Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor, Miguel Estrada and the left's hypocrisy on race.

The title says it all. The left had no problems worrying about the "feelings" of the Hispanic community, when they went after Maguel Estrada and Alberto Gonzales with a passion. Senate Republicans should throw the left's hypocrisy right back in their face. I forgot that the GOP currently doesn't have a backbone.


Blogger JMK said...

One of the problems is that the Rockefeller-wing of the GOP is completely antithetical and opposed to Conservative principles.

Yes, Bush Sr. nominated Judge Sotomayor to the federal bench...even worse, he wass the one who put the reliably Liberal Souter on the Supreme Court!

After 1999 Tom DeLay and his successor, Dennis Hastert couldn't move far enough away from the Reagan-Gingrich agenda....and G W Bush was gleefully on board with the Rockefeller-wing's views.

Yes, Bush Jr DID cut the Capital Gains rate (and Cap Gains revenues soared) and he DID cut income tax rates across (and income tax revenues skyrocketed), but he used that surge in revenues to SPEND...he spent more (even adjusted for inflation) on reckless, wasteful social spending, than even LBJ did.

The Country Club Republicans are diametrically opposed to America's Founding design. They oppose it as much as does the far-Left. BOTH the Rockefeller-wing of the GOP and the Liberal Democrats support a more rigid (some might call "extreme") form of Corporatism, one in which the government is the lead partner.

11:21 PM  
Blogger Count Busy said...

Excellent comment there, JMK, and you expressed my disgust with the current sad state of the republicans better than I could, so I'll leave it at that.

Excellent job shining that light on the hypocrisy Tyrone, and for future reference, her name is pronounced, so-toe-my-YORE.

Oh yeah, and could you make those text comments hang a little longer? I can read pretty fast but they coming and going just a little to quick.

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

That is why I find leftist sermons about racism hollow. A lot of Leftists are rabid Anti-semites so it's no stretch that they'll be racist towards any non-white conservatives.

I think the worst racists you'll ever encounter will be staunch leftists. I have more respect for the KKK than I do for hypocritical leftists. At least the KKK is honest about their bigotry. Leftists are two faced and hypocritical about it.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

I have more respect for an honest enemy than I do for a backstabber.

1:05 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

Conservatism has been hit by a very strong one-two punch.

First G W Bush DID two very positive things, (1) he cut the Capital Gains rate from 20% to 15% and Cap Gains revenues soared, then cut income tax rates across the board and again, tax revenues skyrocketed as the top 10% of income earners, who pay about 70% of the income taxes, take more of their money upfront and non-deferred when rates are lower AND (2) he engaged jihadist Islam militarily, albeit after the worst foreign attack on U.S. soil since the War of 1812...and SECOND by a charismatic Liberal (often called "the Reagan of the Left") in Barack Obama.

In Bush's case, he rightly got a LOT of credit for those two things and that coupled with his proclaimed religious convictions and his mouthing a few "socially Conservative platitudes" maintained a lot of his base, even after he abandoned many of the most basic principles of that base.

Aside from those two things, G W Bush was a stalwart "progressive" in the mode of the nation's FIRST "progressive President", Herbert Hoover.

Progressivism was initially a Republican ideology that sprng from the Country Club set (business moguls) who saw both increased profits, less competition and more stability in a partnership with government. Alfred Sloan of the 1930/1940 era GM (and father of the idea of "planned obselescence") was one of the leading business leaders who supported that and BOTH Hoover and FDR embraced that, as well.

Progressivism, like the oxymoron "scientific socialism" (it's completely unscientific and highly anti-social), posits that "There is no problem that can exist that doesn't have a scientific solution, best implemented by a strong and reasonable government."THAT is still the ideology of many in the GOP's "Rockefeller-wing".

As for the Democrats, once home to most working-class, ethnic and Southern Conservatives, it's gradually become home to a virulent Left. The SAME Left that supported Hitler with Wall Street profits (See: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony Sutton).

