Monday, October 07, 2013

The Tea Party ‘Must Be Making Jefferson Davis Proud Today'?

I so can't stand moronic people. They stress my intelligence. The Washington Post is referred to as the Washington Compost for a reason, and there is also a reason why the Washington Post was sold for only  $250 million dollars to Jeff Bezos of The national media is a national joke and disgrace. Hillary Clinton once said back in 2009 in referring to criticism of the Bush administration

" I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."

Hillary said that people have the right to disagree with "any" administration right? So why the constant charges of racism and racial theater used against people who disagree with this administration? Washington Post columnist Colby King on Inside Washington on Saturday said

 "The New Confederacy, as churlish toward President Obama as the Old Confederacy was to Lincoln, has accomplished what its predecessor could not" and also stated."hey respond, however, to the label ‘tea party.’ By thought, word and deed, they must be making Jefferson Davis proud today.”

I'm not really sure what the Tea Party's platform has to do with Jefferson Davis. I wish I could ask Mr. King if he even knows or did  he just say that in order to try and sound intelligent. I believe most people are sick of these people who exploit race and racial dogma at every turn when it comes to defending Obama, because they can't defend his policies. Again, it's no wonder so many people have had enough of the media bias in this country.  When political activists are working in the media, it becomes impossible for just the news and nothing more to be reported. Oh, by the way, Mr. King back in 2012 referred to Obama as being Lincoln and Romney as being Andrew Johnson. 


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"So why the constant charges of racism and racial theater used against people who disagree with this administration? Washington Post columnist Colby King on Inside Washington on Saturday said"
"I believe most people are sick of these people who exploit race and racial dogma at every turn when it comes to defending Obama, because they can't defend his policies"

Written by Colbert King in his opinion piece;"Unlike their predecessors, however, members of this group hail from Dixie and beyond, though I stress there is no evidence that the New shares the racist views of the Old. The view on race is not the common denominator. The view on government is".

So, King clearly states that his comparisons are NOT about race. Yet your conservative bosses have convinced YOU to make it about race. And don't give me your typical crap about how, "liberals are the ones who always make it about race", because THIS TIME, CLEARLY YOU ARE THE ONE WHO'S DOING IT !

It appears as though King is making his comparison based on the fierce and divisive battles going on in government. Nothing more, nothing less. He used two adversarial political entities from the past simply to make a point. Although the comparison indeed might be bit crude and churlish, his obvious intentions was to strike a contrast between two events. King's opinion piece mirrors the bickering climate and attitudes that we see in government today!

7:56 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Written by Colbert King in his opinion piece;"Unlike their predecessors, however, members of this group hail from Dixie and beyond, though I stress there is no evidence that the New shares the racist views of the Old. The view on race is not the common denominator. The view on government is".

That's such bs allen, and he knew it and you know it. If there was no comparison between the Jefferson Davis and Mitt Romney, why make the comparison in the first place, when we both know that most people link Jefferson Davis to the confederacy and slavery. Maybe I missed it, but what were the comparisons or contrast that King state in "their views on government" that was presented?

The slave rhetoric is always used by progressives, (not saying you) allen, however it's still used. The term Uncle Tom, House Nigger, House Negro, Massa, also stating the The Tea Party is the reincarnation of the CONFEDERACY as Jesse Jackon said. So allen, it's not me. Again, I just see through the bullshit.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Maybe I'm imagining things allen.

It's not like a black parent would ever tell his son that if Romney would have won, they would be picking cotton on the plantation or some stupid mess like that

Many blacks for some odd and utterly insane reason thought the same thing that they would be back in the cotton fields
Of course these idiots were never in the cotton fields in the first place, or were they slaves, servants etc.

p allen "It appears as though King is making his comparison based on the fierce and divisive battles going on in government."

BS, funny but still BS.

P Allen "Nothing more, nothing less. He used two adversarial political entities from the past simply to make a point. Although the comparison indeed might be bit crude and churlish, his obvious intentions was to strike a contrast between two events. King's opinion piece mirrors the bickering climate and attitudes that we see in government today! "

Of all the historical political battle going back through out history back to the reconstruction era, King couldn't find one of reference? He had to go back to secession and the civil war era? Again BS. Off the top of my head, I could pick the battles between Democratic House Leader Tip O'Neal and Ronald Reagan. It wasn't hard to do. So you can say it's about me, but as clearly demonstrated again, It's about me commenting on the obvious.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Thersites said...

After we raise the Stars and Bars over the nation's capitol, we'll change the national anthem to Dixie...

"...away, away, away down SOUTH..... in Dixie!"


12:22 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"That's such bs allen, and he knew it and you know it. If there was no comparison between the Jefferson Davis and Mitt Romney, why make the comparison in the first place, when we both know that most people link Jefferson Davis to the confederacy and slavery".

So now you're the arbiter of what, and what not can be compared?

When the issue is the Confederate Flag you're on the other side of the fence. Liberal pundits claim that the confederacy represents a culture of racism. Most conservatives and defenders of the flag immediately shout down those claims as "race baiting" and politically correct liberal agitators. So which side are you on now? Are you on the liberal side who believes the modern reference to confederacy is racist? Or, is any reference to the confederacy race baiting? As my grandfather used to say; "Is you is, or is you ain't?"

8:13 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Therisite;"After we raise the Stars and Bars over the nation's capitol, we'll change the national anthem to Dixie...".

Hummmmm? You know a group calling themselves "Independent Truckers of America" are planning to descend on D.C. this weekend to demand the removal of President Obama from office. I wonder if it's their intent to raise the "Stars and Bars" and change the national anthem?

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The the feel free to express your beliefs. Do not, however, profess to loving both the anti-American confederate flag and the Republican Party. The confederate flag is a symbol of a certain political stance. It was based upon racism. The Nazi flag is a symbol of a belief. You can't waive a flag and pretend to not support it's intended meaning. That is not being intellectually honest. Our US Constitution set up a system of government. Behavior in opposition to Constitutional mandates is, by definition, unconstitutional and un-American. You can sugar coat your bizarre beliefs and try and thrust these upon the Republican Party, but they will never be accepted. There are extremist countries where you will blend in nicely. Have a safe trip.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon"The the feel free to express your beliefs. Do not, however, profess to loving both the anti-American confederate flag and the Republican Party."

I don't remember every professing to love either.I will love something based on my beliefs.

anon "The confederate flag is a symbol of a certain political stance."

Since I am not from the South, I really don't have a reason to support the confederate flag. The confederate flag is a symbol of southern pride. So to me, it doesn't impact me one way or the other.

anon " That is not being intellectually honest. Our US Constitution set up a system of government. Behavior in opposition to Constitutional mandates is, by definition, unconstitutional and un-American. You can sugar coat your bizarre beliefs and try and thrust these upon the Republican Party, but they will never be accepted. There are extremist countries where you will blend in nicely. Have a safe trip."

People in congress and in the White House perform unconstitutional acts every day. If they followed the constitution, our country wouldn't be seventeen trillion dollars in debt, the Federal Reserve would have come to exist neither would the social programs, foreign aid etc. The confederate flag isn't even a blip on the radar of the massive real problems facing this country.

11:42 PM  

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