Happy 100th Birthday Gipper!!! Part 2

Two of the biggest electoral college victories belonged to President Reagan. He destroyed Jimmy Carter 489 Reagan to 49 for Carter in the 1980 election.
Candidates who run as conservatives tend to win in landslides against liberals. The same happened for Reagan in his 1984 campaign against Walter Mondale. Reagan managed to beat Mondale by a bigger number then he beat Carter four years earlier, 525 for Reagan to 13 for Mondale.
Here are the facts.
McCain wasn't a conservative, and he lost to Obama.
Bob Dole wasn't a conservative, and he lost to Bill Clinton.
Herbert Walker Bush won from running on the coat tails of Reagan but lost to Clinton after become showing his was a non conservative.
In 2010, the Republicans retook control of the house of representatives and made huge gains in the senate running as conservatives.
Republicans lost control of congress back in 2006, because they became big government fiscal liberal spenders.
Republicans captured control of congress in 1994, because they ran as conservatives on the platform of the "contract with America".
Even though George Walker Bush was more of neoconservative, he was still seen as being a conservative as compared to Al Gore and John Kerry.
Most Americans identify themselves as being conservative as opposed to being liberal or moderate. This has been the case for many decades. Reagan resonated with Americans, because "he spoke their language". It is beyond stupid for the Republican Party to try and claim that the era of Reagan is over. Things don't need fixing until they are proven broken and no longer work. For them to say that the era of Reagan is over is them unknowingly saying that the era of conservatism is over, and that is a bald faced lie hands down. If Republicans want to take back the White House in 19 months, they better learn the lesson of what has worked for them and has yet to fail, running on a staunch conservative platform just like Reagan did.
It's no surprise, as to why the media, and liberal Democrats in particular are trying to capitalize on Reagan's legacy. For nearly 50 years, they have turned failure and mediocrity into an artform! Hence, the so-called, historical election of Amrerica's first "black president" Barack Hussein Obama!. Obama's handlers are so desperate to keep his supporters energized, that they have to reinvent an image of Ronald Reagan's stellar success, somehow, permeating into his mental psyche! VOILA! The creation of a new "moderate-right-of-center Barack Hussein Obama! (Dr. Frankenstein never had it this good!) It's such a disappointment, to recognize how so few Republicans are even willing to publically admit their deep admiration for America's truly greatest president of the 20th century, or the positive impact in which his presidency has affected them, both personally and professionally. Instead, our feminized culture of "tolerance" has paved the way for a number of lukewarm/moderate rinos, which include Mike Huckabee, John "my freinds", McCain and Mitt Romney. If the Republicans are serious about taking back the White House in 2012, then my bet would be placed on two men who I feel would set this country back on the right track; Chris Christie or Rick Santorum
Salutes, cheers, and ballyhoo for your hero Tyrone. However, while you were in grade school and playing with your G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu grip, many of us were wide-eyed political during the Reagan years.
Yet, how much do you really know about Ronald Reagan's so-called conservative political and legislative background?
Conservatives site Reagan when they speak about "shrinking the government."
Well, with the largest peace time increase in military spending, the government payrolls juimped to over 3 millions employee's, most of them employed at the pentagon. Reagan also "CAMPAIGNED" on eliminating the Dept. of Education and the Energy Dept., but never did. Yet he added the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.
There's also the conservative mantra of "fiscal conservatism."
Some claim that Reagan era spending increased by as much as 189%! Still the facts remain that the during the years of Ronald Reagan national debt in the United States nearly tripled. Whereas the debt shrunk under both Carter and Clinton. Yet 20+ years after the "FACTS", Reagan is still somehow is touted as being a "fiscal conservative."
Lowering taxes and tax rates...
How about we let a close friend and political associate of Ronald Reagan explain that Reagan Raised Taxes At Least 7 Times, Including the Biggest Corporate Tax Hike Ever.
Social and cultural conservatism was by far solely rhetorical for Reagan.
Social and cultural conservatism was by far solely rhetorical for Reagan.
As California governor, Reagan signed one of the early permissive state-level abortion laws. Years later he wrote how he regretted doing so. Yet as president he never put forth any legislative effort to challenge Roe v. Wade. His appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor to the Supreme Court certainly didn't forward the cause.
Conservatives and faith... It's well known that Reagan never went to church while president. And yet again many conservatives, particularly "Christian Conservatives", tout Reagan as the spiritual model for their candidates.
Strong and tough against America's enemies...
