Has the Democrat Party become the party of chauvinistic, sexist "pigs"?
The conservative brother speaks on the chauvinistic mindset of liberals and the Democrat Party. I had some technical difficulties with my camera, but I think everybody can clearly understand what I am saying and implying.
You have a face for radio.
I think her critics are worried about McCain dying in office.
anon"You have a face for radio"
It's ok if you want to insult me anon, I have a thick skin, but couldn't dispute what I said as being wrong, falso or inaccurate could you? Your comment was actually music to my ears to my eyes.
space gopher"I think her critics are worried about McCain dying in office"
Their argument is still weak gopher. What makes Sarah Palin as a governor becoming Vice President any different then when Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and and Jimmy Carter being governors that became Presidents. It all has to do with Palin being a woman and not a man They are trying to use the vail of "foreign policy" experience to mask their chauvinistic nature..
CB;"but couldn't dispute what I said as being wrong, falso or inaccurate could you?"
Thats hard to say, because you can never know what some people are really thinking. But you can say that Obama indeed was scrutinized
over foreign policy, "waaaaayyyyy" before Palin entered the race!
You also mentioned former presidents who might have not been questioned by the media on foreign policy. Perhaps... But the fact is Obama's foreign policy experience, or lack there of, was questioned basically from the moment he entered the race. Here are just 2 MSM outlet's who reported on the questions in December of 2007.
ABC News
Time Magazine
McCain himself questioned Obama's foreign policy experience before Palin even came into the picture! If memory serves me correctly, wasn't it the question about Obama's foreign policy experience that led to the "Obama World Tour"?
I wonder what some of the right-wing pundits would call the questioning of Obama's foreign policy experience if Biden or Clinton were the lead on the ticket, and Obama was the VP choice...fair game then, I suppose...
Wow anon, low blow... at least you could have said "satellite radio"! (lol... I couldn't resist Tyrone)
GREAT video blog Tyrone....I wouldn't waste much time on anonymous critics.
As someone who really does have "a face for radio," believe me, you don't.
Government spending is ALWAYS a net cost or LOSS to the country. On the federal level that spending tends to increase our "deficit spending", which in turn increases the national debt.
Did you know that the debt ceiling has gone up FROM $8.9 TRILLION to $11.2 TRILLION over the last two years???
Who raised the debt ceiling?
Not the President....not the Executive branch, it can't do that, ONLY Congress can raise the debt ceiling. So, a Democratic Congress, after six years of complaining about the rising national debt, RAISED the national debt ceiling by well over 20%!
When States and local governments hike taxes, businesses respond by shutting their doors and moving away to more "tax-friendly states."
That's why states like Michigan and New York have lost jobs over the last three decades and many southern "low tax states" have gained them.
A strong private sector is the foundation of our economy. Without a strong private sector, local tax revenues fall and states and cities have to cut back on the size of their workforces.
Once upon a time there were loopy socialists who argued that "government can simply print more money to keep all those Municipal agencies hiring."
No one argues that any more and for good reason....printing more money (inflating the money supply) does a LOT of really nasty things, like eroding the value of that money.
Now-a-days, virtually EVERYONE acknwoledges the fact that the entire PUBLIC SECTOR relies on tax revenues from the PRIVATE SECTOR, which ultimately pays the freight for everything.
" But the fact is Obama's foreign policy experience, or lack there of, was questioned basically from the moment he entered the race." (PAA)
Barack Obama was ultimately given a pass on his "lack thereof," well, so should Palin!
Ronald Reagan had virtually NO/ZERO legitimate foreign policy experience (as Governor of California) and yet was one of the BEST foreign policy Presidents....the Cold War was won on his watch!
Jimmy Carter had NONE either, as the former Governor of Georgia. Ditto Bill Clinton and G W Bush.
IN fact, the ONLY President in recvent memory who had ANY real foregin policy was George Bush Sr. and he was, at best, a mixed bag, in foreign policy.
thanks jmk, I've learned over the years when liberals personally attack me without ever addressing the comments I make, i know I won and made my point. That's all they have.
jmk "Did you know that the debt ceiling has gone up FROM $8.9 TRILLION to $11.2 TRILLION over the last two years???"
I never expected the Democrats to be fiscal hawks once they took over jmk. It's insane that the federal government is spending money like it's water. What's even more insane is that the everyday person is completely clueless or don't have the foggiest idea how deep in debt our country is becoming. jmk, the words cut and government don't seem to go together very well in Washington. Since most Democrats excluding the blue dog dems are socialist by nature it doesn't come as a surprise that the rest of the dems in congress don't realize what kind of damage will be caused by continuing to raise the debt ceiling and spending up to the new limit.
jmk "That's why states like Michigan and New York have lost jobs over the last three decades and many southern "low tax states" have gained them"
Not only have they lost tens of thousands of jobs jmk, but those states are massively in debt just like California and New Jersey.
jmk "Once upon a time there were loopy socialists who argued that "government can simply print more money to keep all those Municipal agencies hiring"
They are still around jmk, they haven't gone anywhere. This financial crisis the world is in is due mainly to socialist dems not understanding the repercussions of messing with the financial systems in regards to mortgages lending practices. That's why I burst out laughing in sarcasim when I hear people foolish enough to actually thinking that Obama can change anything. Socialism doesn't fix capitalism only the opposite.
