Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Watermelons and State Troopers and Obama oh my!

Dan Rather is the latest left wing nut job to stick his foot in his mouth by making a racially insensitive remark in an attempt to try and smear Republicans. Sunday on Chris Matthews syndicated show that few people watch if any, Dan Rather made the comment "The Republicans will make a case and a lot of independents will buy this argument. “Listen he just hasn’t been, look at the health care bill. It was his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death.” And a version of, “Listen he’s a nice person, he’s very articulate,” this is what’s been used against him, “but he couldn't’t sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.”

My question is why would Dan Rather think Republicans would say such a thing and independents would buy into it? To me it just shows how racially obsessed yet again liberal Democrats are. Dan was sitting next Chris Matthews who himself said that during Obama's SOTU address "he forgot he was looking at a black guy for an hour".

Liberals again seem to have a problem accepting the fact that Obama is the president and is black. I don't pay much attention to Dan Rather any ways. He's just a dinosaur in the news business who can't come to grips that the liberals no longer control the content and distribution of the news. It was funny watching Chris Matthews quickly trying to drone out Dan Blather as soon as the word watermelon rolled off Dan's tongue. Since Dan isn't a Republican or an independent, how does he know how they think or what they would say in reference to Obama, watermelons, and state troopers? Has Dan become a psychic or is he just showing others how mentally frail his mind is as with most liberals?


Blogger GregGVDC said...

Need this example say more?

Anyone wanna hold take a wager on which one of the Liberal activists will state his comments were taken out of context? How about this one, lets take a POLL on who will be first to raise hell about this
Jessie Jackson
Al Sharpton
None of the above X

Before we all know it, Rush, Sean, and all of talk radio will be blamed for pointing this out.

MAtthews knew it was outrageous, look at how he stutters words at the end of the Rather spew.

Still, these are the same people whom most Liberals refference as fact seekers, and innovative journalists.

Simply brilliant!

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is too funny and it reveals that liberals have been projecting their flaws onto others namely conservatives. Liberal Democrat Party is hypocritical and two faced about racism as usual.
The only thing more sickening than Rather's words is the Damage control will be given full throttle to protect him from scrutiny!

I need a barf bag!

3:51 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

GregGVDC"Before we all know it, Rush, Sean, and all of talk radio will be blamed for pointing this out. "

Of course Greg. They'll just "deflect" criticism of their actions and then they will isolate any conservative bringing the criticism and then polarize the conservatives as being the "true cause". This outline is their playbook. This is what they did to Rush when he played "magic negro" parody. Liberals didn't attack David Ehrenstein of the Los Angeles Times, even though he was the one who called Obama the magic negro. They ignored him, because David is a black liberal. They isolated and polarized Rush instead.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

GregGVDC "MAtthews knew it was outrageous, look at how he stutters words at the end of the Rather spew.
Still, these are the same people whom most Liberals refference as fact seekers, and innovative journalists."

Michael Steele should have been raising hell over what Rather said since Monday, but he is nowhere to be found. He should have demanded Dan Rather apologize. I just hope the few rational people who were bored enough to watch Matthew's show was turned off by what Rather said.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Sojournerlove"This is too funny and it reveals that liberals have been projecting their flaws onto others namely conservatives. Liberal Democrat Party is hypocritical and two faced about racism as usual.The only thing more sickening than Rather's words is the Damage control will be given full throttle to protect him from scrutiny!"

These are the same liberal frauds who claimed Joe Wilson was a racist because he said Obama "lied". LOL Compared to watch Democratic liberals have called Obama since he came on the scene in 2004, liberals should be bared from even mentioning the words racism and racist and racially insensitive.

5:03 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Dan Rather is the latest left wing nut job to stick his foot in his mouth by making a racially insensitive remark in an attempt to try and smear Republicans. Sunday on Chris Matthews syndicated show that few people watch if any".

Wow! Oh well, I guess you caught ole' Dan making "racist" comments. I'd guess he ought to be ashamed for using "watermelons" and a Black politicians name in the same sentence. Hell, it's just wrong for a "broadcaster" to use stereotypical racist terms in reference to a Black politician.

Like you said Tyrone, fortunately he appeared on a show that "few people watch if any." That shows that few, if any, "liberal types" share Dan Rathers racist outlooks!

How many here agree with my assessment? Agreed?

Now, how about let's all agreeing that THIS RACIST BROADCASTER made a comment in the exact same "stereotypical" vane as Dan Rather!

"So, David Paterson will become the massa...who gets to appoint whoever gets to take Massa's place. So, for the first time in his life, Paterson's gonna be a massa. Interesting, interesting"
-Rush Limbaugh, 03-09-2010-

Limbaugh is a "broadcaster" who has a "HUGE" conservative audience. Doe's that show that a large number of conservatives are racist??????

Now Tyrone, you've got to defend Limbaugh. You've put your thoughts out there on Rather's "watermelon" comment in asking that;

CB;"Michael Steele should have been raising hell over what Rather said since Monday, but he is nowhere to be found. He should have demanded Dan Rather apologize".

I can't wait to see how you "spin" this one...

12:21 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Now, how about let's all agreeing that THIS RACIST BROADCASTER made a comment in the exact same "stereotypical" vane as Dan Rather!"