In FACT, Hitler had made a startling discovery, one that changed the face of socialism from the unworkable model later seen in the USSR and China, to the Corporatist one favored by many, if not most Western Keynesians today.

Actually, Hitler stole that discovery from his neighbor Benito Musolinni, who realized that the state cannot run industries effectively and sought partnerships with favored business moguls.

Ironically enough, many nazis are or were stalwart Democrats, including David Duke, who had initially long been a registered Democrat before he switched to run for office, seeing an open opportunity in a very weak and chaotic Republican Party in New Orleans at the time.

Today, many American nazis, skinheads and Aryan Nation members, like their fellow bigots in the Black Israelites, the NOI and the New Black Panther Party, find the Democratic Party far more to their liking.

Most of them, like Hitler himself, are ardent environmentalists, animal-rights devotees and anti-smoking all "people haters" they support anything that controls other people. National Socialism fits in very well with modern Keynesianism.

The problem Conservatives have is that BOTH major Parties have been polluted. They are faced with either driving out the Rockefeller-wing of the GOP, that Party's "monied interests" OR reclaiming the Democratic Party.

Both are daunting tasks, but too many Conservatives don't realize that that's even the reality they're dealing with.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

JMK" One of the problems is that the Rockefeller-wing of the GOP is completely antithetical and opposed to Conservative principles.

I'm going to use the line from General Honore. The problem with the GOP JMK is that it is "STUCK ON STUPID"! The Democrat party is far from being called a "centrist" party, but you and I never hear anyone ever say that they need to become more moderate in their views. The GOP will never be able to rebuild as a party unless it has a core foundation in which to build on. To this day I still couldn't tell you what McCain stood for. The pundits and the media want to talk about the GOP possibly alienating Hispanic voters, my question is what message has the GOP given to Hispanics for them to join the party in the first place? Most Hispanics are pro life and share a deep faith in Christianity, yet the GOP is actually moving away from that. This is actually pure insanity wrapped in utter stupidity. I never liked Bush 41. He only won in 88 due to the popularity of Reagan and people being scared of Dukakis. The choice of Souter by Herbert Bush is a classic example on why conservatives were so dead set against George Bush's nomination of Harriet Myers. They were about to take the word of Bush that she was going to be a good judge after what happened with Souter.

JMK "After 1999 Tom DeLay and his successor, Dennis Hastert couldn't move far enough away from the Reagan-Gingrich agenda....and G W Bush was gleefully on board with the Rockefeller-wing's views."

I couldn't agree with you more JMK. The Reagan-Gingrich agenda was also actually the blueprint for the GOP on how to win national elections. Conservatism has yet to lose elections on a national level. Its just a fact that moderate and liberal republicans can't dispute.

JMK "Yes, Bush Jr DID cut the Capital Gains rate (and Cap Gains revenues soared) and he DID cut income tax rates across (and income tax revenues skyrocketed), but he used that surge in revenues to SPEND...he spent more (even adjusted for inflation) on reckless, wasteful social spending, than even LBJ did."

It wasn't just Bush jmk, it was also republicans in congress that followed Bush like the piped piper. One of the core reasons republicans lost in 2006 was because they were fiscal liberals instead of conservatives. Until republicans apologize to the nation for helping to contribute to the economic mess our nation finds itself in, it won't have a leg of credibility among citizens in which to attack Obama and the democrats.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Count Busy said...

The pundits and the media want to talk about the GOP possibly alienating Hispanic voters, my question is what message has the GOP given to Hispanics for them to join the party in the first place?Man, that is it right there, Tyrone.

When conservatives put out the straight up commonsense message it appeals to thinking moral folk anyway, no need to have one "message" for this group and another for that group.

There is no way to compete with the Left when it comes to pandering. Besides being a bad idea, contrary to true conservative thinking, and insulting and condescending, it's something that can't be effectively done anyway because of the fact that there is no fair and objective mews media. They play it like it's "inclusive", and "caring" when the left do it, and cynical and self-serving when the Right does it. Fact is it's cynical and self-serving don't matter who doing it.

