Friday, August 01, 2008

Obama's "alternative solution" to drilling for new supplies of oil.


You all need to realize something. Obama is actually serious about us relying on checking tire pressure and getting tune ups for our automobiles as a substitution for drilling for oil. Using the word "naive" doesn't even begin to scratch the surface with this idiot. Barack said a few months ago that "He was ok with gas prices being at four dollars, he just wish they didn't rise as fast". Barack might want to look into getting a refund on his Harvard education. The guy is clearly a dunce when it comes to the economic principals of "supply and demand". When Obama talks about improving the economy, he's lying. The poor fool hoodwinked himself. Low cost oil is what drives our economy, it doesn't take a person with a MBA to figure that one out. High gas prices take away consumer's spending power in which they could use that money to create economic growth by spending. The economy aka GDP "Gross Domestic Product" consists of two thirds consumer spending. When consumers aren't spending as much in the economy due to them spending more on fuel costs, the economy slows down and eventually goes into recession and a depression if the recession worsens over time.

This brings me back to my original question. Why does anyone with common sense gives Barack Obama any credibility? His so called alternative to drilling is a carbon copy of what Jimmy Carter said thirty one years ago during his State of Union address. FYI, Jimmy Carter went down as one of the worst presidents of the last three decades if not ever. So the only thing the "messiah of change" has is laughable stupidity dressed up as plan? I pray he sticks to this position, and I hope he tries to defend it in the national debates against McCain. These comments from Obama should be enough for McCain to destroy him easily. Obviously Obama isn't up to speed on current events. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan aren't' the issues Americans are most worried about. It's high gas prices, and sixty five percent of Americans support new exploration drilling. That why this video of Obama in his own words is so damaging. Obama is clearly going against the will of the people.McCain has the ammo, all he has to do now is aim between the eyes and send this fool back to Illinois. If Obama had any common sense, he would realize that the enviro Marxist special interest groups of the Democrat Party by themselves can't get him elected. I never said Obama was bright.


Blogger Unknown said...

Listen, anybody who's against offshore drilling clearly hasn't thought of the countless problems that it would solve. For example,
Problem: pollutants increase nationwide. Your kid has asthma attacks on a daily basis. On "bad air days" he can’t go outside.
Solution: You're going to need some cheap fuel to drive him back and forth to the hospital. Try drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge. Also, you should gut the clean air regulations. Actually, you have enough to worry about. Let us do it for you.
See more reasons why offshore drilling will save the world:

3:06 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

I basically ignore the media that is trying to paint the picture that Obama actually has the nomination. That decision will be made at the convention. He has been able to dodge telling what he really thinks in a venue not selected and crafted by him. I will not accept that he is the nominee until I know for sure that Clinton lies down and dies at the convention.x

I laughed out loud when I heard that car maintenance would eliminate the need to drill for oil. Harvard out to be ashamed to know that he is a graduate. Anyone with half a brain would laugh at this. If he gets the nomination it will really be interesting. If he is actually the nominee we will see what side he takes on issues. He cannot take both sides of issues like he has in the past. He will be forced to give a definite answer. If he refuses to debate McCain he will be shown to be too weak to lead. If he breaks his promise to go on O'Reilley's program, he will not deal effectively with the nut in Iran or any other terrorist.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Looks like three black people protested his speech in FL asking about what he was going to do to help the black community.

11:53 AM  
Blogger JMK said...

There is NO alternative to drilling for more oil!

America currently sits on over 800 BILLION barrels of crude oil and has yet untold stores of shale oil and oil sands.

Canada has more oil in oil sands than Saudi Arabia has oil and Alberta is booming because of it.

We are an oil-based economy and SHOULD remain an oil-based economy for the foreseeable future.

Right now, NO "alternative fuel" delivers anything near what hydrocarbon fuels do in terms of power per gallon.

Moreover, the available bio-fuels and various (especially our own corn-based) ethanols put out as much CO2 into the environment as does gasoline.

Of course, CO2 isn't and shouldn't even be discussed as a "problem."

More CO2 = more and larger plant life and more oxygen produced via those plant's cellulosic respiration - they take in CO2 and put out or produce O2.

Oil, like ALL commodities is traded on the NYMEX (the NY Mercantile Exchange), which is a "Futures Market. Investors/speculators invest/bet on the price of a given commodity based on a number of factors that may impact the prevailing supply and demand ratios.

