Just something to think about
Eventually, a true right wing extremist will act out and liberals will be ready in order to say "see" we told ya. Until then, we'll just have to deal with the long list of progressive nut cases and Islamic extremists holding the monopoly on violence, death and mayhem.
Oh snap, I knew I forgot to mention that the youngest brother in the Boston Terrorist attack is a fan of Barack Obama.
The media was busy leaving out one important detail about the former LAPD cop killer police officer Chris Dorner who went on a murder sphere earlier this year. The was also a left winger who was a HUGE supporter of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton abortion and other liberal causes and people.
I want to be fair about this. I am not saying nor implying that right wingers are incapable of committing acts of violence or terrorism. So my progressive haters can scratch that thought from their minds. What I am saying however is that liberals shouldn't be so quick to point to the right when an attack of violence or terrorism happens, especially when the track record shows that more time then none it comes from the left.
Oh snap, I knew I forgot to mention that the youngest brother in the Boston Terrorist attack is a fan of Barack Obama.
The media was busy leaving out one important detail about the former LAPD cop killer police officer Chris Dorner who went on a murder sphere earlier this year. The was also a left winger who was a HUGE supporter of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton abortion and other liberal causes and people.
I want to be fair about this. I am not saying nor implying that right wingers are incapable of committing acts of violence or terrorism. So my progressive haters can scratch that thought from their minds. What I am saying however is that liberals shouldn't be so quick to point to the right when an attack of violence or terrorism happens, especially when the track record shows that more time then none it comes from the left.
CB-"The media was busy leaving out one important detail about the former LAPD cop killer police officer Chris Dorner who went on a murder sphere earlier this year."
Ironic how most liberals vilify cops and turn around and support Dorner,a rogue cop who planned on going on a killing spree to kill other cops. One of the people whom he killed was the daughter and her fiance of the cop who defended him at his abuse allegations trial.
-Big Pop
CB;"Until then, we'll just have to deal with the long list of progressive nut cases and Islamic extremists holding the monopoly on violence, death and mayhem". (followed by a list of "bogus" assertions...)
You post a list if assertions, and don't check first to see if they're true? Is that a trait of a true "free thinker?" On more than one occasion you have told me to "post a link", because you would not take my assertions on face value. Yet, a right-wing crack pot asserts several unverified claims, and you hold them up as facts and proof that... "ooooh, those liberals are crazy liars??????" Negro PUH-LEEEEEZZZZZ!
Fact Check From the U.S. Navy's Jax Air News.
1. Fort Hood suspect Nidal Hasan’s political affiliation. He was registered to vote in Roanoke County, Va., where he lived, not in Fort Hood Texas. Virginia does not allow registration by party, so he couldn’t have been registered as a Democrat. The same goes for Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho.
2. There's no proof that the Lanza's were Democrats. However, The Connecticut police found a certificate from the National Rifle Association bearing the name Adam Lanza. If he was a member is still uncertain. Yet it was well known that Nancy Lanza, the mother, was an avid survivalist, which most are vehemently "anti-liberal."
3. There also is "NO PROOF" that Harris and Klebold's parents were Democrats. But if you'd like to do some real fact checking, you'll find that part of their intent was to "top" the actions of Timothy McVeigh.
CB;"Chris Dorner who went on a murder sphere earlier this year. The was also a left winger who was a HUGE supporter of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton abortion and other liberal causes and people".
Typical... Don't you ever read anything for yourself Tyrone? Chris Dorners manifesto has been on the net for at least 4 months! Dorner was also a "HUGE" supporter of right-wingers.
Page 19 of Chris Dorners Manifesto.
"Gov. Chris Christie. What can I say? You’re the only person I would like to see in the White House in 2016 other than Hillary. You’re America’s no shit taking uncle... Your leadership is greatly needed".
On Page 20 of Chris Dorners Manifesto, he praises G.W. Bush as "not receiving the credit due to him and his successful presidency" and, as his second favorite president.
I know you're not a propagandist Tyrone. I think you were just riding high (unnecessarily of course) about guessing correctly that the Boston Bombers were Muslims. The posted list of a "track record" of liberal/democrat terrorist is a crock of BULL$#!T!!
p allen "You post a list if assertions, and don't check first to see if they're true? Is that a trait of a true "free thinker?" On more than one occasion you have told me to "post a link", because you would not take my assertions on face value. Yet, a right-wing crack pot asserts several unverified claims, and you hold them up as facts and proof that... "ooooh, those liberals are crazy liars??????" Negro PUH-LEEEEEZZZZZ!"
You have been discredit already allen. I was proven right, end of story, film at 11! Now the FBI is calming that the two brothers were apart of a 12 person sleeper cell in the country. The problem with you progressives is that you refuse to see the threat, because the most likely terrorists to this country are not right wing white Christians. Sorry reality is such a "beyach"to you. How many times have you all been drooling hoping that a reported mass shooting or terrorist attack was committed by a tea party member allen? How many times have you guys come up short? Repeated failure in your stereotype of the tea party and the right should click in your mind at some point, but nope. The next time something like this happens, you are still going to hold out hope it's a tea party person behind it.