Outside of the bombing raid on Libya, and the invasion of Grenada, Reagan was viewed as being unwilling to confront actual military threats, particularly Muslim extremist's. It's been said that after the 1983 Beirut bombing attack, in which 240 American soldiers were killed, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger advised Reagan not to retaliate. Many believe it was the fact that Reagan and his administration had far reaching arms deals with many of the so-labeled "Islamic extreme states" and networks. Can you say "Iran-Contra?"
So, I also say Happy Birthday Reagan! He was a U.S. president, and as American's we should honor him as such. Also with that given honor I do so with an "honest" understanding of who he was as president, and what he did. What he stands for in the eyes, minds and hearts of the individual is merely your choice.
renee "It's no surprise, as to why the media, and liberal Democrats in particular are trying to capitalize on Reagan's legacy. For nearly 50 years, they have turned failure and mediocrity into an artform! "
Very good points renee. Liberalism has proven itself over and over again to be an ideological cancer that decays people's lives, minds and societies. There is no redeeming about it. Reagan represented the power of the individual, liberals don't want that. They need people to think as a group and be dependent on government.
renee "Hence, the so-called, historical election of Amrerica's first "black president" Barack Hussein Obama!. Obama's handlers are so desperate to keep his supporters energized, that they have to reinvent an image of Ronald Reagan's stellar success, somehow, permeating into his mental psyche! VOILA! The creation of a new "moderate-right-of-center Barack Hussein Obama! (Dr. Frankenstein never had it this good!)"
lol, You can't blame the left. They are in panic mode. Since the whole "historic" aspect of Obama is now old news, bush is gone,the only thing Obama has is his dismal record and his supporters know it. They can't defend what he has done, not one freaking thing. The younger people might buy into Obama morphing in to the laughable version of Reagan, because they never knew for what he stood for. It is so not going to remotely work though.
p allen "Salutes, cheers, and ballyhoo for your hero Tyrone. However, while you were in grade school and playing with your G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu grip, many of us were wide-eyed political during the Reagan years."
Laughable as always allen. You need to take a refresher course in civics. The house is where the budget originates allen. Democrats controlled congress during Reagan administration. You are suppose to be a teacher "still scratching my head on that one".
p allen "Yet, how much do you really know about Ronald Reagan's so-called conservative political and legislative background?"
If Reagan had a legislative background, then by all means allen please share it with us.
Once again, stop being vague with your comments, I know liberals are factually challenged and such, but try to push yourself beyond that allen.
p allen "Well, with the largest peace time increase in military spending, the government payrolls juimped to over 3 millions employee's, most of them employed at the pentagon."
And your point is what allen? So what Reagan increased the military spending. Carter gutted spending on our military. With America's biggest enemy being the military superpower of Russia, I'm glad he did restore our military to it's proper fighting size and strength. I've noticed every time left wingers talk about the budget, the first words to roll offs their tongue is "military spending". What do you expect from a group of people who refer to the military as war mongers, baby killers and storm troopers. How could Reagan eliminate the D.O.E with a Democrat controlled congress allen? Think man, think. If he would have succeeded, you and your elk would have been calling him a barbarian for not "caring about the children".
p allen "Social and cultural conservatism was by far solely rhetorical for Reagan."
If all what you said is true allen, then you liberals should have loved Reagan right, since you said he wasn't a conservative. It was all "rhetorical"? Furthermore, Reagan did unfortunately raised some taxes, he did it not because he wanted too, he did it because he knew he had to compromise with Democratic controlled congress in order to get what he truly wanted passed. If Reagan had a conservative Republican congress, I know full well he wouldn't have signed any tax increases. Bush had to compromise in order to get the Democratic controlled congress to continue funding the Iraq war. So you really don't have a point allen.
p allen "
Conservatives and faith... It's well known that Reagan never went to church while president. And yet again many conservatives, particularly "Christian Conservatives", tout Reagan as the spiritual model for their candidates."
Reagan was a man of faith. Once again allen, educate yourself.
http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/2011-01-31-column31_ST_N.htm Reagan also made many references to Christ and God in his speeches.
I said; "Salutes, cheers, and ballyhoo for your hero Tyrone. However, while you were in grade school and playing with your G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu grip, many of us were wide-eyed political during the Reagan years."
You replied; "Laughable as always allen. You need to take a refresher course in civics. The house is where the budget originates allen."
Where in my statement is there anything about a "BUDGET"? Ooooohhh...I get it...you're confused. That happened to Reagan quite often too! You're starting to sound just like him...
CB;"Once again, stop being vague with your comments, I know liberals are factually challenged and such, but try to push yourself beyond that allen".
Quite the contrary Tyrone. What's "vague" is your knowledge of Reagan's lack of accomplishments of his so-called "conservative agenda."
