Ann Coulter debates the dark skinned black man with the negro dialect aka Al Sharpton.

Loyalty can really blind a person's judgement. Loyalty can be an overriding factor to a person exercising common sense. Al Sharpton is a person who has no moral core. His loyality as a so called Reverend isn't to god. His loyalty rests in defending a political party at every turn regardless of whether they do wrong. Al Sharpton is an ultra liberal. A black democrat State Senator in my state of Maryland by the name of Lisa Gladden made a statement a few years ago that "party trumps race". She made that statement in response to her being questioned about the racially insensitive attacks by Democrats that were being used against then candidate for the U.S Senate Michael Steele.
Lisa Gladden "Party trumps race, especially on the national level," she said. "If you are bold enough to run, you have to take whatever the voters are going to give you. It's democracy, perhaps at its worse, but it is democracy."
Gladden's statement was one of my very first lessons into understanding that race and politics weren't two separate issues that were dealt with on their own individual merits. I soon realized that race could be utilized as a political weapon like any other issue. When politicians talk about racism, I know for the most part they could care less about it. It is just a tool in which they can use to accumulate and maintain power. Of course the racial political tool aka the "race card" is a hallmark among Democratic liberal politicians and their operatives. Al Sharpton has been a long time liberal Democrat operative and glorified race huslter and poverty pimp. I talked before about how loyalty can blind a person's judgement. Al Sharpton illustrates that perfectly. What Harry Reid said was aimed at him, because Al Sharpton is the text book definition of what type of black person who isn't "acceptable" to white voters. Yet the dumbed down, love sick fool Al Shaprton is defending Harry Reid. Anyways, Al Sharpton and Ann Coulter were both guests on Geraldo's show yesterday, and the topic was about the comments made by Harry Reid. Ann Coulter did a great job at going after not only Reid but defining Sharpton as the black person Reid believes isn't acceptable to white voters.
Al Sharpton has no credibility with me! It's cute that he kisses the behinds of white liberal Democrats.
I wish people would drop this turd known as Al Sharpton.
He doesn't speak for me!
As long as white liberals continue to throw him some crumbs, he will continue to be their favorite flunky. White liberals give credence to Sharpton has if he speaks for us plumpdudding. Conservatives and people in general need to flat out tell Al Sharpton to "Go To Hell"!! I can give a rats rear end about Al Sharpton and his other race pimp Jesse JACKASSson. The media will be quick to have those two on whenever race is being used within politics, but they know better not to dare have people like us on. They know what would happen.
CB;"What Harry Reid said was aimed at him, because Al Sharpton is the text book definition of what type of black person who isn't "acceptable" to white voters".
What Harry Reid said was aimed at YOU ALSO TYRONE!! You're no lighter complexion than Sharpton or Jackson!
How silly can you get Tyrone?? Reid attacks Blacks in general, and in turn you attack....AL SHARPTON??? JESSE JACKSON????
Reid didn't mention Al Sharpton...did he? Sharpton did what Sharpton does...he made "comments." I'm sure that if Reid had not apologized Sharpton would have made even more comments...perhaps even "marched" against Reid. Who knows??
Now it's time for your handlers to strut out a "Magic Negro" to thwart that ole racist Harry Reid! Mike Massey would be a good choice! No better still, Jesse Lee Peterson! He's dark skinned and speaks with an awful Negro dialect....
p allen "What Harry Reid said was aimed at YOU ALSO TYRONE!! You're no lighter complexion than Sharpton or Jackson! "
Don't let my video complexion fool you allen. Sharpton and Jackson aren't light skinned allen. You need to invest in some
p allen "
How silly can you get Tyrone?? Reid attacks Blacks in general, and in turn you attack....AL SHARPTON??? JESSE JACKSON????"
No allen, I attacked Sharpton for defending Reid. Reid's comments is offensive to people of all races. I'm not offended by what reid said, because I know how much of a dill weed Reid is anyways.
p allen "Reid didn't mention Al Sharpton...did he? Sharpton did what Sharpton does...he made "comments." I'm sure that if Reid had not apologized Sharpton would have made even more comments...perhaps even "marched" against Reid. Who knows??"
