Thursday, October 23, 2014

Democratic Race Baiting 101 Baltimore Edition

Democrats here in Maryland sure have been desperate as of late. If anyone who knows this state knows that it is a solidly blue state and is usually considered a safe Democrat state when elections come around. Well this year something is different. It was simply assumed that Martin O'Malley's Lt Governor Anthony Brown would be a shoe in to be the next Governor of Maryland. Number one, he's a Democrat. Number two, he's black. Well that isn't proving to be the case. His challenger Republican Larry Hogan has come on strong in recent weeks and scored very highly in the last governmental debate between himself and Brown, and that has Democrats here in Maryland very nervous. Many of the national pollsters are now calling the Governors race a toss up. Since Anthony Brown can't run on the coat tails of Martin O'Malley's disastrous two terms as governor, he has resorted to a barrage of negative attack ads against Hogan for which backfired. When people see Anthony Brown they see the third term of   Martin O'Malley tax increases, and Anthony Brown being a liberal Democrat can't do anything to prove otherwise.Democratic operatives know that their best chance to win hinges on the turn out of their base. If Democrats have a lite turnout, that bolds very well for Larry Hogan and other Republicans. Larry Hogan's supporters are fired up and energized. That same can't be said for Anthony Brown's supporters. This is why the Democrats have resorted to race baiting black folks in Baltimore City to try and get them to vote.

Yesterday as I was driving around Baltimore City, I noticed these yellow yard signs plastered everywhere reading "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS". Normally a campaign sign would say vote for the particular candidate not the political party. This is where it gets "interesting". I had to take care of so some business in Baltimore County that day as well. So as I was driving around Towson, Lutherville, Parkville, Carney etc, there were political campaign signs for people running for the respected public offices. What I noticed what was missing were those "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS" signs that were plastered all over Baltimore City. So I started thinking, how could this be possible? I would assume that the Maryland Democratic Party and the Brown campaign would want people in Baltimore County to "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS" also  right? The only logical conclusion is that these signs were placed in predominately black neighborhoods. because they know they need a strong turn out from the two biggest black jurisdictions in Maryland which are Baltimore City and Prince Georges County. Of course Maryland Democratic leaders would deny this is an attempt at race baiting, but I know what they would say if the Maryland Republican Party or Larry Hogan was to place signs all over Republican strongholds on the Eastern Shore and Arundel Country which have mostly white residents reading "VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICANS". I would like to ask the person or persons who came up with the "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS" signs one question. That question would be "WHY vote for the Democrats"? What, just vote for the whole party, because the sign says to do so? Barack Obama came to Maryland the other day to campaign for Anthony Brown at a rally in Upper Marlboro. Even Big O can't help Anthony Brown, people mostly black started to leave as Obama was still speaking. If the first bi racial president being passed off as black can't help Anthony Brown, it might  mean that all the race baiting political signs won't be able to help him either.


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"I would like to ask the person or persons who came up with the "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS" signs one question. That question would be "WHY vote for the Democrats"? What, just vote for the whole party, because the sign says to do so?".

You're writing as if Republicans don't do the exact same thing! Hell, where do you think Democrats got the idea?

How about this vote Republican sign?.
This one thats also bearing blatant misleading, misinformation, wttempting to woo Blacks to vote Republican.
This one plainly begging people not to vote for Democrats.
And this one not promoting any particular candidate, just attempting to get people to vote against Liberals.

Apparently this is just another typical Tyrone essay expressing your disgust with Democrats. Didn't realize that Republicans do the exact same thing...did you? Another swing and a miss Tyrone.

