In Atlanta, did they "do it for the children"?

While the outdated relic aka the NAACP is engaging in the newest and greatest Civil Rights struggle of our time, the lack of diversity in "CNN's prime time line up", there is something that has happened in Atlanta that the NAACP might want to focus it's attention on instead. Progressives tell us they are the ones who champions the causes of blacks and that their actions when it comes to education is because, "it's all about the children". Well I wonder if it's in the best interest of black students in Atlanta to have them be nothing more then functioning illiterates? It has just been discovered this week that 178 teachers and 38 principals in the Atlanta Public School system were fudging the grades of failing students in order to pass them, and this had been going on for OVER A DECADE!
The cheating scandal has the sad honor of being the biggest cheating scandal in American history that was committed by teachers and principals. I can't stress the hypocrisy element in all of this. It's teachers and principals who are suppose to set the example for students NOT TO CHEAT, yet the ones in Atlanta were doing just that. It gets worse. The Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent Beverley Hall actually received in 2009 the "Superintendent of the Year" award!
Ms. Hall resigned in June due to the increasing spotlight that was being shined on the questionable achievement in the APS. Teaching is suppose to be a noble profession, so what was the reason behind teachers and principals cheating on behalf of the students they were suppose to be educating? Did they believe they were "helping" those students? How many tens of thousands of students in Atlanta have been in essence screwed out of an education? Lets hear the excuse.
Who's the first President of the United States? Barrack Obama. Correct!
It wouldn't surprise me that is what most kids have learned.
Is this what students in Atlanta are being taught?
To promote children to a higher level of education when they know that they are failing is not fair tot the children, but it dangerous. How are they going to get anywhere in life when they go out into the real world on what they were taught.
This is so embarrassing! Late Seattle school superintendent John Henry Stansford must be rolling in his grave. Stansford was the first black school superintendent by the way, who turned around the schools in the Seattle area. This woman is a joke!
We need somebody like former high school principal "Crazy" Joe Clark. They did a movie based on him called "Lean On Me" with Morgan Freeman.
Just like here in Baltimore, reported cheating and lying about grades in the Baltimore school system. I bet this is going on in all major cities in America. The progressive liberals lie and cheat when results don't line up with their agenda.
anon "Who's the first President of the United States? Barrack Obama. Correct!It wouldn't surprise me that is what most kids have learned.
Is this what students in Atlanta are being taught? "
lol, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that was the case.
anon "To promote children to a higher level of education when they know that they are failing is not fair tot the children, but it dangerous. How are they going to get anywhere in life when they go out into the real world on what they were taught. "
Right, it isn't fair to the children, but the educators claim that everything they do is "for the children". I would love to know how much money is being spent per child in the Atlanta Public School System. If they are receiving more money per child then any other school system in the state of Georgia, and these are the reuslts. It will prove once and for all that money alone can't help a child learn.
Have they tried to spin this so Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' gets the blame?
Meh. On another note, union perks are so much important. Man = Selfish destruction of a society.
It will prove once and for all that money alone can't help a child learn.
Kansas City proved THAT, years ago!
A formal education should be a privilege, not a right. If a person values knowledge he should pursue it on his own. The vast majority of those kids and their parents care less about getting an education. Public schools at the elementary level is just a free baby sitting service. After that they are breeding grounds for criminals.
This happens because schools don't want to get the reputation for "holding" children back - this lessens the child in their peers eyes.
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