The Gospel of the Messiah Barack Obama according to Gerard Baker
This is from the scripture according the Tyrone
For it will come to pass that the serpent that walks among man with teleprompter will be defeated by the elder statesman from the land of the desert. Upon the defeat of the serpent Messiah, his beloved followers will cry racism upon the land. The serpent Messiah will return to the land of Trinity with his head bowed down in failure, and he will say to the Pharaoh of Jeremiah why have the people of the land of the United States forsaken me. The Pharaoh Jeremiah will say "The people of the land of the U.S saw through the illusion you tried to present". Thy folk tongue of "change" could not prevent thou chickens from coming home to roast.
This is from the scripture according the Tyrone
For it will come to pass that the serpent that walks among man with teleprompter will be defeated by the elder statesman from the land of the desert. Upon the defeat of the serpent Messiah, his beloved followers will cry racism upon the land. The serpent Messiah will return to the land of Trinity with his head bowed down in failure, and he will say to the Pharaoh of Jeremiah why have the people of the land of the United States forsaken me. The Pharaoh Jeremiah will say "The people of the land of the U.S saw through the illusion you tried to present". Thy folk tongue of "change" could not prevent thou chickens from coming home to roast.
Amen brother Tyrone.
Amen indeed pamela lol
Let us now bow our heads in prayer and thanksgiving that the serpent was defeated.
How many times did he flip on oil drilling anyway?
vegas art guy"Let us now bow our heads in prayer and thanksgiving that the serpent was defeated. "
hopefully our prayers will be answered in 85 days vegas. As for drilling, I've lost count, he's flipped so many times I'm dizzy watching him.
All hail The Soup.
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