Rep. John Dingell let the cat out of the bag about the true motive behind Obamacare.
When liberals are among themselves, they tend to be themselves and speak openly and freely. In others words, they can let go of their act of pretending to care about the American people. That is usually when they tend to let their true motivates come to the surface. Nobody with an ounce of brain matter thinks for a moment that the motivate behind Obamacare is to provide health coverage to those who do not have it. I can say the reason until I am blue in the face, so I will let Democrat John Dingell spell it out for the Obama true believers to the trojan horse agenda behind Obamacare. The 0:48 second mark is all you need to know.
Here's a blast from the not so distant past. This is Congresswoman Maxine Waters back in 2008 "accidentally" letting her guard down and exposing to the oil executives what she would do to them. Notice how she caught herself at the 1:16 mark when she halfway let out the word "socialize"
Here's a blast from the not so distant past. This is Congresswoman Maxine Waters back in 2008 "accidentally" letting her guard down and exposing to the oil executives what she would do to them. Notice how she caught herself at the 1:16 mark when she halfway let out the word "socialize"
Oh boy, now I'm really convinced. John Dingle says; "we need to put things in place over the next 4 years and control the people." The country is turning socialist because Dingle said "control the people." I'm so scarred....
So, what does the right-wing do? They turn over the Tea Party to the far right wing nut jobs. At least 10 Congress Democrats receive death threats.
Conservative Blogger Calls For Obama's Assassination On Twitter.
Congress Stupack receives threats.
This is unprecedented that this many members of congress are threatened at one time.
"we need to put things in place over the next 4 years and control the people."
That still does not look innocent.
Also, if the congress were not passing legislation based on bribery, acting in a rogue manner and turning its back on the constitution and representing the public, they would not be hearing these complaints.
I have to thank John Dingell for confirming my suspicions!
Now if only more people would see the left for the control freaks they are!
I love the defelection and self improvised violence rhetoric that has begun. These people on the left are so vain its in comprehensible.
Funny that now the left is focusing on the 10 phoney death threats. Much like the phoney Kill Him shout heard at a Palin rally, this too will be exposed.
Rush, Levin, Hannity as well as several Republicans recieved ACTUAL death threats from Libs during the BUSH era. Not a peep from anyone!
Now the left wants the sheeple to think we are violent racists out to start a civil riot.So predictible and soft.
EVERY LIBERAL is a hipocrite! They have no intelligence about any issue, and follow the HUFFPO and DAILY KOS marching orders. Such pathetic sheep!
Its sad when a fascists country in Europe has a lead headline in todays paper stating how Obama and the left have moved this country into communism faster than anyone thought possible. Even Kremlin officials are stating this is a ploy to control the people. Sheesh!
Greg:"Funny that now the left is focusing on the 10 phoney death threats. Much like the phoney Kill Him shout heard at a Palin rally, this too will be exposed".
"Rush, Levin, Hannity as well as several Republicans recieved ACTUAL death threats from Libs during the BUSH era.
Right on Greg! Those fake "libruls" have really done it this time! You know who to blame for all these "phony" reports?? It's Nancy Pelosi!
That's right...Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi! She's been on a "tear" since that house fell on her sister!
The only thing that could stop them is an organized Inquisition. Put to the Water Test, and combined with your spectral sources, we could demand that she is scoured for numb spots and body marks.
Some firewood and a stake will show those damn "libruls" that the Tea Baggers mean business!!!
Thanks Allen, I was hoping to get a good laugh, you never fail me.
I was sitting here, clinging to my bible and guns, listening to Rush Limbaughs call to behead all non white people, filling out insurance coverage for my precious tea bags if god forbid the worst happens, and behold, you make me spit my coffee out all over my computer, that i bought from taking advantage of some poor person while I got rich on Oil contacts in Iraq.
NO Allen, its not just Nancy. Since the majority of Americans see this latest stunt as a power grab, and not a reform bill, and since most whom voted for it havent read the bill as well, an neither have you, its templet for the left to now make the right the demons for speaking up about governments Coupe de ta on the Constitution.
Not even us right winger nut jobs can stop it.
Its known fact that whenever violence is projected at a Democrat, its usually a Democrat doing so to make the right get blamed. Look beyond your daily fuel of Liberal websites and you will find these stories all over America.
What Dingle said, is not news, its fact. Why the Dems want to control every aspect of our lives is clear, control the people, retain the power.Thats change and hope we all wish for huh?
Greg;"Thanks Allen, I was hoping to get a good laugh, you never fail me".
You're more than welcome Greg! You're easy to please cause that wasn't even by "A" line stuff!
Greg;"I was sitting here, clinging to my bible and guns, listening to Rush Limbaughs call to behead all non white people...etc...".
Typical conservative type day, huh? Not cool dude... You gotta get with the 21st century "metro-conservative" movement! You know, the FOX News smoking, Bill O'reilly sipping, till you're Sarah Palin dizzy types!
At one time I myself was the "typical Black Librul." You know the type- living off my "bitches" welfare checks, 5 different babies mama's, smoking weed and sippin' Hennessy all day, slinging a few crack rocks to make end meet, runnin' from da' poh -lease, and held down by whitey. Oh yeah, don't let me forget about how some days we would listen to the Minister Farrakhan or Jesse Jackson on the radio! Boy oh' boy...those were the days!
Fortunately I straightened out my act. I got a good college "librul" education and a degree. The only alcohol I consume is White Wine with dinner. I drive a "green clean hybrid", listen so NPR at drive time and regularly watch Kieth Obberman. And, I vote straight Democrat, and I voted for Barack Obama!
IN all serious issues that we are confronted with, its good to know a Librul has a sense of humor. You are moving up the charts Allen, soon you could possibly be allowed in this white racists home for some brats and a beer.
So are you in hiding now that Me, and Tyrone and us types are out causing violence across the great nation?
p allen "Oh boy, now I'm really convinced. John Dingle says; "we need to put things in place over the next 4 years and control the people." The country is turning socialist because Dingle said "control the people." I'm so scarred...."
Just keep on defending allen. Why would he say such a thing allen? You want to make this about me mentioning what Dingbat said, but you can't even give a justified reason for why he said it allen, can you? The legislation to control the people? Sorry allen,but this isn't about me, this is about what Dingbat said out of his own mouth, I didn't put those words there, so the alinsky tactic of deflect and polarize isn't going to happen.
p allen "So, what does the right-wing do? They turn over the Tea Party to the far right wing nut jobs. At least 10 Congress Democrats receive death threats."
You aren't changing the topic allen, so nice try. The tea part activists haven't said they want to put have legislation to "control the people". Just to squash you lame attempt at deflection. Prove that it was rightwingers who gave death threats to Democrats in COngress.
p allen "Conservative Blogger Calls For Obama's Assassination On Twitter."
How many liberal bloggers called for the Assassination of George Bush allen? Do you really want to play this game? They've never found that arsonist who torched that one church in Alaska that happened to be the one where Sarah Palin attends.I'm sure it was just a "random" job right allen?
GregGVDC "I love the defelection and self improvised violence rhetoric that has begun. These people on the left are so vain its in comprehensible."
You have to give liberals credit, they do it so well.
1. Take the attention away from them ignoring the will of the people
2. Turn the attention towards those who are angry at what Democrats did to the people
3. Isolate those who are angry and make them the attention instead of the democrats
4. Polarize the citizens as the ones who are the bad guys and the democrats in congress as the victims.
Their playbook is so transparent. They aren't fooling anyone with what they are trying to do. It's laughable actually.
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