Thursday, September 29, 2011

Janeane Garofalo: Racist Republicans Support Herman Cain.

My timing is spot on as usual. I knew it wouldn't be long before Herman Cain would be targeted. Returning to the what I said in my last post about brainwashing, Janeane Garofalo is one of my favorite examples in illustrating how a racially brainwashed white progressive thinks. She's been spending a lot of time on Olby's show as of late. I guess since she doesn't really have much a career anymore, she has a surplus of time on her hands. This is Janeane on Keith Olberman's show discussing Herman Cain and what Sarah Palin said about his rise in the polls. Janeane went on to say the following

"Herman Cain is probably well liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican party. Conservative movement and tea party movement, one in the same."

Funny she would say that, because a certain percentage of conservatives believe that white liberals voted for Obama mainly as a way to e sponge themselves of white guilt for slavery and the Jim Crow. Since white liberals were telling conservatives that if they didn't vote for Obama, the reason must have been, because Obama is black. Conservatives have a point. Getting back to what Janeane. I wonder could she explain what the Senate Democratic Majority leader Harry Reid meant when he said in a private meeting back in 2008. Why didn't he say that openly if he felt it?

" Obama had a good chance of winning acceptance among white voters because he was a "light skinned" African-American who had "no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

Riddle me this. Since the Republican Party doesn't need a large percentage of blacks in order win the presidency. Why would they need to "hide their racist elements" as Janeane Garofalo believes? This woman is an idiot who actually believes she's intelligent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name one Republican who is racist or was a member of the a racist, separatist group?

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should not be even worthy of news. Even the far-left should shun her but i suppose some would make this news to serve as an example of just how mentally twisted some are capable of being. How ignorant does a fellow human being have to be and how much hate must they contain. Talk about living in your own made-up fantasy land bubble. I dare her to have a one on one with Cain just so she can see who he really is instead of making up conjecture to appease her misinformed mind. What if Cain wins? Will she shoot herself in the head over it? Anyone and i mean anyone who dares defend her looses all respect from me, sure who am i but you get the idea.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:11 PM  
Blogger Thersites said...

It's as I always suspected, she's just hiding behind the progressive Left's "magical negro"... BHO... looking for absolution for being the traditional home of the Klan for over a century.

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more I see Janeane Garofalo, the uglier she is getting with her prejudices and her lies.

1:12 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"Name one Republican who is racist or was a member of the a racist, separatist group?".

Former Louisiana State Representative, also former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Republican David Duke. But to be fair, he also ran for public office as a Democrat, but was never elected as one. He only got elected as a Republican.

3:44 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Name one Republican who is racist or was a member of the a racist, separatist group"

Of course racist people are members of all political parties. Progressives simply like fooling themselves into believing that all of the racists are in the Republican Party and none are in the Democratic Party.

anon "She should not be even worthy of news. Even the far-left should shun her but i suppose some would make this news to serve as an example of just how mentally twisted some are capable of being"

I just like using progressive nut jobs to highlight how deranged the left truly is. Janeane is the perfect unknowing useful idiot. We know she is a loser in the game of life, she hasn't figured that out yet. Her nor Olby or any other progressive will challenge a black conservative. They'll say their spew among themselves like on Olby's show, but that is about it. I've debated white progressives like Gerafalo, and destroying people like her doesn't even require breaking a sweat.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon ""

Great video, Janeane, Morgan Freeman and other ego driven, pseudo intellectual brainy smurfs will never attend a tea party, because they believe in their hearts they know what the tea party is all about. So they will keep on continuing to be the fools that they are.

p allen quoting anon "Anon;"Name one Republican who is racist or was a member of the a racist, separatist group?".

p allen "Former Louisiana State Representative, also former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Republican David Duke. But to be fair, he also ran for public office as a Democrat, but was never elected as one. He only got elected as a Republican."

I was going to answer his question orginally allen, because I knew the question was open ended that you couldn't refuse. So now that you named some racists folks who are republicans, let test to see how fair you really are. How about naming some Democrat racists.

Thersites "It's as I always suspected, she's just hiding behind the progressive Left's "magical negro"... BHO... looking for absolution for being the traditional home of the Klan for over a century."

Progressives are phony as phony can be. They to this day still bitch about Rush Limbaugh for the Barack the Magic Negro Parody that was made, yet they haven't said one word about liberal LA Editor David Ehrenstein who wrote the original story. These people are so fake, it's sickening.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Liz said...

Oh I get it. According to Janeane republicans are racist for not supporting half white Obama and they are also racist for supporting all black Cain. So deep Janeane. What a genius.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She tries so hard to sound off as a intellectual heavyweight. So much so that she name calls others of whom she disagrees with. Unprofessional, irresponsible and makes you sound dumb.

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arm yourself with the truth about liberal lies:

9:14 AM  
Blogger jdub said...

Funny,the most racist people I know are white southern democrats.

10:10 PM  

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