Happy 100th Birthday Gipper!!! Part 1

I don't have much respect for most political figures. Most of them seem to only care about their re election the moment they are sworn in so they can cling to their precious power and perks. There is one political figure that I've always had the greatest respect and admiration for. His name is Ronald Wilson Reagan, our 40th president. I was fortunate enough at the age of nine to have been privileged to watch Ronald Reagan's first inaugural speech in 1981. I didn't know squat about politics, all I knew was that for some reason I liked what he was saying. Little did I know that his words, beliefs and values would mold me into the person I am today. Reagan was awesome simply, because he was grounded in "common sense thinking".
Now that I'm older and wiser, I can greatly appreciate the words of Ronnie that clearly separates him from 98% of the presidents that came before him and all the presidents that have preceded him. At one time in his life, Ronald Reagan was a liberal Democrat. What fascinates me about knowing that is that he realized that the communist influence had invaded the Democratic Party, and he realized the threat of communism to this country. One of Reagan's famous lines is "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the party left me". Liberals hated Reagan back during his presidency and even to this day, that is why it's so laughable that Time magazine and other liberal hacks in the media would have the gull to try and connect Barack Obama with Ronald Reagan in an attempt to make Obama appear to be centrist or even conservative. They hated Reagan, yet now they have no problem pimping him in death practically presenting him as being a favored son of the left. I've said before that the left has no shame in exploiting anything or anyone if they believe they can benefit from it politically. Ronald Reagan was known as the "great communicator". If you listen to Reagan speeches, you will notice that his speeches are based on "substance" not platitudes like other presidents including the current one. Reagan's greatest gift was that he was able to communicate the problems facing the country in a direct manner, and he was able to communicate how common sense conservatism was the answer to those problems. Before Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California, he gave a speech about how self serving politicians would try and pass socialist health care in America. It was like the man had a crystal ball into the future. Listen to Reagan's speech on socialist health care decades ago , and then think about Obamacare, how it was presented, and how it was deceptively passed and how it is being enforced.
Reagan hated communism with a passion. He knew the tactics communists used to try and get a foot hold into American society via the schools, the government, the courts, the media etc. Reagan was attacked by the left, but he had an uncanny ability to absorb it and actually disarm their attacks with his wit and charm. To this day, Ronald Wilson Reagan has remained an American icon and rightfully so.
I like what RR says there, Democracy, Majority Rule but still respect for the rights of the individual in that Health Care talk. The great communicator says it well. The Pew Foundation article on Egypt today showed the majority were for Islamic laws like cutting off hands, killing a Muslim who converts, outrageous stuff, so how can these Muslim countries be democratized. Reagan said a key part of the puzzle here. Rights of the Individual. Yes, he's great. What memories these clips bring.
Very nice.It speak well for him . Thanks.
anon "What memories these clips bring."
Those were the days when America had a strong, decisive leader in the White House. It felt good to proudly believe in America.I truly miss those days.
anon "The Pew Foundation article on Egypt today showed the majority were for Islamic laws like cutting off hands, killing a Muslim who converts, outrageous stuff, so how can these Muslim countries be democratized"
I know Reagan would know instantly who is behind these "uprisings" in Egypt. As much as he beleived in democracy, he wouldn't be played for a fool like Obama now and Carter in 78
CB;"Before Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California, he gave a speech about how self serving politicians would try and pass socialist health care in America.".
My argument, still, is based on what Reagan "did", not what he "said." You must remember that in 1961 Reagan was an "ACTOR" first and foremost. I couldn't speculate if he really believed that socialized medicine was wrong for America. What I do know is that the "Coffee Cup" campaign was paid for and sponsored by the American Medical Association to thwart Medicare which doctors believed would limit what they could charge patients. Thus, Reagan the "ACTOR" and aspiring politician was a paid (or non-paid publicity) spokesman.
Reagan's formative years for his politics were during the Red Scare craze of the 40's and 50's. His opening line on the recording points to an idea of American socialist Norman Thomas. It's easy to see how he could have been convinced that "socialized medicine" was part of of kind of Communist plot. So, who knows? Perhaps he was against Medicare and Social Security.
Still, the "FACTS" are undeniable. The [Reagan] 1983 payroll tax hike went to pay for Social Security and Medicare. Simply put, Reagan raised taxes to pay for government-run health care!
The facts renders Reagan's "conservatism" on that issue is purely rhetorical. Granted, proposed legislation for the elimination or scale-backs of Medicare would have been met with fervent opposition in the congress. Nevertheless, to the best of my knowledge, such legislative proposals never came from the Reagan white house.
>>>I didn't know squat about politics, all I knew was that for some reason I liked what he was saying.<<<
Nothing much has changed, really.
Ty, on August 3rd will you be celebrating the 31st anniversary of Ronnie's "States Rights" campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi? When Reagan signaled a coded message to the rednecks: When it comes down to you and the blacks, we're with you.
Reagan's successful wooing of the racist Dixiecrats took the Republican Party from virtual irrelevance to the ascendancy it now enjoys.
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