This is Chris Dorner's manifesto that was posted on the Fox Los Angeles affiliate KTTV on the day he was killed. These comments do not sound like anything a right winger would ever say allen just speaking from experience.
Chris Dorner"You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad".
Chris Dorner "Mr. President, I haven't agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven't agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you've done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn't think you were going to pull that one off. Romney, stop being a sore loser. You could've exited graciously and still contributed significantly to public service, not now. Mr. President, get back to work."
Chris Dorner "Hillary Clinton. You'll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest. Look at Castro in San Antonio as a running mate or possible secretary of state. He's (good people) and I have faith and confidence in him. Look after Bill. He was always my favorite President. Chelsea grew up to be one hell of an attractive woman. No disrespect to her husband."
Chris Dorner "Gov. Chris Christie. What can I say? You're the only person I would like to see in the White House in 2016 other than Hillary."
Chris Dorner " In the end, I hope that you will realize that the small arms I utilize should not be accessed with the ease that I obtained them. Who in there right mind needs a ****ing silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!"
Chris Dorner quoting Mia Farrow said it best. "Gun control is no longer debatable, it's not a conversation, its a moral mandate."
Chris Dorner "Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national AWB. Never again should any public official state that their prayers and thoughts are with the family. That has become cliche' and meaningless. Its time for action. Let this be your legacy that you bestow to America. Do not be swayed by obstacles, antagaonist, and naysayers. Remember the innocent children at Austin, Kent, Stockton, Fullerton, San Diego, Iowa City, Jonesboro, Columbine, Nickel Mines, Blacksburg, Springfield, Red Lake, Chardon, Aurora, and Newtown. Make sure this never happens again!!!"
Chris Dorner "Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Soledad Obrien, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, and Anderson Cooper, keep up the great work and follow Cronkite's lead. I hold many of you in the same regard as Tom Brokaw and the late Peter Jennings. Cooper, stop nagging and berating your guest, they're your (guest). Mr. Scarborough, we met at McGuire's pub in P-cola in 2002 when I was stationed there. It was an honor conversing with you about politics, family, and life."
Yeah allen, he's such a right winger he makes me look like a liberal. lol You said to me "Negro PUH-LEEEEEZZZZZ!", here's one beter, Negro, just sit down and admit you were wrong.lol
On Erik Rush (earlier post comment), he was wrong to post that Tweet, which he later explained as just “sarcasm.” Nevertheless, that backlash of reviling, hacking and threatening on Erik Rush for his few words , reflects a jihad cover up. Mosque imams and muslims officials have made “kill non-muslims” remarks for years and been ignored.
Either many American people are uninformed or in denial about years of murders, massacres, maimings, and mayhem by muslim jihadists. So the Boston Bombings produced this volcanic eruption of leftists, jihad sympathizers, dont-blame-muslims attitude, and “useful idiots.” In the middle of my Friday afternoon, after it was known the bombers were muslims, one person commented to my ears, “they keep trying to make them into muslims,” and another person commented, “I thought it would be linked with OKC-Tim McVeigh bombing or cause it was tax day.” I am fairly certain that now that the massacre murderers are linked to extremist Islam, those same commentors will say nothing (silent as a tomb) about similar jihadist attacks around the world everyday for years.
This ignorance and denial of many Americans about world jihad is mind-boggling and eerie.
Here are captioned pictures on why it is foolish for people who say they are for “human rights” to side with jihadists, concerning Islamic Apartheid, at: http://freedomdefense.typepad.com/fdi/2013/04/afdi-islamicapartheid-ad-campaign-expanded.html
Access to a list of more than 20,000 documented cases of jihadists' murders, maimings and attacks, there is the satirically named: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
The perpetrators of terror attacks worldwide tend to be the more easily brainwashed and less connected and high testosterone young males, who have ties to middle-eastern muslim extremism (al-qaeda type).
Now to tie in American home grown mass murdererers (including who are not muslims), from Ted Nugent 4-17-13 at http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/boston-massacre-ii/#2PI0FJJfPDkdUV8M.99/ is this excerpt: “...Regardless the flavor of psychosis, the terror America faces is planned and executed by evil, soulless lunatics. Whether its religious voodoo nutjobs or young men with loose screws or strung out on doctor-prescribed pharmaceuticals, the enemies we face are a potpourri of over-the-rainbow kooks, flakes, crackpots, screwballs, cranks and evil nuts who could stand facing a sandstorm and not bat an eye. Sane people don’t shoot up schools, movie theaters, or shopping malls, fly planes into buildings – or put bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Only crazy, evil people with severely loose screws arrive at those whacky conclusions...”
Nugent's quote at least shows some of the indignation by people who have not been brainwashed, dumbed down and desensitized. Also, one of the uncles of the Boston bombers (Ruslan Tsarni) showed the common sense and flat out anger toward his nephews, and that uncle is to be commended for still possessing some right thinking humanity.
CB;"You have been discredit already allen. I was proven right, end of story, film at 11!".
I was discredited in stating what? Post what I said/wrote that has been "discredited." If it's the Boston Bombing you're talking about, prior to it being known who the suspects were, I made no implications as to who was responsible.
