Tuesday, January 29, 2013

NAACP Chief Benjamin Jealous:Unemployment Worse for blacks under Obama

I've always questioned why many black voters give their political capital to one political party( Democratic), just so that they can be be taken for granted over and over again. Malcolm X said back in the 60's that when blacks give all their votes to one party over and over again, and they have nothing to show for it, they are being played for chumps. I disagree with Malcolm X on many issues and points of view, but that is one statement that is correct and I am in full agreement with.. Once upon a time, the Democratic Party use to make promises to blacks, even though they've never really followed through with those promises. They at least promised them something. These days and actually for the last 30 years, the Democratic Party has been more about telling blacks and other minority groups that those groups need to support the Democratic party no so much for what they will get in exchange for their votes aka political capital, but they need to vote for them, because the big bad boogie daddy racist GOP folks will get them. Well, I have to give credit where credit is due. Their strategy have worked like a charm. The question though is how long can they continue with this strategy working? Believe it or not, but there are some blacks who are starting to ask questions. Some are starting to realize that they have been played for chumps by their supposed protectors. Many blacks thought that a black utopia was going to be created once Barack Obama was elected. That has been far from the case. In fact, many issues are now worse for blacks under Obama then they were under George W Bush. Benjamin Jealous who is the president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Progressives aka NAACP was a guest on MSNBC's Meet the Press with David Gregory hosting. Benjamin is a staunch supporter of Obama and all Democrats and is a fierce critic of any Republican who doesn't think like a Democrat. Well, Mr. Jealous said

" White people in this country are doing a bit better. Black folks are doing a full point worse" under Obama

Actually they are doing far worse then a full point. It's pathetic that Mr  Jealous who is suppose to be a black civil rights leader is clearly unable to understand what the real "big issues are", because they do not include "gay marriage" and "amnesty". These issues do not lead to the decrease in poverty among blacks, more blacks graduating from high school and going on to college. Gay Marriage and amnesty do not help blacks to learn about entrepreneurship so they can create small businesses and create generational wealth and a vibrant middle class for blacks. I've been saying this also for the longest time. The progressive agenda does not help to advance the upward mobility of blacks in America. The last three words in the acronym NAACP is ACP which is suppose to stand of for the "advancement of colored people, obviously that isn't happening.

The issues I've mentioned is what Mr Jealous should be talking about but is not and never will. I wish I could have debated  Mr Jealous and stated exactly what I just said. The problems in the black community with crime and drugs and poverty are directly linked to economics issues not social issues like Mr Jealous and other progressives are spewing. If the black unemployment rate was what is is now but under a Republican President, I don't need to say what would be the response by Mr. Jealous and others in the civil rights industry. The ironic element to this story is that when Mitt Romney went into the lion's den and spoke at the NAACP convention last year, he stated exactly then what now Mr. Jealous is saying. "the tough economy has hit African-Americans particularly hard"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't thing that Ben Jealous was sincere in his criticism of Obama? Unless otherwise, and I too would find it ironic, that he may soon be out of a job.

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Vincent said...

"The progressive agenda does not help to advance the upward mobility of blacks in America."
That about says it all.

I'm in the investment world and people pay to have their bad feelings taken away, not for honest ivestment performance per se. And that's even when the returns turn out to be mediocre or bad. "Lie to me. Go ahead and lie to me."

8:21 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"If the black unemployment rate was what is is now but under a Republican President, I don't need to say what would be the response by Mr. Jealous and others in the civil rights industry".

Attacking the NAACP does nothing for your cause Tyrone. When you're not aware of "the facts", you tend to go overboard with the right-wing talking points rhetoric. The facts are; BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT RATES ARE ALWAYS HIGHER THAN THAT OF WHITES! Thus, (yet again...) you're barking up the wrong tree.

In June of 1983, under a REPUBLICAN president, The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the Black unemployment rate at a whopping 20.7%. And yes, you're right to say that the president at the time (R. Reagan) heard it from the NAACP. So, knowing that under a Republican president the black unemployment rate was higher, you should be even more understanding of the NAACP position.

The point Ben Jealous is attempting to get across is the persistence of this institutionalized trend. The trend of higher unemployment rates among blacks has been a "black eye" statistic since the labor bureau began keeping such stats... any undoubtedly for decades.

CB;"The progressive agenda does not help to advance the upward mobility of blacks in America".