Lets start from the beginning allen. If you consider Rush a racist for how he used Masa's name in regards to Paterson, then you must also agree that every liberal democrat who uses the words, "house nigger", " simple sambo", "house slave", "uncle tom" must also be as "racist" as Rush right allen? Remember what Hillary said back in 2005 in a black church. "The house is run like a "plantation", you all know what I mean. I still don't know what Hillary meant. As for Rush using Massa's name when talking about Paterson. It isn't a secret in New York that Paterson was merely a puppet taking orders from the Democratic establishment.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Limbaugh is a "broadcaster" who has a "HUGE" conservative audience. Doe's that show that a large number of conservatives are racist??????"

Me defend Rush?lol When the fact are presented, I call it like I see it. I did see you deflect the attention away from Rather and Matthews and made it about Rush instead, so who's defending who here allen?

p allen "Limbaugh is a "broadcaster" who has a "HUGE" conservative audience. Doe's that show that a large number of conservatives are racist??????"

You should know all about spinning allen. You do it well enough. Also, check out the demographic breakdown of Rush's audience. He also has a large audience of those who call themselves independents and he has a large amount of liberals as well. Research allen

p allen "Like you said Tyrone, fortunately he appeared on a show that "few people watch if any." That shows that few, if any, "liberal types" share Dan Rathers racist outlooks!"

Clowns like Rather and Matthews are irrelevant actually. I bring them up every time they say something stupid and mental as a way to expose them for the fringe kooks that they are. If anything they are good useful idiots allen. The question that needs to be asked is this

"Why are liberals stills obsessed with race in 2010 in what is suppose to be a post racial era under Obama"?

The question is why did Rather say what he said? That is the million dollar question that won't get answered. I can make political points and comments all they long about Obama, and I don't have to use any type of racial lingo what so ever. When I saw Obama giving the state of union address. I saw Obama. I never thought like Matthews "for an hour I forgot I was watching a black guy" stuff. Why are liberals still racially paranoid in having to use race in every situation?

12:56 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Lets start from the beginning allen. If you consider Rush a racist for how he used Masa's name in regards to Paterson,,, blah, blah blah, etc...".

Very poor try Tyrone...very poor..

Limbaugh said;

"So, David Paterson will become the massa...who gets to appoint whoever gets to take Massa's place. So, for the first time in his life, Paterson's gonna be a massa."


You defenitly thought what Dan Rather said was...

What say you???

Don't waste all you spins!

4:01 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Also, check out the demographic breakdown of Rush's audience. He also has a large audience of those who call themselves independents and he has a large amount of liberals as well. Research allen".

It's exactly as how I've noted several times here Tyrone... YOU DON'T DO RESEARCH! You just make your facts up...

"LARGE" non-conservative audience for....RUSH LIMBAUGH????? Not according to this survey!!! Tyrone, at one time didn't you advise that we use so-called "reputable" research out lets?

As of Feb. 2009, Fully 80% of those who said they regularly listened to Limbaugh's show were self-identified conservatives, compared with 7% who were moderates and 10% who were liberals".
-Pew Research, Feb. 3, 2009-

So I guess you think that 7% and 10% respectively, constitutes a "LARGE" amount of Limbaugh's audience? Okay...fine with me.

But what about the "LARGE" percentage of Black conservatives! Whoa Boy!!! There's also a "LARGE" percentage of conservatives that watch Kieth Olberman! How about that "LARGE" percentage of Black voters for John McCain!! How about the "LARGE" share of the cable news ratings for MSNBC!

The only thing "large" here, is your over-inflated conservative ego...

5:32 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"every liberal democrat who uses the words, "house nigger", " simple sambo", "house slave", "uncle tom" must also be as "racist" as Rush right allen?".


If you're referring to the comment that Warren Ballentine made about Juan Williams, then definitely NO!!

When used in a particular context, those terms have a specific and reserved meaning. When used, or projected, from one Black person toward another Black person, those terms express the thought that a Black person is being "subservient" to Whites. It's the same as if a Jewish person called another Jew a "Nazi collaborator", or a "Palestinian sympathizer." Would you consider those terms "racist"?????

Is it an insult?? YES! By all means, it is an insult. However, it's not "racist." Ballentine didn't say "all" Blacks should "go back to the porch." He directed his insult at Williams.

6:21 PM  
Blogger GregGVDC said...

I SAID-Before we all know it, Rush, Sean, and all of talk radio will be blamed for pointing this out.

CB, Its like having my own crystal ball before me. Did I say that Rush was going to be involved or what? Just as Rush is apperantly Racist for his statements about Massa.

I SAID-Anyone wanna hold take a wager on which one of the Liberal activists will state his comments were taken out of context?
Its like reading the stiches on a fastball! You can predict the defense used by the left before they can finish reading the last sentence in the HUFF PO about how to blame this on Rush or Conservatives.
Too funny!

1:49 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

GregGVDC "CB, Its like having my own crystal ball before me. Did I say that Rush was going to be involved or what? Just as Rush is apperantly Racist for his statements about Massa."

You called it right on the nose Greg. They are so predictable in every way. Since Rush is the most influential conservative in America, they will stop at nothing in their attempt to demonize him as the origin of a comment when it he is merely responding to it.

