Thursday, October 09, 2014

Get Ready for Furgerson v2.0 this time via Saint Louis.

Well folks, it happened again. Another innocent angelic young black male 18 who was just skipping while singing to his grandma's house was shot and killed by a no good racist white police officer Wednesday in Saint Louis. Jesse & Al have already been notified or they have notified the family that they are on the way. Wednesday night in the Shaw neighborhood of Saint Louis, an off duty police officer working as a neighborhood security officer confronted three black teens as he was patrolling the area. The teens fled as he drove by. The off duty officer who was wearing his uniform went after them. What ended up happening apparently one of the suspects Vonderriit Myers was caring a gun and fired at the officer 3 times but his gun jammed, the officer fired back at him at least 17 times killing him. The suspect's gun has been recovered, so this isn't a case of a cop killing an "unarmed" black person as the Saint Michael disciples are protesting, yet they are protesting over this police involved shooting of an "armed suspect" who fired on a cop. My thoughts on the latest "innocent precious angel" to be shot and killed.

Truly on what grounds are protests warranted for an armed attempted cop killer? Do the protesters in Saint Louis know something that I don't? In the Saint Michael incident, their theme was that Saint Michael Brown was unarmed with his hands up right? But what happened in Saint Louis was the complete opposite. The guy was armed and fired at the off duty police officer who was in his police uniform, yet "they are protesting" the shooting? The Saint Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson gave a press conference on the shooting.

As I said many times, the media loves stories like this and come running like starving dogs to a dinner dish in which the "victim" is black and the cop is whit., Any other racial combination of the cop and victim they could care less in covering it. I know these people all too well.

New York Times "New Outcry unfolds after St Louis officer kills black teen"
The Week "Black man fatally shot by white off duty police cop in Saint Louis"
The Guardian "White off duty St Louis police officer shoots dead black teenager
Los Angeles Times "Tensions rise as white St Louis police officer shoots black man dead"

I'm sure there is going to be more to come from this story,


Anonymous Indigo said...

Under the banner of “children's rights” the liberal democrats will be thrilled with the recent winners of the Nobel Peace Prize (which undermined its credibility by awarding Yasser Arafat the father of modern terrorism behind the media's back, Al Gore, and Barack Obama). Children are the “achilles heel” of liberal democrats, who undermine childrens' future, and that's why they overcompensate and get so emotional and furious about children “rights.” Same with the black family and welfare thugs – the liberal agenda the past 50 years created this problem (handouts to fornicators destroy initiative and self-reliance and creativity), and so they become brain-less and hyper-emotional “defending” the ones they lost the experiment on.

On the teenage girl who works against jihadist oppression and won the Nobel prize, what this world really needs now are men and women leaders in government, media, and communities who will have the focused courage to bluntly speak and act against Islamic jihadist atrocities and all their silent (“peaceful” hah!) partners. Instead of millions of men and women having the vision to defend, they instead praise a little girl for her “courage.” That reminds me of that “war against drugs” 10 and 20 years ago. They asked school children to report drug activity if they saw it, but there were grown adults in our neighborhoods who knew other adults dealing drugs but did not report them. So those adults asked children to do what they would not do.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Joe Conservative said...

The name for this phenomena is "Black Russian Roulette". If you are black, get a white cop to shoot you, AND survive the shooting, the City of St. Louis will have to pay you TENS of MILLIONS in "reparations". If you die, your family only gets a few measly hundred thousand.

So it's no wonder that so many poor, desperate black men are willing to play it.

11:46 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Do the protesters in Saint Louis know something that I don't? ".

Actually, they're just like you!

The blacks in St. Louis don't trust THE GOVERNMENT!

12:15 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Joe Conservative "The name for this phenomena is "Black Russian Roulette". If you are black, get a white cop to shoot you, AND survive the shooting, the City of St. Louis will have to pay you TENS of MILLIONS in "reparations". If you die, your family only gets a few measly hundred thousand."

And if you are black and get shot by a black cop, you only will get a 10 second mention on the local newscast then on to sports.