Are you crazy???? I know that your conservative mentors have "LIED" to you about Dr. M.L. King. But, do you really believe that Dr. King had a "conservative agenda???" Was Dr. King an "anti-government conservative?" Was Dr. King a supporter of slashing government programs? Was Dr. King against the government creating opportunity and jobs, not just for blacks, but for all? Was Dr. King against workers unions, affirmative action and health care for all? Did Dr. King support U.S. military intervention in foreign countries? Hardly! Dr. King was the epitome of PROGRESSIVENESS!

Thus, what, and who's "CONSERVATIVE" agenda made sure your parents and grandparents were able to pass on opportunity to you? You're losing it Tyrone. It was progressives/liberals that made it possible for your grandparents and parents (onto you) get educated, shop, work, play, etc... along side people who didn't what them there.

Kicking and screaming Tyrone, the conservative agenda you know now, is dying. If conservatism wants to stay alive, it's going to have to change. Call it "progressive lite", "low cal conservatism" or whatever you want. Just as the Conservative Democrats switched their gears to accept integration, the Republican/Libertarian/Reaganite conservative must change or go the same route of the Conservative Democrat.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Marcel said...

lol Now Benjamin Jealous gets it? A day before they knew Obama was going to announce his amnesty plan for 20 million illegal immigrants? Now you clowns talk about presenting him with this so called 'black agenda'?? WOW!

Could Jealous be jealous now of him taking care of the gays, Muslims and, Hispanic? LMAO!

Get out of here, Ben Jealous. Where were you 4 years ago with this? It's too late now, idiots. President Obama's a lame duck and could care less about you or the blacks that voted for him. It's done, and he got what he wanted from you - your votes with no promises or accountability!

You have to wait until the next white president (Democrat or Republican) gets in to start complaining again. No, second thought, you guys love to give your fake white liberal masters a pass anyways. P Allen where you at? lol

No, it seems you black liberals and progressives only feel comfortable - and actually enjoy - criticizing only white male Republican presidents and governors and congress members(tea party) for your problems anyway. I know.

I'm sure the 500+ murders in Chicago(a record!), 300+ in Philadelphia, and 200+ in Baltimore last year is some how a white male Republican's fault, right? Yeah, even though Republicans have nothing to do with these cities and Democrats mayors run all three of these cities and city councils.

What's even sadder than that is Obama and the democratic party know they don't even have to WORK for your votes in 2014 either. lol

But you can bet they will be back out campaigning for the gay rights money (who are only 2 to 3 percent of the populations, btw) and the new golden children of the party- the Latinos.

What a joke this is, Tyrone. What a joke Ben Jealous, Al Charlatan, Marc Haydel Morial, and the rest of the race hustlers and poverty pimps really are. Too little, too late. Blacks are only 13% of the population and will vote Democrat no matter what, and the president and the democratic party knows that. lol

3:02 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "I don't thing that Ben Jealous was sincere in his criticism of Obama? Unless otherwise, and I too would find it ironic, that he may soon be out of a job."

LOL, Ben Jealous is nothing more the subservient puppet for the Democratic Party. He could give a rat's ass about black people. The NAACP has always given the GOP an F grade on it's report card, yet they never really explain why other then their polices and stances are opposite of the Democrats. Only a fool would think the NAACP is "non partisan" organization, but there are fools out there and do buy into it.

Vincent "
I'm in the investment world and people pay to have their bad feelings taken away, not for honest investment performance per se. And that's even when the returns turn out to be mediocre or bad. "Lie to me. Go ahead and lie to me."

People who can analyze things around them typically are very rarely able to be played for suckers. It just doesn't happen, yet there are some who do like living in a fool's paradise. I look at these people as cattle, sheep, pigs in a pen. They just eat and think they are being taken care of by the person fattening them up. They have no idea that the person they trust is just waiting for the moment to lead them into the slaughter house. No wonder this country is going down the tubes. too many people are like livestock, just a mindless collective being lead like the pied piper.

1:42 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Marcel "
Get out of here, Ben Jealous. Where were you 4 years ago with this? It's too late now, idiots. President Obama's a lame duck and could care less about you or the blacks that voted for him. It's done, and he got what he wanted from you - your votes with no promises or accountability!"

