Sunday, June 23, 2013

Snooki: I'm praying I have a gay little boy one day".

I guess the whole gay thing is the new sheik to progressives, unfortunately they want to try and make everybody else buy into their warped sense of what is trendy and cool. Everything in our society is  being centered around gays and lesbians for some very odd reason. I would be lying if I said I can comprehend insanity. Liberalism is a mental disorder. That has been proven beyond a shadow a doubt.  Backwards thinking is a very poor substitute for common sense. I have no problem with homosexuals, but I do know that homosexuality is an "alternative lifestyle" not a "traditional" lifestyle. I laugh everything a clueless gay marriage (oxymoron term) supporter calls me a "homophobe", because I will not bend on my support of the traditional union of marriage. I usually end up smashing their talking point attack by telling them that in order for me to be a homophobe, I would have to be in "fear of homosexuals". Since I am not in fear of them, there is no "phobia aka the fear of" to speak of. That normally gets them off their high horse rather quickly. Anyways, I'm not trying nor going to every by trendy by selling out my beliefs to placate to a bunch of intellectual gerbils. Speaking of an intellectual gerbil, the reality television star "Snooki" fits the bill in that department. Thank goodness I've never watched an episode of Jersey Shore and never will. If you want to know why so many young people are so much messed up in the head, the Jersey Shore is a text book example why. Snooki aka  Nicole Polizzi, is pregnant, and she said " I’m praying I have a gay little boy one day”. Looks like the fashion fad of white liberals adopting African kids may be coming to an end.  I know television and film celebrities are phonies and hypocrites at heart, and I also know that they are dumb people. I wonder did it ever occur to this twit that if the man and woman who conceived her were gay, she wouldn't have been conceived at all. . My brain feels like it wants to explode every time a progressive says something so utterly stupid.. Stupid is what stupid does and says.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snooki-" " I’m praying I have a gay little boy one day."

Maybe she was referring the primary definition of gay as "happy."

12:41 AM  
Anonymous indigo said...

On morning news shows today we get an ABC weatherman who says he “married” a man, and a CBS female reporter who says she “married” a woman and that they “are having a baby.” ?? No male is mentioned, but they go to a male donor or a sperm bank. Then the whole tv gang on set just smiles and okey dokes. Today, the God-haters are dismantling families. Grade schoolers are told “two mommies” is just as OK. Some local papers report more divorces than marriages. We have tv doctors and tv judges calling opposers of homosexuality “homophobics.” Phobic means fearful of. Revelation 21:8 shows that the “fearful” (bad sense) are those who disobeyed what God said and are headed for the second death (gehenna, hell). A person in their right mind is driven by the right fear of God, not by the wrong fear of homosexuals.

The world calling homosexuality “gay” is one of many recent cases of seeking to normalize abnormality and make it mainstream. How easily did the population accept this euphemism of “gay” into their vocabulary. Children of this world have its matrix pressed into them just like a parent spoon-feeding a child. The word “gay” used to mean happy (“Don we now our gay apparel, fa la la … “). Homosexuality is not gay that way, and is not happy, but is one of the sins listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, that can and should be repented of. (Note: So when are the adulterers, fornicators, whores and whoremongers going to “out” themselves and reveal their sins to the world? And then when are they all going to ask for special treatment and special privileges?)

Concerning “homophobia,” the actual homophobics are those who fear homos' retalliation, cave in to their threats, and “have pleasure in” their abominable sin (Roman 1:26-32; Leviticus 18:22; Jude 1:7). So the sodomites/supporters use of the label “homophobic” to silence opposition is confusing, crazymaking doublespeak. Homophobic means just the opposite of how they use it. Homophobic people are “fearful” (Revelation 21:8) of the homosexuals' backlash, and they are the ones who are pushing for homosexual privileges. People who are not homophobic are not afraid to speak against homosexuality, just as God spoke plainly and finally against homosexuality.

