Saturday, December 29, 2012

Off the cliff we go!!

All this talk about the fiscal cliff is more annoying to me then all the hype i've heard for almost a year about the supposed Doomsday of 12-21-2012. I'm not saying that some pain will be felt if a deal isn't done by Monday to avert the "fiscal cliff", but if there is one, the country still be around come 12:01 January 1st, 2013. This soap opera has become a ridiculous joke. Everyone in the media and Washington is saying that there needs to be a deal that has "spending cuts and tax increases" in order to AVOID automatic "spending cuts and tax increases". Are you kidding me? This is nothing more then a distraction. If anything, it's political Kabuki theater.  The country is sixteen trillion dollars in debt and climbing. That is the real fiscal cliff. The reason why that helicopter Ben Bernanke head of the Federal Reserve is doing everything possible to keep interest rates historic low is, because he knows as well as people who understand the situation realize that if interest rates go up, the higher interest payments on our crushing debt level will officially sink this country. It's amazing how so many people in our country truly do not understand the situation our country is in. Speaking of the national debt, the federal government will hit it's debt ceiling again on New Years Eve according the Treasury Secretary "Turbo  Tax" Timothy Geithner. Traditionally, I am not a fan of raising taxes, because raising people's taxes will not create any additional revenue to the government either at the federal, state or local level. It's like blowing up a long balloon and squeezing one side. One side looks like it's gotten bigger, but it did so at the expense of the other side losing air. In the end, the balloon didn't get bigger, just air was transferred from one side of the balloon to the other. The same goes for tax increases. Tax rates will go up, but no new revenue will be created due to items and services becoming more expensive due to those higher taxes. However with that said, I am actually in favor of John Boehner's plan B to raise taxes on those who make over one million dollars a year, and here's why. I know no additional revenue will be raised from raising anyone's taxes. You see, most of the millionaires and billionaires in this country are Democratic progressives. Liberal repeat the talking point that the GOP is the party of the rich, yet most of the rich in this country belong to the Democratic Party, ironic I know. Anyways, my thinking is why should conservatives and the Tea Party fight to keep the taxes on liberals low? They claim they want their taxes raised, so I say give them their wish.

Of course Obama and the Democratic base aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Obama and Democratic politicians and their media allies have been demonizing the Bush era tax cuts ever since they were passed into law back in 2001. For almost a decade, liberal politicians were lying to their base in telling the mind numbed robots that the Bush tax cuts were only for the "wealthiest 1% of Americans", and that the middle class was merely stuck with the bill. Amazing how since Obama was elected, the narrative has shifted from saying that the Bush tax cuts were for the rich to now saying that the bush tax cuts need to be "extended for the middle class". 

Do you think anybody on the left will ever press Obama and the Democrats by asking how exactly can they advocate extending the middle class tax cuts, when they were the ones who said they never existed in the first place?

 If tax cuts are evil according to the left, and they rob the government of operating revenue, then why extend tax cuts for the middle class?  Phillip Klein over at the Washington Examiner asked a very curious question.Will GOP allow ‘Bush tax cuts’ to become the ‘Obama middle class tax cut’? Democrats aren't pushing for new tax cuts for the middle class, only the ones that Bush signed into law over a decade ago. For them to be pushing even for the extension of the" middle class tax cuts" is an unofficial admittance by the kooky left that tax cuts do work. We all know that liberals are fake on a variety of issues. I bet the rich liberals who are movie and film stars, sports celebs and ultra rich business people would change their tune quick if Republicans came out and suggested like what the President of France François Hollande tried to push for in his country, a 75% wealth tax. By the way, even the french courts shot down Hollande's attempt at that..
Anyways, you would see the very same rich progressive phonies who shout tax the rich would all of a sudden would become the biggest anti tax increase conservatives almost overnight. Think I'm joking? Ask Johnny Depp the famous liberal actor who moved to France a decade ago but has quietly moved back to the United States earlier this year to avoid paying higher taxes in France. The multi millionaire  actor and fellow liberal Will Smith supports higher taxes on high income earners or so he claims. When he was in France promoting Men in Black 3, he was on a French television station, and the interviewer asked him about his taught on the proposed new tax rate by Francois Hollande for the wealthy in France. Will sounded like he supported the cause of higher taxes right up until he heard the numbers 75%. God Bless America indeed Will Smith for fraud.

Again, not really sure what's going to happen come Tuesday morning, we all will have to wait and see. The one thing I do know is that due to the staggering amount of debt we have, the same old games both parties have been playing are no longer going to work. More people are starting to pay closer attention then ever before. There might just be a political cliff come 2014 for those in Washington who do not do the right thing to stop this out of control spending that we can not afford.


Blogger Unknown said...