Joe Conservative "So it's no wonder that so many poor, desperate black men are willing to play it."

It's kind of like an alternate form of "poverty life insurance". All that needs to happen is an innocent black male who just happens to have a long criminal record is shot and killed by a police officer,"must be white". Then get a black lawyer to scream racism, and then file a lawsuit against the city for racism and wrongful death. Then sit back and hope to get paid.

p allen "Actually, they're just like you! The blacks in St. Louis don't trust THE GOVERNMENT!"

Bullshit!!! Those losers aren't anything like me in the least. If the officer was black, they wouldn't be protesting period. To them it's about race not about trusting the government. As I said before, I have no problem with the police, and the police are apart of the executive branch of government correct allen?

1:30 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"If the officer was black, they wouldn't be protesting period".

Are you wanting, wishing and hoping that? Is that some kind of conservative meme you've been instructed to repeat? I think it is.

Just last year PROTESTS WERE SPARKED IN LITTLE ROCK, ARK. WHEN A BLACK OFFICER SHOT AND KILLED A BLACK MAN. But you're not supposed to know about that. Your "main stream media" doesn't nationalize those stories.

CB;"To them it's about race not about trusting the government".

And who runs the government in St. Louis? A "racist Democrat", right? Democrats are racist, aren't they? Especially white Democrats, right?

CB;"and the police are apart of the executive branch of government correct allen?".

Yes, police are part of the executive part of government. They execute and enforce the laws set forth by government. Laws which "YOU" and the blacks in St. Louis don't trust. The only difference is they have their laws they don't trust, and you have yours. Yet, they are still LAWS!

11:58 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

I believe what's happening in this post climate of the first elected black president, is a racial backlash.

To much "in your face" pride by liberals and blacks has angered conservatives and whites who have historically resented black advancement and achievement. Blacks, (especially poor blacks and those that voted for him because he is black) have yet to see all the so-called "change" that they envisioned after electing Barack Obama. Whereas whites (especially poor whites, those who didn't vote for him because he was black) have grown more resentful due to their own hatred and the negativity expressed by their news sources and politicians.

The outcome has been a "distrust" of every form of government. From day one, the election of Barack Obama divided the country along racial and ideological lines- which is something that effects us all.

Frankly, every aspect of American life that has an effect on our lives has become reason to divide us. The essential parts of society such as health care, pollution, weather, the economy and education, all have become reasons for Americans to despise one another. Historically those same issues has never divided the average American as much as we see today.

1:04 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "To much "in your face" pride by liberals and blacks has angered conservatives and whites who have historically resented black advancement and achievement."

Um, liberals always want to overlook the fact that Obama is half white. Let's see what the definition of the word "biracial" is

"consisting of, representing, or combining members of two separate races:

Well I guess by the definition that fits Barack Obama Jr. His father was Barack Obama Sr who was black, and his mother Ann Dunham was white. However, he's being passed off as black. Funny how liberals conveniently forget that a white women brought him into this world not a black woman, oh darn. Well, it would look like the people who have a racial problem with Obama are are liberals who wish to overlook the race of the women who conceived him. Conservatives tend to note both of Obama's races not just one. Bi is two, mono is one.

p allen" Blacks, (especially poor blacks and those that voted for him because he is black) have yet to see all the so-called "change" that they envisioned after electing Barack Obama. Whereas whites (especially poor whites, those who didn't vote for him because he was black) have grown more resentful due to their own hatred and the negativity expressed by their news sources and politicians."

Let me get this right. So poor whites didn't vote for Obama, because Obama was "black" yet blacks only voted for Obama based solely on the premise of hope & change but not due to his race right? LLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLL!! Who in the hell do you think you are trying to fool!!! It was liberal blacks who said that if anyone doesn't vote for Obama, they are a racist. So much for only voting for Obama based on his polices.

p allen "
The outcome has been a "distrust" of every form of government. From day one, the election of Barack Obama divided the country along racial and ideological lines- which is something that effects us all."

