A voice of reason in Baltimore is no more.

Ron Smith was a long time radio political commentator for 26 years on WBAL Radio 1090 here in Baltimore. He use to call himself the "the voice of reason". Most of the time, he was just that, a voice of reason. I started listening to Ron Smith back in the early 1990's. I wasn't a conservative back then, but I wasn't a progressive either. If anything, I was a middle of the road guy. As the years went by, I would call into his show from time to time and challenge him on different topics. He was always able to point out the flaws in my argument, eventhough I never told him he was right and I was wrong, lol. I developed a great admiration for Ron for his sarcastic wit in exposing just how flawed liberalism is. Slowly over time, I started becoming more and more conservative mainly,y because Ron Smith actually forced me to take a real look at the world. Many years later, I become one of his best callers on his show. People normally tell me that I apply a lot of logic to what I write. I have Ron to thank for that. Progressives are known for basing their beliefs off of emotions, but emotions aren't factual. Facts are what they are. Some people might not like to hear them, but they are what they are regardless. Ron Smith died of Pancreatic Cancer today. This was him announcing just a few weeks ago he announced the discover of his condition.
He officially retired from his show just two weeks later, when he learned that his cancer was stage 4 and was too far along to treat.
This was a classic Ron Smith moment. Right after Obama was elected, the absolute clueless, progressive dumb ass state senator Lisa Gladden made the statement that "she didn't care that Maryland was broke as long as Barack Obama was elected". All she cared about was her Obama watch. I remember saying that I wished I had a hammer so I could crush that watch right in front of her eyes. Ron of course took her stupid remarks apart in with style.
He will be sorely missed by those who turned on WBAL to listen to a voice of reason in an insane, irrational world. RIP Ron and thank you.
The Obamabot, who doesn't care that about the state of Maryland being broke, but cares much more about Obama being elected and sworn in as President of the United States, it makes me wonder if her constituents voted her out of office? I hope so.
This remark reminds me Tyrone when you posted a clip from Howard Stern's radio show when he and Robbin Quivers asked if blacks know anything about Barack Obama. To test their knowledge, they sent a correspondent out to Harlem and used John McCain's policies as if they were Obama's.
After they bashed McCain and his policies, surprisingly, they did not bash Obama and his "policies".
Either they were not paying attention to what was going on, or they didn't care as long as a black man is elected President of the United States.
Anonymous said that blacks dont care as long as a black man is elected president. Herb Cain is black and he could not get even ten percent black support. So why do white republicans say that blacks only voted for obama because hes black but wont vote for cain and hes black too? Its like ann coulter said. Black republicans belong to white republicans.
White republicans have really brainwashed black republicans. White republicans have figured out how to control blacks who want to be republicans. If your black and dont do what your are told to do they will call you a racist.
You have to be extremely stupid to let somebody tell you that black people only vote for other blacks because they are black. And then at the same time a black guy like Herb cain comes along and cant get blacks to vote for him but you still say blacks will only vote for blacks. Its just stupid.
Gerald T.
anon "The Obamabot, who doesn't care that about the state of Maryland being broke, but cares much more about Obama being elected and sworn in as President of the United States, it makes me wonder if her constituents voted her out of office? I hope so. "
Lisa Gladden's district is mostly black and very liberal. They more then not feel the same way and thinks the same way she does.
anon "This remark reminds me Tyrone when you posted a clip from Howard Stern's radio show when he and Robbin Quivers asked if blacks know anything about Barack Obama. To test their knowledge, they sent a correspondent out to Harlem and used John McCain's policies as if they were Obama's."
I have that clip in my youtube folder. I like that clip for one reason. Stern and the person who interviewed the Obama supporters in Harlem helped to show just how uninformed and ignorant the average Obama support is. I can say that progressives in general aren't that bright, but what I say and what others say about them become way more credible when progressives speak and embarrass themselves.
anon "
Either they were not paying attention to what was going on, or they didn't care as long as a black man is elected President of the United States."
It's the second. It's because he's black eventhough he's really biracial. Obama can turn this country into Greece, Italy, Spain economically for all most blacks care as long as he is president, it's perfectly fine in their eyes. It's simply "race before country" for them.