The problem with government is that its inertia moves it always and incessantly toward MORE spending, MORE intrusion and MORE micro-managing of individual's lives.
Once ensconced in government EVERY problem seems to have a "governmental solution."
As the saying goes, "When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail."
Since Gingrich left Congress the Conservatives in the GOP have been rudderless.
Under DeLay and Hastert they've become similar to Liberal-Democrats - more pigs at the trough.
While it can certainly be argued that the Liberals are far, FAR worse, BOTH sides have been disappointing over the past ten years.
I know a LOT of people liked Jack Kemp (including myself), BUT his "ownership society," though well-intentioned, was overly optimistic.
His view that "Homeowners took better care of their property, tended to be goal-oriented, responsible and largely Conservative in their outlook," while true, led him to predicate the Ownership Society on a false hope - "That the magic of home ownership would transform many reckless and irresponsible people into more goal-oriented, responsible, "better" people."
That deduction was based on wrong-headed reasoning.
There is no "magic of home ownership." In short, Owning property doesn't make people BETTER, simply put, BETTER PEOPLE tend to gravitate toward the responsibilities of property ownership!
Consider how far Left we've come in this country; Ronald Reagan was a JFK-Democrat (a rabid anti-Communist and a Supply-Side tax cutter)...JFK was a "far-Left Liberal" in his day. Jack Kemp would've been an even more far-Left Liberal than JFK in the early 1960s!
What we've seen, especially over the past two decades, is the morphing of the once traditionally Conservative GOP into a group of "Keynesian (Big Government) Republicans."
Kemp, the Bush's and most "Moderate" Republicans have long supported winking at illegal immigration and encouraging/enablig (via government and its GSEs) subprime borrowers to enter the "ownership society."
The bad results, ESPECIALLY over the last (post-Gingrich) decade, has been that BOTH Parties have supported some Keynesian (Big Government) initiatives for differing reasons...and government has grown exponentially.
The irony is that many Democrats have excoriated the rising national debt as proof of "GOP incompetence," BUT the raising of the debt ceiling by $2.3 TRILLION over the past 20 months of Democratic Congressional control proves that they're even WORSE on that score!
It would seem that IF Liberals support more spending, they should support the current wave of Keynesian Republicans who spend, but with LESS debt than the Democrats.
Something folks should note; the National Debt has NEVER gone down post-WW II. It has risen EVERY YEAR.
The Deficit (the amount of deficit spending) DID go down during the Gingrich years (the late 1990s) and that created the so-called "Surpluses" - that is, for a few years we didn't engage in the Deficit Spending we did before and since...but the National Debt still rose, even then, due to interest payments and entitlement spending that was counted as "off-budget items."
The National Debt has soared with the post-9/11 military action and Homeland Security build-up, but nothing like the percentage increase (which is about to get even BIGGER) since the Dems took hold of Congress and "the government's wallet."
P Allen "Thats hard to say, because you can never know what some people are really thinking. But you can say that Obama indeed was scrutinized
over foreign policy, "waaaaayyyyy" before Palin entered the race!"
No I can't say Allen. If Obama was indeed scrutinized by the media, it was extremely limited and far between. Palin on the other hand has been DOGGED!! from the very first day McCain announced her as his running mate up until now allen. A major difference here is that Palin is running for Vice President and not President. Allen do you recall Kouric or Gibson drilling Obama on "foreign policy" experience? I don't recall it. They were to busy licking his knee caps at best.
P Allen"I wonder what some of the right-wing pundits would call the questioning of Obama's foreign policy experience if Biden or Clinton were the lead on the ticket, and Obama was the VP choice...fair game then, I suppose..."
The "right wing" pundits didn't say anything about the foreign policy experience of John Edwards when he ran with Kerry four years ago allen, also conservative pundits attacked Kerry mainly on military experience not foreign policy experience. So try another tactic allen, lol.
P Allen "McCain himself questioned Obama's foreign policy experience before Palin even came into the picture! If memory serves me correctly, wasn't it the question about Obama's foreign policy experience that led to the "Obama World Tour"
Wait a second allen. Going on a trip doesn't give him "foreign policy" lol Besides he was challenged by McCain to go to Iraq so that he can see he was wrong about the surge working. Giving speeches a beer festivals wasn't suppose to be apart of that
JMK;"Barack Obama was ultimately given a pass on his "lack thereof," well, so should Palin!"