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American Democratic Party has been taken over by the Socialist of Europe. Adolph Hitler was a Democratic Socialist and most Americans dont even know it. He hated communism and Jews because most were communist. This is why he attacked Russia instead of Britain as he saw Christians weaker than the atheistic Communist. The snow stopped Hitler. He then continued the killing machine of Jews and Christians. Blacks mostly were sterilized or sent back to Africa. One worked for Ebony in Chicago for a while. Today the Islamomarxist are at it again. KillinG the Jews then the Christians. Muslim rappers rap about killing the Saturday people and then the Sunday people. 30000 Black converts are being trained in 35 terror camps, one in Red Church Virginia. Another is in South Carolina called Islamville and Islamberg in NY. Muslims called Dr. King a "house negro" at Towson University last year. NAACP and black pastors say nothing. Obama would probably agree with them. He said a catholic priest led him to christ,so he went to jeremiah wright. I guess he thought Wright was christ. looooooooooooool

12:27 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

JMK;"Today, many American nazis, skinheads and Aryan Nation members, like their fellow bigots in the Black Israelites, the NOI and the New Black Panther Party, find the Democratic Party far more to their liking.".

As usual....DECEPTIVE and WRONG!

JMK you typically offer a fair analysis with concern to economics and politics. But when it comes to show a penchant for bias and distortion.

"AMERICAN" Nazi's, skinheads and Aryan Nation type's, want nothing to do with the "AMERICAN" Democratic Party -except as a "recruiting tool.". Perhaps you meant to say that the American Nazis and skinheads find their liking to the German, Australian or European Democratic Party, but certainly not the American Democratic party.

The Aryan Nation has it's Headquarters in South Carolina and Idaho Click that link to see who won those states in the 2008 election. The Skinheads have National Headquarters in Missouri and Utah Click that link to see who won those states in 2008.

Hmmmmm? Did these racist organizations have an influence in those states where the state was won by the "REPUBLICAN" candidate? According to YOU JMK, "many AMERICAN nazis, skinheads and Aryan Nation members, like their fellow bigots, find the Democratic Party far more to their liking." BULLLLLLLLL!

Prove it JMK! Show in writing were AMERICAN Skinheads or Nazi's have even a "liking" for the AMERICAN Democratic Party.....

6:50 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Allen responding to JMK "As usual....DECEPTIVE and WRONG!"

No allen, that is normally your role of being DECEPTIVE and WRONG. Keep trying though.

JMK "Hmmmmm? Did these racist organizations have an influence in those states where the state was won by the "REPUBLICAN" candidate? According to YOU JMK, "many AMERICAN nazis, skinheads and Aryan Nation members, like their fellow bigots, find the Democratic Party far more to their liking." BULLLLLLLLL!"

So are you saying that every state the Obama won didn't have white racist organizations in those states allen? What exactly is your logic? If you want to talk aobut bigots, we can talk about where the headquarters for the Nation of Islam, The New Black Panthers and such.

P Allen "JMK you typically offer a fair analysis with concern to economics and politics. But when it comes to show a penchant for bias and distortion"

You are last person to talk on the issue of race allen. I've been exposing your BS on race for how many years now and counting? Every example of liberal racism towards conservatives of different races have been met with an excuse after excuse after excuse. Now that I think about it, why do you think JMK isn't that knowledgeable in the area of race allen? I have a hunch, but I want to hear what you have to say first. Could you be having a "Sotomayor" moment allen?.

Using JMK quote to smack down allen JMK said "JMK;"Today, many American nazis, skinheads and Aryan Nation members, like their fellow bigots in the Black Israelites, the NOI and the New Black Panther Party, find the Democratic Party far more to their liking.".

The biggest anti semites are in the Democrat Party. From the Nation of Islam, to left wing Palestinian sympathizer groups here in America. Most of the Democrats in Congress including Obama are Pro Palestinian. Check out the site and look at the signs against Israel and Jews coming out of leftwing protest rallies.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some skinheads are black. They live in Nevada. All nazis are not white. Be careful who we look for.
Hammerjacks are blacks and whites.
Hitler had an entire army of Muslim nazis. Democratic Socialist have been restarted in ameerica. There were black Nazi in Germany, also Jewish Nazi who thought the snake would leave them aLONE. BOTH GOT FOOLED.