At the White House on June 13, 2013, nine year old twins introduce the president, for a LGBT event. (lesbian gay bisexual transgender)

Chelsea Clinton says it is “time for woman in White House.” Well, it is past time for backbone in my house, and your house.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Thersites said...

I hope she has one too. The end of her genetic line.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"I usually end up smashing their talking point attack by telling them that in order for me to be a homophobe, I would have to be in "fear of homosexuals". Since I am not in fear of them, there is no "phobia aka the fear of" to speak of.

I wonder how they came up with that analogy? It was like years ago, when Sen. Ted Kennedy who was championing for gays and lesbians to get married and calling the opposition "homophobes." OK, if they are "homophobes" that Kennedy claims, what are they afraid of? Are they afraid of new era? If gays want to get married, I don't care, that's their business. Since I am agnostic, I don't take the Bible or any other religious text too literal. I know it may sound a little hypocritical, but to take a religious text and to desecrate and too redefine marriage in the eyes of progressives, that would be consider sacrilege and blasphemous to the believers.

Also, in similar cases, I have seen people call others "racist" because they have distrust toward certain groups of people.
A few months after my brother moved to Boston, he was attacked unprovoked by a group of black teenagers on a subway. It traumatized him, and for a long time he avoided blacks. Black coworkers noticed his behavior and he was immediately reprimanded. It wasn't until a fellow black coworker of his stepped in to his defense and figured out what was the matter and he understood his mistrust. Afterward, his fears subsided and they became good friends.

Another example, in history class, we were watching a documentary on World War 2, and the topic was the Bataan Death March. One of the survivors stated how much he hated the Japanese and will never forgive what they put him through. One of my classmates said he was being racist for hating the Japanese. The teacher asked him what if it were the Germans who put him through the same hell as what the Japanese did to this man. That shut him up.

-Big Pop

3:18 PM  
Anonymous indigo said...

Today, after all is said and done there is little difference between not all but most democrat and republican elected officials. Some are paid off. Some are extorted. Some cave to intimidation and harassment tactics. The world is full of scripturally unenlightened, weak, cowardly people. They end up caving in to the same interest groups. Currently in 2013, legislatures, military, vain religions, Fortune 500's, and Boy Scouts of America bow before the homosexuals. Girl Scouts already went down the toilet ten years ago due to lesbian, homosexual, and secular God-haters. In the 1970's Anita Bryant got nationally lambasted for opposing homo's agenda (smeared, neutralized, broke down, bankrupted). Many republicans are falling like log cabin dominoes. It only takes one valve to flood the ship. Homosexuals have received tolerance for years, but that is not what they seek. What they seek are: 1) approval, 2) benefits same as marrieds, and 3) to silence opposition. Just like the most radical so-called feminists, homosexuals also want to destroy the male boy and the male man, and the intact family. The devil knows you cannot be good without opposing the sins of effeminacy, homosexuality and lesbianism (as also sins of fornication, adultery & unlawful marriages). During the G.W. Bush years, Dick Cheney was supposed to be this beans and vinegar hard conservative, then when his family member comes out homosexual he surrenders on that. Barry Goldwater the same, he was considered to the right of Reagan, but in his later years a family homosexual leads him to surrender on that matter. During the early 1980's Americans learned about HIV/AIDS. Although a few heterosexuals like Arthur Ashe got it from blood transfusions, but mostly fornications like Magic Johnson's HIV announcement in 1991, the majority of cases were homosexuals like actor Rock Hudson's AIDS death in 1984.

In the 90's several republicans leading the way to impeach Clinton for lying about sex, had in their own lives adultery, divorce, and perversion (Gingrich, Livingston, Sanford). “Moderate” republicans like Colin Powell got lambasted by both leftists/blacks/radicals (“Bush's house slave”) and by the hard right (“compromiser”).

