The Hail Mary pass by Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton in trying to smear Governor Walker as a "racist".

Almost every tactic by the left has been used in trying to demonize Governor Scott Walker. The one tactic that hasn't been used by the left on Walker up until now is to call him a "racist". Well now their predictable smear tactic has finally been levied against Governor Walker by the two monkey grinders Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton. Apparently, the misfits are upset that Scott Walker wants to make funding available to help impoverished kids in Wisconsin to be able to afford to attend private schools. Al & Ed believe that this would harm black children, because those children would never attend those schools and funding would be taken away from their "education".
I believe that children who have the potential to excel shouldn't be shackled and held prisoner in, failing and dangerous public schools. I understand how progressives think better then they do. What Sharpton and Schultz REALLY are upset about is the thought of public money not circulating from the Wisconsin education budget to the public teachers then to the teacher unions in dues then finally into the Democratic party pockets in contributions. As always, follow the money. The only way a person could buy into this conspiracy is if he or she was high on Charlie Sheen. Let's remove reality for a moment and say that Scott Walker's budget is somehow racist toward blacks in Wisconsin, there is just one small problem with the assertions by Ed and Al. I did some research on the black population of Wisconsin, and I discovered that the black population is only 6.2%!!!!! The population of Wisconsin that is white is 89.4! Anytime the race card is used, it is a clear sign of desperation by liberals. Ed and Sharpton can't defend to the American people the actions of the Public Employee Unions, so they decided to use the Saul Alinsky tactic of trying to deflect the argument away from the public unions and make the target about Scott Walker in an attempt to polarize and isolate him as a racist, anti union, conservative bad guy. Of course their attempt failed big time, because only a liberal minded lemming would buy into it. It's still fun to watch though.
Ed is wrong about the budget bill being racist. Yet, did you notice that Sharpton DID NOT say that he agreed with the idea that the bill is.
CB;"I believe that children who have the potential to excel shouldn't be shackled and held prisoner in, failing and dangerous public schools".
That's just crazy. No child is held prisoner in public schools. You can send your child to whatever kind of school you choose.
Unfortunately, a child's "potential" is not determined by your assessments. Private schools do not accept all students who wish to attend. Private schools aren't required to accept handicapped, special needs, provide bilingual services, can require particular religious instruction, promote adherence to certain family structures, and many require entrance exams (which can be weighted to include or exclude).
Studies have shown that, In general, students who attend private schools achieve at slightly higher levels than do public school students. However, research consistently has shown that these differences are insignificant and primarily attributable to the fact that parents of private school students tend to have higher levels of education and higher levels of personal wealth.
Wisconsin already has shown the results of the voucher for private schools program. The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program has lasted 20 years, and has dropped hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payer money into private schools. The results show that there is absolutely no difference in the quality nor quantity of education given to the children, and this is after 20 YEARS!!
An interesting story I've read one time is that there were a lot of gifted black students who excelled well in their education.
Most of these kids want to jump at the opportunity to make something of themselves, but their parents and their peers did not feel comfortable that their kids will be "acting white" and suggested that their kids have the "proper education".
According to the report, Asian and Hispanic students who too do well and were given the opportunity to advance in their education did so with their parents blessing and they felt their kids are not "acting white"
I wonder if anyone ever told Al Sharpton if anyone who is being racist it's Sharpton himself. Sharpton should be spending his time to guide urban youths into the right direction and not spew out his propaganda for his benefits. That goes too goes with Jesse Jackson.
I think everyone on this website is brilliant. I just thought I'd let you guys know.
p allen "Ed is wrong about the budget bill being racist. Yet, did you notice that Sharpton DID NOT say that he agreed with the idea that the bill is."
Why did Ed even go there with the race charge in the first place allen?
