Blacks return on their investment in Obama is what again?
I have a question to ask. What has been the return on investment for blacks who voted for Barack Obama for president and voted for his re election? Yesterday, I spent a great deal of time pondering on that question, and I wasn't able to come up with one answer, not one. The reason I thought of this question was due in part to Obama addressing the nation the other night to flip the bird to the constitution and signed an executive amnesty order for millions of illegal aliens. Obama has been acting pretty chummy and vocal on behalf of Hispanic groups who support amnesty like La Raza (The Race) and CASA (Central American Solidarity Association) .I guess blacks aren't that much of a "special interest voting block" as they once were to Democrats. Every Democratic special interest group has gotten something tangible or near tangible from the Obama administration over the past six year except for you guessed it. For example
GM and Chrysler were bailed out by Obama who spear headed the "government structured bankruptcies "which not only reserved many of the UAW union jobs, but also llimited the impact on the benefits and pensions of the UAW members. The only people who really suffered under the bankruptcies were the dealers and bondholders.
Obama has been an advocate for the oxymoron known as gay marriage for the past few years. This happened after his "evolution" on the issue.. Attorney General Eric Holder was ordered not to defend DOMA which is the Defense of Marriage Act. Obama denounced DOMA as well saying it was"unconstitutional". With Obama championing the cause of sodomy marriage, progressive activist judges struck down and are in the process of striking down state laws defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
This is the big one. Obama never cared about securing the borders. He is an open borders progressive. He knew that signing an executive order to give amnesty for millions of illegals wouldn't sit well with the American public, that is why he waited until after the midterm elections to do so. Leading up to his unconstitutional overreach, he was giving speeches to pro amnesty groups promising them action which he has unlawfully done.
The crook in chief has given away billions of dollars in "loans" to "green energy" companies which the vast majority of them have failed and gone bankrupt. It was no worries for them though. The loans were forgivable aka non recourse meaning that tax payers didn't have to be paid back in case the companies failed. Oh did I forget to mention that these green energy money pits like Beacon Power were owned by wealthy liberals who were also financial campaign bundlers for Obama?
One of the most noted "I got your back" moves by Dear Leader is refusing to sign into law the Keystone XL pipeline citing "environmental issues". His EPA has initiated several federal rules that is negatively impacting the coal industry.
There is a reason I have blacks at the bottom, because they are at the bottom of Obama's priority list. Obama once said that he wasn't the president of black America, but he sure turned out to be the president for all the other progressive Democratic special interest groups. Some of Obama's black supporters did get an "Obama Phone". The only thing blacks have gotten from Obama is him saying "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon". That isn't much to squawk about though. I remember watching the video of black people in Detroit praising Obama thinking he was going to come in a turn Detroit around. He did say that Detroit was making comeback but didn't cite any evidence of that.
With all of the Democratic special interest groups being looked out for by Obama except blacks, where was Barack Obama on November 3rd just hours away from the polls opening on November 4th for the midterm elections? He was in Detroit, the city with a 90% black population telling the people he has done nothing for to VOTE FOR THE DEMS, WHO PUT YOU FIRST.
CB;"I remember watching the video of black people in Detroit praising Obama thinking he was going to come in a turn Detroit around. He did say that Detroit was making comeback but didn't cite any evidence of that".
Hmmm? I know of five ex-students of mine that are presently employed and working on the Federally Funded M1 Rail Line here in Detroit. And close to $320 million of your tax dollars have been sent to Detroit to clear blighted structures.
Granted, President Obama has not done a lot in the way of "targeting" social policies that help blacks. But since when has a "conservative" (particularly white conservatives) promoted the idea that the Democrats should be "returning an investment" to Blacks? Return on an investment implies a return of something "tangible", like money, property or goods and services.
CB;"Every Democratic special interest group has gotten something tangible or near tangible from the Obama administration over the past six year except for you guessed it".
Come on Tyrone, be specific! What should the Democrats and Obama should have given "tangible", or near "tangible" to Blacks? What in specific being physical, material or substantial should President Obama have given us? Just name "ONE" tangible good.
Hell, you're well aware of the blow back President Obama got for his "My Brother's Keeper Initiative." Some conservatives decried the program as "racist" while others claimed it was unconstitutional. In fact, the program calls upon private business and foundations to work with troubled black and brown youth to help improve themselves and their lives. Still, some conservatives attacked the program and the President.
Obama is doing nothing more then trying to win votes for the Democratic party by granting amnesty. I give no breaks to the other party either. Of course I do not support either side nor any political party for that matter. I am for open borders but because people should be allowed to travel freely and live where they want, not ask permission from a group of men to live in any given location. However I am against the welfare state 100%. It has broken families, furthered the debt and created crime. In a stateless world, we would not have mass influxes of people for one thing, the market would balance it all out. To sum my thoughts up better, Stefan explains it quite well.