Unless you can prove;
1. Reagan's record (and actions) shows that he was "fiscally conservative"
2. Reagan's record shows that he "lowered taxes"
3. Reagan's record (and actions) show's that he "forwarded efforts to end legal abortion"
4. Reagan's actions (not words) shows that he was "deeply religious"
Until you can "PROVE" that Reagan's record shows that he pursued the legislative agenda, let alone ACCOMPLISHED any of those things, you're the one that's being "vague."
CB;"If Reagan had a conservative Republican congress, I know full well he wouldn't have signed any tax increases".
Civics lesson wrapped in a reality check... The President of the United States can "VETO" tax increases. Obviously that's something you don't know "full well."
CB;"And your point is what allen? So what Reagan increased the military spending. Carter gutted spending on our military".
It's no wonder that you often respond with; "If all what you said is true Allen." You never do research to find facts. Your breath of knowledge is limited to "right-wing talking points", which are often exaggerations.
Under Carter defence spending increased from 1977, 232.7 billion to 246.2 billion in 1980. With more than a 13 billion dollar increase, where's the "gutting?" The Pentagon, republicans (and some democrats) reps. with military contractors in their districts, and many right-wing pundits have a tendency to whine when they don't get as much funding as they could waste and abuse. Formal usage of the term "gutted" should only refer to removing, reducing or stopping funding, not increasing it.
(From H1) Renee's comments certainly are poignant to read certainly, keep them coming. I enjoy reading Anthony Allen's comments too but with one reservation, all of us need to think for ourselves. Usually we know what the 'party line' may be as to how one responds and he just seems to say the Democratic partyline, something from a website. We've got to think for ourselves. I think Reagan did it, listening to Rush for close to 20 years, I think he largely does and Palin does to. This next time may or may not be when Palin runs for President but I think she might be like Ronald Reagan and we may look to her in 8, 12, 16 years from now if it's not too late for this country. I'm disappointed that McCain has returned to his 'middle-of-the-road' ways, how could any self-respecting Republican have elected him in the first place? Wishy-washy and disappointing, valiantly served in the Military true. And when he compromises with the Democrats, they in no way reward his good faith efforts in the end. Though they may not be ideal, I'm a bit more generous in my opinions of Romney and Huckabee.
An addendum to that last post...
Conservatives are staunchly against illegal immigration, particularly amnesty for illegals. Again, Reagan's "RECORDED LEGACY" (not what he might have said, but what he did) in the area of immigration reform, is "amnesty" for illegal aliens. Yet another "conservative principle" thrown under the bus by Reagan.
From H1:
Marco Rubio in fact did disagree with Reagan's take on illegal immigrants. It doesn't make Reagan's take correct, however, I think this still might be a case of where it was different times and even where sometimes an older generation sees things differently. The US in the 1960s had a worker program for citizens of say Mexico could comwe over and work on farms on a temporary basis. I think those migrating illegally too were largely regarded as someone trying to find a better life, was a hard worker and would work picking cabbage on a farm. Nowadays, there is a different scenario, the majority of the American public want secured borders and stricter rules on those who come into our nation illegally. I'm posting the story link at the end in case it does not work where I put it. http://www.postonpolitics.com/2009/11/rubio-reagan-erred-in-supporting-1986-amnesty-for-illegal-immigrants/
CB;"If all what you said is true allen, then you liberals should have loved Reagan right, since you said he wasn't a conservative. It was all "rhetorical"?.
From your own essay a few days ago:"I have to laugh at how stupid the people at Time take people for. Obama likes Reagan as much as Jesse Jackson was truly Bill Clinton's "spiritual adviser" after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke. Only an idiot would believe either".
So, the "chief" liberal, President Obama, says he likes Reagan, which you've said they "should" if what I've said is true. What I stated about Reagan's record is indeed the TRUTH and FACT!
Only an idiot believes the facts? That's typical "who do you believe, me or your lying eye's" conservative poppycock Tyrone...so typical.
At least Rubio supports English as the official language of the US. Link
Contrary to Tyrone's claims, "The Democratic Congress" did not bust Reagan's budgets. In fact, for the first six years, Congress was not Democratic, it was half and half, and the Republican Senate had just as much say, even though the budget bill starts in the House. On top of that, Reagan got the Southern Democrats to vote with him and so he controlled the House, too.
Tyrone, were you home-schooled?
Next you are going to tell me that the Republicans had control of congress right? Budgets originate in congress genius. Maybe this will held educate you on the budget process.
Have a nice day. :-0
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