Jealous was four years ago planting his lips on Obama's ass and loving it Marcel. The so called black leaders of 2012 are nothing but black deceivers. I remember the attacks on Bush for the black unemployment rate eventhough it was better then it is under Obama. Blacks are nothing but political pawns to progressives. Here in Maryland back in 2002, by a fluke for this state, it elected a Republican Governor by the name of Robert Ehrlich. Bob wanted to bring slot machines to Maryland in order to bring in move revenue without having to raise taxes. Well when he suggested that, Democrats both white and especially black were crying to the moon talking about how slot machines would negatively impact blacks who could least afford to gamble . They called Ehrlich a racist and racailly incentive. The black pastors spoke out against him blah blah blah. When Ehrlich was however voted out in 2006 and the Democrat Martin O'Malley was elected, the anti slot machine agenda was dialed back considerably, especially when he said he would sign a bill into law if it passed in the Maryland General Assembly. No black clergy or civil rights industry lackey had nothing to say then.

Marcel "
I'm sure the 500+ murders in Chicago(a record!), 300+ in Philadelphia, and 200+ in Baltimore last year is some how a white male Republican's fault, right? Yeah, even though Republicans have nothing to do with these cities and Democrats mayors run all three of these cities and city councils. "

Of course it's white Republican fault Marcel. Didn't you know that white Republicans have Halliburton's mind control device, and they have been using it to make blacks kill each other in order to control the black population. lol One day, I am gong to do a video of the "other side of Baltimore". I am going to tape the side that goes beyond the downtown skyline and into the poverty stricken slums that Democrats in this city have ruled over for well over 50 years, no Republicans not one created this

Marcel "
But you can bet they will be back out campaigning for the gay rights money (who are only 2 to 3 percent of the populations, btw) and the new golden children of the party- the Latinos. "

In a way I can't blame Latinos for now being the number one minority group. Blacks are now secondary, and Democrats know they don't have to NOTHING in order to secure their votes. While blacks have been aborting their babies, Hispanics have been having babies thus increasing their population and voting clout. The dummies will never figure out why the planned parenthood/abortion are in urban areas. Hispanics are the apple in the Democratic Party's eye and both parties are fighting to appeal for their voters. Blacks haven't figured out that nobody is appealing for their votes, they are looked upon as property of the Democratic Party anyways. I still do not know what is "gay rights" lol. I hear progressives use that term all the time. What they call gay rights, I call "special rights". I love it how the left tries to brain scrub the masses through political correctness. It's just too funny.

2:07 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Attacking the NAACP does nothing for your cause Tyrone. When you're not aware of "the facts", you tend to go overboard with the right-wing talking points rhetoric. The facts are; BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT RATES ARE ALWAYS HIGHER THAN THAT OF WHITES! Thus, (yet again...) you're barking up the wrong tree."

Attacking the NAACP does EVERYTHING for my case allen. Do you actually believe the NAACP is a "non partisan" organization? If you do, I have some magic beans I will give you. Again, the NAACP is not in the business of trying to help blacks progress. They follow loyally whatever the Democratic agenda is. That is why they are speaking out on non black issues like "Global Warming", "Amnesty for illegal aliens, "Gay Rights" etc. They are a pawn and nothing more. Also as usual, you miss the point of what I was making. My point is that the NAACP is always quiet about the black unemployment rate and other black issues WHEN A DEMOCRAT IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE but becomes vocal when a REPUBLICAN is in the White House.

2:31 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Are you crazy???? I know that your conservative mentors have "LIED" to you about Dr. M.L. King. But, do you really believe that Dr. King had a "conservative agenda???" Was Dr. King an "anti-government conservative?" Was Dr. King a supporter of slashing government programs? Was Dr. King against the government creating opportunity and jobs, not just for blacks, but for all? Was Dr. King against workers unions, affirmative action and health care for all? Did Dr. King support U.S. military intervention in foreign countries? Hardly! Dr. King was the epitome of PROGRESSIVENESS! "

Yeah, I'm real crazy allen. Watch how crazy I am about to get with this question. You live in Detroit which has a population that is 95% black. I am wagering that the last time a Republican sat on the city council or was mayor Einstein was still alive. So tell me, how has the progressive agenda laid out by progressives in your city has worked out? As for Affirmative Action, creating quotas isn't helping blacks progress upwards. It merely makes those blacks tokens in their profession. Let me ask you this allen. Let's say that you was an affirmative action hire at a company. Now let's say that a white employee came up to you and said that the only reason you were hired was because you are black. How would that make you feel? Would you be ok knowing that you really couldn't challenge the white employee on what was said, because he or she was right. I rather have a job because I EARNED IT not because I was SELECTED to fill some government mandated rule that a company had to follow. Also, unions are on a major decline Allen. They only make up 11% of the U.S Workforce. They have for the most part become irrelevant, and lastly most blacks who are employed do NOT belong to unions.