2:53 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

What?? Man O' Man! Not one bit of evidence, and you guys are patting each other on the back??? For proving absolutely nothing!!!

Greg;"Before we all know it, Rush, Sean, and all of talk radio will be blamed for pointing this out".

Show "who, where or when" Rush, Sean and all of talk radio has been blamed! Rather wrote a piece explaining his reference to the president, and posted it on the Huffington Post. Even he didn't mention any of the afore stated.

CB;"Of course Greg. They'll just "deflect" criticism of their actions.

Deflect criticism??? You mean like, when I asked you if what Limbaugh said was racist, and you replied;

"If you consider Rush a racist for how he used Masa's name in regards to Paterson, then you must also agree that every liberal democrat who uses the words, "house nigger", " simple sambo", "house slave", "uncle tom" must also be as "racist" as Rush right allen".

"Deflection"....like that??

Greg;"How about this one, lets take a POLL on who will be first to raise hell about this
Jessie Jackson
Al Sharpton
None of the above X"

NONE OF THE ABOVE X!! If Jackson, Sharpton or MSNBC have attempted to "raise hell", or even otherwise "defend" Rathers comments, show where or when it has happened! I haven't seen nor heard it...

Sourjornerlove;"Liberal Democrat Party is hypocritical and two faced about racism as usual".

I'm not going to "broad brush" an entire political party as being hypocritical. However I will call it out on those who do it here! They know who they are....

CB;"The question is why did Rather say what he said?".

I can't begin to tell you. If he did it simply because he view's a "Black President" as a watermelon, then yes, he made a racist comment. If it was simply an "off the cuff" cliche', it's no big deal. Only Rather knows his intent. However, I will say that it was kinda' stupid on his part.

Now, that I've answered your question;

12:31 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

I won't broad brush "ALL" conservatives as "hypocrites and racist." That's just not the case. However, conservatives are notorious for "spinning" the facts. In many case's some conservatives (particularly the hierarchy) just flat out lie in order to achieve certain political goals.

Tyrone, I've told you before that I believe you "blindly follow" the conservative mold. The fact is, in many cases you've taken what you've been told by your conservative mentors are "truth." In many instances, you simply repeat their rhetoric, or espouse and idea without checking it out for yourself.

CB;"He also has a large audience of those who call themselves independents and he has a large amount of liberals as well. Research allen".

I have no idea who told you that, but it's just NOT TRUE! The "conservative-viewed" Pew Charitable Trusts/Pew Research has surveyed Limbaugh's audience as 80% conservative.

Greg also has a bad case of the "conservative spin and truth doctoring." On a previous thread I made a plain and simply statement that U.S. tax payer funds are used to support and pay for Iraqi universal health care. A simply Google or Bing search would have answered the question for him. Instead he stated this;

"Again, there is not a single bit of truth, only perception in regards to this statement".

U.S. tax dollars do pay for health care in Iraq.

Conservative talk radio and conservative television has indeed become a huge phenomenon. There's no doubting that. However, what you should keep in mind is that conservative media (as with all media) is driven by the all-mighty dollar. They must play to the audience's idealistic want's and needs in order to keep them afloat.

But just like what's said in the so-called "Liberal Media", one should be cautious and aware of what the highly paid right-wing political pundits tell you.

Look at it like this. I've often heard right-wing pundits proclaim that the "Liberal Media" has taken side's with the Democratic Party. If you believe this is so, wouldn't it make sense for the Republican Party to take-up side's with "right-wing" media? Hell, no politician would never want to be left out!

10:25 PM  
Anonymous allyHM said...

p. anthony allen:

1. I'm beginning to think that the "p." stands for petulant. I don't believe I've ever seen you post here with using ALL CAPS and multiple ??? and !!!

2. Why do you bother? No one here is really listening to your drivel. Oh, sure, you get a response, but do you honestly think anyone here takes you seriously? The smart answer to this one is, "no."

9:41 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

allHM;"I'm beginning to think that the "p." stands for petulant. I don't believe I've ever seen you post here with using ALL CAPS and multiple ??? and !!!".

No, the "P" stands for, Pierre!!! As far as the multiple punctuation's, I have used them often here. Internet blog posting is a lot less formal than, let's say...writing for a Newspaper, national magazine or publication. It's kinda like how posters use one of these, :o)

allHM;"Why do you bother? No one here is really listening to your drivel. Oh, sure, you get a response, but do you honestly think anyone here takes you seriously? The smart answer to this one is, "no".

Why do I bother? allHM, our motives may not be the same for reading and posting here, but I assure you that our interest's are the same. I believe the problem you have with me, is that you just don't agree with what I have to say.

I used to read and post on mostly "liberal" or left-wing leaning sites. I found that for the most part that they (like most partisan political sites) are for the most part "love-fests." Ninety-nine percent of the posters tend to blindly agree, embrace on sided thought, and often confer ceremonial praise on the blog author. Simply put, it got boring...

As I've told others who have questioned why I post here, and those who believe no one reads (or is listening) to what I have to say, I am allowed to post here by the grace of the Blog author, Tyrone (aka, Conservative Brother). Only he can silence that "drivel" you might loath so well...