As to the matter at hand, which is the known bogus, and totally debunked list of so-called "Liberal Mass Killers", I totally understand what you have to do. Your conservative commanders demand that you take in, and disseminate this misinformation.
I mean really Tyrone, couldn't you have least "tried" to prove the list had an inkling of truth? I guess you're a lot more gullible than I thought...
Not too long ago, I unfriended an American Muslim on my Facebook account.
All I posted was my disgust and contempt about Palestinians indoctrinating children to hate Jews and westerners. She wrote on my account telling me that Jews control the media and this is their false propaganda to insinuate that the Palestinians and Muslims as the bad guys and has the link to support her claims. She supports the Palestinians by the way. By the way, that link contained a virus that my computer detected.
I asked her, if she condoned the Palestinians for dancing in the streets when the terrorists hijacked our planes and crashed them into our buildings. instead of giving me a direct response, she said that the attacks was an inside job by our government.
I asked her if she showed contempt for Muslim extremists who murdered Egyptian Christians. What about the extremists who attacked our consulate in Benghazi? What about the Iranian president who threatened to blow Israel off the map and called our nation the "Great Satan". I asked her when her husband struck her, was that part of their custom; does she support Sharia Law?
Instead of giving me a direct answer, she responded to me with insults and attacked my credibility. I unfriended her because I did not approve of her antisemitism and her liberal points of view. If she belongs to a religion of peace, then she should have shown contempt toward the Muslim extremists who want to kill us.
I often wonder why modern Muslims never show display against these atrocities?
-Big Pop
Big Pop;"and her liberal points of view".
-"Jews control the media"
-"condoned the Palestinians for dancing in the streets when the terrorists hijacked our planes"
-"the attacks was an inside job by our government"
-"blow Israel off the map and called our nation the Great Satan"
-"show no contempt for Muslim extremists who murdered Egyptian Christians"
-"show no contempt for extremists who attacked our consulate in Benghazi"
-"husbands who strike their wives, and support Sharia Law"
Which one of those assertions are "liberal" points of view?
p allen "As to the matter at hand, which is the known bogus, and totally debunked list of so-called "Liberal Mass Killers", I totally understand what you have to do. Your conservative commanders demand that you take in, and disseminate this misinformation. "
Again, the facts aren't friendly to you, not my problem allen. As for me having "commanders" allen, lol, who are my "commanders", I'm not a progressive group think party loyalist subservient hack like you, "no offense". I'm an conservative ronin all the way. You should just as funny as when Al Gore referred to right wing bloggers as "digital brown shirts", laughable. The facts that goes in one ear and comes out the other in your head allen is this. All Muslims are NOT NOT NOT terrorists, I know that, BUT BUT BUT the likelihood that a terrorist attack will be committed by a Muslim is very high over any other group. I tried to show me up, when you first posted that the Saudi person of interest was released. I really didn't care much that that P.O.I was a Saudi, I was focusing on the Islamic angle more so then anything. Even when he was released I still knew that the attackers were Muslim, and I WAS PROVEN RIGHT!
P Allen "I mean really Tyrone, couldn't you have least "tried" to prove the list had an inkling of truth? I guess you're a lot more gullible than I thought... "
Thought? lol This reminds of of every time a terrorist or mass shooting happens, progressive are frantically trying to create a right wing/tea party connection. It's like trying to play the Kevin Bacon game but using the Tea Party in substitution of the Kevin Bacon lol. I notice that you didn't have a rebuke to what I posted about Chris Dorner praise of Obama, gun control and Democrats. Oh yeah, remember The left wing pro gay marriage shooter who shot the facility manger at the Family Research Council and said that he wanted to "kill has many people as possible"
Run in a circle allen, just keep running. Keep convincing yourself that extremism is a trademark of the right.
I asked you this Tyrone; couldn't you have least "tried" to prove the list had an inkling of truth?. The fact is you haven't done so, because you can't!
CB;"As for me having "commanders" allen, lol, who are my "commanders".
Because commanders require that you commit to their assertions. And lies require a commitment...
CB;"Oh yeah, remember The left wing pro gay marriage shooter who shot the facility manger at the Family Research Council and said that he wanted to "kill has many people as possible".
Yeah, I remember it. Ironically, that incident didn't make the "Left Wing Killers" list that's circulating right-wing circles on the net. The irony is IT'S TRUE! Yet the dummies, (in their foolish haste to fabricate hate and create) that made up the list, didn't even include an actual left wing nutcase. How stupid is THAT?????
“A truth that's told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.”
― William Blake
I'm an conservative ronin all the way...
So you're a conservative samurai with no lord or master?
Allen-"Which one of those assertions are "liberal" points of view?"
Her and I argued back in forth how I took a stand against Islamic extremists. She tells me that I'm misinformed and the Jews (again, blaming the Jews!) are the ones manipulating the media and I was being an Islamaphobe. That's like someone being called a racist for criticizing or taking a stand against Obama. And liberals are supposed to be the "tolerant ones"?
-Big Pop
Tyrone, your blog entries are 99.9 percent nonsensical bullshit.
But, man, you really outdid yourself on this one.
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