Huh? You don't "click-on" posted links, do you? You know, those underlined words highlighted in blue... CLICK HERE and try it.
As early as May of this year (before Sarah Palin was even heard of) John McCain made foreign policy a "central" issue of his campaign. Time and time again McCain has rolled out the line (which is now a Republican talking point) saying that Obama would meet with rouge nations "without preconditions."
As far as a pass, it is my belief that the presidential nominee nor the VP nominee should be given a "pass" on questions and answers reference foreign policy. Hell, it's part of the job!
Most job applicants must prove they have, at the very least, some idea of what the job entails. How else could the employer find out what the applicant knows if he doesn't ask questions...
If this question appeared on a NYFD aptitude test; "What is the best way to put out an arcing and burning electrical wire?" and you answered "WATER", I seriously doubt you would have ever been hired by the NYFD. (who knows, maybe you got a "pass"?)
Perhaps Palin does deserve a pass. She did admit that she doesn't know what a Vice President does. Palin appears to be the essence of an Affirmative Action hire....
CB;"Allen do you recall Kouric or Gibson drilling Obama on "foreign policy" experience? I don't recall it."
Tyrone, that question is what I call, "to much hacking, and not enough tracking!"
During this interview, Couric "repeatedly" pushes Obama with questions about The Surge.
Couric also asks foreign policy questions on North Korea, Syria, Israel, Iran and Afghanistan. And further questions on Obama's overall foreign policy.
Charlie Gibson definitely didn't throw any softballs...
It's perfectly alright that Palin not answer these same questions. It just wouldn't be fair to ask her about Israeli/Palestinian relations, and have her say something so utterly stupid that makes the McCain camp cringe....
P Allen "During this interview, Couric "repeatedly" pushes Obama with questions about The Surge."
The only reason she brought it up was because Obama went on record early on stating that the surge wasn't the reason why Iraq has turned around allen. Some did question Obama's stances on Iraq and Afghanistan, but most people never question him being able to be president with no foreign policy experience. Only Palin and Hillary got that treatment so far.
P Allen" It's perfectly alright that Palin not answer these same questions. It just wouldn't be fair to ask her about Israeli/Palestinian relations, and have her say something so utterly stupid that makes the McCain camp cringe...."
Take the blinders off for a sec allen lol. When Gibson asked Palin about her views on the "Bush Doctrine", the first thing I thought was when was the last time anybody ever mentioned the "Bush Doctrine" other then Bush himself over give years ago. Nobody in the media has ever uttered those words until Gibson. I know perfectly well McCain wasn't asked about the Bush Doctrine during his interview. The question was simply designed to make Palin look bad.
Obama was evasive to a variety of opinion questions....his best interview and the one where he was challenged on a few positions was his interview with Bill O'Reilly, BUT AGAIN, O'Reilly NEVER sought to embarrass Obama (nor did he do that with Mrs. Clinton either) with non-opinion questions, like "Can you define the Bush Doctrine," OR "Don't you think it takes a lot of hubris on your part to aspire to..."
Couric and others asked open-ended opinion qiestions of Biden, McCain and Obama....not Palin.
Actually, BOTH those articles PROVE Tyrone’s primary point – the MSM didn’t take any issue at all with Barack Obama’s LACK of foreign policy experience.
In point of fact, he has virtually NO/ZERO national experience, having taken office in January 2005.
From the ABC piece:
“ABC News' Kate Snow and Sunlen Miller Reports: With seven days left to convince Iowa voters, Barack Obama's chief media strategist says he welcomes a renewed focus on foreign policy, in light of the death of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan.
And from the Time Magazine article:
“Some would argue that his childhood experiences, as well as his mixed heritage (his father was Kenyan, his mother from Kansas), gives him a better inner compass on foreign policy than most Americans. They cite the pioneering work of Ruth Hill Useem, the late sociologist of Michigan State University, who spent her career studying what she called Third Culture Kids — the millions of U.S. children (an estimated 20 million since the advent of mass air travel) who have been carted abroad by their missionary, diplomatic, corporate or military parents. These frequent-flier kids don't spend enough time in their adopted countries to become fully bicultural, but they take pieces and add it to their home values and traditions — creating millions of "Third Cultures." Studies have shows that kids who have spent time abroad are more likely to go to college, to relate to one another despite the influences of vastly differing cultures, and to latch on to one aspect of their culture — in Obama's case African Americanism.
"Living abroad does give you a wider view of the world," says Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Adviser under Jimmy Carter,..”
BOTH articles you linked to were clearly written by writers who discounted Obama’s complete lack of foreign POLICY experience and were, as I’m sure you’d agree, “in the tank” for Barack Obama.
I ignored them out of not wanting to embarrass you by pointing out that the TWO pieces you referenced, made Tyrone’s case and refuted your own.
What can I say? I tend to be a pretty nice guy.
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