Jerimah bites the dust or thrown under the bus?
Jeremiah Wright seems to be the latest victim to suffer skid marks from being thrown under the Barack Obama damage control bus. When I watched the speech today on how he is "outraged" over Jeremiah Wright's "latest" acts of utter insanity, I honestly believed Barack Obama. Yeah right, Baghdad Bob has more credibility in my eyes then Obama. So "now" twenty years later and in the middle of a Presidential campaign, we are all now suppose to believe that Barack Obama is finally cutting ties with Jerimah Wright? If people actually are gullible enough to believe him, I have a letter from a prince in Nigeria that will make you rich. Even taking Wright out of the picture, there are way to many other statements made by Obama and his wife that don't show any affection or support for America only the opposite. The video I have posted of Michelle Obama at the University of South Carolina is a classic example. Anyone can find the video of Sean Hannity interviewing Jerimah Wright a year ago on Fox News. I said "ONE YEAR AGO". This isn't something that justed popped out overnight for Obama, Barack even said out of his own mouth that he told Jerimiah Wright his sermons can be rough at times. That statement alone is damaging to his character. He admitted he sat in the pews at Trinity United and listened to Wright go off on his racist and anti American rants. Barack Obama has been telling so many lies, he can't even keep them straight anymore. The media tried it's best to shield Obama from the very first day he announced he was running for President, but the media didn't realize that something had changed. It didn't realize it's influence and monopoly over what gets reported and what doesn't was starting to weaken. The new media once again showed the old media that it is exactly that, "old". I don't know who's idea it was to have Jerimiah Wright come out and do a media press tour, but it didn't work out according to plan. The chickens have come home to roost!!!