2:31 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "
Kicking and screaming Tyrone, the conservative agenda you know now, is dying. If conservatism wants to stay alive, it's going to have to change. Call it "progressive lite", "low cal conservatism" or whatever you want. Just as the Conservative Democrats switched their gears to accept integration, the Republican/Libertarian/Reaganite conservative must change or go the same route of the Conservative Democrat. "

For progressives sake, they better hope the conservative movement isn't dying. I mean, who are liberals gong to blame when their utopia goes belly up just like in Greece? Have you noticed that when countries start getting into dire fiscal situations, they tend to vote in conservatives? Anyways, conservatism is far from dying in America. Matter of fact

more people identify themselves as conservative then liberal,oops
Obama won twice simply due to two NON conservative GOP candidates running against him. The only time your idol ever faced a conservative candidate was, when he faced Alan Keyes FROM MY STATE OF MARYLAND to win his Illinois U.S Senate Seat. Facts are a you know what allen, oh well. You can't fool me or other conservatives allen. The GOP loses presidential elections every time moderates run. The only exception was Herbert Bush aka Bush 41. He ran coming off the coattails of Reagan, but he lost to Clinton and so did that disaster known as Bob Dole, they join the likes of John McCain and Mittens Romney. Again, just the facts.

2:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p allen "Are you crazy???? I know that your conservative mentors have "LIED" to you about Dr. M.L. King. But, do you really believe that Dr. King had a "conservative agenda???" Was Dr. King an "anti-government conservative?".

King was a socialist and a fraud-

King proposed a government compensatory program of $50 billion over ten years to all disadvantaged groups. SOCIALISM!

King did not complete High School, but got into a all black college. All his post high school work and degrees were given to him because he was a black making noise about racism. Can you say Obama? King never had a real job and lived off of donations (other peoples money) his entire life.

King's closest confidant was Bayard Rustin, a open homosexual and a member of the communist party. Can you say Van Jones?

King was the original shake down artist. He began by shaking down state and local governments and large corporations through the unions which funneled millions. King taught Jesse Jackson everything he knows about the shake down.

King was caught by the FBI several times visiting his mistress. His good friend Ralph Abernathy stated in his 1989 autobiography that King had a "weakness for women".

King was a draft dodging traitor. He deliberately attempted to undermine U.S. foreign policy in southeast Asia.

If you ask me, most blacks today are a reflection of King.

2:49 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Marcel;" P Allen where you at? ".

Right here! Whut choo talkin' bout Marcel?

As I told Tyrone, the black unemployment rate is always higher than that of whites. But you think Blacks should blame "gays, Muslims and, Hispanics?" The Black unemployment rate was 20.7% while Reagan was in office. Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals. Perhaps "you" can blame Reagan...?

CB;"more people identify themselves as conservative then liberal,oops".

Well, the proofs in the putting! Conservatism is changing. If most people identify themselves as conservative, yet most people voted Democrat in the last national election.... ipso facto ... conservatism is changing!

Moreover, if a conservative (as you know it) cant even win the nomination in the Republican primaries, what makes you think one can win in a national election?

1:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"One day, I am gong to do a video of the "other side of Baltimore". I am going to tape the side that goes beyond the downtown skyline and into the poverty stricken slums that Democrats in this city have ruled over for well over 50 years, no Republicans not one created this."

Show this video to the next city council meeting, and tell us all what their reaction was.

CB-(On Affirmative Action) "I rather have a job because I EARNED IT not because I was SELECTED to fill some government mandated rule that a company had to follow."

The way I see it with affirmative action, not only is it not fair to those who are qualified in the first place, but to hire somebody or to promote those with insufficient qualification is DANGEROUS!

-Big Pop

1:39 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"King was a socialist and a fraud-".

In the world view of the term "socialist", I don't think he was. However, in the present day "conservative" view of the term, according to many conservatives, Dr. King would be President Obama on steroids...

As for being a fraud, you'll need to explain that. Conservatives often throw that word around when things don't go their way. It's what they say when they can't win (or try to muddy the waters) in an election.

It's a tell-tale sign, and obvious Anon that you don't agree with Dr. Kings efforts. Fighting against racial discrimination and American styled apartheid was the purpose for Dr. Kings efforts. So, you'll need to explain how Dr. King perpetrated a fraud by fighting for basic human and civil rights. In all honesty, however, you really can't explain it. How can one "fraudulently" claim racial equality in a country that constitutes all people are equal?

Simply put, your assertion doesn't make sense. Unless, of course you believe that all the races in America are not, or should not be equal. If that's the case, then you'd be right. Dr. King would be the biggest fraud this country has ever known.

