How it got started: Palin vs Letterman Part 1

Liberals once again show how intolerant they truly are. I'm not saying anything new I know. I'm more then likely preaching to the choir on this. I've gotten emails from readers asking why I continue to "harp" on Governor Sarah Palin. The reasons should be obvious, well at least to some. As long as liberals continue to focus their mentally unstable attacks against her, I will expose how hate filled these people are in their attacks. It's really that simple. From the first day that McCain announced her in Ohio last year, the intolerant left has gone out of their way to try and destroy her. Palin's views are not "odd" or "unconventional" by any means. Tens of millions of Americans share her views, values and morals. Since liberals attack people that demonstrate moral convictions like Palin and Carrie Prejean, it is only natural that Palin would stick out like a sore thumb in their eyes. This whole new wave of viciousness against Palin started this week. She was invited to attend a fundraiser to fight Autism in upstate New York, and she participated in the event.
There was nothing political about her appearance at the event. This just goes to show the type of woman Sarah Palin is. Compare this to Obama who made a "joke" about comparing his bowling game to that of Special Olympians. In many ways, the supporters of Palin versus the supporters of Obama is like a battle between morality and immorality. When you look at the people that support Palin, you see people that are good natured,morally upstanding people. The ones that support Obama are beyond vile and hateful in their lifestyles and attitudes.. Now about Palin's Yankee Stadium appearance, Sarah and her 14 year old daughter Willow was invited to a New York Yankee's game by Rudy Giuliani. All the news stories that covered Palin's appearance at Yankee Stadium also mentioned that her daughter Willow was with her. So Sarah Palin lent her star power to help raise money for kids with Austim, and this his how she is referred to by the left's David Letterman when it was discovered she was in New York that day.
I talked about good versus evil. David Letterman clearly illustrated how evil liberals can be. The hate is 24/7 with these people. I can see not liking a person that personally did something to them. Sarah Palin has done nothing to anyone on the left. She never asked to be McCain's running mate. McCain asked her. Palin is despised merely for being the " ideological contrasting rock star" to Obama.The election has been over for seven months now. Liberals have had the audacity to have gotten on their high horses and say that "republicans need to get over fact that Obama won". Republicans and especially conservatives have been gotten over it. They are focusing on 2010. The hypocritical liberal hordes need to "follow their own advice" and "get over their obsessive hatred for Governor Sarah Palin". I know that isn't going to happen. If liberals weren't hypocrites, they wouldn't be liberals in the first place.
I really can't stand liberals. They are very much racists,misogynists and Anti Christian Bigots and Vile Anti semites. Liberals are pretty much hate mongers!
I notice that Sea Shepherds were attacking whalers and leftists were cheering the attacks on Japanese whalers. It illustrative Liberal racism for me right then and there!
CB;"I talked about good versus evil. David Letterman clearly illustrated how evil liberals can be. The hate is 24/7 with these people.".
First off, I think Letterman was WAAAYYYYY out of line with his so-called joke. Palin's kids certainly didn't ask, and there is no reason for anyone (including Palin herself) to throw them into the political fray.
Now, that being said... "Evil" (as you call it) pundits and politicians tell dumb jokes all the time. So let's not forget about the "24/7 hate of the Evil Conservatives."
In 1993 De-facto GOP leader, Rush Limbaugh, joked about 13 year old Chelsea Clinton referring to her as the "White House Dog." Limbaugh stated; "Did you know there's a White House dog?" (at the time the the only White House pet was Socks the cat). Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton.
In 1998 Senator John McCain "reportedly" (a report he does not deny) weighed in with joking humor stating; "Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because he father is Janet Reno!"
In an interview with Sean Hannity, right-wing loon bat Ann Coulter took the opportunity to show her true colors. Coulter mentioned the presidents daughters "THREE TIMES"... each time without context of what should "NOT" be said or joked about by politicians or pundits!
In fact Coulter suggested that the presidents daughters "SHOULD" be fair game.
"I think if I [Coulter] were a comedian and I had a good joke about Sasha and Malia, that's fair game now".
Someone please tell me, why in the hell would Coulter feel that she could tell snide and off color jokes about Sasha and Malia because "David Letterman" told snide and off color jokes about Palins children?
If Letterman had joked about the presidents children, would it have then been okay for everyone else to joke about Palin's children?
It's obvious that Coulter "WANTS" to, not only joke about the presidents kids...she wants to attack the president "through" his kids! Ann Coulter is a gutter snipe scumbag!!! (that has nothing to do with anyone in her family or her friends...just her!)