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

ACM "The only logical conclusion is that these signs were placed in predominately black neighborhoods. because they know they need a strong turn out from the two biggest black jurisdictions in Maryland which are Baltimore City and Prince Georges County."
That's right, Ty. All over America and for years and decades, black democrats have been played like a violin by the Democrat Elite. Democrat agenda kills blacks in deed, but pretends to love and support them on the surface with a mindless pandering. Most black democrat voters in the USA are shortsighted, blind, unenlightened, emotionalistic, and their own worst enenmy. The Democrat elite and their mentally enslaved peasant voters, are the ones keeping the immature, undeveloped, pathologic welfare thug gangbanger locked into a hopeless future. The very ones who would ultimately free blacks from this bondage, are the ones who are the most hated by white guilt liberals and by black democrats. That is why they so fiercely hate and demonize Ronald Reagan, Clarence Thomas, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...
[ Excerpt >> In a sudden shift of dialect Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden referred to himself as a "white boy" during a closed-door meeting with black clergy in South Carolina. He also called the Tea Party "crazy" and "a different breed of cat, man." CNN was given a readout of Biden's remark from someone at the meeting. Biden called himself, "the only white boy on the east side of Wilmington (Delaware)" and urged those gathered to elect Democrats in the upcoming election. "This is not your father's Republican Party," Biden warned of those "crazy" tea partiers. "This is a different breed of cat, man. I am not making a moral judgment, but I will tell you that they have no judgment," he added. ]
That VP is some cat, man. If he wants to talk about “moral judgment,” then what about those in Ferguson who, before the facts were in, went about destroying and stealing? Or why does Biden not address the moral judgment of Koran reading Imam followers who go about plotting, shooting, killing, beheading, raping, mutilating, and enslaving? (Ft.Hood, or OK Food Co., anyone?) Why won't Biden address the moral judgment of millions of Muslims who have not stood up to roundly condemn and oppose 20 years plus of those atrocities daily? Why won't Biden address those young fornicators who don't have simple morals enough to put down the drugs and to talk English and to pull up their pants and to put on a sleeved shirt, so they can get a job?

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Charles Barkley Slams ‘Unintelligent,’ ‘Brainwashed’ Black People for Holding Successful Ones Back (Audio)
Mr. Barkley here also called it a dirty secret among blacks, how blacks who make good grades, who speak intelligently, and are successful, get called "wannabe white" or "not black enough." This interview was prompted by Seattle QB Russell Wilson being called not black enough by some other blacks. While Wilson is of mixed heritage and did marry a white woman, his family and cultural heritage is black, and the comments are based in JEALOUSY; Blacks who bought into the thug culture, and are ready to chide a black person who is interested in literature and the arts and service, instead of rap, hiphop, or the insane qualification of "street cred" by breaking the law.
Even of my experiences in public schools in the 1960's and 1970's, I could write a book on well-spoken smart black students being called names, teased, and even thrown down stairs, by dumb black students (thugs-in-training). Today with the no-belt, untied-shoelace (prison) culture in the cities, it is much worse.
No wonder the article about Barkley's comments got thousands and thousands of hits.

10:28 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Indigo;"Mr. Barkley here also called it a dirty secret among blacks, how blacks who make good grades, who speak intelligently, and are successful, get called "wannabe white" or "not black enough".

Barkley is right! However, he's right across the entire board.

Some Blacks attack successful blacks at every turn. Blacks, as a minority group in America, seem to find a way to attack and separate ourselves at almost every turn. In sports, business, spiritual worship, education, and POLITICS! We just can't seem to find common ground (as a whole) on anything in America.

Colin Powell, Eric Holder, Condi Rice, and Barack Obama are four of the most politically powerful blacks in the entire world. Yet, blacks on both sides of the aisle are steadfast in their minds that one is better or worse than the other, without giving credence and "SUPPORT" to what each one of them have accomplish.



Willie Lynch (whatever year he wrote his synopsis) was right also...

8:35 PM  
Blogger Renee said...

If it were humanly possible, liberal Democrats would make a desperate attempt in trying to storm "the gates of heaven" by using blacks as their stepping stone in the same manner in which they use them obtain cheap political votes.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "You're writing as if Republicans don't do the exact same thing! Hell, where do you think Democrats got the idea?"

Democrats originated the concept. It's not like Democrats ever communicate an actual agenda for blacks, all they ever do is use fear mongering tactics to scare blacks into voting Democrat "If you don't vote Democrat, another cross will burn" lol lol ah classics. The raging Republicans ad I don't agree with. To be honest, it's almost like what Democrats do in saying that blacks should vote for a Democratic candidate simply, because he or she is black. I could care less whether Martin Luther King was a Republican. Second, there is no records to verify whether he was a Republican or not. When I was a Republican, I didn't become one, because MLK was supposedly one.

p allen "Apparently this is just another typical Tyrone essay expressing your disgust with Democrats. Didn't realize that Republicans do the exact same thing...did you? Another swing and a miss Tyrone."

Actually you're wrong. My essay was mainly about the tactics Democrats are using in my state of Maryland allen,oops. If you can point out any similar tactics from the Larry Hogan campaign, by all means present it

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indigo you are on fire and spot on.

p... Sorry but no I won't support Eric or Barry on the havoc they have and are doing to Blacks and the country in general. Two different ideologies and theirs (and from what I have seen in your writing) don't help our cause. I have been off the plantation since the early 80s. I have watch with disbelief a steady decline in our community as a whole.


