Velma Hart has plenty of time to rest and no longer be exhausted in defending Barack Obama.

Do you all remember when the illusion known as hope and change busted on to the national scene back in 2008? The true believers thought that Barry Obama was going to be the answer to all their prayers. Parents actually took their children out of school just to hear Obama speak during his campaign.
All that looks and glitter like gold isn't exactly gold. Beware of fools gold. The great hyped myth that is Obama has turned out to be like the man behind the curtain of the powerful Oz. The economy hasn't gotten better, people are more miserable now then they were two years ago, and the once unthinkable has finally started to happen. Obama's most loyal supporters have recently come out and voiced their exhaustion in defending him.
As I said before,what a difference two years make. By now everybody knows who Velma Hart is. She is the woman who expressed her exhaustion to Obama about defending him at the CNBC Town Hall back in September. Even thought Velma expressed her doubts and displeasure with Obama, she still claimed to be his supporter. She asked Barry whether this economy was her "new reality". Well Velma just received a "reality check" a month ago. Velma was fired from her job as the CFO of the non profit organization Amvets.
Maybe it would be in poor taste to ask Velma the obvious, but I would have to quote Sarah Palin in asking Velma Hart, how's that "hopey changey stuff working out for her"? On the bright side, at least Velma will have plenty of time to be wll rested in her continued defense of the Obama administration. I don't think it will pay her bills however.
Velma Hart got betrayed by Obama. I guess there will be room for her under that proverbial bus. I would be very dumbfounded if she still backed him after that. I believe he did have something to do with her being fired.
The man comes across as a petty bully to me.
I'm not shocked he would treat his old friends and loyal followers that way.
I don't care if she changes her political affiliation or not I just hope she learns not to swear blind allegiance to any politician again.
I adore Sarah Palin but I don't worship her and I hope she does the best that she can if she ever became elected.
Was she fired for saying what she said?
President looked smirkishly content as if he really didnt see the need to pay the rent and gas bills and car notes and mortages. This lady was real, and now many blacks will read about his life before he became African American. The time he was Hawaiian. Indonesian, Kenyan, Muslin, Christian, Marxist, and President.
Note: Egypt want to ban Beyonce from performing as did Indonesia, and called her a slut and a naked whore, even though she is married.
Where are the Muslim rap singers to protest her or defame her also?
Sojournerlove "Velma Hart got betrayed by Obama. I guess there will be room for her under that proverbial bus. I would be very dumbfounded if she still backed him after that. I believe he did have something to do with her being fired."
As oversensitive and vindictive as Barry is, I wouldn't put it pass him to have had Velma fired. Barry doesn't just let things roll of his back. If I recall right, I believe Velma was the only person let go. I never heard of a CFO being fired with the reason being "down sizing". Something does sound fishy with this.
Sojournerlove "I don't care if she changes her political affiliation or not I just hope she learns not to swear blind allegiance to any politician again."
Poor Velma is still going to drink the Obama koolair. She's a to the end Obama loyalist. She'll probably blame Bush long before she fully blames Obama.
anon "Was she fired for saying what she said?"
That is the 100,000 dollar question. If I was a betting man, I would say that she was fired for what she said. Remember, Obama is from the Chicago Daley political machine. Anyone who makes Obama look bad friend or foe is going to be in his cross hair target. Velma may have embarrassed Obama just a little to much, and he put he works in order to have her canned.
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