God used AIDS to warn mankind against homosexuality. “Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner” (Proverbs 11:31). Was the warning heeded? No, the militant homosexual lobby spites God and says: “We intend to change man's legal definition of marriage.” The devil destroys not reforms. Along with 1970's and 80's radicals that called marriage “bondage .. legalized slavery ... unnecessary, etc.,” in the 21st century homosexuals seek to destroy marriage from the inside out. From Romans 1:26-32, those knowing the judgment of God, that such things are worthy of death, still do them, and “have pleasure in them that do them.” In Leviticus 18:22, “abomination” means God hates homosexuality (cp Jeremiah 44:4). Note also in Romans 1:26-32, that the word of God did not say people are born vile, but that they “became vain..and..foolish” because “they did not like to retain God in their knowledge.”

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 it shows that both the soft effeminate homo (who plays the woman) and the hard abuser homo (who plays the man) can, should and must repent and obey Christ to enter heaven.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

I have a feeling Snooki's child is going to grow up and eventually be on Jerry Springer. Messed up kids normally have messed up parents.

1:11 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Big Pop "I wonder how they came up with that analogy? It was like years ago, when Sen. Ted Kennedy who was championing for gays and lesbians to get married and calling the opposition "homophobes." OK, if they are "homophobes" that Kennedy claims, what are they afraid of? Are they afraid of new era? If gays want to get married, I don't care, that's their business. Since I am agnostic, I don't take the Bible or any other religious text too literal. I know it may sound a little hypocritical, but to take a religious text and to desecrate and too redefine marriage in the eyes of progressives, that would be consider sacrilege and blasphemous to the believers. "

Liberals always try to use a premise that if you don't buy into what they believe, the problem has to be with you Big Pop and not their argument. If you don't support amnesty, then liberals will call you a racist, nativist, don't like brown people etc etc. If you don't embrace the laughable lie known as global warming, then they will call you a "denier", don't care about clean water, clean air etc.The same they try with gay marriage, you must be a bigot, homophobe blah blah blah. Taking progressives apart when they try to make you out to be the bad guy for having an opposing point of view is easy as pie, because they can't defend their own beliefs, they can only smear those who don't buy into their crap and who can easily debunk their ideology with facts not opinions.

Big Pop "
A few months after my brother moved to Boston, he was attacked unprovoked by a group of black teenagers on a subway. It traumatized him, and for a long time he avoided blacks. Black coworkers noticed his behavior and he was immediately reprimanded. It wasn't until a fellow black coworker of his stepped in to his defense and figured out what was the matter and he understood his mistrust. Afterward, his fears subsided and they became good friends. "

When I see a group of young black males approaching me coming down the street, I get anxious as well, and I'm black. When I see them wearing white t shirts with their pants hanging down, the first impression I get from them is that they are either gang bangers or thugs. If two or more older black men walk pass me, I don't think nothing of it at all. I think people react based on pattern thinking or profiling. People react based on experiences and situations they have been exposed to over and over again, the reaction becomes apart of their subconscious. Reaction become instinct to certain people.

1:23 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Indigo;"Homophobic means just the opposite of how they use it. Homophobic people are “fearful” (Revelation 21:8) of the homosexuals' backlash, and they are the ones who are pushing for homosexual privileges. People who are not homophobic are not afraid to speak against homosexuality,".

Say what???? So people who fear spiders (arachnophobia) are really pushing for spiders to have privileges? The creepy little eight legged rascals should be loved by everyone, after all, they are "God's" creation! What about "ophiophobia?" (fear of snakes) As for me, I can't stand snakes. I don't want one on or near me. I cringe every time I see one, even on television. Since I'm "speaking out against them", I guess I'm not really ophiophobic! (just don't bring one snake near me!!)

Yours is a primitive quasi and semi-sophisticated attempt at changing the order, meaning and the disposition of a phobia. (a.k.a. the old childish cliche' of; "I know what you are, but what am I?)

