Obama's campaign outsources it's fundraising to foreign countries.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I have never heard of an American presidential campaign holding fundraisers outside of the Untied States before. First time for everything I suppose. With all the distraction talk about outsourcing, I just had to bring up the story about the Obama campaign holding fundraisers in foreign countries. I wonder how many donors in Muslim countries are going to contribute? Maybe the Muslim Brotherhood will cut Barry a nice check.Now I know why he was bowing to foreign leaders over the past few years. I know the campaign haul for Obama this year is behind where it was in 2008. If the Obama campaign has to outsource it's fundraising to foreign countries, I wonder just how bad their fundraising efforts in the U.S really is. Holding fundraisers in China makes perfect sense. The Chinese Prime Minister's pet name for Obama is Yu Mi Bitch. Well at least that is what I heard.
CB;;"Maybe I'm mistaken, but I have never heard of an American presidential campaign holding fundraisers outside of the Untied States before".
I remember reading this in the Daily Beast just a few weeks ago and thinking nothing of it. Yet because you didn't stop to think that "millions" of Americans are living and working overseas, you couldn't grasp the concept of having fundraisers in foreign countries. LOL!!!
And you don't think that Romney would get in on the "foreign" action also?
"Meanwhile, two of Mitt Romney’s sons headlined a fundraiser last month in Hong Kong, while the candidate himself will attend his second London fundraiser next month during the Olympic Games".
Your right-wing buddies over at Gateway Pundit aren't to bright. Here's some comments left by some of your right-wing brethren Tyrone;
"O-nig-sucks commented:
Romney has enough information on this coon climbling up the tree of lies and despections to shoot the vermin down……USE IT! If you don’t we will have four more years of this MFKR and his big tooth chimp wife robbing us on legislation and big @ss momma on her vacatios that we pay for.
"James commented:
It’s illegal to actively take money from foreign governments. Impeach OBAMA NOW Congress.
You can start Impeachment on what you got on this illegal alien fraud, he has stolen 5 trillion dollars with nothing to show anywhere, etc...".
Just plain stupid...
I think it is against the rules for any political candidate to get any funding from any foreign country. I wonder why the FEC isn't making a fuss over this, like they had when Al Gore was making fundraising drives from the White House?
anon "I think it is against the rules for any political candidate to get any funding from any foreign country. I wonder why the FEC isn't making a fuss over this, like they had when Al Gore was making fundraising drives from the White House?"
Remember most of the $500 million Obama raised in 08 came from small donations off the internet that came from overseas. The FEC never pursued it. There were stories that most of the money can from the middle east. I wouldn't doubt that was the case either. No candidate regardless of party should have oversea fundraisers, because we do not know if non Americans are donating to the candidates. It's bad enough China has so much leverage over our country, the last thing we need is foreign donors having the same sort of leverage over our economic and foreign policy. Clinton received a good amount of campaign money from the Chicoms, so it was no surprise when to some when he pushed for China to be allowed into the World Trade Organization and when he gave China most favored trade status.
p allen "Your right-wing buddies over at Gateway Pundit aren't to bright. Here's some comments left by some of your right-wing brethren Tyrone;"
I forgot to mention one key detail about Gateway Pundit. If you noticed allen, there are no registered posters on GWP, oops. In other words all it asks for is a name and email address and anyone can post. So I can post anything under a fictitious name and call Obama any racist thing I want and it will be posted. So you really do not know that the people who posted the stuff about Obama are right wingers, because it's anonymous based posting that simply allows the posting of any sort of name. lol
p allen "
"Meanwhile, two of Mitt Romney’s sons headlined a fundraiser last month in Hong Kong, while the candidate himself will attend his second London fundraiser next month during the Olympic Games". "
But Romney isn't the one making an issue about outsourcing allen, Obama and his surrogates are. If Romney would have made outsourcing an issue, then you might actually have a point, but you miss the mark again.
p allen "Your right-wing buddies over at Gateway Pundit aren't to bright. Here's some comments left by some of your right-wing brethren Tyrone;"
It's insulting that after all this time, you still try to race bait me even though you know I am far more sophisticated to fall for such non sense. I place racists in the same category as I do liberals, low class and low intelligence. Do you have any evidence the posters are right wingers? Here's just a few quotes from well known democrats about Barack Obama that actually said what they said.
DEMOCRAT: Rod Blagojevich QUOTE: "This guy, he was catapulted in on hope and change, what we hope the guy is. What the fuck? Everything he's saying's on the teleprompter. I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived. I saw it all growing up."