1:04 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"So are you saying that every state the Obama won didn't have white racist organizations in those states allen? What exactly is your logic?"NO! I said nothing of the sort! Not "EVERY" state, just the states I mentioned.

My logic is plain and simple.... The fewer the minorities in a particular area/state/city/, the more likely your will have white racist organizations setting up shop. Does that make sense to you?

Would the Nation of Islam headquarter themselves in Idaho? Would the Black Panthers openly recruit in Scottsdale Arizona, Plano Texas or Billings Montana? You're not thinking straight.

Tyrone, self aggrandizing and self orchestrated "smack downs" are senseless. Particularly when you create the issue you're attempting to "smack!"

In my prior post, I said nothing about;
-Democrats in Congress including Obama are Pro Palestinian.
-signs against Israel and Jews coming out of leftwing protest rallies.
-biggest anti semites are in the Democrat Party.
-the Nation of Islam, to left wing Palestinian sympathizer groups here in America

I did so intentionally!!! I made the focus of my argument on how JMK distorts the race issue constantly by claiming "Black racist groups are as equally dangerous as White racist groups."


Neither you Tyrone, nor JMK can prove his assertion that "Nazi's Aryan Nation or Skinhead "like" or "prefer" the American Democratic Party. To shut me up...

Link to, or email me a statement from the "National Organization" of either one of the Nazi's, Skinhead, Aryan Nation that espouses support for the 2008 Democratic Party....Just one!!!!

Allow me to show you how to do a "smack-down" Tyrone.

First, choose your subject;

JMK;"Ironically enough, many nazis are or were stalwart Democrats, including David Duke, who had initially long been a registered Democrat ect...".

Second, address the issue as it is stated (don't make things up);

Very true JMK, David Duke "was" a long time Democrat.

Third, stay within the framework of the subject, then begin the smack-down! (make sure you tell the truth)

In fact, David Duke was a "Southern Democrat". He, like many other Southern Democrats, "switched" political parties in order to gain ground within a political voting bloc. Moreover, David Duke was never elected to anything as a Democrat. He was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives AS A REPUBLICAN..

Fourth, at this time you can add an OPINION;

Duke never garnered enough support within the Democratic Party to win an election. Yet he was able to win as a REPUBLICAN. It's possible Duke had the full support of the Nazi's, KKK, Aryan Nation and the Skinheads in his run for that seat. All of those groups vote REPUBLICAN!

2:42 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "My logic is plain and simple.... The fewer the minorities in a particular area/state/city/, the more likely your will have white racist organizations setting up shop. Does that make sense to you?"

Don't get me started about your attempts at logic allen. Using your logic allen, Let me take a crack using your logic allen. I can say that the fewer whites in a particular city, the more likely you will have more murders and gang violence then if the roles were reversed. Today my city of Baltimore was name the number one most deadly city in America. Detroit came in a number two, and Philadelphia came in at number three.All these cities have something in common allen. They are metropolitan areas with majority black populations Even though my logic is "simple", I bet you will disagree. Now let me use your logic and draw a contrast. Since the cities I mentioned have mostly black populations, is it safe to say that these cities have "black racist organizations" headquartered within those cities allen?

p allen "Would the Nation of Islam headquarter themselves in Idaho? Would the Black Panthers openly recruit in Scottsdale Arizona, Plano Texas or Billings Montana? You're not thinking straight."

Actually it wouldn't make sense to me not because of what you said allen.Its an entirely different reason allen. Most blacks prefer to live in cities then to live in rural areas. Why do you think you can find the highest concentration of blacks in most states in the major cities of that state? Nice try allen.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Tyrone, self aggrandizing and self orchestrated "smack downs" are senseless. Particularly when you create the issue you're attempting to "smack!"