Chilerkle "I really can't stand liberals. They are very much racists,misogynists and Anti Christian Bigots and Vile Anti semites. Liberals are pretty much hate mongers!"
They try and label us what they truly are Chilerkle. I know a lot of conservatives can't stand Obama, but they don't like his policies. The liberal media is keeping the story of the security guard that was shot by the white supremaace in the news, because they want to use it as a link to conservatives in general. The news barely mentioned the story about Jeremiah Wright saying "the jews won't let him see Obama". Its really way past time that conservatives start calling out liberals on their hypocrisy. Every time they get upset over something a conservative does and they did the exact same thing, they need to be challenged and exposed for the two faced frauds they are.
Chilerkle "I notice that Sea Shepherds were attacking whalers and leftists were cheering the attacks on Japanese whalers. It illustrative Liberal racism for me right then and there!
I just viewed the video on youtube Chilerkle. I'm shocked that other liberals don't call the Sea Shepherd's actions "racial intimidation". If conservatives were involved, they would have been done claimed it.
P Allen "First off, I think Letterman was WAAAYYYYY out of line with his so-called joke. Palin's kids certainly didn't ask, and there is no reason for anyone (including Palin herself) to throw them into the political fray.
Obama himself said that the children needs to be "off limits" allen. I don't know if Obama truly meant what he said or merely wanted to "appear" above the fray. I'm glad that your not in the same camp with other libs in this case that believe party politics or ideology trumps common decency allen. There just may be hope for you yet. As for Palin and Willow, they came down for a charity fundraiser allen. Palin isn't running for any national office. Let me ask you a question allen. You're a lib. Why do you think other liberals hate palin so much with so much passion?
P Allen "Now, that being said... "Evil" (as you call it) pundits and politicians tell dumb jokes all the time. So let's not forget about the "24/7 hate of the Evil Conservatives.""
I didn't call Obama supporters evil just because of David Letterman allen. It goes way deeper then that. The attack by letterman saying that Palin looks like a "slutty flight attendant" was meant to be vicious. Letterman could have just said that she needs to change her flight attendant look. He threw the word slutty into it for maximum insult value. That was just the icing on the cake. The evil in which I spoke of has been from day one against Palin. I've never seen a candidate for any office get trashed, bashed, kicked around in all my life of following politics allen. I know that politics is suppose to be a "contact sport", but the attacks against her are all personal and just down right "evil" in nature. A liberal comedian on the Today Show said that
"Sarah Palin is like HERPES, you can't get rid of her".
p allen "In 1993 De-facto GOP leader, Rush Limbaugh, joked about 13 year old Chelsea Clinton referring to her as the "White House Dog." Limbaugh stated; "Did you know there's a White House dog?" (at the time the the only White House pet was Socks the cat). Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton."
Find me the source allen. If Limbaugh truly said that in full context, then he was wrong to have said that, and Rush would be a hypocrite as well. Chelsea was actually out of the picture for most of Clinton's presidency. I saw more of socks the cat then
P Allen "In 1998 Senator John McCain "reportedly" (a report he does not deny) weighed in with joking humor stating; "Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because he father is Janet Reno!"
Just because a person doesn't deny something doesn't mean he or she did it allen. Some people won't deny something just because, they know they might not be believed one way or the other. Also Chelsea was 18 years old back in 1998, that made her and adult. I'm not saying that it made it right, but in a way the rules change. As much as I don't like the attacks on Bristol Palin for something I believe is trivial, she is an adult and is "far game".
P Allen "In an interview with Sean Hannity, right-wing loon bat Ann Coulter took the opportunity to show her true colors. Coulter mentioned the presidents daughters "THREE TIMES"... each time without context of what should "NOT" be said or joked about by politicians or pundits!"
Ann Coulter is AWESOME!!! I love that woman with a passion. The more she speaks, the angrier liberals get.There is a video of Coulter speaking at John Hopkins on the issue of Islamic Extremism. I have to post it just for you allen. Her referring to Obama's daughter and not using their names is no big sin allen. That is actually weak to be honest. You liberals got upset when McCain called Obama "that one", even though he and his drones referred to Obama as "the one". As long as Coulter didn't make any derogatory comments about Obama's kids, it really is a non starter.
p allen quoting coulter "In fact Coulter suggested that the presidents daughters "SHOULD" be fair game.