LOL!!So then according to your words then you would agree that the nation must have been unified along racial and ideological lines under the 8 years o George Bush then right? According to you this division only started when Obama was elected right? Going back further, that would mean the the nation was unified racially and ideologically under Ronald Reagan also, isn't that right allen?

9:35 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Um, liberals always want to overlook the fact that Obama is half white".

Tyrone, no matter how much you pretend, no matter how much you try to engineer a faux meme to satisfy your personal ideological bent, in America Barack Obama is classified as "BLACK." According to the census (beginning in 2000) you can now check as many boxes classifying race as you want to. But that doesn't change perception. The vast majority of Americans (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, ect...) see him as a Black man.

If you think its just liberals that overlook his white mother, listen to what some of his most fierce haters call him. (and I'm sure they're not liberals)

And what many believe Rick Santorum called him.

Do you really believe they'd call Ronald Reagan the "N-Word?"

CB;"Conservatives tend to note both of Obama's races not just one".

And why do you think they "tend to note" that he has a Black father and a White mother Tyrone? I'll tell you why! Because conservatives are more likely NOT to approve of interracial marriage. Thus, in the case of President Obama, conservatives more apt to point out his not being completely white.

According to a Pew Poll, Conservative Evangelicals believe that more interracial marriages would be BAD for the country.

Another group that touts religious beliefs is the Council of Conservative Citizens. Their beliefs are;

"We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage".

I bet those statistics really upset you...huh?

3:33 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Let me get this right. So poor whites didn't vote for Obama, because Obama was "black" yet blacks only voted for Obama based solely on the premise of hope & change but not due to his race right?".

Ahhhh...NO, you didn't get it right. Read what I wrote again....

Blacks, (especially poor blacks and those that voted for him because he is black). I'm well aware that many poor blacks voted for President Obama because he's black. However, there's something that you refuse to take into account. Blacks have voted Democrat for more than 50 years now. Yet you choose to insist that blacks only voted for him because he is black.

Yet, if a black conservative got the nomination there's no doubt in my mind that you would vote for him. Therefore I could say that you're voting for him because he's black. And if you claimed otherwise I'd call you a liar. So according to you, I'd be right to say so!

CB;"LOL!!So then according to your words then you would agree that the nation must have been unified along racial and ideological lines under the 8 years o George Bush then right? According to you this division only started when Obama was elected right? Going back further, that would mean the the nation was unified racially and ideologically under Ronald Reagan also, isn't that right allen?".

First off, (in case you didn't notice) neither Bush nor Reagan was black. Second, when was the nation ever "unified" along racial lines? But that wasn't the gist of my statements.

Its obvious that many (dare I say most) white conservatives "wholeheartedly and honestly" believe that President Obama hates white people. Here are their reasons.

1) Jeremiah Wright.
2) He called a white police officer stupid.
3) The Justice Dept. did not prosecute the Black Panthers.
4) He said his son would look like Trayvon Martin
5) He called Vladimir Putin "kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom."

Bear in mind that the accusations of Obama being a racist began with the Jeremiah Wright story. So the notion that the president is a racist began long before he was elected. So the thought in most white conservative's minds is that the elected president is an enemy to their race.

White conservatives are a large part of the overall electorate. With roughly 95%+ of blacks being Democrat/Liberal, it leaves less than 3% of blacks who identify as Republican/Conservative. Thus, with blacks only being 12% of the overall population, it would suffice to say white conservatives outnumber black liberals. Blacks support the president, and many do simply because he's black. Whereas most white conservatives believes he "hates" them because they're white. So of course the country is divided between the racial lines.

The fact is it doesn't matter if the president is a racist or not. What divides the country along racial lines is that white conservatives believe he is.

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Hey Tyrone , did you see about the black teen who was reported by neighbors going into home after school. Police mistaking him for a burglar pepper sprayed him at home of his white foster parents.

1) Black teen should have immediately told police he could prove he was foster child living there with white parents, and neither he nor anyone should be naïve about it (what if it WAS a burglary? 2) Police should secure the scene and always first get the facts.