Moreover, you seem to have taken a vicarious authority to proclaim that "anyone here" would not take make seriously. Perhaps others here would allow you to speak for them. However, as I stated before, there is only one person that can prevent me from posting "one single typed character" on this blog. It's quite fortunate for me that the person is not "YOU"!!!!!!

4:18 AM  
Blogger M. K. Clarke said...

Radio talk show host Andrew Wilkow says this best: "Those who scream racism, bigotry and intolerance are THE most intolerant, most bigoted and most racist among them all." Truer words were never spoken; liberals will forever project their insecurities, hatred, vitriol and spew on the right side, b/c they cannot argue the facts or present their side in a favorable light. What's even more disgustingly ironic: they call CONSERVATIVES the nasty names for pointing out the OBVIOUS bigotry they hold for blacks.

I liken this to the Alice-in-Wonderland like minstrel show liberals project on blacks--and sadder still, many blacks don't see they're being played like a finely tuned fiddle by the rabid, intolerant Left, in the misguided notion of "whitey owes us!" I know this first hand: I'm black/Cherokee mix, but I'm an albino. Growing up, I was demonized by ignorant blacks as much as I was pitied by ignorant whites and I never knew why I didn't quite fit in. Thanks to liberalism--more on the Marxism/Communism side that true liberalism like Nat Hentoff represents--we are discussing the same, tired, threadbare issues of race they swore in the 1960s and 1970s they'd strive for the world in "peace and harmony." Yeah, right. So much for the Great Uniter's done for the country, huh? If he were one, he'd call Rather out on such an idiotic remark; instead, Matthews plays Rather's wet nurse and shelters Obama--again. It's damn sad.

I never had much use for Rather; he's as true a bigot to blacks as they all are, and pointing that out to them--and other inconsistencies-- only gets their spew on you.

I don't blame Rather, Obama or the rest of the lib ilk for this level of hatred and disgust; it's what they do and who they are. I blame the blacks who willfully refuse to see this manipulation, for those of us who do and don't call them on it enough, and for us not consistently standing up to their bullying crap no matter how tiring it gets to do. Maybe it wouldn't be this bad had we done this. When Jefferson was asked by a voter in the 18th century if were were a democracy, he replied, "Ma'am, you are in a republic . . . IF you can keep it." I might be off bit on this (I heard this on the great radio host Bob Grant), but it's so, so true.

Brilliant post, CB, absolutely capital.


3:34 PM  
Blogger M. K. Clarke said...

p.anthony allen, let's set you straight once and for all, dude. I'm not going to copy/paste all your replies, b/c honestly, that much spin can be boiled down to straight facts, since those are things useful idiots on the left love to avoid.

1. Everyone needs to work to afford things they want to buy, enjoy and live their lives in peace. That said, liberals who LOVE to portray themselves as "caring more than the check pants Republican" and vilify the SAME Republican for having nice things are indeed the SAME liberals who are steeped in hypocrisy Want some examples? Rosie O, who whined how guns were bad and should all be banned, lives in her gated community and has ARMED bodyguards. So, allen, liberals love two sets of rules for society: Do as we say, not as we do. That dog don't hunt no more.

2. Yes, there's hypocrisy on BOTH sides; we're human and we not perfect. But like Jesus said to the ones who claimed to follow God and he confronted them with, "Not everyone who calls me will I know them." (paraphrasing mine) Meaning: you can talk a good game, but when it comes right down to it, your actions speak far louder than your intentions and words. I'll call someone on the right a hypocrite as much as I will do so with those on the left; thing is, it's more PREVALANT there b/c conservatives don't hang their shingles out, reading the "I'm the Do-Gooder, look at me!" for the world to see. Did you ever see Mother Teresa announcing loudly, boldly and proclaiming what her life's work was? Nope. Nor will you EVER see a rabid leftist NEVER shut up about all the great works he's done (Sean Penn, Al Gore, Brangelina, et. al). So that blows your fact of how conservatives are all hypocrites out the water.

3. allen, WHY do you insist to lower the right's standards to justify the left's? I'll agree that the checked-pants, conutry club Repub types don't get in the inner cities as much as does ACORN or SEIU or the ACLU, and to that, you have the advantage. However, since you had that advantage, why are the liberals like yourself--and I didn't say you, per se, so don't holler about how I said you, specifically, I meant this in a generic term--ALWAYS telling inner-city folks to get angry at whitey? Or to look to the Feds for assistance to everything from toothpaste to regrouting tile? When will you liberals EVER TEACH the inner city disadvantaged to fish, so they may fish for the rest of their lives, rather than give them fish so they eat for a day, only? Those fish get real damn pricey, allen, or had you noticed paying crazy tax hikes over the years?

4. Are there Republican bigots? Yes, of course. So? Again, this stems back to what CB, Greg and SouljournerLove said about liberalism: they spin, twist and misinform deliberately b/c they HAVE no facts to stand on, so they--like YOU, allen--will play wordgames all day until people are tired of your crap, then go back to their business--and you, allen, and the rest of your lib ilk are free to wreck havoc more.

