Did Obama stop to Walmart to pick up his "special" gift for Queen Elizabeth?

When it comes to giving diplomatic gifts, Obama is as clueless as clueless can get. Queen Elizabeth is royalty for goodness sake. She is the most beloved member of the British Royal Family known around the world. This embarrassment of a President gave the Queen of England a "common" made in China IPOD as a gift. I guess Obama had to make a quick stop to Walmart before his Trans-Atlantic Trip. I thought the 25 classic movies Obama gave to Prime Minister Gordon Brown was beyond pitiful. Obama has managed to step up his game in the tackiness department. I wonder did Obama load the Queen's IPOD with music from his homeboys Ludacris and Ice T?
You are too kind my brother. I wrote on my blog that he gets the gifts from frequent flier miles from Air Force One!
How ghetto can he get?
Tyrone, he knew what he was doing. He knew it was wrong, after all he is from Harvard. It is a put down to the British for what he conveived as dissing Islam and giving Israel back to the Jews in 1948. Although Jews had ruled Israel and even has a Jewish naME, Muslims still claim it, and Spain, Africa, and Australia, Europe, NA, SA.
Tyrone, did you hear about Socialized medicine will determine who lives or who dies. Poor people with cancer will not be needed as they contribute nothing to society. Even though Black senior worked all of their lives, now they will be told since they are old, the medical care will go to the young! In Europe and Africa, today, socialized medicine is alive and dead!
Just you wait, when the Pope comes to visit, Obama will either give him a Jesus bobble-head or a boxing nun hand puppet
He actually loaded the iPod with videos of her 2007 visit, but you are right- it was a tacky gift. On top of that, she already had an iPod! I am most perturbed with the 25 DVDs only because of the thoughtfulness of Gordon Brown's gift to Obama. And Gordon Brown's kids got Marine One toys while the Sasha and Malia got books by British authors and designer dresses and necklaces handpicked by Brown's wife(http://theyreallliars.com/2009/04/01/ipod.aspx). Yes, he is not a very good gift-giver.
A mostly political blog that isn't Republican or Democrat.
Obama bowed to the Saudi king. WHY! He said in his book thast he would support the Muslims first. What about Americans. Now he has selected Muslims for his cabinet. What about Baptist, Methodits, Catholics. Why reaching out to MUSLIMs when all of them believe that all Christians are apes and pigs and black women are cursed. They all hate dogs, especially black dogs. They all believe, those who read, that all black men are less than a DONKEY'S PENIS ISHAQ 243.
bare naked islam blog HAS THE NAMES OF POLITICIANS WHO SUPPORT hAMAS AND cair. Maryland has many!
it's worse- he load up part of it with HIS OWN SPEECHES. Really. (found it at Gateway Pundit)
Clifton B" You are too kind my brother. I wrote on my blog that he gets the gifts from frequent flier miles from Air Force One! "
I'm still laughing over the attention the media paid to Obama when he took his first flight on Air Force 1. You asked how ghetto can Obama get Clifton? I believe he cemented his ghetto status when he married Michelle. I heard that Shaprton is apart of Obama's inner circle. A person is judged by the company he or she keeps. Obama associates with trash, because he is trash himself.
bebe "Tyrone, did you hear about Socialized medicine will determine who lives or who dies."
Rationalized medicine basically gives the power to the government to play the role of "god" with the lives of people. Liberal drones will never comprehend how dangerous socialized medicine truly is.
bebe "Poor people with cancer will not be needed as they contribute nothing to society. Even though Black senior worked all of their lives, now they will be told since they are old, the medical care will go to the young! In Europe and Africa, today, socialized medicine is alive and dead!"
The elderly and people with special needs are going to suffer gravely over this. People with hereditary diseases arent' going to be much better off either, The drones in this country haven't heard about the horror stories of people dying waiting to be treated. It is beyond insane to have faith in the government for anything, yet the bottom feeders of our society don't see it that way of course.
Dr. Muttley "Just you wait, when the Pope comes to visit, Obama will either give him a Jesus bobble-head or a boxing nun hand puppet"
I wouldn't put it past him Dr. at this point. He just might give the Pope a toy out of a $2.99 Happy Meal. I wonder wil Obama ask the Pope to bless his teleprompter? Hold on, he could give the Pope an autographed glass teleprompter!!!
Danielle" He actually loaded the iPod with videos of her 2007 visit, but you are right- it was a tacky gift."
The gift was tacky Danielle, but it was also "lame", "inappropriate" and "cheesy" with absolutely no thought put into it at all. There is no way in the world I would even think about giving the Queen a common IPOD if I visited her. The gift would have to equal the status of who she is. Obama is just a clueless person with the deer caught in the headlights look. Sometimes he reminds me of Bush. The only difference is that the media worships the ground Obama walks on.
Danielle " On top of that, she already had an iPod! I am most perturbed with the 25 DVDs only because of the thoughtfulness of Gordon Brown's gift to Obama."
Obama should have just given Brown an Amazon.con gift certificate so he could have purchased it himself. This is what bugs me Danielle. Obama has been promoted as being the smarted person ever to become President. Smart people wouldn't give tacky gifts to important heads of state. Even Bush never made any mistakes like that. At least Bush has a command of Diplomatic Protocol. Obama is a freaking dunce.
Danielle "And Gordon Brown's kids got Marine One toys while the Sasha and Malia got books by British authors and designer dresses and necklaces handpicked by Brown's wife(http://theyreallliars.com/2009/04/01/ipod.aspx). Yes, he is not a very good gift-giver."
Even though Gordon Brown is a Socialist. I kind of feel sorry for the crappy gift he got from Obama. He truly put a lot of thought into what to give Obama. I would love to know what kind of gifts he gives Michelle on their anniversary. I bet the Queen and Gordon were comparing notes and shaking their heads in dismay. I don't blame them Danielle at all.
Conservative Brother-
you are absolutely right! It is sad. While I never thought he was the smartest person alive today (and I even strongly doubt these IQ test ads that put him at 136, but we know ALL of them are fakes), I thought he would be smarter than this. I actually liked the guy at first, and I still don't hate, hate him, but if he continues to make choices like this, and the others that he makes, I don't know what kind of country we're going to have in 4 years. And he needs to realize that he is an example for the country. When he gives bad gifts to royalty and high government officials of other nations, it embarrasses us all.
A mostly political blog that isn't Republican or Democrat.
P.S. I had no idea that he also loaded his own speeches on there too- lol! This kind of reminds me of a quote I saw in a magazine by Kanye West about his saddest thought is that he will never get to sit in the audience and experience his shows the way his fans do. I mean, I like Kanye West's music, and I think everyone should love themselves, but that's a little too much love if you ask me. Maybe a little narcissism?
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