Learning to "shed your fears" is the key to removing a phobia. Dick Cheney had a choice to either accept his daughters lifestyle, or reject it. Cheney is in the Conservative realm. Had he rejected and rebuked his daughter, he would have gotten praise from people like you. As far as a "backlash" had he not accepted his daughters lifestyle... come on now, this is Dick Cheney we're talking about! Do you really think he would care what the "Gay crowd" would say about him... including his own daughter!

Instead of attempting to change the meaning of a term, you should just stick to your (religious) positions. When you deviate from your position by attempting to parse terms, you make it appears as though your religious beliefs just aren't good enough. Often, people who attempt such foolishness have something to hide.

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be honest, I'm far more interested in hearing your opinion on the whole Snowden scandal or the immigration reform bill coming this week...

WHO in their right mind watches JERSEY SHORE anyway?!? It makes me a little sad that within the US the most-watched shows demand some kind of prerequisite lobotomy whereas top quality shows (who cares if they have a liberal bias, good television is good television) fail to sustain themselves in the long run.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous indigo said...

On June 26, 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court by their 5-4 ruling (swing vote Anthony Kennedy in the majority wrote opinion) paved the way for man's law saying a man can “marry” a man and a woman can “marry” a woman. In his dissent Samuel Alito says the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee the right to “ homosexual marriage.” The court struck down as unconstitutional the DOMA (defense of marriage act) which had affirmed marriage between one man and one woman. But what the court says does not make it right. The Supreme Court does not change God's law on marriage. If God is forgotten, what is to stop people from wanting a threesome, a foursome, polygamy, or license for incest, or for pedophilia, or to “marry” a dog. Psalm 9:17 says, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

NJ Governor Chris Christie (R) says he disagrees with the Supreme Court's marriage ruling. At the same time he leaves the door open by saying, “homosexuals don't have a choice, they are born that way.” In the political world, that kind of statement makes it only a matter of time before the other shoe drops toward the liberal democrat side.

Marriage is what God says it is. No amount of lobbyists, of legislators, of unbelievers, of atheists, of secularists, of mutations, of birth defected gonads, or of sympathizers, can change the truth. Regardless of what man says or does, or how societies and cultures operate, there is no such thing as “homosexual marriage.” For a male and a female to come together, God created marriage (Genesis 2; Matthew 19).

7:32 AM  
Anonymous indigo said...

ACM: "Liberals always try to use a premise that if you don't buy into what they believe, the problem has to be with you ..If you don't support amnesty, then liberals will call you a racist, nativist, don't like brown people etc etc...The same they try with gay marriage, you must be a bigot, homophobe blah blah blah."

Race card players and labelers hurt their own future when they ignore evil and label good as: ”Islamophobe, xenophobe, uncaring, profiler, homophobic, hater, and racist.”

If you expose lies, murders and atrocities of jihadists, they call you “islamophobe” but they say that to shut you up, keep you stuck on stupid, and make you their slave. Oppressors lose their freedoms and lives in their own homelands so they migrate to free countries to do the same destructions there. Dumb backward fools.

If you say trans/genders don't belong in certain restrooms, track meets, football fields, or beauty pageants, they say you are ignorant. God made us male and female and God is not mocked even when man is a mockery (Galatians 6:7). Mockers will reap what they sow. Gender bending destroys what God meant to be male and female.

If you say border-crossers who break the law should not be given the same privileges and benefits as citizens and assimilated legal immigrants of the nation, they say that is xenophobic against Latinos and brown people. But go back and read the sentence and see if you can find skin color or ethnicity in the words: law, immigrant, privileges, benefits, citizens, and nation. National sovereignty is jeopardized for all if laws are not enforced.