The black community will never detach themselves from the "Demon-Rat Party!" Sure, some are belly aching over Obama's current focus on granting 5 million illegal, mostly Mexican immigrants amnasty".With this decision, blacks will no doubt continue to face fierce competition with a succession of low skill, Latino workers whose language barrier will play little to part, in their pursuits of obtaining employment from gracious business owners! i take great pleasure in conceding that Latinos generally have a better work ethic than most American blacks. Which is why they will be able to pursue certain forms of employment, n
p allen "Hmmm? I know of five ex-students of mine that are presently employed and working on the Federally Funded M1 Rail Line here in Detroit."
Hmmm, and the black population of Detriot is what 600,000 give or take? So with that said, you only know of 5 blacks who are working on this massively over valued tax payer boondoggle. That $320 milli could have been better spent providing a lot of jobs trade training to thousands of blacks needing it in Detroit correct allen? So how many residents or percentage of residents in Detroit are working on this rail line? Please tell me its far far far more then the 5 people you know. And close to $320 million of your tax dollars have been sent to Detroit to clear blighted structures."Again, just another example of the federal government not spending money the right way to truly help people.
p allen "Granted, President Obama has not done a lot in the way of "targeting" social policies that help blacks. "
Can you list those social polices that help blacks?
p allen "But since when has a "conservative" (particularly white conservatives) promoted the idea that the Democrats should be "returning an investment" to Blacks? Return on an investment implies a return of something "tangible", like money, property or goods and services.""
Ah swifting the topic I see. lol Um remember blacks give 90% of their vote to the Democratic Party, so it's only natural that it be asked what are blacks getting for their loyal to them and especially to Obama. Put now that you mentioned it, conservatives including whites have long talked about the need for using tax dollars to provide for skills training and teaching blacks to be business owners. You see allen, that is what us conservatives both black and white believe is "economic and social empowerment". Tearing down blighted buildings in Detroit i one thing, but if there is no economic activity taking place in those communities, what is going to take the place of the torn down building. When you drive pass the empty fields where houses once stood, think about that. Why do you think the population of Detroit continues to shrink?
p allen "Come on Tyrone, be specific! What should the Democrats and Obama should have given "tangible", or near "tangible" to Blacks? What in specific being physical, material or substantial should President Obama have given us? Just name "ONE" tangible good."
Don't even try to play semantics with my words, I laid it all out in my story clear as a bell.
p allen "Hell, you're well aware of the blow back President Obama got for his "My Brother's Keeper Initiative." Some conservatives decried the program as "racist" while others claimed it was unconstitutional. In fact, the program calls upon private business and foundations to work with troubled black and brown youth to help improve themselves and their lives. Still, some conservatives attacked the program and the President."
If these so called conservatives said that, then they would be wrong. But post some stories of them saying this, I want to read it. I supported the concept of the economic empower zones under Bill Clinton, however the execution was far from desirable. When blacks have jobs, they aren't going to have time to stand on the corner to sell drugs right? When blacks have jobs, they aren't going to have time nor have the need to commit crimes right? When blacks have the skills to obtain a good paying job, they aren't going to live in poverty correct?
renee xuereb "The black community will never detach themselves from the "Demon-Rat Party!" Sure, some are belly aching over Obama's current focus on granting 5 million illegal, mostly Mexican immigrants amnasty".With this decision, blacks will no doubt continue to face fierce competition with a succession of low skill, Latino workers whose language barrier will play little to part, in their pursuits of obtaining employment from gracious business owners! i take great pleasure in conceding that Latinos generally have a better work ethic than most American blacks. Which is why they will be able to pursue certain forms of employment"
The GOP erased the Democrats War On Women theme in the midterms, Women turned out for the GOP which showed that women are not just about birth control pills and being able to get abortions. Hell, the GOP did well among Hispanic voters, "the legal ones" lol. You may be right Renee. The problem with being loyal to someone or something is that that loyalty can blind a person to reality. Since I never had a loyalty to the Democratic Party as a black man, I was able to see the party and politics in general from a third eye perspective. and I am so grateful for that. The slogan I posted from what Obama said in Detroit "Vote for the Democrats, we put you first" is so telling, because any rational thinking black person would say "how are the Democrats putting us first"?However to the loyal herd, flock whatever, it never crosses their mind to ask such a thing. I do also believe that Hispanics have a stronger work ethic then blacks, that is one reason alone why amnesty will hurt unskilled black laborers the most. Besides the illegal Hispanics wanting amnesty look at who else is calling for it. It's the heads of manufacturing and production corporations, union heads basically people who are college educated and have nothing to fear with their job being challenged by an illegal being granted amnesty. I would like for the congressional black flunkies, I meant caucus to tell blacks how the granting of amnesty for illegal aliens is not going to negatively impact their ability to find jobs and why it's a good thing to grant them amnesty. I would pop some popcorn and listen to the response with laughter.
i can't wait to read your commentary on the Ferguson reaction which was just released about a half & hour ago!
It is estimated that 33,000 young blacks have died since Trayvon was killed due to black on black gun violence (average 7,000 per month, over 94% killed by other blacks). No mention of that has been made by the media, NAACP, Sharpton, Clinton or the left. 33,000 dead blacks are ignored, but one killed justifiably by someone non-black is magnified.