"I think if I [Coulter] were a comedian and I had a good joke about Sasha and Malia, that's fair game now".
She's right allen. Before Letterman attacked Willow, I would have disagreed 100% with Coulter. I don't believe that Obama's children should be "fair game", but if liberals decide to make Trigg, Piper or Willow fair game, then I think the same should apply to Malia and Sasha. As I said before, the hypocrisy has to stop.
p allen "Someone please tell me, why in the hell would Coulter feel that she could tell snide and off color jokes about Sasha and Malia because "David Letterman" told snide and off color jokes about Palins children? "
You just answered your own question allen. Its because Letterman did. Rules have to be respected by "both sides" allen, not just one side. The "right" can only play the "above the fray" role but for some long. Its not right that liberals get to be "down and dirty" when dealing with the right allen. Do you have your answer?
P Allen "If Letterman had joked about the presidents children, would it have then been okay for everyone else to joke about Palin's children?"
Even if Malia or Sasha were teenagers and one of them got pregnant, Letteman wouldn't have dared made the same style of joke about Obama's daughters as he did about Willow for three reasons.
1. Obama and Michelle are both black and liberal
2. Malia and Sasha are the children of black liberals
3. Repeat 1 and 2
P Allen "It's obvious that Coulter "WANTS" to, not only joke about the presidents kids...she wants to attack the president "through" his kids! Ann Coulter is a gutter snipe scumbag!!! (that has nothing to do with anyone in her family or her friends...just her!)"
Coulter is a pit bull allen. She's a cross between Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage. She doesn't "go along to get along" with liberals. I do think she should hold up in saying anything about Sasha and Malia though. Letterman's comments may have been an isolated event. If this is the start of a trend though, I think Coulter should do what she thinks is "fair" allen.
Chilerkle;"I notice that Sea Shepherds were attacking whalers and leftists were cheering the attacks on Japanese whalers. It illustrative Liberal racism for me right then and there!".
Typical conservative spin! Insanity while attempting to "flip the script"...
The Sea Shepherds "are" a leftist liberal group. They're a "save the whales, tree hugging, green loving, code pink-o" type of organization...right?
So, how in the world do you come up with a "RACIAL" aspect for their type of extremism? The Sea Shepherds claim to have attacked and sunk ships from Spain, Portugal, Norway and Iceland. They don't care who or what race, nor nationality of the Whalers!
What in the heck does "WHALING" have to do with "RACISM"??? Is it because most whales are "dark in color" the Sea Shepherds are discriminating against Great White sharks? In-sanity...
That mantra is straight out of the book of "Boss Limbaugh." Limbaugh spews the talking points to his non-thinking conservative minions, and they repeat (verbatim) every nonsensical word...
In his most recent decree, Limbaugh directs conservatives to proclaim Nazi's, Anti-Semites and White Supremacist's as "leftist".
So he's telling you that these groups believe in (as conservatives claim leftist are) big government, socialist ideals, anti-gun, feminist supporting, racial quota endorsing, and voted Democrat for a Black president...
What Limbaugh doesn't say in his directive is that James Von Brunn is a "SELF DESCRIBED WHITE SUPREMACIST." Not once does Limbaugh mention that Von Brunn hated "Blacks" also. His entire spin was laced in the idea that Von Brunn was solely anti-Semitic. Listening to Limbaugh should tell you why many American Jews supported President Obama.
Thank you for continuing to "harp" on Governor Sarah Palin. Because their treatment of her shows their true nature. They are only tolerant of people who think like them. I was one of those who believed that liberals were more compassionate and tolerant, as a result, I supported them despite the fact that I held a lot of conservative views. This past presidential election was truly an eye opening experience for me. Through their treatment of Sarah Palin, I saw just how hateful, insecure and downright mean liberals can be. One wonders, if they are so sure that their ideology is best, why in the world are they so threatened by Sarah Palin? Wouldn't the truth be on their side and eventually win out in the end?
CB;"Find me the source allen. If Limbaugh truly said that in full context, then he was wrong to have said that, and Rush would be a hypocrite as well.".
I originally read the Chelsea/Limbaugh story on Crooks & Liars some time ago. In doing a little research, I find that there is some controversy over what was said by Limbaugh, and when it was said (Nov. 92 or Oct. 93).
Still a Google search turns up hundreds of reports that claim Limbaugh did say something. Here's a story written in the Washington Post as well as Chelsea's Biography. Both article state that Limbaugh used those exact words. If Limbaugh never spoke ill of Chelsea...well, he could "sue" them!