Gerald T"Anonymous said that blacks dont care as long as a black man is elected president."
The truth is a bitch I know Gerald.
Blacks were wearing shirts with Obama on one side and Dr. King on another side with the slogan "A dream realized". Duh, what did that mean?
Gerald T "Herb Cain is black and he could not get even ten percent black support. "
Stop your story telling right there. Cain dropped out before the Republican Primaries even started. Second, the primaries would have only been open to registered Republicans. Nobody would have known what percentage Cain would have gotten from blacks if he would have won the nomination. So try to be somewhat honest Gerald. Your BS will never pass through my BS filter.
So why do white republicans say that blacks only voted for obama because hes black but wont vote for cain and hes black too? Its like ann coulter said. Black republicans belong to white republicans. "
Gerald T"Its like ann coulter said. Black republicans belong to white republicans. "
Another BS flag on the play. Post the link of her saying that verbatim gerald. She said "our blacks" meaning blacks who are apart of the Republican Party. It was Ann defending Cain from racist attacks from people on your side Gerald, let's not forget that inconvenient truth. Furthermore, it's Democrats who brag that they have 90% of the black vote. Doesn't that make them, "their blacks"? Why do you think that progressive racially attack the 10% like Cain, myself and others who aren't "their blacks" in the first place?
Gerald T "You have to be extremely stupid to let somebody tell you that black people only vote for other blacks because they are black. And then at the same time a black guy like Herb cain comes along and cant get blacks to vote for him but you still say blacks will only vote for blacks. Its just stupid."
Right Gerald, whatever. So when blacks who didn't vote for Obama were called traitors to their race by progressives, it had nothing to do with race? lol lol lol lol lol Oh dam, that was just too funny!!! You guys simply can't have it both says. You can't attack black republicans or conservatives on the lines of race and then claim you aren't acting racists. It simply doesn't fly Gerald.
Thats a bunch of bull crap alpha male. Cain said that he could not get more than ten percent of the black vote because he said blacks were brainwashed. Since cain said that about himself I will go with what he said instead of what you say. So you just proved my point.
White republicans tell you that blacks will only vote for people of their skin color. Cain knows that blacks wont vote for him because hes a republican. So when they tell you to say blacks only vote for other blacks it makes you appear stupid. The statement contradicts itself.
Blacks vote democrat thats just the way it is. Blacks would vote for a white woman democrat before voting for herb cain or a black republican thats told what to do and what to say.
Gerald T.-
Gerald T "Thats a bunch of bull crap alpha male. Cain said that he could not get more than ten percent of the black vote because he said blacks were brainwashed. Since cain said that about himself I will go with what he said instead of what you say. So you just proved my point."
Still struggling with that whole 1+1 equaling 2 argument of mine I see, oh well. Rest your fragile mind Gerald, let me help. The Republicans traditionally get 10% of the "black vote". Herman Cain said "He Could Draw Black Voters From Obama". So that means that by him saying that he can draw black votes away from obama, those votes would be in ADDITION to blacks who are registered republicans or vote independent. Whatever votes he would have gotten from Obama combined with what Republicans normally get would equal MORE THEN 10%!! This should quiet you Gerald on the topic. Back on Sept 27th, Herman Cain said that
Herman Cain says he can win a third of black vote in 2012" Ever notice how I can bring facts to back up everything I say and you can't Gerald. Odd, isn't it? lol
I backed up my point, how about you?
Gerald T "White republicans tell you that blacks will only vote for people of their skin color. "
White Republicans you say Gerald? And boom, there goes the dynamite. Anything else?
Gerald T "Cain knows that blacks wont vote for him because hes a republican".
So that traditional 10% of blacks who normally vote for Republicans aren't really black Gerald? You might want to rethink your statement. Also Cain said as I posted, he thought he could get 1/3rd of the black vote. So Cain's own words seem to contradict you think he said.
Gerald T" So when they tell you to say blacks only vote for other blacks it makes you appear stupid. The statement contradicts itself."
I just posted evidence of blacks who supported Obama in the election based on race. Where is your evidence to prove otherwise Gerald? Maybe I could be wrong Gerald. Then again, no I'm right.
Ron Smith will be sorely missed.
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