Thursday, June 28, 2012

Back tomorrow

Sorry folks for my absence. I've been pretty busy over the last two weeks. Anyways, I have much to say about the Supreme Court upholding Obamacare. I'll get into it more tomorrow. Obama and the left are crowing the court's ruling as a victory, but this victory is poison laced for Obama and I will tell you about it later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The white devil must be angry they are forced to vote for a cultist Mormon.Mitt Romney the creator of obama care.Hey Tyrone how do you feel man you spent all your time during the primaries bashing Mittens flip flop Romney now your forced to vote the Mormon. What is Romney going to do hang a picture of joseph smith in the White house.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "The white devil must be angry they are forced to vote for a cultist Mormon.Mitt Romney the creator of obama care.Hey Tyrone how do you feel man you spent all your time during the primaries bashing Mittens flip flop Romney now your forced to vote the Mormon. What is Romney going to do hang a picture of joseph smith in the White house."

Seek psychological help, you'll feel better.

12:32 PM  

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