How do you say it allen, OH PLEASE!! Sharpton knows his role. Sharpton wouldn't even give a loud whisper against the hands that butter his bread so to speak. Sharpton knows that the day he gets out of line with the Democrats is the day the interview and the pay offs come to a stretching halt.
p allen "
Now it's time for your handlers to strut out a "Magic Negro" to thwart that ole racist Harry Reid! Mike Massey would be a good choice! No better still, Jesse Lee Peterson! He's dark skinned and speaks with an awful Negro dialect...."
look how racist you sound allen, geez. You;ve been hanging around bill clinton and harry reid to long. Oh what do you think about Ol Bill saying that a few years ago Obama would have been getting Bill and Ted Coffee?
Al Sharpton is a disgrace. He is the most pathetic personality in the "black movement" it is a close toss-up between him and Jesse Jackson but Sharpton appears to be even more pathetic and two faced.
I like how Ann Coulter reminded Sharpton when he attacked and condemned Mitt Romney for being Mormon. Noticed for a moment how he stuttered.
This debate reminded me the time when Sharpton went up against Sean Hannity. Hannity reminded and demanded that every Democrat should not endorsed Sen. Robert Byrd because he was a former Klansman. Sharpton got defensive.
CB;"look how racist you sound allen, geez. You;ve been hanging around bill clinton and harry reid to long".
"Magic Negro"...? A racist term??? Racist because "I" used it??? But you cant say it's racist when Limbaugh had a song written and played it several times on his show??? And it wasn't racist when Chip Saltsman mailed it as a Christmas gift to his friends? BUT IT'S "RACIST" WHEN I (A BLACK MAN) USE'S IT???? NEGRO PUH-LEEEEZE!!!!
CB;"Oh what do you think about Ol Bill saying that a few years ago Obama would have been getting Bill and Ted Coffee?".
If he said it, SCREW BILL CLINTON!
Now, what do you think about Sarah Palin in 2008 saying "So Sambo beat the bitch"??.
On the idea of "substance" in comparing what Reid said and what Trent Lott said, Al Sharpton is right.
Let's assume what both Reid and Lott said is true or, promotes an idea that most Americans believe.
Reid said;"the country is ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama", who he referred to as being "light-skinned" and "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one".
Trott said;"When Strom Thurman ran for president we [segregationist] voted for him. Had he been elected president, we wouldn't have had all the problems we have today".
So both men made "substantive" references, as White Americans, stating their views about the political viability of Blacks, or what the political future could have been for Blacks.
My question is, can anyone here qualify Trent Lotts statement as having any "TRUTH." Converserly, can anyone here qualify Reids statement as having any truth??
Just for you Tyrone. Will you defend Trent Lotts statement? Is what Lott said true?
Bill Clinton had 'women' bring him his coffee, Negroes brought him his booze.
Its funny how Liberals love to attack Rush Limbaugh anytime anyone makes a racist statement, by stating "oh Rush did it, Rush did it".
The Magic Negro issue was written and published by a BLACK writer in the LA Times, and Rush is given the credit because he points out the fact that Liberals were trying to bury any racial references the whole election, which was about race to mostly Liberals.
He pointed out in a parody its insane silliness, and he gets demonized for pointing out the sad truth about Liberals wanting to make this an issue of race instead of substance.
I can recall it was Sharpton and Jackson whom were quick to jump the gun about the Duke Lacrosse players, but never made a peep about Rev Wrights comments about Whites and Jews. They both have a proven track record for defending fellow Liberal pals, yet attack any Conservative for pointing out Jackson and Sharptons hipocrisy.
When Roger Goodell was asked what specific comments were made by Rush that refered to race, that were not Rush commenting qoutes spoken by others, Goodell drew a blank.
When all of the ESPN brains were asked about Rush and race, they all brought up the outta context McNabb issue.
People hear what they want to hear. When Rush qoutes someone speaking of race, or racial issues, Liberals somehow engage Rush as the actual person making such statements. Very funny. Its sad when you have to reach and distort to discredit someone. But its in the Lib Playbook.
