Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Knockout Game: Fact or Myth?

I am absolutely amazed at the level the media and progressives are going through  trying to cover up and dismiss the spread of the knockout game. I've been reading more and more news stories over the Thanksgiving holiday, and it is just amazing how the left has tried to white wash what is going on. This is how absurd the media has become in trying to dismiss this legitimate problem. National Public (Progressive) Radio and the New York Times are saying that the knockout attacks aren't racially motivated, and it's really not that big of a problem. When the attackers are one race and victims are constantly that of another race, that is what is considered a "trend".  NPR actually had the nerve to ask was it even possible for blacks to be racists considering what happened during slavery. Any race of people have racist elements within them, blacks are not excluded from that. I really do not know what frequency the progressive mind operates on, but it's not on a common one. Just yesterday, a Philadelphia  man was jumped by six to eight young boys aged between the ages of 16-21. This attack wasn't related to any gang or drug activity. Matter of fact, the victim Diego Mora is a Chef. I would say that people in the Culinary Arts don't hang around or have anything in common with street thugs. According to the New York Daily New "The slender, dark-haired culinary artist was unable to speak after a three-hour surgery a day earlier left his jaw wired shut. His attackers broke his nose in several places and fractured his jaw. The thugs left him — unconscious and bleeding — on a stoop around 11 p.m. Tuesday night in Old Town Philly,"
I suppose the knockout game and beat down attacks like the vicious, savage attack Diego Mora suffered through was just a "myth" according to some in the national media. What can not be disputed is that the majority of these attacks against whites, Jews and Hispanics and they are happening in predominately black metropolitan cities such as Baltimore, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Philadelphia Cleveland etc. Obama had no problem speaking out when it came to the shooting of Trayvon Martin and his nutty Professor friend Skip Gates being arrested, but he's silent on this issue, This is pure denial on display by the media and progressives in general. Emma Roller over at the progressive slate site wrote a story entitled "Sorry Right Wing Media:The Knockout Game Trend is a Myth. I love it when progressives makes idiotic comments like that, because it becomes so easy to destroy them with their own foolishness through mocking them. So the talking points have gone out that this is all just a "myth right? If the knockout game is just a figment of the imagination, of rigtwingers then why are people in Brooklyn New York demanding a stop to the Knockout game? 

Brooklyn New York isn't exactly known as an oasis for conservatives. I guess the residents of Brooklyn reverent brought up to speed that the knockout game is just a "myth". Just maybe the reason why residents in Brooklyn are saying enough is enough is because, these attacks aren't myths by the right wing, they are real. A 63 year old man and a 78 year old Jewish woman were targeted by these animals.

What ever happened to respecting your elders? Thankfully, not all media outlets are sticking their heads into the sand and pretending that what is happening isn't really happening. NPR, Slate and others can live in denial, but the truth is getting out whether they acknowledge it or not, and people are discovering that this is not a "myth"


Blogger Divine Theatre said...

This has been going on for longer than most people realize. My (police officer) husband showed me a video several years ago of a young (white) couple walking in a local mall. A group of black teens came upon them and one punched the white male in the face, rendering him unconscious.
Rather than deny this, I suggest the black powers that be use this opportunity to be the fathers these boys never had.


3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh well... Now you can say Obama is responsible for the unfettered violence being perpetrated upon the unsuspecting (white) souls. Just the more reason to thrust the country into a racial panic and finally give reason to cleanse the country. More reason to separate the races.

I wont feel sorry for the liberal black bourgeoisie, conservative wanna-be's, the tone deaf black entertainers and the white wife athletes. You all will get whats coming to you.

And to the gracious wanna-be conservative blog host, job well done! Promoting the sins of your people males it that much easier for David Duke and his ilk spin their web. George Zimmerman is called a hero for taking out a wanna-be street thug. Only a matter of time now before the canonization of a right wing shooter who takes out a wanna-be black leader.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Marcel said...

EPIC SHOOTOUT BETWEEN black progressive socialist Dr. Marc Lamont Hill vs the author of 'White Girl Bleed A Lot', Colin Flaherty!

There are actually others involved in the debate too. Two liberals, Colin Flaherty, another conservative talk show host, and an orthodox Jewish NYC councilman talking about attacks by blacks on Jews(this Jewish councilman a Democrat).

Dr. Lamont Hill, like most black liberals, is trying to drive home his point of, how do we really know these attacks are racially motivation? It just can't be.
But can you image if young white teens and men were going around knocking out 78 yr old black women?

Your thoughts on this shoot out Tyrone? They should have you brought you on to take on Dr. Lamont Hill. He is a real condescending lib.

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is how white conservatives and Colin Flaherty operate.

Obama Plans Nationwide Race Riots If Zimmerman Is Found Innocent.