DEMOCRAT: Rev. Al Sharpton
QUOTE: "White folks was in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." [In a 1994 speech at Kean College]
DEMOCRAT: Bill Clinton
QUOTE: "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee..." Clinton to Ted Kennedy in 2008.
DEMOCRAT: Gealdine Ferraro
QUOTE: "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman of any color, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." [To the Torrance Daily Breeze in March 2008]
DEMOCRAT:David Ehrenstein of LA Times. "
Obama the 'Magic Negro'
The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man."
I have no problem admitting there are racists on the right allen, but you can't do the same when it comes to you "friends" on the left.
11:25 PM
Except for the celeb wackos, people aren't clamoring to send Obama funds, so he does the next best thing and goes to places outside our Country where he apologizes and can tell everyone how embarrassed he is of America, get sympathy and get some cold hard blood money from more wackos worse than the celebs.
It's kinda sad and hilarious that you guys don't grasp the basic point of overseas fundraising, which is to gain donations from AMERICANS OVERSEAS. Obama did not go there to court a big wad of money from the "scary commies." That's illegal.
anon "It's kinda sad and hilarious that you guys don't grasp the basic point of overseas fundraising, which is to gain donations from AMERICANS OVERSEAS. Obama did not go there to court a big wad of money from the "scary commies." That's illegal."
It's not sad and hilarious, because most of us already knew that. Obama received a lot of his money from internet oversea donations in 08. Of curse every campaign has the right to raise money from American ex patriots abroad.
CB'"I have no problem admitting there are racists on the right allen, but you can't do the same when it comes to you "friends" on the left".
How many times have I written on your blog that, "we as blacks should have our own political, economic, educational, social and spiritual base?" Doesn't that clearly say to you that by working together as a group, blacks would not even be concerned about what a racist (Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, whatever...) says about us.
Sure, many liberal whites will say stupid racist crap. Just as many conservative whites will. The point is that if blacks were "interdependent" it wouldn't matter what others say.
Ty, how could you forget Harry Reid's racist comment, too?? Don't forget this.
Oh....and 'THE MORMON' Harry Reid, p. anthony allen if you're still there reading!!!
Let's see the racist comment by Democrat liberal - MORMON - Harry Reid that he made privately during the 2008 presidential run:
Reid described Obama as ‘light-skinned’ African American ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one and that's why Reid believed he could win. He said this privately and only apologized after he got caught when it came out.
Now p. anthony allen knows a white male conservative Republican could have never got away with saying that! Democrat libs like p. anthony allen would demanded Reid step down immediately - like Trent Lott, if he were a white Republican.
But once again, Reid is a Democrat, so it not matter that he is a Mormon like Romney and made a racist comment such as that. What hypocrites you libs are!!!
Marcel;"What hypocrites you libs are!!!".
Sure, there are perhaps plenty of hypocritical white liberals, as there are plenty of hypocritical white conservatives. Hypocrisy has no ideology.
As for a "white conservative" not being able to get away with making a stupid racist comment, the way I see it, that's their problem. If a white liberal makes a racist comment and "doesn't get away with it", that's their problem also!
Stupid racist comments coming from whites isn't anything new. What's new is how blacks react. Blacks now have a divide (yet a small one) in the political and social realm. What has happened is that the whites, on both sides, have attempted to control the racial narrative. Liberal whites tend to pander and have adopted an air of condescension toward blacks. Conservative whites tend to present an air paternalism along with the condescension toward blacks.
In controlling the racial narrative, whites on either side will rally around blacks to support an opinion or view, that the whites on the other side are doing, or have done something racially offensive toward blacks, and/or, what they might believe is racially beneficial for blacks. Subsequently what happens is that, the dialogue becomes "conservative against liberal" rather than what's best for us as blacks.
Harry Reid, Rod Blagojevich and Bill Clinton have probably made more stupid racist statements than you listed Tyrone. I don't doubt it. But can you honestly say that Rush Limbaugh, Trent Lott and Ann Coulter have not? Limbaugh makes a living off of making the some of the dumbest racially charged statements. Are you willing to "give him a pass?"
p allen "Stupid racist comments coming from whites isn't anything new. What's new is how blacks react. "
So why don't black liberals react when white liberals make stupid remarks like the ones I highlighted from high profile white liberals then? Black liberals had no problem reacting to Rush Limbaugh for saying that the MEDIA wanted Donathan McNabb to succeed because of his race. They had no problem reacting to Trent Lott when he said at Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party . They had no problem reacting to Don Imus with his Nappy Headed Hoe comment, so it would appear that the only time a comment can be deemed racist or racially insensitive is if it comes out of the mouth of a person who is a republican or conservative but if the person is a white liberal, that person will automatically get a pass even if they say the exact same thing. Am I missing something here/.
p allen "Harry Reid, Rod Blagojevich and Bill Clinton have probably made more stupid racist statements than you listed Tyrone. I don't doubt it. But can you honestly say that Rush Limbaugh, Trent Lott and Ann Coulter have not? "
Please list what Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Trent Lott said that was racists and the source of the comments allen. Trent Lott spoke about Strom Thurmond not blacks, but that regardless cost him his leadership role in congress. What racist terminology did Rush say about blacks? As for Coulter, what do you have?
