How liberals like Obama are trying to hijack Christianity Part 3
( - In an Apr. 10 interview with The Advocate magazine, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) said "homophobic" messages are coming from the pulpits of black churches because "most African-American churches are still fairly traditional in their interpretations of Scripture." In the same interview, Obama praised the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor and long-time spiritual adviser, for being on the right side of the homosexual debate.
Barack Obama has made the entire case of my argument about how liberalism is infecting Christianity. Like I said in part one, blacks for the most part are very conservative aka traditional when it comes to being against abortion and homosexuality, and once again Barack Obama validated what I said. Obama stated that the problem in his views is that blacks are scripture “traditionalist”. Obama proved as a liberal he doesn’t like biblical scripture when it conflicts or opposes with what he supports as a liberal. In this case that would be homosexuality.
"There's plenty of homophobia to go around, but you have a unique perspective into the African-American community. Kerry Eleveld, news editor of The Advocate, a homosexual publication, said to Obama, during the interview.”
I guess Mr. Eleveld feels that some how blacks are suppose to showmore sympathy to the “homosexual cause” then whites? Why would that be? Homosexual organizations are trying to use the terminology of “civil rights” as a symbolic connection to what blacks endured during the civil rights movement of the sixties. There is no comparison not now nor ever in that regards. Obama went on to state
"And so from the pulpit or in sermons you still hear homophobic attitudes expressed," "And since African-American ministers are often the most prominent figures in the African-American community, those attitudes get magnified or amplified a little bit more than in other communities."
Like I said before last week, Barack Obama is dangerous! He has a problem that black ministers are leading their congregations in the proper context of scripture? Is this guy for real? These black ministers are calling it like it is. It's called morality, thats something Obama has no idea what it means. It’s not a matter of “homophobic attitudes”, it’s teaching the fact that homosexuality is an abnormal behavior and more importantly a SIN!! People like Obama want black traditionalist ministers to “VALIDATE SINFUL BEHAVIOR AS BEING ACCEPTABLE AND NORMAL”! If Obama had attended a real Christian church instead of the Trinity cult for 20 years, he would have known what passes for sinful behavior and what is moral. It doesn’t surprise me that he gave credit to his “former” pastor Jeremiah Wright for being “very good on gay and lesbian issues”. The Christian Church as a whole is being bastardized by people like Jeremiah Wright, Otis Moss, Joseph Lowery, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Michael Phleger and many other serpents on the left trying to pass off their spew as gods word. Barack Obama is not a Christian, and many blacks and others who adhere to the teachings that come from these twisted people are merely “Christians in name ONLY”. Obama didn't join Trinity United, because he found gof. He joined Trinity, because he liked the "black value system" that it promoted. The first commandment states "I am a jealous god, and there will be no other god before me". It was interesting listening to Obama try and attack Dr. Dobson on the issue of religion. Well Dr. Dobson spells out in greater detail how Obama is anything BUT a man of god.