I want to comment on your blog... but all I can think to say is wow.. Just wow, through the posts I have skimmed, you almost seem angry at everyone who thinks differently than you, I honestly wonder why that is.

1:11 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

kyla b "I want to comment on your blog... but all I can think to say is wow.. Just wow, through the posts I have skimmed, you almost seem angry at everyone who thinks differently than you, I honestly wonder why that is."

That is funny kyla. You must be mistaking my sarcasm for "anger" I suppose. I have no problem with people who have different points of views other then mine. It's liberals/progressive Democrats who seem to have a problem with people like me opposing their views, and they display it with anger by using raciall derogatory words to do so.Have you ever voice your concern to them about their anger towards minorities who are conservatives kyla? If not, why not?

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

Getting rid of most of the Government is the only true solution to solving this issue, the pain will be felt by everyone but as anyone with half a brain can see, the Government will never have a solution, the past several decades prove that. Most of it just needs to dissolve.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Well Eddie, a certain percentage of the population aren't bright enough to comprehend that though. The country can only produce a certain amount of tax revenue via economic activity. As the government continues to grow, it of course needs more and more and more and more and more and more revenue to "feed the beast". At some point, the beast will run out of other people's money in which to feed off of. Certain people who are beholden to government never ever stop to review it's track record when it comes to fixing problem. It never dawns on them to do so. The war on poverty has been a failure. The war on drugs has been a failure. The war on hunger has been a failure. Their excuse in defense of government is that "they are trying and that their intentions are good. Many countries have been financially ruined, because their governments meant well in their actions.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Personally Mr. Male, I do not encountered this often. I know people who agree and disagree with many different political views, but I am not in the habit of categorizing everyone according to their political beliefs. I am however aware of how people like yourself want to generalize an entire group based on the interactions with a few, which in itself is quite funny.
I would imagine that you get a lot of angry responses, hence your need to screen each comment. I find it very hard to really take anyone who watches FoxNews, seriously, especially a man of color, considering their content of lies and racism, do you ever question that, sir? Generally when I meet a republican of color, it is usually because they are angry and a victim of serious self hate issues.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

kyla b "Personally Mr. Male, I do not encountered this often. I know people who agree and disagree with many different political views, but I am not in the habit of categorizing everyone according to their political beliefs."

Well the old saying goes "Either you stand for something or you will fall anything". When it comes to politics, people are classified based on their ideology. I didn't make this stuff up, people were doing it long before I came along. I am a conservative. I label myself that, because that is what I am. I don't need to hide from what I am. Those on the left feel the same way.

kyla b "I am however aware of how people like yourself want to generalize an entire group based on the interactions with a few, which in itself is quite funny."

Actually what is amusing is that those who tend not to really be versed in geopolitical matters tend to comment on others who do as if they are wrong without being able to provide any evidence to back up their claims. It makes for a good chuckle at best.

kyla b "I would imagine that you get a lot of angry responses, hence your need to screen each comment. I find it very hard to really take anyone who watches FoxNews, seriously, especially a man of color, considering their content of lies and racism, do you ever question that, sir?"

I hate to destroy you illusion of the perfect stereotype of a conservative. I don't watch Fox News religiously as people like you would assume. Frankly, I'm still trying to comprehend your link between my skin pigmentation and Fox News. By all means if you have any examples of Fox News engaging in racism, please present it so that I can try to take your comments seriously instead of at amusement value kyla. FYI:Criticism of Obama doesn't make a person a racist.

kyla "Generally when I meet a republican of color, it is usually because they are angry and a victim of serious self hate issues.

Once again your ignorance on the subject matter of me is sadly showing kyla. I am not a Republican. I know, epic fail on the sterotype, you just assumed I was. That's the problem with assumptions I suppose. I am a registered Independent and have been on for years. Did it ever occur to you to ask me my thoughts on the Republican Party, nah of course not. As for the "self hate" remark. I didn't know as a black man that my racial identity was tied to being apart of a political party that does nothing for me. I guess certain blacks are use to their roles as being subservient party pawns and others are use to being analytical freethinkers. Which camp are you in Kyla? Are you a loyal Democratic flunky. Just think Ingsoc. Ignorance is Strength. For the good of the party, THINK LESS. LOL

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a half white/ half black conservative, I would be DAMN PROUD to be associated with you.

You speak the truth.

People keep wanting to divide the nation on racial lines but GREAT people like you are what this nation needs more of. It's NOT even about race. It's about freedom and doing the right thing. Like you said, but Samuel L. Jackson said even better... people (Black AND White) better wake the "F" up and realize they're being played and that you can't "Entitle" yourself to a better way of life unless there's someone there to pay for it.

People like Kyla b. simply are not intelligent enough (imo) to think past the false picture the government is painting for them.

I salute YOU !!!!

4:22 PM  

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