These days people are forgetting common sense while getting hyper-emotional over race. Issue has been made about motive of neighbors who called police. Regardless of neighbors' motives, weighing the evidence and common sense investigation can prevail over any racial issues.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB (from video)-“Why does it always seem that young blacks tend to rally in protest around those that are criminals?”

I ask that same question too. I always wonder why they come to the defense and make excuses for criminals no matter how dangerous they are but innocent victims are irrelevant.

As I mentioned before I got into a debate with a black coworker of mine who was upset over a white sheriff’s deputy who shot and killed a black motorist in self-defense who pulled his gun out on him. I asked him to put himself in that cop’s position and said that he’d never shoot back. What is it about not wanting to defend yourself and to allow a criminal to shoot you regardless if the criminal was black? Would he shoot if the criminal was white? I suppose your loved ones would approve of the police chaplain and captain to inform them that you’ve been killed in the line of duty. Despite that this guy that deputy killed had an outstanding criminal record, he still thought that the cop acted out of line.

Or the case of Lovelle Mixon, the person who shot and killed four Oakland police officers before he was shot dead. And those who support Mixon, I remember one video where it shows a woman in the rally shouting out that he was a “hero.” This “hero” of her, days prior, he kidnaped and raped a 13-year-old, and hours prior to the shooting kidnaped and raped two women. I suppose if she was one of his victims, would she still call him a hero?

Or cases like the one of Emmit Till, the black teenager who was kidnaped and beaten to death in Mississippi by two white men for flirting with one of his killer’s wife. The family, the black community, and the NAACP demand Till’s murderers are brought to justice, which unfortunately they were acquitted. But how is that any difference when the NAACP came to the defense of the four black men and women for the kidnaping, rape, torture and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, a white couple from Knoxville, Tennessee? So, Emmit Till’s murder was a hate crime, but the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were not? That is pretty messed up.


1:18 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Tyrone, no matter how much you pretend, no matter how much you try to engineer a faux meme to satisfy your personal ideological bent, in America Barack Obama is classified as "BLACK."

According to you and people who think like you, which do not represent all Americans. Sorry allen, the word biracial does exist and does have a definition, you can ignore it all you want but it is what is. Obama himself doesn't classify himself as black. He referred to himself as a mutt

So what is the definition of a mutt lets see


I guess Obama knows his racial makeup better then the people who claim to support him for being something he isn't.

p allen "According to the census (beginning in 2000) you can now check as many boxes classifying race as you want to. But that doesn't change perception."

Perception isn't reality. People can think what they want, it doesn't make it true or factual. If some wish to live in their fantasy world of false perceptions, fine by me. However, I don't play that game,I live in the real world where the facts are what they are.

p allen "The vast majority of Americans (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, ect...) see him as a Black man."

Where is the statistics that state that allen. I want to read it. Silly you, do you really think that referring to Obama as what he is "bi racial" is something that the vast right wing conspiracy cooked up? I guess everybody doesn't see Obama as black including those on the left as well

1:14 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Indigo "Hey Tyrone , did you see about the black teen who was reported by neighbors going into home after school. Police mistaking him for a burglar pepper sprayed him at home of his white foster parents."

I read something about it a few days ago. Some are blaming the cops for what happened. I don't blame the cops, they didn't know. The problem was with the foster parents. There was no picture of the black teen in the house, so there was no way for the teen to convince the officer that he lived there. Futhermore, if the foster parents didn't introduce the teen to neighbors, they had no idea he wasn't a burglar. It was a messed up situation how it unfolded, but the teen could have a possible lawsuit case from this. So it probably worked out for him. lol
What the black teen could have done also was to call his foster parents and have them talk to the officer, that would have straighten out the situation as well.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

-BP "I ask that same question too. I always wonder why they come to the defense and make excuses for criminals no matter how dangerous they are but innocent victims are irrelevant."

