played their voters for a bunch of suckers. They are still continuing to fund the war eventhough they say they are against it. Thats just too funny."
they definitely did pull a bait and switch with the 2006 elections, im not banking on obama ending the war, no promise is guaranteed in politics but what can i say he's the last hope if there is one of the remaining three
anon"they definitely did pull a bait and switch with the 2006 elections, im not banking on obama ending the war, no promise is guaranteed in politics but what can i say he's the last hope if there is one of the remaining three"
Actually I believe Obama will pull the troops out of Iraq. He reminds me of the socialists that took power days after the Spain trainbombing. Obama in my opinion is a massiave appeaser. I have no doubt he will try to do what he says. I actually believe we should remove most of our combat troops and replace them with with special military special ops especially trainned to fight terrorism. I don't believe we should cut and run, but we need to fight the war on terror in a new way.
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