"So, David Paterson will become the massa...who gets to appoint whoever gets to take Massa's place. So, for the first time in his life, Paterson's gonna be a massa. Interesting, interesting"
-Rush Limbaugh, 03-09-2010-

5. Where's your outrage over Chris Matthews's "I forgot Obama was black for an hour" during his SOTU address? Where's your outrage over Al Sharpton's STILL not paying Steven Pagonas his $385,000 for defamation of character over a charge Pagonas didn't do? But you want to get ticked and spin Rush's play on words about Massa/Paterson an see this as closet bigotry, but say NOTHING to the aforementioned liberal outright bigotry to Obama and to blacks overall? allen, you have no argument, no ground, and no credibility--until you start seeing what your compatriots do and say for what they are, don't spin the unspinnable.

Thank me :-).


4:00 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

The comparison between Rather and Limbaugh is both invidious and disingenuous.

Rather's verbal gaffe was made by a man who supports political correctness and prides himself on his "sensitivity" for others, while Limbaugh, like many Conservatives does NOT support political correctness and thus feels free to mock the inept David Patterson as he would, say, Joe Biden.

It's the equivalent of comparing a preacher who preaches against homosexuality getting caught having sex with a male parishioner and comparing that to an "anything goes" entertainer being revealed as having had a homosexual affair....it's ONLY a big deal for the former because of the preacher's ideological stance, it's no big deal for the latter, as that entertainer didn't espouse that viewpoint.

It's the same here, Rather subscribes to that toxic pathology known as "political correctness" and Limbaugh doesn't....that's why such statements are a big deal for Rather but not for Limbaugh.

And for the record, David Patterson isn't merely "A Governor in trouble," his entire tenure has been comically incompetent.

Patterson's not just been a bad Governor, he's been abysmal and for that he deserves the scorn and derision, along with the demands by most newspapers in New York for him to resign.

That alleged Limbaugh quote is "insensitive" at worst, but hardly indicative any racial ill-will.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous allyHM said...

p. allen,

CB is much more patient with you than I would be. As to blogging being less formal, of course it is, sweetie. But it is also universal that excessive use of punctuation marks such as ! and ? indicates either a juvenile is writing or someone who is just into his own little drama.

As to my taking on the "authority" of everyone here, you're stretching it, there. It's clear to me that most of the rest of us are laughing and shaking our heads as we respond to you...much like one would do in responding to, say, a misguided and hystrionic 15-year-old. Hmmmm.....

11:39 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Here is my assessment;

The "system" is not working for Blacks. But don't misconstrue the meaning of "system." I'm not talking about the capitalist or democratic system of government. I referring to the "system" as it relates to "culture."

Culturally, Blacks in the inner cities, are broken. Our families are broken, our spirits are broken. Therefore an internal "systematic" change must take place in order to repair ourselves.

I've used the Arab community here in Detroit as an example. In every aspect of there existence in the America, the Arabs have maintained the core of their culture.

-Economically, they sell each other what they eat, wear, read, and watch. In doing this, they support thriving business sector's in the neighborhoods which they live, and also provides jobs.
-Politically, they cast their votes and elect people who are community minded and oriented. Thus, only those who are known and trusted in the community are elected to represent the community.
-Educationally, they support programs and practices that benefit their children. And most important,
-SPIRITUALLY, all of their houses of worship are interconnected organizationally and financially.

Simply put, the have a system, BASED ON THEIR ETHNIC CULTURE (race) that supports their communities. They don't ask "whitey" for nothing!!!

4:05 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Here is my assessment;

The "system" is not working for Blacks. But don't misconstrue the meaning of "system." I'm not talking about the capitalist or democratic system of government. I referring to the "system" as it relates to "culture."

Culturally, Blacks in the inner cities, are broken. Our families are broken, our spirits are broken. Therefore an internal "systematic" change must take place in order to repair ourselves.

I've used the Arab community here in Detroit as an example. In every aspect of there existence in the America, the Arabs have maintained the core of their culture.

-Economically, they sell each other what they eat, wear, read, and watch. In doing this, they support thriving business sector's in the neighborhoods which they live, and also provides jobs.
-Politically, they cast their votes and elect people who are community minded and oriented. Thus, only those who are known and trusted in the community are elected to represent the community.
-Educationally, they support programs and practices that benefit their children. And most important,
-SPIRITUALLY, all of their houses of worship are interconnected organizationally and financially.

Simply put, the have a system, BASED ON THEIR ETHNIC CULTURE (race) that supports their communities. They don't ask "whitey" for nothing!!!

4:05 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

M.K. Clarke;"So that blows your fact of how conservatives are all hypocrites out the water".

Ms. Clark, I don't post here set "set any one straight." I post here to give my opinion. Perhaps you should "get your own facts and idea's straight" before accusing me of saying something I did not, and would not say!!!

In previous post's on this thread, I said this;

"I won't broad brush "ALL" conservatives as "hypocrites and racist." That's just not the case".
and this;
"I'm not going to "broad brush" an entire political party as being hypocritical".

I think that shows you don't listen or even pay attention to others idea's or opinions. So, how could you possibly "set someone straight", and yet have not read or listened to what they've said? I say this as it would apply to you as a "PERSON." Not as a "conservative" or a person of any other political or social ilk, but simply a person.

M.K. Clarke;"When will you liberals EVER TEACH the inner city disadvantaged to fish, so they may fish for the rest of their lives, rather than give them fish so they eat for a day, only? Those fish get real damn pricey, allen, or had you noticed paying crazy tax hikes over the years?".

