Meet Herman Cain accuser Sharon Bialek

I've gotten to the point where I am completely disgusted by progressives and their despicable actions. These two faced, brainwashed loathsome sheeples have come to show normal people just how low they can sink, when they want to attack and destroy any person who isn't like them.. Progressives have shown themselves over and over to be the true racists they "allege" conservatives are. I don't care how many times they try to deflect their racism off of themselves and onto the right, their true colors show every time a minority who isn't a progressive comes forward aka Herman Cain.What is happening to Cain is anything less then shameful and despicable, but that is how progressives operate. The ends justify the means and nothing else matters.
The definition of the word allegation by the way is "A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof." The last two words are important in the definition, WITHOUT PROOF". Anyone can make an allegation about anybody. It's only when evidence is provided that the allegation becomes a "case".
Today, a fourth woman has come forward with her lawyer the ultra progressive democrat hack Gloria Allred. When I heard that the "accuser" Sharon Bialek hired Allred as her Attorney, Ms Bialek's credibility immediately went out the window before even knowing anything about her. Gloria Allred accused the Duke Lacrosse players of raping the black stripper Crystal Gail Magnum back in 2006. She's also the same attorney who represented the illegal housekeeper of then Republican California Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman. As I said before, this woman is a hardcore progressive celebrity hack lawyer. It looks like the strategy by the left is to try and destroy Cain by the process of a death by a thousand cuts or in this case a political death by a thousand allegations. With progressives, it's never about having to prove anything, when they smear conservatives. It's about "the seriousness of the charge".
The case against Bill Clinton was made, because the evidence was there to support the allegations against him.
This is what is so sad about the lynching of Herman Cain, there is no evidence hence forth, there is no case against him. It's hypocritical of course for progressives and the media to relentlessly go after Cain with no evidence to warrant it, when these exact same people tried to explain away Clinton's admitted and proven activities with Monica Lewinsky. I watched the Gloria and Sharon press conference. I really didn't think much of it at the time. I figured now that one of the supposed victims had stepped out into the light, things would start to be revealed about the accuser.
Why didn't she go to the Human Resources department of the NRA instead? Why did she fly to Washington, agree to go to dinner just so Herman could ask her "why are you here"? Another question I can't stop thinking about, how is it that Sharon Bialek came into contact with Gloria Allred in the first place? Gloria is a very high priced attorney.
How is it that a woman who doesn't even have a job can afford an attorney like Gloria Allred?
How did a woman who isn't politically connect come in contact with Gloria Allred?
If Sharon came forward merely to do the right thing, why didn't she come forward as with the rest of these women when Cain was running for the U.S Senate in Georgia back in 2004?
Why didn't any of the women step forward when Cain was still at the bottom of the polls and wsa on the verge of dropping out?
Don't think for one moment the media will EVER ask any questions like these. Since there is no evidence of wrong doing, I am going to sum it up like this. "If there isn't no stain, then it can't be Cain". Did you know that Sharon Bialek was at Teacon last month, and she hugged Herman Cain? Would any woman worth her weight in salt, hug and take a picture with a man she would one month later accuse of sexually harassing her 14 years ago?
Frankly, I have become tired of even commenting on this soap opera that really has become nothing more then a he said, she said event. Until evidence comes out by any of his accusers or Cain resigns from the race, this is nothing more then a stuck in the mud gossip tabloid story. I know people who don't like Cain would love to talk about this stuff all day long, but I am not going to play into it.
Ha-Ha...Alpha male! You said this thing would go away in a few days. You said Herb Cain was doing the right thing by letting the media come up with names. They did that and now women are coming out of the wordwork. You have been wrong since the beginning of the Herb Cain saga. Now your blaming progressives for something that Cain should have squashed a week ago. Its funny how you say these women should come up with proof for their allegations but you dont have any proof that progressives have anything to do with Herb Cains troubles.
Herb Cains camp first said rick Perrys camp planted the story. Now Herb is saying democrats are responsible. His campaign manager is also lying on the other accuser Karen Kraushaar saying her son works for politico when her son doesnt.
I will say that Cain should not be branded guilty without evidence. But a lot of his problems is due to the way he has handled the accusations and the situation. I really hope Herb Cain is the GOP nominee.
last post by Gerald T.
Here's another question that puzzles me: she alleged Cain reach up her dress and groped her, etc. That is not sexual harassment, that is sexual battery and it's illegal.