I just call them like I see them. You should know by now what I say to you is in the spirit of debate. I know liberals are very emotional and all, but don't take it personal allen. Don't get me wrong. When I see you making a flawed argument, you really don't think I'm going to let it slide do you? I have a reputation to uphold.

p allen "In my prior post, I said nothing about;
-Democrats in Congress including Obama are Pro Palestinian.
-signs against Israel and Jews coming out of leftwing protest rallies.
-biggest anti semites are in the Democrat Party.
-the Nation of Islam, to left wing Palestinian sympathizer groups here in America "

You didn't say it allen, I said it and I stand behind it. George Bush was a huge disappointment on many levels. The one thing that could be said for the man was that he was the biggest friend to state of Israel then any other president to date. Who are the ones always condemning Israel for responding to Hamas rocket attacks allen? It sure isn't conservatives. Matter of fact I wrote several stories last year, when Israel was being attacked by Hamas rockets fired from the Gaza. I created a youtube video in defense of Israel. I got a lot of vicious anger from liberals blaming Israel for "aggression".

jmk "
I did so intentionally!!! I made the focus of my argument on how JMK distorts the race issue constantly by claiming "Black racist groups are as equally dangerous as White racist groups.""

If that was an attempt allen, it sure was a lame one. It made absolutely not sense at all. Its not that jmk distorts the race issue allen. He just presents a much more well though out approach to the subject matter then you can understand. In other words, he outsmarts you. You can't address race issues from an unbiased perspective allen. You never could and never will be able to. The argument that JMK made is a historic fact allen. David Duke was a Democrat. Here is the "trick of hand" by liberals when it comes to race. Liberals will say that Strom Thurmond was a "republican racist". Remember how Trent Lott got destroyed for saying kind words about him at Thurmond's 100th birthday party, Liberals leave out the important facts that Thurmond's racist manner happened as a DEMOCRAT. Thurmond had a change of heart and done several good deeds to help blacks as a REPUBLICAN. Liberals either try to hide this or they are not knowledgeable on what they speak. It's either one of or the other. Liberals label Limbaugh a racist, but the facts doesn't support that claim. Once again, they are either ignorant to the fact or they are being manipulative with the facts.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "In fact, David Duke was a "Southern Democrat". He, like many other Southern Democrats, "switched" political parties in order to gain ground within a political voting bloc. Moreover, David Duke was never elected to anything as a Democrat. He was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives AS A REPUBLICAN.."

The great liberal race talking point is being played I see. What do you think allen the average age of a "Southern Democrat" that became a Republican back in 1965 would be today? If people like Duke had any prominence within the party, Michael Steele wouldn't be the Republican Chairman. That is just another fact.

P Allen "Duke never garnered enough support within the Democratic Party to win an election. Yet he was able to win as a REPUBLICAN. It's possible Duke had the full support of the Nazi's, KKK, Aryan Nation and the Skinheads in his run for that seat. All of those groups vote REPUBLICAN!"

Duke won because of the people in his DISTRICT ALLEN. You left that out. What state level position did Duke win allen? Let me trump what you said. Bobby Jindal was elected Governor of the same state that Duke was elected congressman. Let me go further. Jindal was elected to congress in one of the most conservative districts in Louisiana. So would you say that skinhead and nazis elected an American of Indian descent to congress and as Governor allen?

6:04 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Its not that jmk distorts the race issue allen. He just presents a much more well though out approach to the subject matter then you can understand. In other words, he outsmarts you.".

Well thought out approach to what? Does JMK have a well thought out approach with concerns to Black people? Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying JMK knows Black people better than I do? Please tell me that's NOT what you mean.

But that's beside the point in question at hand. Through all the other rhetoric you've said thus far, you still haven't answered the CHALLENGE given. That being, and I shall repeat;

Neither you Tyrone, nor JMK can prove his assertion that "Nazi's Aryan Nation or Skinhead "like" or "prefer" the American Democratic Party. To shut me up...