I don't teach (or preach) that anyone should live on the governments dole. I preach that Blacks in the inner cities should "ban together" and form our own economic, political, social, educational and spiritual institutions. Presently, that's not the case.

I tell many Black's, "don't ask whitey for nothing, go out and build something with blacks, for blacks"! Unfortunately, blacks are divided to the point where most seem to be looking out for themselves. That applies from the richest Blacks, to the poorest.

Here in Detroit there are thousands of churches. Every church has a preacher who has divided his flock from others in order to line his own pockets. The same goes for the politicians. Our former mayor, city council and political organizations all had separate schemes going in order to line their own crooked pockets.

In the last 15 years, the "elected" school board and the superintendents have mis-used and/or stolen millions from the school system. Our schools are now run by a state appointed Financial Manager who has cut personnel, educational programs and closed several neighborhood schools.

Blacks are so divided that even in the most prosperous areas occupied by majority black residents, no one who lives in the neighborhood owns the businesses. The few businesses that are there, are owned by Arabs.

4:05 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

M.K. Clarke;"like YOU, allen--will play wordgames all day until people are tired of your crap, then go back to their business--and you, allen, and the rest of your lib ilk are free to wreck havoc more".

What people are tired of hearing, is, what the don't want to hear!!! Usually it's something they don't agree with...

I'll say this again...

As for conservatives and Conservative Republicans, I will "broad brush" them with one particular practice. That is the willingness to "spin, lie and demonize" any other political agenda that is not their own. Conversely, when the Republicans were in power at the national level, Liberals and Liberal Democrats did much of the same. I know liberals did, I saw it done!

However, under the present political structure, when Democrats or Republicans disagreed with an agenda, or even the choice of a particular candidate, they would simply cross party lines and vote the other way, or just flat out quit to join the other party.

But it is within the Conservative Republican "far-right" that there's talk of breaking ranks to create a "third" party. And in some instances seceding from the union all together!!

Recent history shows us that such an occurrence took place in the late 1940's, early 50's, when fringe elements of the 2 party system (at the time it was Democrats) broke away from the mainstream party to pursue a radical agenda. Could the "spinning, lying and demonizing" be taking us down that road again??

4:38 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Culturally, Blacks in the inner cities, are broken. Our families are broken, our spirits are broken. Therefore an internal "systematic" change must take place in order to repair ourselves."

This question should set you off like a rocket. Who's fault is it that black families are broken? Who caused the internal systematic change? It wasn't like this 50 years ago. The poison had to have come from somewhere right? How did the inner cities come to be what they are allen? Who's been running the inner cities for the last 40 or so years? Are social programs helping blacks in the inner cities? A lot of questions I know allen, but take your time in answering them.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

allyHM"CB is much more patient with you than I would be. As to blogging being less formal, of course it is, sweetie. But it is also universal that excessive use of punctuation marks such as ! and ? indicates either a juvenile is writing or someone who is just into his own little drama."

Every time allen speaks ally, he just makes me look good. So allen does serve a purpose. lol I'm still trying to deprogram him. It's a work in progress. I still can't believe that allen is actually a school teacher. I feel so bad for those kids.:-(

10:06 AM  
Blogger M. K. Clarke said...

allen, I guess you missed the part in my post you copied/pasted before, that read, "don't spin the unspinnable." When you get back to me about hoe the Left hold an even more sinister agenda than anything the Right/Conservatives will ever do, we can talk; otherwise, save that tired vitriol and spew for someone like Howard Dean, who said during his Prez bid in 2004 that Blacks are only good enough to clean up hotel ballrooms (paraphrasing mine). Or Hillary putting on a phony-ass, so-called Black dialect accent when SHE was stumping: "I don't feel no ways tired." Or the cou'p de grac': In Biden's book, where he said Obama was a clean, articulate light-skinned Black with no known Negro dialect," why'd it take him 2 years to apologize for that remark? A

As I said, allen, when you're over the spin delusions the left hold over you--and you let yourself hold over you--come on over to the right. It's nice here. *smile*

CB, is this guy Tom Marr's "T.W." or what? *smile* Keep up the good fight, brother.


2:16 PM  
Blogger M. K. Clarke said...

CB said:
Every time allen speaks ally, he just makes me look good. So allen does serve a purpose. lol I'm still trying to deprogram him. It's a work in progress. I still can't believe that allen is actually a school teacher. I feel so bad for those kids.:-(

Yikes. I'm sure glad I homeschool :-). And, yes, I feel for the kids, too.

2:20 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"This question should set you off like a rocket. Who caused the internal systematic change? It wasn't like this 50 years ago".


Fifty (plus) years ago Blacks were segregated by a "system" that denied basic rights that were afforded by the U.S. constitution. Oddly, that system worked although Blacks were forced to, stay in their own neighborhoods, attend their own schools, operate and patronize their own businesses, and attend their own churches.

Integration is the "root cause" in the demise of many Black communities. Forced integration accelerated the process.

In the early 1960's, I remember almost every household on the block having two parent families. Because Detroit was the Automobile Capital, most of the men worked in the local auto plants. However I do remember having neighborhood friends who's parents were electricians, teachers, shop and small business owners, musicians, and a close friend who's father was a lawyer.