CB;"Just because a person doesn't deny something doesn't mean he or she did it allen. Some people won't deny something just because, they know they might not be believed one way or the other.".
Oh well, looks like McCain did say it because he apologized!
CB;"Letteman wouldn't have dared made the same style of joke about Obama's daughters as he did about Willow for three reasons.
1. Obama and Michelle are both black and liberal
2. Malia and Sasha are the children of black liberals".
Tyrone, it's comments such as that, that makes me question your claim to be an "independent thinker." The only truth to the "black and liberal" idea, is that its a conservative talking point...
Tell me this Tyrone, have you ever heard an Asian say, "Letterman (or any comedian, politician or whatever...) wouldn't dare say that about a Liberal Asian"? What about a white person saying it about a Liberal White? A Jew about a Liberal Jew?
Have you ever heard Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Michael Savage or Limbaugh say, "you can't say that because he or she is Liberal and White"?????
For you as a Black man to use that "talking point", qualifies what ever Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter and the like, believe about "Black Liberals" and whatever it is they claim they dare not say!
Here's the "rub" to that statement about being "Black and Liberal"
Colin Powell was a GOP and conservative darling. Yet when Powell decided (on his own merits) to endorse a candidate on the other side of the political spectrum he was ostracized, and some conservatives even branded him as a "racist."
Thus it's only "IDEOLOGY" that that defines and/or separates you from the so-called ridicule of the conservatives. But the undeniable fact is, you can change your ideology but you'll always be BLACK!
So, the "Black and Liberal" statement implies that; in order to be a "Black conservative" you must "PROVE" your worthiness to non-black conservatives. Considering the "source" (which in this case is "you" making the statement) that's the only thing such a statement could imply!
Black Liberals ridicule Black Conservatives all the time...right? Black Conservatives (like yourself) ridicule Black Liberals just as much...right?
I'm sure Letterman has done a ton of jokes about blacks and black politicians. Even if they're vile and off color, a joke is still just a joke. Bill Maher has joked about Blacks from O.J. to Colin Powell, to Condi Rice and Oprah. Maher is a liberal as liberal can get!
If Sasha or Malia were "pregnant teenagers" they would be no different that a "pregnant Bristol or Willow"... At least, it should be viewed that way according to your "conservative" beliefs...right?
So why should it even be an issue, or even implied that a "same style of joke" can't be told about the "Black and Liberal"? The answer is;
The, "because he or she is Black and Liberal" mantra is a conservative "TALKING POINT" made up by conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and his ilk, as a self serving point of view.
The truth is "jokes" about the "Black and Liberal" are told ALL THE TIME!
p allen "Black Liberals ridicule Black Conservatives all the time...right? Black Conservatives (like yourself) ridicule Black Liberals just as much...right?"
Black liberal blogs out number blogs like mines 20 to 1 allen. You got to be kidding. Black liberals in general out number black conservatives at least 8 to 1. Where have you been allen?lol
I am one of the few black conservatives that attack black liberals in the same fierce fashion they attack black conservatives and non white conservatives in general.I stick up for all the conservatives of different races that have to put up with the venom that is spewed their way. You should see the hate mail I get on youtube and in my email. Most black conservatives take the high road. That has never been my style and nor will it ever be. So as I always tell you allen, try again.
p allen "I'm sure Letterman has done a ton of jokes about blacks and black politicians. Even if they're vile and off color, a joke is still just a joke. "
You're good at finding things on the net allen. Go out and find it and then post it. Until you do, you are merely "assuming" that Letterman sometimes uses off color jokes against black politicians
p allen "Black Liberals ridicule Black Conservatives all the time...right? Black Conservatives (like yourself) ridicule Black Liberals just as much...right?"
Black liberal blogs out number blogs like mines 20 to 1 allen. You got to be kidding. Black liberals in general out number black conservatives at least 8 to 1. Where have you been allen?lol
I am one of the few black conservatives that attack black liberals in the same fierce fashion they attack black conservatives and non white conservatives in general.I stick up for all the conservatives of different races that have to put up with the venom that is spewed their way. You should see the hate mail I get on youtube and in my email. Most black conservatives take the high road. That has never been my style and nor will it ever be. So as I always tell you allen, try again.
p allen "I'm sure Letterman has done a ton of jokes about blacks and black politicians. Even if they're vile and off color, a joke is still just a joke. "
You're good at finding things on the net allen. Go out and find it and then post it. Until you do, you are merely "assuming" that Letterman sometimes uses off color jokes against black politicians
P allen "Tyrone, it's comments such as that, that makes me question your claim to be an "independent thinker." The only truth to the "black and liberal" idea, is that its a conservative talking point..."