That is JMK's statement I addressed initially, and that is the statement you have yet to address!

If JMK cannot show or prove where the American Democratic Party is "liked" or "preferred" by the Nazi's, Skinheads and Aryan Nation, then, JMK has DISTORTED the facts.

10:19 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"They are metropolitan areas with majority black populations Even though my logic is "simple", I bet you will disagree.".

What makes you think that I would disagree with FACTS? What in the sam-hill are you driving at Tyrone? Why would I deny empirical evidence? You seem to be grasping at straws....

I live and work in Detroit, I'm Black, I know the statistics, and I know (and see) the problems in the Black community. Basically, your statement underwrites how a "simple logical observation" works.

CB;"Since the cities I mentioned have mostly black populations, is it safe to say that these cities have "black racist organizations" headquartered within those cities allen?".

The "simple and logical" answer is "YES". By the same token, racist White organizations headquarter themselves in majority White areas. That's plain and simple common sense! So, do you agree?

If you indeed do agree with your own assertion, why in the sam-hill are you defending JMK's assertion that NAZI's and SKINHEADS in Idaho prefer the Democratic Party, when the Democratic Party is preferred by Black racist organizations in the inner-cities? Moreover, both White and Black racist organizations are "RACIST TOWARD ONE ANOTHER"!!

Yet, JMK makes an asinine statement and you jump to defend it WITHOUT EVIDENCE, FACTS, NOR PROOF!!

So, since you no he cannot back up or prove the assertion--"Today, many American nazis, skinheads and Aryan Nation members, like their fellow bigots in the Black Israelites, the NOI and the New Black Panther Party, find the Democratic Party far more to their liking.", I have proven "TO YOU" that JMK is DECEPTIVE when speaking about racial issues.

Furthermore, I do not believe that he would ever recant the statement because I truly believe that he is a racist.

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The KKK, Democratic Nazis, all Aryans were democratc. Almost all of the KKK were Dems. President Truman was rejected membeer ship to the KKK because he hd a catholic friend.

History tells us that mostly poor whites join those organizations and are mostly Dems like the Republicans are opposite.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Count Busy said...

To understand the "concerns" of people, whoever they are, is about understanding human nature. Only the ignorant think that they can only be understood based on membership is some crazy "multiculty" breakdown of humans into this group and that group. People are people. This is a crazy idea to the lefty.

1:05 AM  
Blogger Count Busy said...

My last comment is supposed to say "Only the ignorant think that they can only be understood based on membership IN some crazy "multiculty" breakdown of humans into this group and that group.

I have to take this opportunity to express some agreement with P Anthony A, who knows when this may happen again.

I find it hard to believe the white racist groups are going to be voting for Democrats. But then on the other hand sick people don't do things logically so when you think about it either way they would vote would be odd in some way.

5:41 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"The KKK, Democratic Nazis, all Aryans were democratc. Almost all of the KKK were Dems.".

Keyword = "WERE"

Black Americans "WERE" slaves! Most White Southerners "WERE" racist! Right?

Often I here our friends on the conservative right proclaim; "Slavery (perpetrated by the Southern Democrats) is over and done...the racism, the KKK, and the (Southern Democrats)rules of the old South are no more."

Yet, in the same breath, those same right-wing conservatives "CLAIM" that the racism "STILL EXISTS"??? Within the Democratic Party still, no less... Gee whizzz, you can't have it both ways!! It doesn't make sense!!

Furthermore, if what the conservatives claim about the "racist" nature of the Democratic Party is true...then Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the like, must be right!!! And if they're right, then who are these "White racist" that went out and voted for a "BLACK MAN" to become president of the United States???

Count B, you're right in saying; "sick people don't do things logically so when you think about it either way they would vote would be odd in some way."

That's true! However, if White racist's are so screwed up that they would vote against their own beliefs to elect a Black Liberal Democrat over a White Conservative Republican, Conservatives and the Republican Party must really be screwed up!!!

And Tyrone, please don't attempt to claim that McCain lost because he was NOT a conservative. Because if you do, that would be admitting that "white racist groups" prefer (or "liken to") and would have voted for the White Conservative candidate...