Things like civil unrest, bad weather, or other disruptions (like the U.S. refusing to bring its HUGE oil reserves to market) all favor an INCREASE in the price of that commodity.

More supply, more efficient uses and good weather conditions all favor a lower price outlook.

Commodities investors/speculators base their investments, or bids (bets), accordingly.

That's why even the commitment to drill now drives down the "futures price" for oil and unleaded gasoline, as investors base their own investments/commitments/bets on just such long term information.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

sanrioscenario "Listen, anybody who's against offshore drilling clearly hasn't thought of the countless problems that it would solve. For example,
Problem: pollutants increase nationwide. Your kid has asthma attacks on a daily basis. On "bad air days" he can’t go outside.
Solution: You're going to need some cheap fuel to drive him back and forth to the hospital. Try drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge. Also, you should gut the clean air regulations. Actually, you have enough to worry about. Let us do it for you.See more reasons why offshore drilling will save the world:"

Sanrio, am I sensing "sarcasm"?
If you are, can you use sarcasm while actually presenting a valid point? For starters, no animal is more important then the economic well being of our country, period. If I had to choose between affordable energy vs the caribou, oh well bye bye caribou then. I've never heard of anybody with asthma suffering from an attack to oil or gasoline. You might want to rethink that argument. So I guess to you then people losing their lively hoods is acceptable as long as there is clean air? If that is the case, then why don't you try to somehow ban the sun during the summer time, we can't have those nasty hot humid hazy days right? Funny how liberals always claim they are looking out for the "little guy", right sanrio? Are you a member of green peace?lol The little guys and gals have lost tens of thousands of jobs in the auto industry thanks to SUV sales plummeting due to the price of gas being so high. How does that make you feel sanrio? How do you feel sanrio that thousands of people have lost their jobs in the airline industry, because the price of jet fuel has risen to insane levels? Sanrio, how do you feel that thousands of truckers have lost their jobs and independent truckers by the thousands have had to give up their rigs that they were personally paying on? At least the polar bears get to roam free right sanrio? Isn't that's whats really important?

6:35 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

We will drill for oil. If those in Congress (Dems and Reps alike) will stick to their guns, the nut buckets will have to relent just like they have relented on comprehensive immigration reform and the Christian persecution (hate crimes) bill.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

I just heard that Obama has relented again on the oil issue. He said that if needed he would be willing to compromise on drilling for oil. I would like to find the actual quote somewhere. I guess he overheard a suggestion to McCain that since the Democrats love to link McCain to Bush that he should start linking Obama to Pelosi, the stupidest House Majority Leader in history.

8:04 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Sanrioscenario, real sarcasm, no doubt... Kind of enlighting and funny though. But you link did'nt work. I found the article though, here. The site is kinda "left-wing" and might not be suitable for the conservative viewer who might be faint of heart.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

jmk"We are an oil-based economy and SHOULD remain an oil-based economy for the foreseeable future."

It's like the old saying jmk "if it's not broken, then there is no need to fix it".

jmk, I know you heard that mental loonbat Nancy Pelosi saying "she's trying to save the planet". Her words alone tell everybody all they need to know where democrat liberals stand on drilling. They can give a rat's behind about the economy and the financial hardship of Americans due to high gas prices, all they care about is their special interest masters the enviro tree huggers. I guess Nancy Pelosi wants to become the new Captain Planet, and all the other liberals that support her must be the planeteers.

jmk "Right now, NO "alternative fuel" delivers anything near what hydrocarbon fuels do in terms of power per gallon."

Have you noticed how quiet liberals have been lately on the issue of expanding "ETHANOL" as an alternative fuel? I think it had great promise actually. It only raised milk prices through the roof due to dairy farmers quiting production of milk so they could go into ethanol production instead. It only raised polutry and beef prices to insane levels, because farmers and ranchers had to pay way more for the corn feed to feed their chickens and beef. Oh yeah, and it only caused the prices of any goods made from corn or corn syrup to go through the roof as well. As usual liberals never followed their stupid ideas to there irrational conclusion.