I forgot the third reason, never mind. Actually what I said is correct allen, you don't want to see the truth. Its not a "talking point". I notice trends by observing allen. There is not logical justification for why the media hates Sarah Palin. The coverage of the media towards Obama is heavenly god sent. The coverage is the difference between the moon and the sun. If you want to keep your blinders on allen, be my guest. My conclusions are based on independent analytical free thinking and nothing more allen. I was shocked as hell to read that you condemned Sandra Berhard's crude joke against palin, allen. You always defend their actions no matter how wrong they are. When I see a conservative or republican doing wrong, I call them too task, and you know this.
p allen "Tell me this Tyrone, have you ever heard an Asian say, "Letterman (or any comedian, politician or whatever...)"
Talk to Michelle Malkin about that allen. Also allen, most Asians aren't politically active in the first place.
p allen "Have you ever heard Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Michael Savage or Limbaugh say, "you can't say that because he or she is Liberal and White"?????"
No allen, I haven't heard them say that. I do know of the double standards though. What do you think would be the consquences if Rush, Mark, Michael or Ann called Michelle Obama a "biter nappy headed hoe with chip on her shoulder". To me it doesn't take a genius to know the obvious outcome allen. If you want to stick your fingers in your ears and go la la la la la, be my guest
P Allen "For you as a Black man to use that "talking point", qualifies what ever Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter and the like, believe about "Black Liberals" and whatever it is they claim they dare not say!"
Political Parties use talking points allen. I am not a partisan hack like yourself. Let me show you what I mean by liberal hypocrisy. When Michael Steele ran with Bob Ehrlich for Lt. Governor, the Baltimore Sun newspaper said "The only thing Steele brings to the ticket is the color of his skin". Fast forward four years later. Martin O'Malley "democrat" picked a guy named Anthony Brown to be his running mate to become Lt. Governor. The Baltimore Sun praised Anthony Brown up and down. Anthony Brown is also black. The only difference between Steele and Brown was that Steele was a Republican and Brown was a Democrat. The Sun never said that the only reason O'Malley picked brown was because he wanted to "copy" Bob Ehrlich and that the Maryland Democrat Party got heat from many black democrats, because Steele was the first black to become Lt. Governor of Maryland. There is your hypocrisy. No talking points needed. Oh let me go on further allen. Steele was criticized harshly, because Bob Erlich and him held a fundraiser at an exclusive golf club that didn't have any black members. The club wasn't racist or anything, blacks never applied to become members. Well that didn't stop liberals and Martin O'Malley from attacking Bob and Michael for being "out of touch". Michael was called an Uncle Tom etc. The Baltimore Sun again reported this in great detail, but they left out an interesting fact. They left out the fact the Martin O'Malley also held a wedding reception for his brother AT THE SAME CLUB!!! There is the hypocrisy yet again allen. So the talking points spew can be repackaged. Once the story came about thanks to talk radio, the attacks died off, but O'Malley was never addressed on the issue at all.
P Allen "Here's the "rub" to that statement about being "Black and Liberal"Colin Powell was a GOP and conservative darling. Yet when Powell decided (on his own merits) to endorse a candidate on the other side of the political spectrum he was ostracized, and some conservatives even branded him as a "racist."
Since when was Powell a conservative darling?!! I must have been in a deep sleep. Conservatives merely defended Powell from the racial spew by your fellow libs allen. That is all they did. Some republicans wanted Powell to run for President, I can't recall many conservatives that felt the same way. Powell endorsed Obama partially because of race, but it was mostly due to him being an opportunist. It is retarded logic for anyone with common sense to assume that Powell wanted to Republican Party to succeed while stabbing it in the back at the same time allen. Powell could have went into the voting booth and voted for Obama without letting the world know that he was voting for Obama over McCain. Powell has no credibility and rightfully so. How in the world could I have credibility as a conservative by coming out and supporting Obama "based on merits" allen? Powell knew exactly what he was doing. It's always about Powell for him.
CB;"Black liberal blogs out number blogs like mines 20 to 1 allen. You got to be kidding. Black liberals in general out number black conservatives at least 8 to 1.".
So are you saying you don't ridcule Liberals?? Because thats what I was talking about...not numbers...