It's madness. They champion cop killers, attempted cop killer, drug dealers but say nothing when a truly innocent black person is slain. If one of these violent criminals is sentenced to death, they protest to have him taken off of death row.Now of course that violent thug would kill them in a heart beat without any remorse whatsoever, but these fools don't get that for some reason. I remember blacks wanted cop killer Christopher Dorner to get away from being captured and believed his allegations

Indigo "These days people are forgetting common sense while getting hyper-emotional over race. Issue has been made about motive of neighbors who called police. Regardless of neighbors' motives, weighing the evidence and common sense investigation can prevail over any racial issues."

You nailed it! I always said when people use their skin color to do their thinking, they are going to think stupidly. It never fails. Take for example how some blacks actually believe racism was involved in the death of Thomas Duncan, because the two white missionaries survived their Ebola infection but Duncan didn't.
Jesse Jackson criticized the treatment Duncan received Of course why let the facts get in the way of of his and other blacks from beating the racial conspiracy drum. Facts like

1. Thomas Duncan shouldn't have even in this country
2. He lied to his own government in Liberia in claiming he was healthy when he knew he wasn't
3. The experimental drug Z Mapp was used up in August two months before Duncan arrived
4. Duncan didn't tell the people at Texas Presbyterian that he thought he had Ebola.

They want to overlook the fact that because of him, two people are infected with Ebola

1:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"It's madness. They champion cop killers, attempted cop killer, drug dealers but say nothing when a truly innocent black person is slain. If one of these violent criminals is sentenced to death, they protest to have him taken off of death row."

I remember years ago, the Evergreen State College's commencement speaker was convicted black nationalist and cop killer Mumia Abdul-Jamal. Evergreen is filled with a bunch of liberal, progressive students and faculty. Always making excuses for this cop killer, claiming that he was framed and the Philadelphia justice system was corrupt, despite there were numerous witnesses that saw him shot Officer Faulkner and the gun that was used to kill Officer Faulkner was registered Abu-Jamal. Those who spoke against him being the commencement speaker, of course the race card was played. Asked if they would consider to have Charles Manson be their commencement speaker, no response. Faulkner's widow and local law-enforcement officers and other supporters came to Evergreen to protest on the day of the graduation. Ironically, most of the graduating class got up from their seats and refused to listen to Abu-Jamal's speech. I guess not all of Evergreen is in support to "free Mumia".
Last I heard, Abu-Jamal will be the commencement speaker and receiving a bachelor degrees from Goddard College in Vermont.

CB-"I remember blacks wanted cop killer Christopher Dorner to get away from being captured and believed his allegations."

Reminds me of the case Larry Davis who shot six New York City police officers during a raid to question Davis about the killing of four suspected drug dealers. With the help of family and street friends, he eluded capture for 17 days despite a massive manhunt. He became more of a folk hero within the black community for "sticking up" to the cops.


5:51 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Where is the statistics that state that allen. I want to read it. Silly you, do you really think that referring to Obama as what he is "bi racial" is something that the vast right wing conspiracy cooked up?".

I said most Americans "SEE" him as black. President Obama has just about the same complexion as you. If you didn't know who he was, and he were to walk by you on the street, 9 out of 10 people would classify him as black (if not all ten).

The fact is, the term "bi-racial" is a social construct of this society (mostly American society). Bi-racial is a politically correct replacement term for racially offensive terms such as "half-breed, mulatto, octoroon and in some circles the term Melungeon." In South Africa the term was "coloured." In South America it's "Mestizo." So you're just employing the politically correct term! Who said that a conservative couldn't support political correctness.

The only reason the term bi-racial is used in American society is because of the bias classification of not being white.

CB;"I remember blacks wanted cop killer Christopher Dorner to get away from being captured and believed his allegations".

Really? Blacks? Would that be anything like "Whites" who supported convicted murderer Michael Dunn? White people were in support of Michael Dunn,,, right?.

CB;"They champion cop killers, attempted cop killer, drug dealers but say nothing when a truly innocent black person is slain.".

What about cop killer Eric Frein? Whites have turned him into a cult hero. Hes even got a tribute rap song.

9:26 PM  

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