By a jury of twelve of his peers, officer Darren Wilson will not face charges. The parents of Michael Brown who tried to cover up irresponsible parenting did not rule the day. The violent selfish tantrum throwing Fergusonians and their interlopers did not rule the day. The poverty and race pimps did not rule the day. Lying winesses did not rule the day. Based on all of the analyzed evidence, the policeman just doing his job and who had to hide for three months, was exonerated by a system that after such a time, worked. Justice was served.
(Comment adapted & copied from:)
Here are the facts about Michael Brown:
1. He had a lengthy record of juvenile delinquency.
2. He was walking down the middle of street blocking traffic
3. He was involved in a strong armed robbery about 15 minutes before he was shot
4. He was high on marijuana when he was shot
5. He had attacked and injured a police officer before he was shot
6. He was trying to take the police officers gun when he was shot in the hand
7. The person with him testified that Michael Brown was shot in the back, but he was not.
8. He was moving towards the police man when he was shot again.
renee xuereb said...
i can't wait to read your commentary on the Ferguson reaction which was just released about a half & hour ago!
I just posted it. I knew Officer Wilson wouldn't be indicted, the evidence was strongly in his favor. When Evil Eric Holder didn't charge Officer Wilson, I knew it was pretty much over. Of course evidence and facts don't mean squat to emotionally ginned up people, facts be dammed of course.
Indigo "It is estimated that 33,000 young blacks have died since Trayvon was killed due to black on black gun violence (average 7,000 per month, over 94% killed by other blacks). No mention of that has been made by the media, NAACP, Sharpton, Clinton or the left. 33,000 dead blacks are ignored, but one killed justifiably by someone non-black is magnified"
True, but you have to remember that there is no media air time or chance to profit by racial agigators if the victim is black and the shooter is also black. If it doesn't fit the social justice equation, it's not important. That also means that to them the black person who was killed is merely just another statistic. Like I've been saying, If Darren Wilson was black also, all of the crap wouldn't exist and also if Michael Brown was white,again this would be nothing but a local story . For the past few months, the national media and even local media has held the nation prisoner in force feeding us this content drum beat about whether Officer Wilson was going to be charged.
Indigo "By a jury of twelve of his peers, officer Darren Wilson will not face charges. The parents of Michael Brown who tried to cover up irresponsible parenting did not rule the day. The violent selfish tantrum throwing Fergusonians and their interlopers did not rule the day. The poverty and race pimps did not rule the day. Lying winesses did not rule the day. Based on all of the analyzed evidence, the policeman just doing his job and who had to hide for three months, was exonerated by a system that after such a time, worked. Justice was served."
Well so much for Michael Brown industries. No more hands up don't shot t shirts and apparel. No more trips to the United Nations.What a pity.Bad parenting might have played a role in the ultimate outcome, but Michael Brown was an adult when he was shot and killed. Sure the blame others crowd can point to Officer Wilson all day, but they will never acknowledge that it was the actions of Michael Brown which set in motion the events which lead to his own death.
CB;"Hmmm, and the black population of Detriot is what 600,000 give or take? So with that said, you only know of 5 blacks?".
Yes I only know of five people. But as you said, there are over 600,000 residents. Lets say only "one-one hundredth (0.01)" of the 600,000 knows at least "one" person working on the project. You do the math and just "guess" how many jobs that amounts to...
CB;"Can you list those social polices that help blacks?".
Education, education and more education! That social policy not only helps blacks, it helps every American. Jobs, Jobs, and more good paying jobs. It does the exact same thing as education. What you don't understand is that "government" doesn't need to provide neither. We as blacks need to do this ON OUR OWN! It's not going to change until that happens.
CB;"Ah swifting the topic I see. lol Um remember blacks give 90% of their vote to the Democratic Party, etc...".
Swifting??? What in the hell is that supposed to mean? I asked you "when have conservatives promoted a particular RETURN ON AN INVESTMENT for Blacks? You didn't give an example nor an instance. Obviously that means that it's never happened. Yet again, you're just parroting nonsense talking points you've been instructed to repeat.
CB;"Put now that you mentioned it, conservatives including whites have long talked about the need for using tax dollars to provide for skills training and teaching blacks to be business owners".
Name them! I can name a "slew" of conservatives who are against the government, let alone this president, doing anything specifically for Blacks.
CB;"But post some stories of them saying this, I want to read it".
No Problem!
Rush Limbaugh had nothing good to say about the Brother's Keeper Initiative.
Michael Savage called it RACIST.
Mark Steyn blasted President Obama over it.
Debbie Schlussel asked her readers not to patronize companies who support the program.
And of course the conservative "Weekly Standard" article I linked to from the start...
CB;"Don't even try to play semantics with my words, I laid it all out in my story clear as a bell".
Your "words" were as clear as a freshly washed and buffed plate glass window. You said; "Every Democratic special interest group has gotten something tangible or near tangible from the Obama administration over the past six year except for you guessed it". I asked, "what tangibles" could have blacks gotten? But yet AGAIN, you're talking out the side of your neck.
The entire conservative meme of "Blacks not getting a return on their investment" is an attack styled talking-point. It's meaningless, baseless and has no merit whatsoever. You claimed "tangibles", yet you can't even give me ONE EXAMPLE? Negro PUH-LEEEEEEZ!
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