CB;"Since when was Powell a conservative darling?!!.
Prior to 1996, when conservative Bill Kristol attempted to get Powell to run for president.
Max Blumenthal writes;
"Among Powell's fans was the ardently anti-abortion Jack Kemp, who called him "Republican on almost every issue." Neoconservative former Education Secretary William Bennett repeatedly praised Powell on the pages of the National Review, while Weekly Standard editor William Kristol argued in an editorial for his magazine that Powell was the only figure who could defeat the increasingly popular Bill Clinton.".
CB;"What do you think would be the consquences if Rush, Mark, Michael or Ann called Michelle Obama a "biter nappy headed hoe with chip on her shoulder".
As if it's not happened already???
Perhaps not from those clowns, but pretty well listened to and read conservatives..
Tammy Bruce calls Michelle Obama Trash
Before removing the course language, religious conservative backed writer Burt Prelutsky called Michelle Obama A BITCH!
More racist rants from Burt Prelutsky
David Letterman's hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.
Speaking of anti-Semitism, it's Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who've gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
Wrong! It's the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that'll outdo even Hitler's by stating that "Judah hath dealt treacherously" and "the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this" and asks "Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?"
Haven't evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and Jewish persons? Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard) against a leading evangelical named Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin's continuing "crucifixion"!
While David and Sandra are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!
(For even more stunning information, visit MSN and type in "Separation of Raunch and State" and "Bible Verses Obama Avoids.")
p allen"So are you saying you don't ridcule Liberals?? Because thats what I was talking about...not numbers..."
Of course I ridicule liberals allen. If you are trying to play a "gotcha moment", I'll beat you to the punch.
P allen quoting Kristol "Among Powell's fans was the ardently anti-abortion Jack Kemp, who called him "Republican on almost every issue." Neoconservative former Education Secretary William Bennett repeatedly praised Powell on the pages of the National Review, while Weekly Standard editor William Kristol argued in an editorial for his magazine that Powell was the only figure who could defeat the increasingly popular Bill Clinton.".
Neo is latin for the word "new". The so called neocon aren't true conservatives. These are the people within the GOP that call themselves conservatives, yet they have more in common with moderates then true old school paleoncons. Kristol and Bennett speaks for themselves allen. They don't represent grass roots conservatives. I quoted what Powell said a month ago, and I know you read it allen. To refresh your memory, this is what he said
Colin Powell ""Americans do want to pay taxes for services" and "Americans are looking for more government in their life, not less."
Also, Kemp saying that Powell is "Republican" on every issue doesn't mean nothing to conservatives. The Republican Party is branded as the "big tent" party for a reason. Kemp didn't say that Powell was "CONSERVATIVE" on ever issue, now did he allen?
P Allen "Tammy Bruce calls Michelle Obama Trash"
Sarah Palin has been called trash too allen. So what's your point. Sounds like "equality" in the insults allen.
p allen "Before removing the course language, religious conservative backed writer Burt Prelutsky called Michelle Obama A BITCH!"
Sarah Palin was called a bitch the first day she came on the national scene allen, so what is your point again? If anything, liberals fired the first shot and conservatives fired back in their own way.
CB;Sarah Palin has been called trash too allen. So what's your point. Sounds like "equality" in the insults allen.
Sarah Palin was called a bitch the first day she came on the national scene allen, so what is your point again? If anything, liberals fired the first shot and conservatives fired back in their own way".
Tyrone, you asked;""What do you think would be the consequences?" But your above answers indicate that the conservative defense for calling Michelle Obama "trash" and a "bitch", is it happened to Sarah Palin???
So any attacks against Sarah Palin call for an attack against Michelle Obama? So who get's attacked if Michelle Obama is attacked? How about Laura Bush... better still Barbara Bush?? No, no how about Cindy McCain or Lynne Cheney?? Frankly, Nancy Reagan would be the best choice!!!
From here on...if Michelle Obama is joked about or attacked Tyrone, "even stevens" on Nancy Reagan!
(Of course I would never act so childishly and stupid to stoop so low, but hopefully you get my drift)
Well for your information Allen a lot of Animal Rights Activists are leftists genius!
PETA is a far-left whacko group and they compared the insultingly compared African Americans to animals raised for food in one of their most offensive campaigns known as "Are Animals the New Slaves" and their earlier and equally insulting campaign "Holocaust on Your Plate"!
The PETA has a lot in common with the Democrat Party they pimp non-whites for their causes!
You Fail Allen!
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