Yet, by the mid 1970's (post Civil Rights era ) all of this had changed. What happened is that those who were the brightest and most vital to the communities began to "integrate" into what once were "all White" communities.

2:50 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

By the mid to late 1970's "forced busing" and "equal opportunity housing" became a force for integration. In turn, White's began to leave the communities and schools in these area's.

Many Black neighborhoods lost the "core" base of business owners and educated professionals as they "moved on up" to integrate with Whites. These were the residents that helped provide stability, and in many cases jobs for the community. The automotive industry began to shrink it's workforce roles which also helped accelerate the demise of many vibrant Black neighborhoods.

Making matters worse was even more government intervention. The government "literally" stepped in and demanded that the man leave the home when social economic situations began to decline.

The irony is that this trend continues to this day!

So Tyrone, it seems as though you believe things were better (50+ years ago) when Blacks had their own neighborhoods, businesses, economic base, schools, and basically took responsibility for ourselves without government intervention ...am I right?

All along, that's exactly what I've been telling you! Blacks need to form our own businesses, schools, political base and ideology, spiritual ideology and economic base.

Here's the rub;

Never in the history of mankind has a "entire people" who have been enslaved, persecuted, segregated, discriminated against, or otherwise, successfully prospered within a society, or using the system of that society, that enslaved, persecuted, segregated, discriminated against them!

Take the Native American as a prime example. One hundred and fifty plus years after the Indian Appropriations Act, almost half of the native Americans still live on reservations. Quality of life on these reservations in most cases is equivalent to that of third world counties.

With the exception of Indian Casino's (due to 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, a.k.a., "reparations") the American Indian still ranks among the poorest people in American society.

4:22 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

allyHM, your sentiments are part and parcel of the main reasons for me posting on this site!!!!

I enjoy a spirited debate. So please don't hold back your feelings or sentiments. Otherwise I'll get bored and possibly stop posting.

allHM;"But it is also universal that excessive use of punctuation marks such as ! and ? indicates either a juvenile is writing or someone who is just into his own little drama".

It's all about "DRAMA"!!!!! Obviously it's working!!!!!! lol - ;o( ?????

4:32 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

JMK;"ONLY a big deal for the former because of the preacher's ideological stance, it's no big deal for the latter, as that entertainer didn't espouse that viewpoint".

I see exactly what you're saying, however, I don't agree.

You're saying that Limbaugh doesn't subscribe to the regulated idea of "political correctness", which makes him more open to use expressions and terms that liberals claim are "off limits" in media circles. But does it make Limbaugh right?? Or just???

If "ideological stance" is key to the type of statements one makes, why attack Black rappers for using the "N" word? Why attack Black Liberals for referring to Black conservatives as "Uncle Toms", or "Oreo's?"

Using your same equation of the preacher and the entertainer, if a Black liberal (who's "ideological stance" is anything goes, and always blame whitey) calls Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom", should it "not be a big deal?"

Thus, it's only a "big deal" if, let's say, Michael Steele were to call Thomas an Uncle Tom, because Steele is not prone to think that way. So if someone like Al Sharpton calls Thomas an Uncle Tom, it shouldn't be a "big deal" because of his "ideological stance"????

My point is, shouldn't it be "wrong" for anyone to use racially charged statements?

4:47 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Ms. Clark, I guess you missed the part where you accused me of saying (posting) something I didn't say. One good thing about Blog posting is that when someone makes a "false accusation", one cannot deny what they've said, when "PROVEN" false. That FACT is, if you so choose, you can ignore me...But you can't ignore the FACTS!!

M.K. Clarke;"When you get back to me about hoe the Left hold an even more sinister agenda than anything the Right/Conservatives will ever do, we can talk; otherwise, save that tired vitriol and spew for someone like Howard Dean".

How the "Left" is more sinister???? Say whuuuuddd??

My opinion is that "ALL POLITICS" have the potential to become "sinister." Again, I don't believe for a moment that "ALL" conservatives and/or Republicans are hypocritical, racist, sinister, or similar connotations of negative adjectives you might apply.

However, for me to, "get back to you" only when I agree with your agenda, is the same as asking me to stop thinking for myself. Sorry, but I'll stick with my own thoughts and opinions. Personally, for 50+ years they've worked just fine for me!

8:05 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

"Thus, it's only a "big deal" if, let's say, Michael Steele were to call Thomas an Uncle Tom, because Steele is not prone to think that way. So if someone like Al Sharpton calls Thomas an Uncle Tom, it shouldn't be a "big deal" because of his "ideological stance"????" (PAA)

Well, that's an invidious comparison. It would certainly be a "bigger deal" as in UNEXPECTED and thus unacceptable for someone like Mike Steele to call Justice Thomas a racially charged name, but it would be EXPECTED of Al Sharpton NOT because of his ideology, but for his and those losers who "blame society" or "whitey" for everything are prone to saying such mind-numbingly dumb things.

That's why the words of folks like Sharpton and others on the far-Left hold little credibility.

Again, Rather used a poor choice of words, which was hypocritical given his PC zealotry, while Limbaugh's use of satire, though it may offend the overly sensitive, is just that satire, a comedic convention used to mock those deserving of mockery.

