Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Private Sector is doing fine job wise?

Oh no, I'm not saying that. I know better,. It appears that the Community Organizing Celebrity In Chief doesn't understand that real job creation begins and ends with the private sector. Many on the right were somewhat taken back by Obama's comments on Friday, when Obama said that the private sector is doing just fine job wise and that it is the public sector (government jobs) that is the reason why so many people are out of work. It's either two forces at work here. Either Obama is completely clueless when it comes to how jobs are created or , he knows that he is in deep trouble on the issue of the economy come November and has to try and fool people. Since the left views capitalism as evil, unfair, and they believe in their minds in an ever expanding centralized government, it does make sense based on their warped thinking that job creation mainly exists with the government. I put together a video highlighting just how out of touch Obama is on the issue..

I hope Obama is stupid enough to repeat that the private sector is doing fine come time for the election season to really heat up in a few months. How can Obama claim to understand the burden the middle class is going through, when out of his own mouth he pretty much admitted he doesn't have a clue?


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"I hope Obama is stupid enough to repeat that the private sector is doing fine come time for the election season to really heat up in a few months. How can Obama claim to understand the burden the middle class is going through, when out of his own mouth he pretty much admitted he doesn't have a clue?.

Playing "follow the leader" again Tyrone? Campaign rhetoric and got-cha' talking points are good fodder for the clueless. Yet, for some reason I knew you would pick up and run with this latest display of "spin and attack", even though common sense will play no part with the accusers. Moreover, the comment didn't seem to get as much negative traction as the right wingers hoped. But of course somehow I knew you would play follow along...

For a while I really didn't want to believe that the right wingers in congress would "intentionally" attempt to keep the unemployment rate high. However it's becoming clear that it's exactly what they want.

Here's an article written in 1988 by the Libertarian Ludwig von Mises Indtitute. This what they documented with their concerns of the federal bureaucracy;

"Today, (1988) there are 230,000 more civilian government workers than in 1980, bringing the total to almost three million.".

The U.S. unemployment rate under Ronald Reagan was the "LOWEST", in 1988, 5.5 when public sector employment was at it's "HIGHEST."!!! After reductions in state government were being reduced by his predecessor, Mitt Romney, while governor of Massachusetts increased the number of public sector employees.

The fact is, the right wing KNOWS this! They know that keeping local, state and federal government employment roles low (and continued elimination of public sector jobs) will keep the unemployment rate high. The republicans on the hill are not just duping their constituents, they're playing all Americans for suckers.

Any economist worth his salt will tell you that the U.S. economy will eventually rebound. It's become obvious that the right wing doesn't want it to happen under President Obama.

Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that the government employ everyone who wants or needs a job. But it should be obvious from past economic downturns that the federal government must play a major role in boosting the economy through increasing demand in the economy, creating government or government contract jobs, and assist private sector job growth by offering incentives. President Obama has offered his plans for all of these, yet the right wing has "intentionally" fought him at every turn.

Thus, in theory, being that public sector employment is steadily declining as the private sector is gaining jobs, the president can "honestly" say that the "private sector is doing fine." Mind you, it's not "great or fantastic", but it should be at the very least to say that it is going in the right direction.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Playing "follow the leader" again Tyrone?"

Nah, I don't have a leader. It's just the joys of being a free thinking person.

p allen "Campaign rhetoric and got-cha' talking points are good fodder for the clueless."

When the left was picking apart everything that George Bush and Sarah Palin said, I'm sure you were right down telling progressives to lay off allen right. You still forget who you are talking to. I'm not stupid. You guys are such phonies, it's funny. Furthermore, Obama made comment that anyone with a clue would have never have made. Leave it to you to try and spin this in order to take the spotlight off the of Obama and try and make it about others who have noticed it. I would have never made such a remark, why is that? I could be drunk out of my skull, and if someone asked me is the private sector doing fine, I would say no everytime. You can't even bring yourself to acknowledge that Barry was either lying or was clueless. You are the one who follows Obama and will defend him at all cost. Let your words be evidence of that allen.

p allen "Yet, for some reason I knew you would pick up and run with this latest display of "spin and attack", even though common sense will play no part with the accusers. Moreover, the comment didn't seem to get as much negative traction as the right wingers hoped. But of course somehow I knew you would play follow along... "

Actually Obama's comment did get the play it deserved. Of course the national media didn't play it. If it was Romney who would have said it, then it would have been a different story. The truth is that it really doesn't matter. Most people feel Obama is weak on the economy, and that is all that is needed.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "For a while I really didn't want to believe that the right wingers in congress would "intentionally" attempt to keep the unemployment rate high. However it's becoming clear that it's exactly what they want."

You need to do some research.The nation's budget deficits are going to remain high, because Harry Reid won't pass a budget in the senate so that the house and senate can come up with reconcile budget to base spending off of. Harry Reid and Democrats are playing politics on that issue. Also Democrats are not even supporting Obama's legislation in the Senate. This is so said, what 's next allen. Are you going to blame Republicans for Tom Barrett losing again in Wisconsin to? Obama could have signed off on the XL Pipeline, he played politics and only agreed to have the bottom half built which does nothing and didn't need his approval in the first place.

p allen "Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that the government employ everyone who wants or needs a job. But it should be obvious from past economic downturns that the federal government must play a major role in boosting the economy through increasing demand in the economy, creating government or government contract jobs, and assist private sector job growth by offering incentives. President Obama has offered his plans for all of these, yet the right wing has "intentionally" fought him at every turn.