jmk "America currently sits on over 800 BILLION barrels of crude oil and has yet untold stores of shale oil and oil sands"

jmk, I wonder why India and China aren't perusing the "alternative" energy sources such as wing and solar? Could it be because those countries aren't naive like some of the pie in the sky idiots in our country? China is right now off our shores drilling for oil that should be Americas. I wonder why Captain Planet Nancy Pelosi isn't condemning or seeking action against them? Something else I just figured out about Obama's "idea" of inflating tires as an alternative to drilling. The more tires are inflated, the less thread is on the road. That in essence makes the care more unsafe. I guess the community activist turned mechanic didn't figure that one out.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

pamela "I just heard that Obama has relented again on the oil issue. He said that if needed he would be willing to compromise on drilling for oil"

If needed?lol lol lol Not only is Obama clueless, he's completely out of touch with reality pamela. If needed?lol The economy is barely crawling along, because people these days just don't have the money to spend to make it go due to it all going into the pump. I rather vote for Forest Gump for president then Barrack Obama any day of the week. Obama is starting to realize that he is one the wrong side of the issue of drilling. It's too late for him to switch up now. Just twenty four hours ago pamela, he was dead set against drilling, now all of a sudden. The messiah has seen the light!!!!:-0

pamela "Looks like three black people protested his speech in FL asking about what he was going to do to help the black community."

I'm glad you mentioned that story. I have something to say on that. I'll have it up tomorrow. In a nutshell, I don't believe those hecklers were for real. I seriously believe they are stooges of Obama's campaign to take attention off of him over the Ludacris fallout.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Anthony "The site is kinda "left-wing" and might not be suitable for the conservative viewer who might be faint of heart."

I can care less if the site is left or right allen, thats not the point. The reality is that "Obama doesn't care about how gas prices hurt the economy". You see Allen, when sarcasm is mixed with facts, it's a very powerful blow to the person it's aimed at.

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB and Pamela, I just watched a short video of Hillary(believe it was posted at PUMA)at a small informal gathering outside in someones backyard. She was asked if she would object to her being a write in candidate at the DNC,which she did not object to. I see the only option for the DNC is to give Hillary the VP spot before the DNC convention.If they dont blood will run in Denver.
As far as the democrats talking point of 10 years before oil would flow from wells they should know because they wrote the environmental laws that would make 9+ years of legal actions before a well could be drilled.The sad part is it will be the taxpayers paying for both sides of any law suit. A lose lose situation unless Congress can mandate it as an emergency by passing environmental laws.

12:40 AM  
Blogger JMK said...

"Have you noticed how quiet liberals have been lately on the issue of expanding "ETHANOL" as an alternative fuel? I think it had great promise actually. It only raised milk prices through the roof due to dairy farmers quiting production of milk so they could go into ethanol production instead. It only raised polutry and beef prices to insane levels, because farmers and ranchers had to pay way more for the corn feed to feed their chickens and beef." (Tyrone)
I've always loved the inane claim that "Democrats aren't in bed with crooked CEOs."

Funny stuff!

Nancy Pelosi sought to exempt a major campaign donor in her district (Starkist Tuna) from the Minimum Wage hike, by exempting Guam from the hike. Guam happens to be where Starkist does its major canning operations.

The current Democratic Corn-based ethanol program is the same sort of thing.

Brazil's sugar-based ethanol delivers more power per gallon and easier to make and cellulosic ethanol (like ethanol from saw grass - a weed) would've also been preferable to the corn-based brew the Dems favored through their allegience to ADM and other Big Agricultural concerns.

Sadly, corn-based ethanol is not sustainable and since it delivers roughly the same amount of CO2 into the air, but with LESS power per gallon, it's a bad deal all around.

We SHOULD seek to move our electricity generation away from fossil fuels TO nuclear (something the Dems revile), and wind (also hampered by NIMBY from wealthy Dems like the Kennedy's who don't want wind farms off their shorelines), BUT as far as a basic automotive fuel, right now, nothing beats gasoline.

Our dependence on foreign oil is indeed a "national security" problem, but with Mexico and Canada awash in petroleum and ourselves sitting on at least 800 BILLION barrels of the stuff, there's really no need to race to any "alternative transportation fuels".

1:05 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

mike"CB and Pamela, I just watched a short video of Hillary(believe it was posted at PUMA)at a small informal gathering outside in someones backyard. She was asked if she would object to her being a write in candidate at the DNC,which she did not object to. I see the only option for the DNC is to give Hillary the VP spot before the DNC convention."