Anon;"King did not complete High School".

I didn't know that. In doing a little research, I found it to be true that he didn't. However, that's where the truth ends, and the smear of the spin begins. Dr. King didn't "formally" finish high school because of his high scores on the college entrance examinations in his junior year of high school. He was promoted and advanced to Morehouse College without formal graduation from high school.

Moreover, each one of your "bold print bullet points" are spun to shine a light of negativity on his life. Such as the "draft dodging" and "traitor" assertion. Dr. King, was to young to have served in WWII, and past draft age (when the draft was reinstated) to have served in the Korean War.

And here again you make another asinine assertion that Dr. King was a traitor, with no proof of him aiding or abetting any force at war against the United States. Yet, for the crazed conservative, anyone who disagrees with warmongering is branded a traitor.

I find it amazing how conservatives use and spin the legacy of Dr. King. Some attempt to "co-opt" his idea's to counter attack aspects of the liberal agenda. While other conservatives (like you Anon) attack King personally, with the same intent of counter attacking the liberal agenda! I guess Dr. King was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't....

11:52 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen resonding to anonymous"
As for being a fraud, you'll need to explain that. Conservatives often throw that word around when things don't go their way.

That's a laugh allen, because liberals try to smear people as racists, when people either on the right or in the center do not agree with a leftists way of thinking. The word as been drastically cheapened thanks to your progressive friends using it as a weapon in order silence opposing points of view.

p allen responding to anonymous "It's what they say when they can't win (or try to muddy the waters) in an election. "

Wow, you're one to talk allen. Again, that is a trait famous on the left. Geez, look up Saul Alinksy rules for radicals. Dare I mention what the left did to people like Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Mitt Romney on down the line

P allen "
As I told Tyrone, the black unemployment rate is always higher than that of whites. But you think Blacks should blame "gays, Muslims and, Hispanics?" The Black unemployment rate was 20.7% while Reagan was in office.

Benjamin Jealous is the one saying that "gay rights" and "amnesty" are the big issues allen, not us. You mention that the black unemployment rate was 20.7% when Reagan was in office, yet you fail to mention what the black unemployment rate was just recently under Bush in 2008 his last year. It was 11.2%

p allen "Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals. Perhaps "you" can blame Reagan"

It was Reagan's biggest mistake. He thought it was going to be a one time deal with Democrats, unfortunately he learned the lesson afterwards that you can't bargain nor compromise with political snakes.

p allen "
Well, the proofs in the putting! Conservatism is changing. If most people identify themselves as conservative, yet most people voted Democrat in the last national election.... ipso facto ... conservatism is changing!

Let me help you understand allen. The reason Obama won the last election was due to one main reason. Few conservatives came out to vote for Romney. Remember, Obama received 10 million FEWER votes then he did in 08. You know perfectly well that conservatives were not hot on Romney from the very beginning, so it would be beyond foolish to have assumed that they wre going to come out in large numbers to vote for him. McCain and Romney were cut from the same GOP establishment cloth, and that is why he lost. It's just that simple to understand.

1:04 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;" Remember, Obama received 10 million FEWER votes then he did in 08".


Come on Tyrone. Have you forgotten who you're talking to?

Why do you depend on right-wing sites like Breibart, Gateway Pundit, Red State, etc... for your "mis-information?" Although all the totals I've seen aren't "exactly" the same, none, I repeat "NONE" show a vote total of more than 3.5 million fewer votes for President Obama from 2008 to 2012.

Info Please, 2008 Presidential Election Popular Vote Totals.

Info Please, 2012 Presidential Election Popular Vote Totals.

Wikipedia, 2008 Presidential Election Popular Vote Totals.

Wikipedia, 2012 Presidential Election Popular Vote Totals.

U.S. Election Atlas, 2008 Presidential Election Popular Vote Totals.

U.S. Election Atlas, 2012 Presidential Election Popular Vote Totals.

Statisca, 2012 Popular Vote Totals.

And, because the Federal Elections Commissions report of the popular vote totals aren't available yet, here's The FEC's 2008 totals.

Researching works Tyrone. My question is, why would your right-wing cohorts misinterpret, spin and basically fabricate something so simple as "vote totals?" I believe they do it to keep their followers (and you) confused and delusional.

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

If anyone want's the real facts behind Unemployment, just watch some of Stefan Molyneux's videos. All sorts of knowledge and common sense talk. Government simply kills Jobs and the Voluntary Free-Market creates Jobs, just that simple to figure these things out. What we need is as little Government as possible if any and a true Free-Market.

11:17 PM  

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