Its sad that Liberals cannot think for themselves, because for years I have heard how enlightened, and tolerant they are. Of coarse they are only as enlightened and tolerant if its their cause.
It does not matter if you have the proof, in their twisted minds they create their own truth.
p allen ""Magic Negro"...? A racist term??? Racist because "I" used it??? But you cant say it's racist when Limbaugh had a song written and played it several times on his show??? And it wasn't racist when Chip Saltsman mailed it as a Christmas gift to his friends? BUT IT'S "RACIST" WHEN I (A BLACK MAN) USE'S IT???? NEGRO PUH-LEEEEZE!!!!"
The parody for the uptenth time allen was ABOUT AL ASHAPRTON CLAIMING OBAMA WASN'T AUTHENTICALLY BLACK!!! Listen to the the song yourself. The voice was an imitation of AL SHARPTON!! As usual, you have no outrage for the black LA Times editor who created the story in the first place. The black liberal gets a pass, just blame the white conservative instead allen. You are so predictable.
p allen "Trott said;"When Strom Thurman ran for president we [segregationist] voted for him. Had he been elected president, we wouldn't have had all the problems we have today"."
If I was Trent Lott, I probably would have said the exact same thing allen. It was the man's 100th birthday party. Because I say something, does it mean I really mean it? When the left went ape crap over Trent's comment. Did anyone ever ask him allen this one very simple question "Did you really mean what you said Trent, or did you just say it in jest to Thurmond because of his birthtday? Nobody ever asked Lott that question. Obama said that Reid's comments weren't racist, because he "knew what was in Reid's heart". Did anyone bother do find out what was in Trent Lott's heart? Of course not. You liberals are such hypocrites allen, it's sickening beyond belief.
allen quoting reid "Reid said;"the country is ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama", who he referred to as being "light-skinned" and "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one"
Here's once again the subheadline from David Ehrensteing "The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man."
The cold reality is that Harry Reid applaud Barack Obama for being the "magic negro" that they could support.
GregGVDC "Its funny how Liberals love to attack Rush Limbaugh anytime anyone makes a racist statement, by stating "oh Rush did it, Rush did it".
The Magic Negro issue was written and published by a BLACK writer in the LA Times, and Rush is given the credit because he points out the fact that Liberals were trying to bury any racial references the whole election, which was about race to mostly Liberals."
That's because liberals are two faced hypocritical frauds Greg, that is how it has been and always will be. I have yet to hear ONE LIBERAL come out and take David Ehrenstein to task for righting his column on Obama being the "magic negro". His story has been out since 2007!! Not one negative comment by the left yet. They tried to paint the picture that conservatives made the election about race, and once again they come up short times 100,000! From day one liberals the election about race, him being historic was about race, his liberal supporters saying that if people didn't vote for Obama they were racists, Obama rappers singing "my president is black" and "lets paint the white house "black". Liberals don't have a leg to stand on in which to debate NOBODY.
CB;"Did anyone ever ask him [Lott], allen this one very simple question; Did you really mean what you said Trent, or did you just say it in jest to Thurmond because of his birthtday?".
Trent Lott voted against renewal of the Voting Rights Act, voted against the continuation of the Civil Rights Act and opposed making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a holiday.
Did he really "mean" to do it, or was it in "jest"?.
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott helped lead a successful battle to prevent his college fraternity from admitting blacks to any of its chapters.
Did he really "mean" to do it, or was it in "jest"?.
It had been reported that in 1980 Lott had made the exact same comments that he made at Thurmunds birthday bash.
Did he really "mean" to do it, or was it in "jest"?.
Just a few years before he made the comment at Thurmunds party, Lott attended and spoke at the White Supremacist Council of Conservatives Citizens Political Rally.
Did he really "mean" to do it, or was it in "jest"?.
Are you serious Tyrone?? Oh, Oh...excuse me, of course you are...
