Americans don't agree with Obama's decession to take over GM.

It looks like the American people "again" aren't supportive of Obama's latest decision. This is becoming a pattern. Most people were against Obama's "stimulus bill", his "pay for other people's mortgages bailout bill, the continuing funding of the black hole known as AIG and now the takeover of General Motors now Government Motors.According to the latest Rasmussen Poll, 67% of Americans are against the government owning GM. Only 21% support it. Americans are clearly sick of the bailouts. They clearly also don't want government owning private businesses. They want fiscal responsibility from their government. Republicans are too stupid to see a golden opportunity. The people are in support of what Republicans once stood for. I can't help not to laugh at this scenario. Liberals accused Bush of launching an "illegal war", because they claimed he didn't have permission from congress. Are they mad with Obama over his actions? Where in the constitution does it give a President the power to take over a private corporation? I also don't recall Obama getting permission from congress for him to have taken the actions he took. Did congress pass a bill authorizing Obama to do anything in regards to orchestrating the bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler? I wasn't a fan of the original "bailout money" used for GM and Chrysler. The $17 billion dollars was suppose to have been a "life line" to prevent GM and Chrysler from going bankrupt in the first place, yet they went bankrupt anyway. So that money was a huge "waste" in the end. Government did what it does best. The lines I've heard from executives at GM and Chrysler, the financial media pundits and clueless politicians was that "people wouldn't buy cars from a bankrupt auto company". This was a few months ago. So what is going to be the excuse now? Maybe they all will do a 180 degree flip and will now say the opposite. If anyone thinks the federal government isn't going to micro manage Government Motors, they have another thing coming. Obama said he wants smaller cars. Who is GM to deny it's biggest shareholder's request?
Looks like Obama's plans are so far from perfect I wonder will the other people who voted for Obama receive their wake-up call when they find themselves unemployed and going to bed hungry five nights in a row.
Where in the constitution does it give a President the power to take over a private corporation?
When you've studied the bankruptcy laws and have a clue of what you are talking about you might have more to say on this topic.
Meanwhile, the "where in the Constitution" line is the refuge of those who haven't spent much time with American jurisprudence.
Ducky"Where in the constitution does it give a President the power to take over a private corporation?
Did I stutter ducky? What power is given to Obama to orchestra two private companies into bankruptcy? Also, what power does he have to take over a private corporation? Where in the constitution does it grant Obama the power for him to have done what he has done ducky? These are very simple questions ducky.
Chilerkle "Looks like Obama's plans are so far from perfect I wonder will the other people who voted for Obama receive their wake-up call when they find themselves unemployed and going to bed hungry five nights in a row."
Obama smites the private sector, but its going to take the private sector to led us out of this recession. He flock don't understand that, and I know that they never will.Right now his flock are hitting the pavements sending resumes to "private sector" employers looking for a job. This goes back to liberals crying about corporations making "record profits" Chilerkle. We've seen what happens when corporations have record loses instead of profits. They shed jobs instead of adding them. To normal thinking people like us, this is just common sense. GM and Chrysler racked up record loses, and they fired many people because of it. The Obama drones should want companies to be profitable. As companies continue to grow through being profitable, those companies will add more jobs. This is why liberals should never be taken seriously, logic just goes way over their heads.
It's so funny, I asked that same question, not for the first time, today. Who does he think he is. Next he'll be knock, knocking on small business doors, then what. Into our living rooms. I know this sounds paranoid, but I'm scared.
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