NAACP Chief Benjamin Jealous:Unemployment Worse for blacks under Obama
I've always questioned why many black voters give their political capital to one political party( Democratic), just so that they can be be taken for granted over and over again. Malcolm X said back in the 60's that when blacks give all their votes to one party over and over again, and they have nothing to show for it, they are being played for chumps. I disagree with Malcolm X on many issues and points of view, but that is one statement that is correct and I am in full agreement with.. Once upon a time, the Democratic Party use to make promises to blacks, even though they've never really followed through with those promises. They at least promised them something. These days and actually for the last 30 years, the Democratic Party has been more about telling blacks and other minority groups that those groups need to support the Democratic party no so much for what they will get in exchange for their votes aka political capital, but they need to vote for them, because the big bad boogie daddy racist GOP folks will get them. Well, I have to give credit where credit is due. Their strategy have worked like a charm. The question though is how long can they continue with this strategy working? Believe it or not, but there are some blacks who are starting to ask questions. Some are starting to realize that they have been played for chumps by their supposed protectors. Many blacks thought that a black utopia was going to be created once Barack Obama was elected. That has been far from the case. In fact, many issues are now worse for blacks under Obama then they were under George W Bush. Benjamin Jealous who is the president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Progressives aka NAACP was a guest on MSNBC's Meet the Press with David Gregory hosting. Benjamin is a staunch supporter of Obama and all Democrats and is a fierce critic of any Republican who doesn't think like a Democrat. Well, Mr. Jealous said
" White people in this country are doing a bit better. Black folks are doing a full point worse" under Obama
Actually they are doing far worse then a full point. It's pathetic that Mr Jealous who is suppose to be a black civil rights leader is clearly unable to understand what the real "big issues are", because they do not include "gay marriage" and "amnesty". These issues do not lead to the decrease in poverty among blacks, more blacks graduating from high school and going on to college. Gay Marriage and amnesty do not help blacks to learn about entrepreneurship so they can create small businesses and create generational wealth and a vibrant middle class for blacks. I've been saying this also for the longest time. The progressive agenda does not help to advance the upward mobility of blacks in America. The last three words in the acronym NAACP is ACP which is suppose to stand of for the "advancement of colored people, obviously that isn't happening.
The issues I've mentioned is what Mr Jealous should be talking about but is not and never will. I wish I could have debated Mr Jealous and stated exactly what I just said. The problems in the black community with crime and drugs and poverty are directly linked to economics issues not social issues like Mr Jealous and other progressives are spewing. If the black unemployment rate was what is is now but under a Republican President, I don't need to say what would be the response by Mr. Jealous and others in the civil rights industry. The ironic element to this story is that when Mitt Romney went into the lion's den and spoke at the NAACP convention last year, he stated exactly then what now Mr. Jealous is saying. "the tough economy has hit African-Americans particularly hard"