Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama's abuse of power has put him into the driver seat of the American Auto Industry.

They're is a memorable quote from the movie Spider man. "With great power comes great responsibility". With Obama playing the role of a pathological egotist, he's not really concerned at all about being "responsible" with his almost unchecked power. The latest victims to feel the wrath of the Community Organizer on a mad power trip are General Motors and Chrysler. Barack Obama sent shock waves through corporate America Sunday evening and Monday by doing an unthinkable act. He was able to fire the CEO of General Motors without even owning one share of ownership through common stock in the company. If people are still naive in facing the fact that Obama is indeed a Socialist, then these people are beyond hope in seeing reality for what it is. General Motors wasn't owned by the government like AIG and Citibank are. Rick Wagner went to the Federal Government a few months ago merely to seek assistance in obtaining loans for GM's survival. He is now out of a job thanks to his well intentioned actions. This quote is from the late great President Ronald Wilson Reagan. Let this serve as an example of what happens when you foolishly trust the government like Rick Wagner did. President Reagan said

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Every company that has sought assistance from the Federal Government have come to regret it. Banks are frantically repaying the TARP money they were lent. They have learned a very valuable lesson the hard way. Accepting help from the government is in essence selling their souls to a bunch of "megalomaniac, self righteous, hypocritical, lying devils". Funny how this leads me back to Barack Obama. So now the Federal Government is in the "Car Warranty" business thanks to him. I remember liberals crying about George Bush "abusing his power" as President. George Bush committed many screw ups I'll admit. At least he never did anything like what this neo marxist has done within the last 70 days and counting. I'm almost afraid to even imagine what can happen next month leading up to Obama's first 100 days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will Blacks wake up and see European socialism in force. Harvard teaches this and President Obama is a product of his grandparents socialism and his mother and father's Marxism. They were fellow travelers, a code word for communist people in the 1950's.

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

Well Obama is a power hungry tyrant that is for sure. Imagine how much of a big crybaby he'll become if people all united and shouted enough is enough!

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly what I wrote on my fb the other day...
See what happens when you accept bailouts?? The government can "ask" you to resign!!

I am hoping that more states "just say NO" to accepting the stimulus package. Or is that already a done deal?

I'm really frightened to think what he might do to the education system in our country!!

Each day it seems like America is becoming an Obamanation!

1:34 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anonymous "When will Blacks wake up and see European socialism in force."

Most blacks have been so brainwashed from day one, they will never see the damage it has done. They have been feed this dribble from their families, their church and the Democrat Party as being the best thing for them.

anonymous"Harvard teaches this and President Obama is a product of his grandparents socialism and his mother and father's Marxism. They were fellow travelers, a code word for communist people in the 1950's."

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Al Sharpton was right about something. He said that Obama wasn't "authentic". Inner city blacks look to Obama as a person that is "like them". Actually he's anything but. Obama never experienced poverty growing up in Hawaii. While blacks in this country grew up in the ghettos, he grew up on the beaches in paradise. Obama also attended the best private schools money could buy, while blacks in the main land attended the worst public schools tax payers were funding. Most blacks don't understand that under a socialist society, their economic circumstances won't improve one bit. The socialist elites will never subject themselves to the standards of living they want "for everybody else" of course.

Harvard teaches this and President Obama is a product of his grandparents socialism and his mother and father's Marxism. They were fellow travelers, a code word for communist people in the 1950's.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

chilerkle "Well Obama is a power hungry tyrant that is for sure. Imagine how much of a big crybaby he'll become if people all united and shouted enough is enough!"

I wish that could happen Chilerkle, but the odds in that happening are 1 in 100,000 at best. The media and has way to much invested in Obama to report him failing. I believe that is one of the main reasons for his arrogance. The media and his drones have pumped his ego up to a certain level. His head is so far up in the clouds, I'm surprised he doesn't get a headache from the blood in his head going to the back of his brain. Chilerkle, do you remember when he first announced he was running for President? He got "offended", because a reporter commented it on his big ears. Obama can be unnerved if he does hear anything negative. I believe that is a reason why he used that big screen LCD monitor last Tuesday night. The must have heard the goofing on him over his excessive teleprompter use.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

T "This is exactly what I wrote on my fb the other day...See what happens when you accept bailouts?? The government can "ask" you to resign!!"

T, Citibank and Bank of America said they are going to repay the TARP money this year. Taking money from the government shouldn't have even been an opposition for those executives. I bet they got spoked, because they felt that their companies couldn't have gotten any "debtor in possession" financing if they filed for a Ch 11 bankruptcy. I couldn't have taken money from Washington no matter what. It would have KILLED ME to have been called to Washington so those politicians could berate me for their photo op and grandstanding.

T "I am hoping that more states "just say NO" to accepting the stimulus package. Or is that already a done deal?

If Turbo Tax gets his way, it may be too late. Even if a bill is signed into law giving Geithner that kind of power, I don't think he would have the coconuts to use that power. People are angry over AIG,but they are equally angry over what they see as "excessive abuse of power" in Washington.

