Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hell knows no fury like Hillary Clinton scorned!

People use to tell me all the time last year that Hillary Clinton was a cool calculating person. Where was that so called cool, calm and collective person yesterday? The Secretary of State not only humiliated herself but also embarrassed our country in the process. Just when I've gotten use to Obama being an embarrassment to our country, now Hillary has to come along and try to upstage him I guess. Hillary was in the African nation of Congo taking questions from students. One of the students asked her "What "President Obama" thinks about China's growing influence. The translator goofed up and translated the student's question as "What "Mr. Clinton" thinks about China's growing influence". Hillary can sum it up better then I can.

Some members of the Baghdad Bob media are calling Hillary's angry outburst "minor". If that was minor, I hate to see her when she is really ticked off. I have yet to see or hear any reports of Hillary issuing an apology for her behavior. It still looks like Bill is a touchy subject with Hillary. Blame it on the pants suits.


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