You're so damned hyped up on "conservative whoopie juice" you'll deny a racist conservative even when it stares you in the face! You don't owe Trent Lott a damn thing. Hell, you probably don't even know him.
Democrat Robert Bryd was a KKK leader for many years, and is a favorite target of Republicans and conservatives when it comes to politicians with a racist past. Both Byrd and Lott (as I've shown) have a history of notable racist acts.
So why do you "defend" (did he really mean it? very dumb response by the way) Trent Lott and in turn you will attack Robert Byrd?? They're both "birds of a feather" so why..., better still, "HOW" can you do it with a straight face???
Sure, Trett Lott has "apologized" time and time again, but, SO HAS BYRD!! You call Byrd a racist, yet Lott "really doesn't mean what he says."?????
Sorry Tyrone...with all due respect... you've put new meaning to the term "CONSERVATIVE BUTT-KISSING"! In no way would I ever cover for any Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Conservative politician racist past or present.
Watch this....SCREW ROBERT BYRD!! Sure I accept his apology for his past evil, rotten, pigheaded racist acts. But if he ever were to publicly proclaim;
and mind you, Byrd "voted" along with Trent Lott...
"When Strom Thurman ran for president we [segregationist] voted for him. Had he been elected president, we wouldn't have had all the problems we have today".
I surely wouldn't be one of those asking; "Did you reaaallllllly mean that"?
GregGVDC;"I can recall it was Sharpton and Jackson whom were quick to jump the gun about the Duke Lacrosse players, but never made a peep about Rev Wrights comments about Whites and Jews.
Greg, did anybody ever ask Rev. Wright; "Did you really mean what you said, or is he just pissed off because Barack threw him under the bus?"
Oh, Tyrone did it, Tyrone did it!!
Obama threw Wright under the bus because Wrights comments were played to millions of ears. Obama threw Wright under the bus because he was running to represent this country as president, Political Expediance.
Now that the election is over, and BO won, im sure he has his MENTORSHIP renewed. But thats ok, its a Liberal not a Conservative! Only Liberals can get away with such garbage.
Wright did not only mean everything he said on that tape, he taught this hatred for years, WITH the holy BO in the pews.
And this man said he would improve race relations if elected? All the Liberals made this a mantra.
Its not ok.
Its the same as if McCain was discovered as being mentored by a White Supremist, spewing the same trash. The only difference is McCain would have been buried UNDER a bus, by Real Conservatives and rightly so!
Liberals have forgiven and overlooked racial trash as long as its a Liberal mouth spitting it. Thats a fact you cant debate. Any Republican or so called Conservative that has made any comments that I felt were racists, have NO place in the party. Can the Democrats do the same? I doubt it!
Greg;"Wright did not only mean everything he said on that tape, he taught this hatred for years, WITH the holy BO in the pews.
And this man said he would improve race relations if elected? All the Liberals made this a mantra.
Its not ok".
Rev Wright has never ran, no been elected to any public office! President Obama went to his church. So where's the "PUBLIC" record showing President Obama didn't want White people to join his fraternity??? Trent Lott did it!!
When did president Obama "praise" Rev. Wright for his past racist views?? Lott praised Thurmund for his racist past!!
When did President Obama accept a speaking engagement from a "ultra-racist" political group...and take pictures with it's White supremest leaders?? Trent Lott did just that!!
Trent Lott was elected "AFTER" he himself spouted racist views PUBLICLY!!! No...not Trent Lott's preacher...but Trent Lott himself led a life of bigotry and hate.
So to hear Trent Lott, Robert Byrd or Greg GVDC say that you voted for the segregationist, and that you believe the country would have been "better" had the segregationist won is a racist separatist statement!!!!
Greg;"The only difference is McCain would have been buried UNDER a bus, by Real Conservatives and rightly so".
BULL!! "True Conservatives" didn't support John McCain anyway. Those who did cast a vote for him did so because he was not Barack Obama.
Trent Lott is a "true conservative." He didn't see anything wrong with what he said at the time he said it! THAT'S WHY HE SAID IT!
Conservatives don't attack each other over racially charged statements. Can you give me one incident where a conservative demanded an apology from another conservative for a racially charged statement??