It was a very popular notion among the conservative fringe. Fortunately they weren't able to incite or coax an uprising. Colin Flaherty is working hard on his mission to separate white America from the era of Obama by using propaganda tactics reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Case in point, Thomas Sowell. This is what economist, social theorist, and political philosopher Sowell writes after reviewing Flaherty's book.

"Reading Colin Flaherty's book made it painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is even greater than I had discovered from my own research".

Sowell, a black man and social scholar, didn't realize the magnitude of a social problem among blacks until a white man comes along and enlightens him? Sure, as if peaceful Muslims didn't realize there were terror attacks until Jews explained it to them.

There's a small portion of the black population that's totally out of control. I've read portions from his book. Flaherty documents 14 different incidents that occurred in 14 different cities over a three day weekend. He knows he can incite fear in a significant portion of the white community if given enough exposure and support. But his goals seem to be falling flat, so he has to move into uncharted territory of the liberal media.

Dr. Lamont Hill is being bamboozled by the evil and Devilish Flaherty by allowing him a popular venue to spread his propaganda.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a twist to your knockout game. In Redford, MI, a suburb of Detroit, a white guy attacks a mentally challenged black man, beating and kicking him for no apparent reason.

Where's Colin Farhety now? Does this attack prove that there is an epidemic of white on black crime? Or is this a counter attack, perhaps retribution? Is this what Colin was hoping for?

4:10 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Where's Colin Farhety now? Does this attack prove that there is an epidemic of white on black crime? Or is this a counter attack, perhaps retribution? Is this what Colin was hoping for? "

It's heard to say what the motives were in this attack, but it could have very well been a reprisal attack. Two wrongs don't make a right, but some people act out in different ways when they feel they are being screwed over.

anon "
There's a small portion of the black population that's totally out of control. I've read portions from his book. Flaherty documents 14 different incidents that occurred in 14 different cities over a three day weekend. He knows he can incite fear in a significant portion of the white community if given enough exposure and support. But his goals seem to be falling flat, so he has to move into uncharted territory of the liberal media. "

It seems that there are people who simply want to keep these attacks off the radar for some reason and I believe I know the real reason why. I've heard Colin Fahety on several radio interviews. You said that he knows how to incite fear in a significant portion of white, I don't know how you come to that conclusion considering the fact that most whites in this country has never heard of Colin Fahety. My question is this, are any of the stories Mr Fahety has mentioned not real?

anon "
Sowell, a black man and social scholar, didn't realize the magnitude of a social problem among blacks until a white man comes along and enlightens him? Sure, as if peaceful Muslims didn't realize there were terror attacks until Jews explained it to them. "

When the media doesn't report on what is actually happening then how is anyone going to know? Your issue seems to be with Colin, because he is doing the job the media should be doing.

1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young white men, billed as Aryans, attack a young black man knocking him to the ground.

Is this what you want to see? Are you beginning to see the larger picture? Statistically speaking, there are far more white supremacists aching for an opportunity for violence, than there are black thugs playing this dumb knockout game.

As a black man, are you willing to support the idea that the knockout game is entirely racially motivated? As black thugs become your enemy, are you willing to befriend white Aryans? Could the enemy of your enemy be your friend?

The real answer is not to allow any of the rhetoric and hype from either side explode. The are already calls from black organizations denouncing the stupidity. Most media has acted responsibly so far. Only the right wing has injected the overblown rhetorical meme.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "
Is this what you want to see? Are you beginning to see the larger picture? Statistically speaking, there are far more white supremacists aching for an opportunity for violence, than there are black thugs playing this dumb knockout game. "

Where do you get that statistic from? I would like to see that. Personally, I don't want to see any racial violence regardless of the attacker and the victims. People know about white racial attacks against blacks, that is something which has been known throughout the history of this country, but most people don't know about it when the roles are reversed, and it's mainly due to political correctness not to report it which is wrong.

anon "As a black man, are you willing to support the idea that the knockout game is entirely racially motivated?

I know that the knockout game isn't "entirely" racially motivated but there is a racial element when it comes to the target victims.

anon "As black thugs become your enemy, are you willing to befriend white Aryans? Could the enemy of your enemy be your friend?

Technically black thugs are my enemy. I am more likely to be killed by a black thug then by a white supremacist. The overwhelming majority of black murders are committed by other blacks, just a fact. To answer your question, no I wouldn't befriend a racist whether he is a white Aryan or a New Black Panther.

1:15 AM  
Blogger aeriedad said...

Well said, Tyrone. Facts are too often ignored, and racism is bad, no matter the race.

We need to realize that people are bad, not as whites or blacks or Asians. But as people. Slavery is bad because it's bad to people. High taxes are bad because they hurt people. Racism is bad because it hurts people. Etc.

We all like to get something for nothing, but when it hurts people...well, then too often we just consider what helps us, instead of what is right.

Ultimately, let's be friends with good people, whatever the color.

5:51 PM  

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