This could be a very interesting Democrat convention. It might actually be a TIVO moment mike lol Hillary is many things negative, but the one thing she is not is stupid. The top brass at the Democrat National Committe are looking at all the polls very carefully, and they notice that Obama is losing support among moderate independents. That is McCain's strenght as you know. The Berlin Bounce that the media wanted to call it has turned into a flop. Obama is now tied with McCain in some polls and is only ahead of McCain by 2 or 3 points in others. That is well withing the margin of error. They have to be paniced right now. Obama should be at least 15 points ahead of McCain right now. They tried linking McCain to Bush aka McBush, that hasn't worked.Hillary and Bill are just setting back right now with a big smile on their faces. There could be a motion to draft Hillary on the floor of the convention, if that doesn't happen Hilllary can just sit back and watch Obama go down in flames in November. That will leave her as the only major Democrat left to run in 2012. If Obama loses, he's political capital as a rising star is done!

mike "As far as the democrats talking point of 10 years before oil would flow from wells they should know because they wrote the environmental laws that would make 9+ years of legal actions before a well could be drilled.The sad part is it will be the taxpayers paying for both sides of any law suit. A lose lose situation unless Congress can mandate it as an emergency by passing environmental laws"

The McCain campaign should create an ad for drilling oil using Nancy Pelosi saying "I want to save the planet". They should then link Obama's "non energy policy" to Nancy Pelosi. That would be a slam dunk ad mike. I just may email the McCain campaign that idea.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

mike"CB and Pamela, I just watched a short video of Hillary(believe it was posted at PUMA)at a small informal gathering outside in someones backyard. She was asked if she would object to her being a write in candidate at the DNC,which she did not object to. I see the only option for the DNC is to give Hillary the VP spot before the DNC convention."

This could be a very interesting Democrat convention. It might actually be a TIVO moment mike lol Hillary is many things negative, but the one thing she is not is stupid. The top brass at the Democrat National Committe are looking at all the polls very carefully, and they notice that Obama is losing support among moderate independents. That is McCain's strenght as you know. The Berlin Bounce that the media wanted to call it has turned into a flop. Obama is now tied with McCain in some polls and is only ahead of McCain by 2 or 3 points in others. That is well withing the margin of error. They have to be paniced right now. Obama should be at least 15 points ahead of McCain right now. They tried linking McCain to Bush aka McBush, that hasn't worked.Hillary and Bill are just setting back right now with a big smile on their faces. There could be a motion to draft Hillary on the floor of the convention, if that doesn't happen Hilllary can just sit back and watch Obama go down in flames in November. That will leave her as the only major Democrat left to run in 2012. If Obama loses, he's political capital as a rising star is done!

mike "As far as the democrats talking point of 10 years before oil would flow from wells they should know because they wrote the environmental laws that would make 9+ years of legal actions before a well could be drilled.The sad part is it will be the taxpayers paying for both sides of any law suit. A lose lose situation unless Congress can mandate it as an emergency by passing environmental laws"

The McCain campaign should create an ad for drilling oil using Nancy Pelosi saying "I want to save the planet". They should then link Obama's "non energy policy" to Nancy Pelosi. That would be a slam dunk ad mike. I just may email the McCain campaign that idea.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

jmk"Nancy Pelosi sought to exempt a major campaign donor in her district (Starkist Tuna) from the Minimum Wage hike, by exempting Guam from the hike. Guam happens to be where Starkist does its major canning operations."

I wonder do any of the animal rights group know about this jmk. Have you noticed jmk how when democrats support one special interest group's cause, it tends to hurt the other group's causes?
Unions are a special interest group of the Democrats, yet when dems support high gas prices as a way to kiss up to their enviro special interest groups, the unions especailly the UAW and the airline unions tend to suffer due to mass layoffs.When democrats support legislation to look after their trial lawyer special interests, the cost of health care goes up and drastically hurts the poor.

jmk "Brazil's sugar-based ethanol delivers more power per gallon and easier to make and cellulosic ethanol (like ethanol from saw grass - a weed) would've also been preferable to the corn-based brew the Dems favored through their allegience to ADM and other Big Agricultural concerns."