I dont recall Trent Lott being President of the US. AS a matter of fact I dont recall much about Trent Lott period.
I dont recall Trent Lott being held accountable by millions of Americans to be racial non biased, and bringing unity instead of divide.
I love the way Liberals try to distance Wright and Obama's relationship as non substance. Claiming that Wright was the only one spewing hate....Ok. No one is disputing who said what and when. If Obama listened to HIS MENTOR for that many years, spewing hatered, and Obama disagreed, why did Obama stick around? Liberals cant explain this!
Let me make my point simple as apple pie.
Man goes to cafe to eat.
Man likes the food served.
Man comes back to eat at same cafe.
Man goes to cafe to eat.
Man dislikes the food served.
Man does not return to cafe.
Even put so simple. Still baffles the Liberal mind.
P-Allen stated, So to hear Trent Lott, Robert Byrd or Greg GVDC say that you voted for the segregationist, and that you believe the country would have been "better" had the segregationist won is a racist separatist statement!!!!
I cant seem to locate where I said I voted for a segregationist. You lost me there.
I voted McCain for Palin, had no choice, The Rep Party had no one. Alot of Conservatives fell into this catagory.
I know there have been Republicans that have made racially charged statements. However, I dont recall A TRUE CONSERVATIVE making comments equal to those made by CLinton, Byrd, Lott, Harry, Boxer, and so on.
Greg;"I dont recall Trent Lott being President of the US. AS a matter of fact I dont recall much about Trent Lott period".
Then watch the video attached to Tyrone's essay. Ann Coulter mentions Lott as a comparison. Next, you can click the links I posted on my previous post. The articles explains much about Lotts racist deeds. After that, you can Google Trent Lotts bio.
Greg;"Let me make my point simple as apple pie".
Now, allow me make "my point" simple as apple pie.
Everybody has to eat. But, since you want to contrast a "church" to a "cafe"... A cafe serve's various dishes from a menu. You can order what ever you want. So, It's possible the Obama's ordered from the "low-fat" menu for 20 years...
Greg;"I cant seem to locate where I said I voted for a segregationist. You lost me there".
You didn't...
The "Lott, Byrd and GregGVDC (your name)" reference was a "metaphor" or a hypothetical reference. Like saying "Lott, Byrd, Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse"...
Greg;"I know there have been Republicans that have made racially charged statements".
I didn't ask if you "knew" any...I asked you to "name one."
Greg;"However, I dont recall A TRUE CONSERVATIVE making comments equal to those made by CLinton, Byrd, Lott, Harry, Boxer, and so on".
Of course you don't. That's exactly what I said, and exactly the point I've made! Conservative don't attack other conservatives when one makes a racist statement.
Conservatives see racial sensitivity as "political correctness." Thus, the conservative feel's as though there's nothing wrong with attacking a person's race. So if, and when he's caught doing so, he simply denies he's done anything wrong.
George Allen knew what he called his opponents Indian-American campaign worker a "Macaca." When was the last time you made up a word that just happens to be a racial slur? What's worse is that Allen told the campaign worker; "Let's give a welcome to Macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia"!!! The worker, S. R. Sidarth, is a born and raised AMERICAN!!!
Allen, like Trent Lott, being the "real Conservative" he is, denied any racist intent...because, THAT'S WHAT CONSERVATIVES DO!!!
P allen said-Everybody has to eat. But, since you want to contrast a "church" to a "cafe"... A cafe serve's various dishes from a menu. You can order what ever you want. So, It's possible the Obama's ordered from the "low-fat" menu for 20 years...
Now thats creative! Still, you wish to believe Obama took in a lighter side of Wrights racism for 20 years. Light or heavy, its still hatred, and Obama never made the choice to get up, gather his jacket, and walk out. If Obama disagreed and was insulted by Wrights comments, logic would say, he would not come back to hear it.
20 years. Thats a long....long...time.
I wont defend Allen, never did, nor Lott. I never looked at Lott, or Allen as Conservatives. But i guess some folks do.
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