Was he using the issue of racism as a cheap political prop? At least you said he was wrong, so I will give you credit for once standing up against fellow liberals.
p allen "That's just crazy. No child is held prisoner in public schools. You can send your child to whatever kind of school you choose. "
Really? If a parants can't afford to take their child out of an under performing or dangerous school, how exactly can they get out allen? Also in many school districts, children are assigned to go to a particular school based on location closet to the student's home. Come on man, this is common sense. A student can get a transfer to another school if he or she is being bullied or threatened, but rarely can a student get transferred due to parent not like the educational deficiency of the school itself.
p allen "Unfortunately, a child's "potential" is not determined by your assessments. Private schools do not accept all students who wish to attend. Private schools aren't required to accept handicapped, special needs, provide bilingual services, can require particular religious instruction, promote adherence to certain family structures, and many require entrance exams (which can be weighted to include or exclude). "
Public School are graduating children especially in the black community who are at best functioning illiterates. They are moved along from grade to grade like cattle, it doesn't matter if they learned anything along the way. They are handed a diploma at the end, the high school door closes behind them. They don't have the education to go the college. Even those who are able to get in have to take remedial courses in an attempt to able to handle the college curriculum. Many if they are lucky go to community college, and even then the dropout rate is high. These kids are being screwed over left and right.
anon "
Most of these kids want to jump at the opportunity to make something of themselves, but their parents and their peers did not feel comfortable that their kids will be "acting white" and suggested that their kids have the "proper education"."
Exactly right!! I've experienced it myself when I was in school. I never spoke "ghetto" or broken English. All the schools I attended were mostly black public schools. I was accused of "trying to be white" by students. I wasn't trying to be down with anyone, my mother told me that I was there to get an education and ignore the ignorance around me, which I did.
anon "According to the report, Asian and Hispanic students who too do well and were given the opportunity to advance in their education did so with their parents blessing and they felt their kids are not "acting white""
I wish I could understand why that is. Asian students normally are apart of scholastic and musically programs in school, but they don't get the scorn by other Asian students that black students would get by other black students if they were doing the same. It's something similar to the crab mindset. When ever you place a bunch of live crabs in a sink, they are all bunched together. When you take a set of tonges and pull ONE out, the other cling on in an attempt to bring the other crab back down.
P Allen "I wonder if anyone ever told Al Sharpton if anyone who is being racist it's Sharpton himself."
Sharpton has a history of being a racist and an anti Semite. Of course like most liberals, they never see their hypocrisy. They expect people to be stupid enough to simply over look it and concentrate on what they are saying instead.
anon "Sharpton should be spending his time to guide urban youths into the right direction and not spew out his propaganda for his benefits. That goes too goes with Jesse Jackson."
No, no, no, they can't have that. If they teach black youths to excel in life and that they are some how inherit victims, the civil rights industry would be out of busy that including jackson and sharpton.
MRose "I think everyone on this website is brilliant. I just thought I'd let you guys know."
Allen brilliant? lol lol lol That was funny
I think everybody on this site is racist....haha that's my attempt at spewing Sharpton-like bigotry. Deflecting issues with a crutch, tsk tsk...On a more serious note, this truely is a good blog...too bad you don't spread the word as much...including your channel.
CB;"Why did Ed even go there with the race charge in the first place allen?".
I don't know... You'll have to ask him. Yet, and yet again, you've broad-brushed a black person (this time it being Sharpton) as some kind of race card playing whining hypocrite, when Sharpton said nothing (nor did he agree with Schultz) about racism.
CB;"Really? If a parants can't afford to take their child out of an under performing or dangerous school, how exactly can they get out allen?".
One key part of your statement is that many blacks "can't afford" to send their kids to private schools. If blacks had formed our own schools and educational system years ago, we wouldn't have this problem now. When I say "our own", I don't mean the schools and system that were abandoned by the white population. I mean a system set-up with a specific curriculum and mission to serve the needs and address the needs of the black community and it's children. (like the Irish Catholic's, the Jew's and the Arab Muslims).
CB;"Public School are graduating children especially in the black community who are at best functioning illiterates".
Several studies have shown that when these same kids attend chartered and "private" schools the results are NO DIFFERENT!! However, when black children are educated according to their needs, and the scope of the curriculum is combined with classical education techniques, these children do well. If we as blacks had our own educational system many of the problems would disappear.
For thirty plus years Jackson and Sharpton have used the words boycott,racist, and racism to pad their pockets. They have seized on the herd mentality of many Blacks, who believe that the world owe them
something. If you believe these crooks are looking out for you I have some swamp land to sell. Always follow the money. Jackson and Sharpton ride around in limos, and Escalades while their supporters walk or take the bus. Jackson's Escalade was stolen while he was visiting Detroit, crooks stealing from a crook. They dine at the finest restaurants, stay at the best hotels. Many people are struggling to make end meet and these hypocrooks are living the high life. Wake up Black America.
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