Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

To those of you who love this country and everything it stands for, you more then others understand why Independence Day holds so much meaning to you. Those who seek to fundamentally change America, because they never liked it's conception, this day definitely leaves a sour taste in their mouths. In typical fashion of progressives, this is what a few had to say today about Independence Day. It's pathetic and sad that many people who are actual citizens of our country have no idea what happened on July 4th 1776. They have no clue what the Declaration of Independence is and who were the people who brought it into existence and why it came to be.  Our country has it's flaws like any other country, but the United States is still the top country on the list for people from other countries who want  an opportunity to have a better life then the one they have in their native countries. Free individuals pursuing their dreams is what makes this country so great.Happy Birthday America.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi tyrone did you read the latest Poll: 56 Percent of Americans Want ‘Obamacare’ Opponents To Move On.And get lost

1:08 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Hi tyrone did you read the latest Poll: 56 Percent of Americans Want ‘Obamacare’ Opponents To Move On.And get lost"

Let me see the poll, I can use the laugh.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a sinful confession to make, Tyrone:

As an American, growing up was not easy for me; most of my problems stemmed through out my academic career.

While growing up, I was always picked on, harassed and bullied by my peers. I felt no one, especially the adults gave a damn about my problems.

I'm not a minority, but I heard the arguments about hearing from others that I don't know what it is like to be a minority. I don't have to be a minority to know what I have gone through.

Out of all the problems I have gone through, I had a lot of hatred building up. Not toward just my peers, but my country, the United States of America. I became bleeding-heart, self-hating/anti-American liberal. Out of all the things I have gone through, I rejected my humanity as an American. Correction, I lost my soul as an American.

How did I change my life around?

First I had to think about myself and the kind of person I was I becoming. As my grandmother once said, no one can help me but myself. I went through years of therapy to get over my pain and anguish. While I was homeless and residing at the Salvation Army, it made me stronger person. Then the events of September 11, 2001 it restored my faith and patriotism for my country.

While I was recovering from the person I've been, I took the time and research to find positive role models who can help me recover from this victim-hood, liberal mentality. You're one of the first people whom I've found.

Since my recovery, I am now again an American patriot, and an independent conservative. Do some liberal parts of me linger? I will admit some, but not the hated part of that former self.

Thank you Tyrone for being one of the people to help me restore my humanity, God bless you, and God bless America!

I am proud again to be an American!

3:48 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "While I was recovering from the person I've been, I took the time and research to find positive role models who can help me recover from this victim-hood, liberal mentality. You're one of the first people whom I've found. "

I'm honored, thank you. People who do not subscribe to self victimization can never be liberals. Progressives have to blame someone for their ills. That is why they bitch about "social justice", "economic justice" etc. Self determination is something progressives are not know for. Truth be told, that is one reason why I am not a liberal. I've never in my life believed I was a victim of society or thought I was destined to be behind's society's 8 ball because of the color of my skin. I watched an immigration swearing in ceremony for new naturalized citizens, it made me think that I was born into a nation that so many people desperately want to come to in order to live. That really placed things in perspective how lucky I am.

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you heard the controversial joke Chris Rock tweeted about Independence Day?

Rock ruffled more than a few feathers after sending out this message to his followers: “Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks.”

I don't like Chris Rock, but to joke about something on America's birthday, and putting this "white guilt" ideology in with it, I found it in poor taste.

10:16 PM  

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