A convert to the religion of peace beheads a British soldier.
I know, Islam is the religion of peace. I've heard that line again and again and again every time a whacked out Muslim extremist commits or attempts to commit an act of violence against others. Since I do not suffer from the mental illness known as political correctness, I am free to call it like it is. Progressives claim that people should not judge others, yet they consider Christians who fight against unborn babies being killed as being extremists, yet they say nothing when Muslim fanatics shoot, blow up or behead someone in the name of their religion, go figure the logic behind that. These days, an example of "Christian Extremism" to the left is any Christian who doesn't sell out his or her faith by supporting gay marriage. I've never understood the unlikely alliance between the left and Islam considering the fact that Islamic fundamentalists are everything the left tries to paint the Christian right as being. Oh well, one day that vicious mad dog will attack them, and it will be too late. London is a country that has bent over backward to accommodate Muslims. When you let a potential killer in your house, don't be surprised if the killer does what he or she does best. Speaking of killers. Two native born black Brits attacked a British solider in the middle of the street with a Machete. To say that they killed the soldier is a gross understatement.. They hacked the British soldier to death.. If you don't know why two Muslims(converts to Islam) savagely attacked a British soldier, here is the attacker himself in his own words for why he and his partner attacked and killed an innocent unarmed British soldier in the middle of the street. (Warning:The video is graphic)
It is reported that the attacker Michael Adebolajo was raised a Christian and was apart of a devoted Christian family in Nigeria but "converted to Islam".I guess Michael was able to "exercise his demons" once he converted to the "religion of peace". The solider that Michael Adebolajo and his partner killed wasn't occupying Muslim land, he was on British soil. As a Christian, I've never had the urge to go out and find a person to kill while saying Jesus Christ is great in the process. On the flip side, the partner of Michael Adebolajo was reportedly saying "Allah Akbar" while Michael was butchering the British soldier. There has been some anti Muslim sentiment since the incident. I don't support it, but I do understand why it is happening. Anti Western rhetoric is being taught in a number of Mosques around the world. The root of this problem starts with the radical Imams who brainwash countless people like Michael Adebolajo to wage war on what they are taught to be the enemy of Islam. There is no shortage of weak minded people to be the next wanna be Islamic terrorist. I've noticed that the Imams who do the brainwashing are never the ones to personally kill in the name of their religion, surprised? Also, contrary to what Mr. Adebolajo said, I doubt seriously that British soldiers are in Muslsim soil hacking up women with Machetes. This just to go to show how truly dangerous brainwashing can be.