Sunday, September 12, 2010

Part of a Koran did burn today but not in Gainsville Florida.

Would anyone like to take a wild guess where the pages of a Koran meet fire? An un named person burned pages of the Koran at the site where the mosque might be built near ground zero. At first I said I didn't agree with the burning of any Korans. Based on the location of where this Koran was burned by the unnamed individual, it almost seems appropriate based on the location. Nine years ago, the Muslim world cheered that over 3,000 Americans were killed on 911. Saturday, they weren't laughing. The gentlemen who burned pages of a Koran was lead away by New York City Police, but he wasn't arrested. I'm sure the media is burning the midnight oil doing as much opposition research as they can in order to try and paint this guy as some sort of extreme right winger. I know how the media operates. I have a strong feeling that most Americans really won't condemn what this guy did. I know Michael Bloomberg won't be giving the key to New York City to this guy. but he did what a lot of people wish they had the nerve too do. In their eyes in a small way, he is another hero of 911. I doubt Obama will be inviting this guy to the White House for a beer summit anytime soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

brother tyrone ever made this statement
if you burn it you get jihad sharia law.
they burn our flag you get bomps
if you don t they do the same
i can burn quran as wel
download as a pdf file print burn
i wil not be famous
burn the quran does t make this world saver does t bring 3000 people in 9/11 back either world trade center.
i understand the frutration
the stress the sick and tired
some of this muslim or arabs
gotta be other way to fight this
so first moderator see it others

alberto gorin

5:33 AM  
Blogger Speedy G said...

This story won't hit the MSM for another three weeks... AFTER the Moslem's riot and kill a few hundred Christians in retribution.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't condemn the individual who burned a Koran. Many Muslims kill innocent people so I don't give a crap about their sensibilities.

The President of Iran threatened to destroy us I haven't forgotten that threat.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "brother tyrone ever made this statementif you burn it you get jihad sharia law.they burn our flag you get bompsif you don t they do the samei can burn quran as weldownload as a pdf file print burni wil not be famous
burn the quran does t make this world saver does t bring 3000 people in 9/11 back either world trade center.

Americans are getting sick and tired thinking they have to walk on eggs shells when it come to Muslims, because of how oversensitive Muslim Extremists act. I wouldn't have burned it, but I don't fault those who have. Your right, the burning won't bring back those who died on 911 or in other terrorists attacks committed by Islamic radicals, but it would send a message that Americans aren't passive sheep and we won't ever bow to their will, threats and intimidation.

Speedy G"This story won't hit the MSM for another three weeks... AFTER the Moslem's riot and kill a few hundred Christians in retribution."

Or they might try and save the story as some sort of "October Surprise" in which to go after the Tea Party and Republican candidates before the November election. I wouldn't put it pass them.

Sojournerlove "I won't condemn the individual who burned a Koran. Many Muslims kill innocent people so I don't give a crap about their sensibilities.The President of Iran threatened to destroy us I haven't forgotten that threat."

Glad you brought up that fact Sojournerlove. Here's a story of Christians were stabbed in Indonesia by members of the so called religion of peace.

I won't condemn the individual who burned a Koran. Many Muslims kill innocent people so I don't give a crap about their sensibilities. It's stories like this is why I am not sympathetic to Islam.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Joe Conservative said...

The body count continues to escalate.

Who are the "extremists" again? According to the MSM, it's the book burners and NOT the murdering church burners.

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The President ordered all Bibles sent to Afghanistan destroyed last year. Is the Quran better than the Bible? I dont pretend to be a member of Christendom, but the Bible is a book that says turn the other cheeck, but that was only when discussing the gospel, Jesus told his disciples they had the right to defend themselves, not be fools. Muslims dont appreciate the Bible, when the first recorded burqa was in Genesis 38, there they are cakked temple prostitutes. Why are free people allowing Muslims to mAKE Complete fools out of all of them. The mayor of New York has business in Muslim countries and supports the mosque building to keep his business going and he is a Jew, the first person Muslims will kill and blacks will be slaves as they are now in many parts of Africa and they say NOTHING!

2:47 PM  

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