If you say it is past time to make a dent in the mammoth national $100 trillion plus unfunded future liability* by making government spend only from revenue, they say you are uncaring about the poor. However, they are denying the reality that all the multiplied burdens of public debt are locking out the poor from upward mobility. (*incl. medical, pensions, medicare, medicaid, social security)

If you say that generally, a 25-year old male Yemeni immigrant should be scrutinized differently than a 80-year old life long American woman, they say, “no profiling.” Profiling has worked well for Israeli Airlines, to keep out maniacs who are “Palestinian” (that is, mid-east jihadist muslim). Confusing good with evil gives power and control hungry “Big Brother” an excuse to enact tyranny over everyone. (consider TSA)

If you say God created marriage and man cannot re-define it, they call you a hater and homophobic against homosexuals. Actually God said He hates the sin of homosexuality, Leviticus 18:22 (cp Rom. 1:26-32; Jude 7; Mark 7:21; 1 Cor. 6:9-11). Those who love God and love their neighbor will also love what God loves, and hate what God hates (Amos 5:15). Fire and brimstone from God which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19 & Jude 1:7) is an eternal monument to God's hatred of sodomy and of the ultimate destruction of unrepentant sodomites and fornicators.

If you do not support their leaders or their crowd (like a mob, or gang), they say that's racist. But why don't they address the correlation between race culture and prison population, and why that criminality was not prevented in the home and upbringing? (Proverbs 1 & Colossians 3) Denial of root problems such as inner pains, unaccountability, unwed births, no parenting, and bad parenting, results in illiteracy, alienation, and murder capitals such as Detroit, Chicago, Philly, and D.C.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen responding to indigo "Learning to "shed your fears" is the key to removing a phobia. Dick Cheney had a choice to either accept his daughters lifestyle, or reject it. Cheney is in the Conservative realm. Had he rejected and rebuked his daughter, he would have gotten praise from people like you. As far as a "backlash" had he not accepted his daughters lifestyle... come on now, this is Dick Cheney we're talking about! Do you really think he would care what the "Gay crowd" would say about him... including his own daughter!"

As a Christiain male, if I knew that one of my family members was gay, I would of course still love them BUT BUT BUT I would NOT accept their lifestyle nor would I promote merely because I love my family member. For Dick Cheney to have to have switched up his views on homosexuality only showed that he really wasn't that against it to begin with. If my child was a drug addict, I wouldn't support his drug lifestyle simply because he's my son. Also allen, the definition of the word "phobia" is

"An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something: "he had a phobia about being under water"

The definition of the word "fear" is

"An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."

Since I do no "fear" gays nor feel that they are a "threat" to me, again the homophobia tag is a weak attempt by gays and their supporters to label those who support traditional marriage as being "fearful of them". It's still lame and still baseless baseless.

Indigo "The Supreme Court does not change God's law on marriage. If God is forgotten, what is to stop people from wanting a threesome, a foursome, polygamy, or license for incest, or for pedophilia, or to “marry” a dog. Psalm 9:17 says, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

Progressives have been trying to present this whole gay marriage thing as being an issue about "equality", and the claim is a joke. Since the government never created the union of marriage, they really do not have the authority to really redefine it. You are right indigo, now what is gong to happen?Polygamy is outlawed in this country. So what is stopping a man who wants to have mutiple wives form saying that he wants to marry several women, how can the government in full faith of "equality" say no to the request? What if a group of people want to be married to each other, how can it now be said that they can't, because just like Polygamists, they could file suit in claiming that they are being discriminated again because gays were allowed to marry and they can't.

indigo "Race card players and labelers hurt their own future when they ignore evil and label good as: ”Islamophobe, xenophobe, uncaring, profiler, homophobic, hater, and racist.”"

To bad they can't simply defend what they claim to support based solely on the facts. Since everything they support is intellectually and morally backwards and warped, I suppose their only line of defense is to smear those who can factually discredit everything they stand for.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

indigo "NJ Governor Chris Christie (R) says he disagrees with the Supreme Court's marriage ruling. At the same time he leaves the door open by saying, “homosexuals don't have a choice, they are born that way.” In the political world, that kind of statement makes it only a matter of time before the other shoe drops toward the liberal democrat side."