Limbaugh makes a living off of making the some of the dumbest racially charged statements. Are you willing to "give him a pass?"
Christopher "Except for the celeb wackos, people aren't clamoring to send Obama funds, so he does the next best thing and goes to places outside our Country where he apologizes and can tell everyone how embarrassed he is of America, get sympathy and get some cold hard blood money from more wackos worse than the celebs.
I bet many of those overseas in which Obama has beeen pedaling his donation tin cup have ties to terrorist organizations and or have a negative view of America. Hollywood celebs are without a doubt some of the dumbest people to breath in this country. They don't realize that as the economy falters, people aren't going to have the disposable income to spend on high movie ticket prices to see their movies. The so called recovery that still feels like a recession has already taken a bite out of Hollywood, but the fools still don't get it, an they never will.
CB;"So why don't black liberals react when white liberals make stupid remarks like the ones I highlighted from high profile white liberals then? ".
Who are these black liberals that didn't react? As you know, I live in Detroit. Almost every "black liberal" I know thought Harry Reid's and Bill Clinton's comments were stupid and racially offensive.
CB;"What racist terminology did Rush say about blacks? As for Coulter, what do you have?".
Say Whuuuuuuuud??? Are you saying that "RUSH LIMBAUGH" doesn't make racially charge statements? You don't think his statement regarding McNabb had a racial overtone? Did someone "ASK" Limbaugh does the media want a black quarterback to succeed? Or did he just offer the comment? Conversely, did someone "ASK" Harry Reid if Barack Obamas negro dialect (or lack of) helped his presidential bid?
It's just as I said, you're allowing Limbaugh (white conservatives) to control the racial narrative. Reid and Limbaugh both made remarks about another persons (an American person) race that had absolutely nothing to do with that persons abilities. Tyrone, the fact is this is America, racial comments are made all the time.
Read this again! Your display and denial here alone show that what I'm saying is spot on:
In controlling the racial narrative, whites on either side will rally around blacks to support an opinion or view, that the whites on the other side are doing, or have done something racially offensive toward blacks, and/or, what they might believe is racially beneficial for blacks. Subsequently what happens is that, the dialogue becomes "conservative against liberal" rather than what's best for us as blacks.
CB;"As for Coulter, what do you have?".
On you, I have nothing. But Ann Coulter apparently does! According to Coulter "you're one of her blacks, and you're better than me!" Again it proves that white conservatives are "paternalistic" when dealing with blacks. With that statement, in essence Coulter categorized non-conservative blacks as unimportant entities in her world.
When the Left v. Right dialogue or discussion is race, you allow them to strip you of your common sense. Fear not Tyrone, because it happens on both sides. "Hacking" for your ideology, at times has no color.
Tyrone, you and Allen were debating about how some blacks people would over-sensibly react if a white person, namely a conservative would to say something consider racially insensitive, but why the liberal whites get a free pass from the blacks. It goes to show also how these same blacks were to give other blacks a free pass for using the N-word in itself.
But when I hear something about a black conservative would say something has to do with the black community, even about improving it, he gets called an Uncle Tom.
Anon;"but why the liberal whites get a free pass from the blacks".
Liberal whites don't get a "free pass" on racially insensitive comments. I think you should first define what you believe is a "free pass." Then, name a white liberal pundit or politician that got a "free pass" after making a racially charged statement.
Anon;"It goes to show also how these same blacks were to give other blacks a free pass for using the N-word in itself".
HUHHH? Blacks are given a free pass for using the "N-word".... to other blacks?? Are you really that clueless dude? You really don't have a clue, do you?
Anon;"But when I hear something about a black conservative would say something has to do with the black community, even about improving it, he gets called an Uncle Tom".
Name "ONE" black conservative working diligently within the black community, directly with those blacks who need the improvement the most. Mind you, improvements are;
* economically (jobs, business, companies and organizations that succeed in increasing the numbers of Blacks enjoying Black experiences)
* education (schools and training with innovative design to improve black youth and the future)
* social (inspire and advance innovative ideas that contribute to the continued growth and vitality of black life.)
* politically (a political platform that touts and supports all of the above)
Name "ONE" black conservative that is working within the black community doing that...
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