One of the biggest problems I predicted with ethanol was where were they going to get enough land to plant the crops to be used. Actually the same arguement or question can be said for the pie in the sky idea of "wind farms". Location Location Location. The nld saying in Real Estate is that "They aren't making that anymore", and they are right. New buildings can be build on land, but new land can't be created. The people who support wind farms can't seem to answer that question, big surprise. To be honest jmk, I really don't care about a "renewable" alternative. I care about a "cost effective" alternative if there is such a thing.

jmk"We SHOULD seek to move our electricity generation away from fossil fuels TO nuclear (something the Dems revile), and wind (also hampered by NIMBY from wealthy Dems like the Kennedy's who don't want wind farms off their shorelines), BUT as far as a basic automotive fuel, right now, nothing beats gasoline."

The enviromental loons dare not say a word to the french on their use and expansion of nuclear power jmk. The real trojan horse motive is for them to use the issue of nuclear to keep the United States in line or in decline.It is amazing that the french actually know how to recycle their nuclear waste. I perfer the use of nuclear over wind and solar anyways. The technology as already been tested and is acutally in use and is proven cost effective to deliver a constant reliable source of electricity. If I hear another boon pickens ad again, I will throw up!

9:01 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

"I wonder do any of the animal rights group know about this jmk. Have you noticed jmk how when democrats support one special interest group's cause, it tends to hurt the other group's causes?" (Tyrone)

It's amazing how "identity politics" tends to do just that.

Another irony I've always found is how liberals CLAIM to "love the working class," EXCEPT when those working class folks vote for Conservatives, or Republicans, then they're just "dumb goobers "voting against their own best interests."

Same with women, same with blacks, they love'm so long as they toe the Liberal line, when they don't, they get treated like Mike Steele and Condi Rice.

"I really don't care about a "renewable" alternative. I care about a "cost effective" alternative if there is such a thing." (Tyrone)

I think that's true for most of us.

The crazy thing is that while we're watching energy prices skyrocket, we're sitting on at least 800 BILLION barrels of known supplies that Democratic policies keep off the market!

Could anyone imagine what would happen if the Big Energy Conglomerates all lobbied the government NOT to drill, in order to keep the supply low and the price high?

There's be calls for the CEO's of those corporations heads!

But when enviro-geeks and kooky Kucinich-Democrats lobby for the exact same thing (limiting supply)...something that benefits Big Energy Companies (via record profits) at the expense of hundreds of millions of Americans...NOTHING is said!

There are ONLY two factors that impact price - SUPPLY and DEMAND.

ANYTHING that decreases SUPPLY amidst steady or increasing demand, puts an upward pressure on prices and they RISE, while ANYTHING that increases the SUPPLY amidst steady or rising demand, puts a downward pressure on prices and they fall.


Apparently liberals have a hard time figuring that out.

"I perfer the use of nuclear over wind and solar anyways. The technology as already been tested and is acutally in use and is proven cost effective to deliver a constant reliable source of electricity." (Tyrone)

Me too. Nuclear energy is safe and reliable.

There have been absolutely NO/ZERO Western reactor failures.

France, Germany, England and the U.S. do not use the outdated and inefficient reactor that the former USSR had at Chernobyl.

France has never had a reactor failure and neither have we. Thre Mile Island was not a "reactor failure."

The Three Mile Island accident was the most significant accident in the history of the American commercial nuclear power generating industry. It resulted in the release of a significant amount of radioactivity, although a total of under 20 curies or rems, of radiation was released into the environment at that incident.

Radiation is measured in dose and rate. The dosage is measured in microRems (1 millionth of a Rem), miliRems (1 thousandth of a Rem) and Rems per hour, over the amount of time exposed. Moreover, distance from the radiation source is critical and the “inverse square rule” proves that out – “double the distance and you quarter the dose.” So if a source gives out 20 Rems/hour at 3’ from the source, at 6 feet away, the dose is only 5 Rems and dosages under 10 Rem have been shown to be harmless.

However, there were no deaths or injuries to either plant workers or members of the nearby community which can be attributed to the accident.

Although 25,000 people lived within five miles (8 km) of the site at the time of the accident, no identifiable injuries due to radiation occurred, and a government report concluded that "There will either be no case of cancer or the number of cases will be so small that it will never be possible to detect them. The same conclusion applies to the other possible health effects."

Nuclear energy would be a great and incredibly efficient way to go for generating our electric power.

10:38 PM  

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