I'm happy to notice that you haven't insinuated that Limbaugh was wrong about Patterson's incompetence, which is good because Patterson is deserving of even more mockery than he's been hit with lately.

David Patterson is embarrassment to New York State.

3:08 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

"You're saying that Limbaugh doesn't subscribe to the regulated idea of "political correctness", which makes him more open to use expressions and terms that liberals claim are "off limits" in media circles. But does it make Limbaugh right?? Or just???" (PAA)

It makes Limbaugh HUMAN....like everyone else....like say, Dan Rather, Jesse Jackson and Joe Biden, for instance.

But attempting to call Limbaugh on these satirical bits he does is (1) foolish, because in satire, nothing's off limits....ask Al Franken, and (2) again, just as a homosexual affair by a free-wheeling entertainer who isn't at all religious is "no big deal" to those who'd excoriate the preacher who claims to adhere to a religious morality on the issue doing the same, this is pretty much an example of the same sort of scenario.

Limbaugh, doesn't subscribe to political correctness, so he can't be held to the same strictures that you'd expect from PC zealots.

Moreover, Limbaugh's delivery is often satirical and in satire you can take such liberties.

"If "ideological stance" is key to the type of statements one makes, why attack Black rappers for using the "N" word? Why attack Black Liberals for referring to Black conservatives as "Uncle Toms", or "Oreo's?" (PAA)

Again, it's NOT about an ideology at all.

It's about hypocrisy. A PC zealot like Rather, Jackson or Biden making such an insensitive gaffe IS a "big deal" because of the incredible hypocrisy on their parts, similar to the preacher or priest having a homosexual affair.

Limbaugh does NOT adhere to political correctness and rightly feels that such strictures put the best and brightest (those who out-compete others) at a disadvantage to those who'd claim some sort of self-proclaimed "victim's status."

There was nothing "insensitive" about Limbaugh's satirical take on the incredibly, stultifyingly incompetent David Patterson....but there's a good degree of hypocrisy behind Rather's slip of the tongue.

And for the record, blacks criticize rappers for the use of such highly charged racial and sexual terms, because many blacks rightly feel it debases that group to others.

It's not a matter of it being "OK," but it's expected...in the case of most rappers, the phrase, "You can't get silk from a sow's ear" comes to mind.

It's pretty much the same for those who call black Conservatives "oreos" & "uncle Toms"....it's not OK (after all, neither those folks, nor rappers are satirists), but it's expected.

3:08 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

JMK;""foolish, because in satire, nothing's off limits....ask Al Franken".

Oh please JMK.... Al Franken is a comic, turned political pundit, turned politician.

Limbaugh, and his "satire", is viewed by almost all his supporters as a living standard-bearer of conservative politics.

A politician wouldn't "apologize" to the likes of an Al Franken. If anything, politicians have called on Franken to apologize to them!!!!

"Appointed" RNC Chairman, Michael Steele" found out exactly what "not" to say about Limbaugh's satirical views.

“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.

JMK;"Limbaugh, doesn't subscribe to political correctness, so he can't be held to the same strictures that you'd expect from PC zealots".

That's exactly my point!!! PC zealots (as you call them) are not suppose to make racially charged statements. Limbaugh doesn't subscribe to PC because "CONSERVATIVES DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO PC!!" It's just that simple!

Limbaugh is the model conservative. He doesn't care if it's appears racial, sexist, homophobic, what have you. Sarah Palin even said that when Limbaugh calls someone a "retard" it's okay...she understands, it's just satire when it come's from him. However, if you're not "Limbaugh like conservative", you've got hell to pay!

JMK;"but it would be EXPECTED of Al Sharpton NOT because of his ideology, but for his and those losers who "blame society" or "whitey" for everything".

Then explain what you believe Al Sharptons "ideology" is...

Isn't "ideology" a philosophical belief? Isn't it the beliefs or guiding principles of a person or group? According to conservatives, isn't "blame whitey" the supposed belief of the so-called present day Civil Rights establishment?

If not, then explain what you believe Sharpton, Jackson and Farrakhan's ideology is...

I've already stated that Sharpton's ideological stance on most racial issues is a philosophical belief that "whitey" some how is to blame. Thus, I still contend that if you're willing to give Limbaugh a "pass" on a racially charged statement because of his "ideological stance", you must do the same for Sharpton!!!

9:21 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

JMK;"I'm happy to notice that you haven't insinuated that Limbaugh was wrong about Patterson's incompetence".

Attacking his poor job performance would have been more sensible than attacking him racially; "for the first time he's gonna be a massa."

9:44 AM  
Blogger JMK said...

"Attacking his poor job performance would have been more sensible than attacking him racially; "for the first time he's gonna be a massa." (PAA)

I agree that the parody was tasteless, albeit satirical.

I didn't hear that, though I've seen it widely reported, I rarely get to listen to the radio unless I'm driving...and working 24 hour shifts, I very rarely travel in the mid-day.

Limbaugh's been over the top many times, but again, mostly with some satirical bits.

I thought he was far more out of line (and factually wrong) on the Donovan McNabb deal.

I don't believe either makes him a racial bigot, just insensitive.

The problem with Rather's miscue wasn't indicative of being a racial bigot either, though his was far more unexpected and unacceptable given his adherence to the PC code.

10:36 PM  

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