I've heard the argument that gays are born the way they are. I don't buy it. I remember hearing that there was a such thing as a gay gene, however it has never been proven to exist. Even if they were born that way, the question would then be is it normal? That is the debate they don't want to have. There are people who are sexually attracted to animals, children, inanimate objects etc. So using their logic, if being attracted to members of the same sex is "normal" how can they make they say that people who are attracted to what I mentioned are "abnormal"? It's the slippery slope .

indigo "If you say trans/genders don't belong in certain restrooms, track meets, football fields, or beauty pageants, they say you are ignorant. God made us male and female and God is not mocked even when man is a mockery (Galatians 6:7). Mockers will reap what they sow. Gender bending destroys what God meant to be male and female."

Mankind will always be it's own destroyer. Mankind is worshiping at the alter of their own golden calf. In the bible, the great flood was brought upon the earth, because god didn't like what mankind had become. Jesus said on the cross, forgive them for they know not what they do. What warped minded craziness they support as in mocking the union of what marriage is or supporting killing unborn children is on them, as long as I don't ever subscribe to it is all that matters. They can call me whatever they want, I will ultimately answer to a higher power and I do not mean some politician, a president or a person in a robe on the Supreme Court.

9:44 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Also allen, the definition of the word "phobia" is".

Point to where I said a "phobia" was NOT a fear...

CB;"Since I do no "fear" gays nor feel that they are a "threat" to me, again the homophobia tag is a weak attempt by gays and their supporters to label those who support traditional marriage as being "fearful of them". It's still lame and still baseless baseless.

Point to where I said that you or Indigo were in fear of, or had a "phobia" about anthing...
(pssst....I didn't! In either case)

My response was focused on Indigo's attempt to parse the term "PHOBIA." Indigo stated; "the actual homophobics are those who fear homos' retalliation, cave in to their threats, and “have pleasure in” their abominable sin". Since when is a fear of retaliation (someone else's actions) a phobia? Indigo's attempt to divert then switch the meaning of a very simple term, shows desperation and is a tell-tale sign of losing an argument. Trone, perhaps you should address Indigo with the meaning of a phobia....

1:04 AM  
Anonymous indigo said...

p.a.a. said: My response was focused on Indigo's attempt to parse the term "PHOBIA." Indigo stated; "the actual homophobics are those who fear homos' retalliation, cave in to their threats, and “have pleasure in” their abominable sin". Since when is a fear of retaliation (someone else's actions) a phobia? Indigo's attempt to divert then switch the meaning of a very simple term, shows desperation and is a tell-tale sign of losing an argument. Trone, perhaps you should address Indigo with the meaning of a phobia....
Leaders of Boy Scouts of America are homophobic. For years they were THREATENED by homo groups, and by United Way and Proctor & Gamble etc with a withdrawal of money, unless they accepted homosexuals. If they had not been homophobic they would not have caved to the threat of homosexuals and their supporters, and would have even ceased to exist before violating even their own mission, purpose and creed. The illogic and stupidity of it was shown when they said boy scouts can be homo (up to age 18), but not scout leaders. So your son camp in the wild with openly homo scouts, but if you prefer him with a homo scout leader (age 19 to 90) you will have to wait some years. What a farce they are now! (I am aware of decades old man-boy scandals in BSA but leave that as a separate issue from this.)
Also to p.a a., I addressed good and bad fear in depth in above comments, and have nothing more to add.
To ACM thanks, not for your response to what I said, but for supporting logic and truth... I have seen some guys with mannerisms that might make some wonder. (Some homos go to extreme and act more feminine than women.) One guy with certain movements, that comes to mind, he married, had children, and among the church where we knew him there was never any problem with his maleness. This man believed God's word, including Romans 1:26-32 that people “became” vile because “they did not like to retain God in their knowledge” (not born that way). Furthermore, this same guy had a father who was a elder in the church of Christ, and who raised him right by God's word. That's the difference.

11:36 AM  

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