T I'm really frightened to think what he might do to the education system in our country!!"

LOL LOL, Our educational system has been destroyed for decades now. What else could Obama do to possibly finish it off that others haven't already done?lol lol

Each day it seems like America is becoming an Obamanation!

11:01 PM  
Blogger Ron B said...

Just found your blog Conservative Brother. Very Good points. Wagoner should have known better. If you ask for welfare from our Imperial Federal Government then you have to be able to dance when they name the tune. The tune was "Get Out, You're Done Here".

I agree with one of your comments that Blacks have been brainwashed about the Democratic party.

And agreeing that Sharpton was right is the same thing that I have been telling my liberal friends. This guy is a fraud and not authentic. But these same friends keep sending me pictures of the first family and how great it looks but when I asked how has any of this impacted their lives or the economy I start to hear the crickets chirping....still chirping!

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone trickled down poverty has hit town. NO MORE MONEY TO HELP THE POOR WITH RENT, BUT aig!


1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone, true President Obama is not typical. He is the Magic Negro. He magically rose to the top without experiencing being a real Black American. All most blacks see is his brown face. Most of us are mixed but not directly like he is. He truly is an African American, first generation! It was not his fault that his parents taught him communism or islam, but once you become an adult and receive the best education man has to offer, one has to rethink or should. Only under capitalism has any Black man been able to rise. Under the king you have to be his son to rise. Under capitalism even the poor can rise-Look at Ms. O.

Why is Al so quiet-taxes?
Why is Jackson so quiet? Child support? Obama has put Muslims who want to destroy America in charge of sensitive parts of his government? How does he explain this. The Taliban told Hillary she was crazy for wanting moderate ones? They know there are no moderate taliban or muslims.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anonymous "Tyrone trickled down poverty has hit town. NO MORE MONEY TO HELP THE POOR WITH RENT, BUT aig!"

You have to take that up with Obama on why AIG is still getting "corporate welfare". As for the poor not being able to pay their rent, I believe that the poor should be self empowered so they can pay their own rent without the government getting involved in the first place. You know how I am. I'm just an evil capitalist that believes in the power of the individual to succeed. :-)


Michael needs nothing more then a conservative attack dog. I'll be more then happy to help him. I haven't exactly been known to respectful of liberal ideology, so I'll be perfect for the job.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Ron B "ust found your blog Conservative Brother. Very Good points. Wagoner should have known better. If you ask for welfare from our Imperial Federal Government then you have to be able to dance when they name the tune. The tune was "Get Out, You're Done Here".

It was more like musical chairs Ron, and Obama took Wagner's chair. I know the bank CEO'S must be sweating bullets right now. Many believe that the firing of Wagner isn't just isolated to GM. I believe when Obama gets back from Great Britain, further heads are going to roll.

Ron "
I agree with one of your comments that Blacks have been brainwashed about the Democratic party. "

I would be lying Ron if I said I didn't drink the Democrat kool aid myself at one time. I just thank god that I was only sipping on it and not gargling with it. I was more so a Democrat moderate instead of a liberal. One day I focused on what I believe, and I realized that the Democrat Party represents the total opposite of my core beliefs. It's a shame what liberalism has done to blacks, its even sadder that they don't see it nor want to see it.

Ron B " And agreeing that Sharpton was right is the same thing that I have been telling my liberal friends. This guy is a fraud and not authentic. But these same friends keep sending me pictures of the first family and how great it looks but when I asked how has any of this impacted their lives or the economy I start to hear the crickets chirping....still chirping!"

I have to laugh at that Ron. I get the exact same response when I ask blacks that question here in Baltimore. I ask them do they really expect Obama is going to lift them out of poverty. Some actually believe he will. To bad a lot of blacks suffer from Democrat Manipulation Syndrome. They honestly believe their politicians care about them. All they are to the Democrat Party are cattle that is bused to the voting booths every election. With the "evil" George Bush gone and a black neo marxist in the White House and the Democrats controlling congress, I wonder what will be the excuse given to blacks and from blacks on why their circumstance haven't gotten in better four years from now Ron?

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blacks don't give a damn about what's real.. facts be damned.. all they care about is what's told to them... All the problems in Black America are sooo easy to fix... and it starts with getting the family back in order, getting God as the head of that family, getting the godless gov't out of the Black family's business... Black girls, quit chasing these no-good ass thugs. Black men, quit trying to live some fantasy you see on tv- the thug life is NOTHING to be proud of... Young Black men who are NOT some stereotype, you are doing whats right... keep it up. I say, now... people are waking up to Dumbo and his BS.... But I still say, as long as there is a D next to a guy's name, damn near all Blacks will throw their support behind him. Nevermind that the Dems gave us the Klan, Jim Crow, institutionalized racism... the Dems are the ones who basically made Blacks to be evil... I hate what the Democratic Party has done, and how the so-calle dBlack leaders have allowed it to happen, if not being direct participants and beneficiaries of it all... SMFH

2:36 AM  

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