I've said a long time ago that a black person in America isn't really free. Once upon a time in America, a black person was considered property due to the color of his or her skin. Fast forward 150 years later, and nothing has changed. A black person is still considered property due to the color of his or her skin, but this form of property rights is political not psychical. I've been called every demeaning name in the book by the self professed champions of diversity and tolerance (Democrat liberals), and
they did it and still do it just because I have an opposing point of view then theirs as a black male. Tim Scott is serving out in the U.S Senate the remainder of Jim DeMint's term due to him stepping down in late 2012 to head up the Heritage foundation. Tim Scott is a favorite among conservatives and the Tea Party, that alone makes him "race traitor" number one in the eyes of the tolerant progressive left. Case in point,
the local NAACP North Carolina President William Barber II who is also a fake Reverend recently referred to Senator Tim Scott as a "Ventriloquist's Dummy. The old saying goes that a pot shouldn't call the kettle black.
Mr. William Barber like many others in the NAACP has their tongues so far up the ass of the Democrat Party, their tongues all have mule shit on them. I bet I could ask Mr Barber to name five things he has a problem with in regards to the GOP, and he would be able to name them non stop. I probably wouldn't be able to shut him up. Now, If I was to ask Mr. Barber to name five things that he doesn't like about the Democratic Party, he wouldn't be able to name one thing. You see,
that is the Ventriloquist dummy, Mr William Barber II. People who know me know that I have issues with both the Republican and Democratic Parties. I've attacked the GOP country club establishment just as I've attacked the socialist Democrats. Senator Tim Scott isn't a rank and file Republican. He's a conservative. The same way the GOP establishment didn't care much for Jim DeMint when he held that Senate seat, they don't care for Scott either. I wish I could ask if Mr. Barber has he ever called or referred to any other of the 99 seating U.S Senators a "Ventriloquist Dummies" or did he just single out Senator Scott and if so why? (We all know the reason why). Niger Innis who heads up C.O.R.E, the Congress On Race Equality took on Mr Barber on Don Lemon's CNN show a few days ago. He did a good job in exposing just how much of a pitiful Democratic flunky William Barber is.
In the segment, I couldn't help not to notice and get a good laugh when Mr. Barber said that his attacks on Senator Scott isn't because Tim Scott is a conservative. Don should have given him three Pinocchio awards. Don or Niger should have asked him, how many other conservatives has he referred to as ventriloquist dummies? He would have been stuttering all over the place, because he would have known he was exposed. He has never called out any conservative as one, and
he did so to Tim Scott strctly because Tim Scott is CONSERVATIVE and is BLACK. Mr Barber labeled Senator Scott an extremist, but his explanations were absurd. Health care isn't a civil right issue. That's is as mental and absurd as liberals claiming that abortion is about "reproductive health care". Don & Niger brought up a good point. Liberals can not stand it when blacks do not support what they support. They feel "those" blacks are merely being told what the think, and they repeat it. It never dawned on them that diversity is more then people of different races and religions, diversity is also about different people of different races having different ideological views and moral beliefs. Mr. Barber is from North Carolina.
He's the president of the North Carolina NAACP, so why is he so fixated on what the Senator Tim Scott does who is from South Carolina? Again, William Barber is a sheer flunky. The last part of this segment was the most telling of all. When Niger and Don asked Mr Barber has he criticized the Obama administration for the high
black unemployment,
eroding of the black middle class etc, Mr Barber quickly taped danced around that question and went back on the attack of Senator Scott. Former Congressman Allen West and Author Star Parker were on Hannity last night discussing the attack on Senator Tim Scott. The NAACP is nothing more then the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored Progressives.