That is BS allen. The more the government grows due to people working for the government either at the federal, state or local levevl, the more people will have to pay in taxes to support it. The less money people have to spend in the economy due to more of the income being taken in taxes, the less people have to spend in the economy in order to make it grow. The Gross Domestic Product which is the measurement of our economic output is made up of two third's CONSUMER SPENDING!! Government jobs are merely a wealth transfer not and does not contribute to GDP.

10:04 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Tyrone, yet AGAIN, you totally missed the point.I guess I'll let your "presumptive republican candidate" for president explain.

Mitt Romney Doesn't Want Any More Firefighters, Police Officers Or Teachers.

The right-wing attack is supposed to be on "unions" and government bureaucracy, not the institutions of teaching, policing and firefighting. But I guess ole' Mitt didn't get the memo because he's out there shooting his mouth off and let the cat out of the bag.

The point you're missing Tyrone is that Romney knows that Public Sector Job Cuts Threaten Recovery. Although the private sector is creating jobs, the right-wing has mounted a continual effort to push for further cuts in the public sector, which offsets any decreases in the unemployment figures.

As long as the fight President Obama on any type of job creation their chances for victory in November increases. Romney's statement clearly exposes the right-wings methods for winning in November, even if it means shrinking public sector jobs by the millions....

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Allen, how is the private AND public sectors in Detroit doing? How are the private AND public sectors doing in Baltimore, Tyrone?

Let's see you two compare notes and see if anyone is better off now than they were in the past 3 1/2 years. I heard that there is no comparison.

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama, Biden and Reid. You know who they are starting to sound like? "Baghdad Bob" who claimed that Saddam Hussein's Republican Guards are sending our troops off to retreat.

In my town, there are still people who are pouring in applications despite a lot of big businesses in the area.

11:23 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Also Democrats are not even supporting Obama's legislation in the Senate. This is so said, what 's next allen".

Funny how you say Democrats oppose President Obama's efforts for job creation, yet you don't say "WHO and WHY." Here's who and why his Jobs Bill was defeated last October.

"White House officials noted that the bill has the support of the vast majority of Senate Democrats, while all the Republicans oppose it -- and the GOP-run House has refused to take up the proposal".

Lets not also not forget about the GOP Record Number of Filibusters. Although I would never expect you to admit the the filibuster has anything to do with getting a bill through the senate...

CB;"That is BS allen. The more the government grows due to people working for the government either at the federal, state or local levevl, the more people will have to pay in taxes to support it".

Lay off the talking points Tyrone and read what I wrote! It clearly stated;

"the federal government must play a major role in boosting the economy through increasing demand in the economy, creating government or government contract jobs, and assist private sector job growth by offering incentives".

It's plain and simple common sense Tyrone. If you come off the tactical campaign partisan rhetoric, you might start using your own brain. It's simple;

When private sector unemployment is high it's possible to reduce (not add) public sector employment. Bill Clinton did it with no adverse effects on the overall economy. When the economy is doing well the government should shrink...IT ONLY MAKES ECONOMIC SENSE TO DO SO. Equally, when the economy is tanking the government must step up its efforts (SPEND MONEY) to keep the economy afloat. It's part of their job and IT ONLY MAKES ECONOMIC SENSE TO DO SO!

Let me show you how your right-wing mentors and advisers dupe you into believing something that's not in your best interest. After the economic crash of 2008 every republican and democrat clamored to thwart the downward spiral of the economy. Before Bush left office in 08' your "presumptive GOP presidential nominee said this;

"I frankly wish that the last congress would have dealt with the stimulus issue, and that the president could have signed that before leaving office. I think there is need for economic stimulus".

Romney knew the government had to step up and help the economy. The fact is THEY ALL KNEW IT HAD TO BE DONE. But partisan politics (and a black president) has made many right-wingers go crazy. They spew all that rhetoric about "unions, out of control government spending, socialism, muslims, birthers, teachers," you name it, in order to pump you up to believe they're looking out for you when they're not. They want the White House and they'll say and do almost anything to get you to vote them in.

CB;"The Gross Domestic Product which is the measurement of our economic output is made up of two third's CONSUMER SPENDING!!".

DUUUHHHHHH? No s#!t Sherlock?! But aren't you forgetting one "MAJOR" aspect of consumer spending? How in the hell are consumers going to spend without a "INCOME"?

Any economist worth his salt will tell you the the U.S. economy will eventually rebound, it always does. What we're experiencing now is political and partisan games....FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. However, it's the republicans that are playing the bad guy.

1:16 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"Hey Allen, how is the private AND public sectors in Detroit doing?".

Both are in the tank and have been for quite some time. The auto industry is doing "fine", but it will never have the same economic impact it did 30-40 years ago. But what's your point?

12:03 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Geez, public sector jobs are dependent upon the private sector doing fine. If there aren't any jobs in the private sector in which people can get paid in order to pay the taxes, those public sector jobs can't be sustained. It's common sense, well at least to some it is. No matter whether it's federal, state or local, any of those jobs are dependent upon the tax payer. If the private sector. If the problem is with the public sector as Obama said, then why not just go out and create millions of public sector jobs then? Of wait, that was what the stimulus was suppose to have been for wasn't it? Giving tax payer money to states and local governments to create pubic sector jobs is deceptive, because when that money runs out from the federal government via stimulus, then the state and local governments have to fire those workers. In other words, public sector jobs can not contribute to their own survival.

8:13 AM  

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