First she was asked why didn't' she make the report to HR? Well, according to her explanation, she was not "employed" by the National Restaurant Association. If an employee did something offensive toward me that I found disturbing, it will not stop me to report his actions to his employers, even if I don't work for that company. He would be out of a job, guarantee.
Since she made the allegation of sexual battery, why did she not report to the police? Cain's career would have been over already.
What I found very suspicious, why did she need to read from a sheet of paper? A victim would know all the details. I have seen crime victims describe every detail without reading a sheet of paper. Of course, however, when the investigators question the victim, like Crystal Gail Magnum in the Duke lacrosse rape case, she did not remember every detail, her story kept changing.
The difference between presidential candidates Bill Clinton and Herman Cain:
When Clinton was accused by Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers, he avoided it.
When Herman Cain was accused by three other women and Sharon Bialek, he fought back.
When you are accused of something serious, and your credibility is on the line, you would do everything in your own power to clear your name or shout at the top of your lungs on a rooftop.
When the previous women accused Cain of sexual harassment and the NRA declassified the records, why all the sudden they backed off.
Last I heard, Cain hired the lawyer who represented accused Atlanta Olympic bomber Richard Jewell who was falsely accused of being the bomber.
If I was Cain, I would sue Bialek and Gloria Alred. Alred to me is a leach who destroys lives. Let's see the shoe on the other foot.
"Did you know that Sharon Bialek was at Teacon last month, and she hugged Herman Cain? Would any woman worth her weight in salt, hug and take a picture with a man she would one month later accuse of sexually harassing her 14 years ago?"
Holy smokes! Now that just threw everything out the window now. No doubt. Anyone who disagrees needs mental help. Give me a flippin' break. Try and rebuttal this one, impossible.
First off, I wouldn't know if any one of these women (or Cain for that matter) are telling the truth.
That being said, so far, for the women who have brought the allegations against Cain, their stories have been more consistent. Perhaps Mark Block should look to Gloria Alred for tips on how to handle your client and the media.
Cain said he did not know who the Sharon Bialek was. Thats Bialek in the picture with Cain. The reporter said that Bialek and Cain had a conversation at the tea party rally last month. Did Cain forget who she was just that fast?
Gerald T.-
Gerald T "Cain said he did not know who the Sharon Bialek was. Thats Bialek in the picture with Cain. The reporter said that Bialek and Cain had a conversation at the tea party rally last month. Did Cain forget who she was just that fast?
Gerald T.-
A person running for president can meet hundreds of people during the event. It doesn't mean a person is going to remember everything every person he meets says. How about Sharon tell everyone what see said to Cain last month. Oh wait, it would look funny for her to claim sexual harassment but still hug Cain a month prior, never mind.
anon "Ha-Ha...Alpha male! You said this thing would go away in a few days. You said Herb Cain was doing the right thing by letting the media come up with names."
Cain is still around. The hope was for him to quit, but he isn't. I guess you can't call him a quitter, sucks doesn't it? Where's the beef in the allegations? If the reception Cain received at the CNBC debate last nigh is any indicator of whether he's going to be ok, I would say he's going to be just fine, sorry. In other words, the bone can't take down Cain unless there is some meat on it. Oh wait, there isn't any.
anon "They did that and now women are coming out of the wordwork. You have been wrong since the beginning of the Herb Cain saga. Now your blaming progressives for something that Cain should have squashed a week ago. Its funny how you say these women should come up with proof for their allegations but you dont have any proof that progressives have anything to do with Herb Cains troubles.
Actually I haven't been wrong. Cain is still number two behind Romney. Cain has raised over $1.2 million dollars in Iowa over the last week just because of these allegations. This is what I said was going to happen. Most candidates can weather allegations as along as no evidence comes forth. In this case that is what is happening. Cain is still raising money, he's no dropping out of the race, and no evidence has surfaced to force him out. lol
You guys are funny. You defended Bill Clinton to the hilt, you you attack Cain. Why should any of your words have any credibility with me on issue of Cain?
i'm equally disgusted with the Left. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Have you seen the latest video with the boyfriend, what a crock, the dude is reading from a piece of paper, what an absolute joke.
Have you seen the latest video with the boyfriend backing up the ladys story, what an absolute crock, the dude is reading from a piece of paper, what a joke! I wasnt born yesterday.
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