3:53 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"History tells us that mostly poor whites join those organizations and are mostly Dems like the Republicans are opposite.".

History tells us the south was heavily Democrat and voted Democrat. History tell us the majority of the south had racist Jim Crow laws effective until the 1960's.

The "PRESENT" shows that most of the South now votes heavily REPUBLICAN!

Anon;"poor whites join those organizations and are mostly Dems".


The KKK supports the Democratic platform of Affirmative Action, Pro-Choice and Integrated Public Schools with no religious text, and teaching evolution. Can't you just see those "poor Whites" running over each other to vote Democrat!

11:22 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Count Busy "I have to take this opportunity to express some agreement with P Anthony A, who knows when this may happen again. "

Allen made sense about something? I guess I better get the shovel. It looks like snow is coming in June.

p allen "And Tyrone, please don't attempt to claim that McCain lost because he was NOT a conservative. Because if you do, that would be admitting that "white racist groups" prefer (or "liken to") and would have voted for the White Conservative candidate..."

He wasn't a conservative allen. You said it yourself that you believe Rush Limbaugh is the "defacto leader" of the Republican Party. Me and you know that Rush is a CONSERVATIVE, If McCain is truly a "CONSERVATIVE", why did Rush mock, ridicule and attack McCain all through his campaign? Think on that for a minute allen. McCain's positions on issues was identical to Obama's. He only flipped them once he once he won the nomination, and he knew he needed conservatives to back him. Let me throw another brilliant question at you allen. If McCain was truly a CONSERVATIVE, why did the CONSERVATIVE organization of CPAC told it's members not to boo McCain when he spoke at their convention a few weeks after he won the nomination?

9:34 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Allen "Yet, in the same breath, those same right-wing conservatives "CLAIM" that the racism "STILL EXISTS"??? Within the Democratic Party still, no less... Gee whizzz, you can't have it both ways!! It doesn't make sense!!"

You conveniently left out the word "black" in regards to racism allen. Conservatives mostly believe that "institutionalized" racism is a thing of the past against blacks. Their right too. I've been saying this fact for the longest time. If America was truly a racist nation against blacks, the most unqualified person to ever become president wouldn't be at 1600 right now. Conservatives are making the case of "reverse" racism allen. You know this. This is why Sonia Sotomayor is so controversial. Discrimination against one group in favor of another is wrong. It was wrong fifty years ago, and it is still wrong today.If Obama was white, he wouldn't have made it through the primary. This shows that racism against blacks is highly over stated.

9:43 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Me and you know that Rush is a CONSERVATIVE, If McCain is truly a "CONSERVATIVE", why did Rush mock, ridicule and attack McCain all through his campaign? Think on that for a minute allen..

Thank you for proving me right!

Do you remember what sparked my comments in the first place? I said JMK was deceptive and wrong in his assertion that, "American Nazis, Skinheads and The Aryan Nation find the Democratic Party far more to their liking."

Neither you nor he can PROVE that. I showed you where those groups have more in common politically, socially and racially with the Republican Party.

Thus, White racist groups find Rush Limbaugh and other "White" conservatives "more to their liking" than anything within the Democratic Party.

Think on that for a minute Tyrone...

12:59 AM  
Blogger Count Busy said...

Look here. Racism is a spiritual disease. It's a disorder. There are lots of cases of folks who have diseases and disorders that are otherwise normal. Drug addicts, serial killers, con men and swindlers, and so on lot of times have lives that look like they're respectable people, and they actually do respectable things.

White racists are no different. Often they might be moral, patriotic, independent, hard working, religious, and have family values. They just sick.

These sick folk are more likely to vote for conservatives. The left will try to make it like this is because of racism when it really isn't.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Count Busy said...

I need to say that what I just said has to do more with the organized "higher class" white racists. The low life "white trash" kind I'm going to guess are going to vote Democrat. Got to keep those welfare checks coming in.

2:06 PM  

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