11:27 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Cb;"Actually you're wrong. My essay was mainly about the tactics Democrats are using in my state of Maryland allen,oops.".

Nooooo... actually you're wrong. My response to your essay was mainly about how Republicans have, and do use the exact same tactic. And yes, I've given you proof that they do. Try again Tyrone...

10:10 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Nooooo... actually you're wrong. My response to your essay was mainly about how Republicans have, and do use the exact same tactic. And yes, I've given you proof that they do. Try again Tyrone...

Um, no. notice the title of my story. Race bating 101 "BALTIMORE EDITION". I asked you to provide evidence that the Larry Hogan campaign is using racial tactics in his campaign for governor of Maryland,which you have not provided, so when you said Republicans do it, clearly you were wrong in this case. Also, I just found out who was responsible for the "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS" signs that are mainly in Baltimore City but nowhere else. Congressman Ellajah Cumming is the one behind this. I'm sure you've heard of him allen. He's a black congressman who also is a top member of the "congressional BLACK caucus", well, well, well.Looks like my hunches normally pay off and this was no exception.

renee xuereb" If it were humanly possible, liberal Democrats would make a desperate attempt in trying to storm "the gates of heaven" by using blacks as their stepping stone in the same manner in which they use them obtain cheap political votes."

Of course they would.The only thing that matters to them is power and personal enrichment. They can give a flying bleep about blacks.It's pitiful that many blacks haven't figured out the the only agenda Democrats care about is passing amnesty that would benefit solely illegal Hispanics. There is no agenda for blacks, because Democratic power brokers and politicians know that they have the black vote locked up and they don't have to do squat for it. If fools are going to allow themselves to be played for fools, why should the fooler have a reason to stop if it continues to work?

Indigo "Charles Barkley Slams ‘Unintelligent,’ ‘Brainwashed’ Black People for Holding Successful Ones Back"

I agree with Charles 100% on that. Liberals were telling us how we had to support Barack Obama, because he was the first *black president. We weren't suppose to criticize his polices nor ideology, however,liberals had no problem personally attacking, degrading and smearing Herman Cain when he ran for the GOP nomination. He was a successful corporate executive, that didn't matter. They called him an Uncle Tom, House Nigger, a Mandingo, a sexual predator etc Token etc. They couldn't attack his tax policy of 9-9-9. Hell, I remember liberals calling Collin Powell an Uncle Tom, well that was in tell Powell came out and endorsed Obama in 2008, then they "loved him". go figure. I guess Powell's endorsement made him their beloved Uncle Tom,lol Liberals trashed the historic relevance of Michael Steele not only becoming the first black person elected as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, but also the first black person elected as Lt Governor of Maryland.

2:07 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Um, no. notice the title of my story. Race bating 101 "BALTIMORE EDITION". I asked you to provide evidence that the Larry Hogan campaign is using racial tactics in his campaign for governor of Maryland,which you have not provided".

Negro PUH-LEEEEEZZE! Everyone knows that blacks vote Democrat. That's no secret. Where do you think they'd place "Vote For The Democrats" signs? In Lilly White Republican districts? You never listen to common sense and reason. The idea of courting blacks to vote for a particular candidate or party is done by "BOTH SIDES!" As usual, you're being blind and naive.

CB;" Also, I just found out who was responsible for the "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS" signs that are mainly in Baltimore City but nowhere else. Congressman Ellajah Cumming".

I could have told you that.... If you would have looked in the lower right hand corner of the sign, you would have seen; "Paid for by Cummings for Congress, Ron Thompson, Treasurer." Hell, you said you personally saw how many signs? Yet you didn't take the time to at least "LOOK" to see who paid for them? Gee whizzz Tyrone... But I'll digress.

Look Tyrone, everyone knows blacks vote Democrat. Secondly, everyone knows black turnout is low in the mid-term elections, which are undeniable facts. Whereas, everyone knows that "White conservatives and Republicans" have high turnout rates in the mid-terms. Are the majority Republican districts in Maryland a secret? Does Hogan not know where they are? When a Republican is running for the Governors seat, would he really need to place "Vote Republican" signs in a majority Republican district? OF COURSE NOT!

The "Vote Republican" signs I gave you links to were plastered all over "MAJORITY BLACK DISTRICTS!" If you want to call it race baiting, then call it across the board! Both of these signs are aimed at getting blacks to vote one way or the other. The fact is as I've stated from the outset. BOTH SIDES DO IT. Its nothing new Tyrone. The only thing that applies here is that, either you don't want to believe it, or you're just to darn naive to see it for what it is.

5:53 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Negro PUH-LEEEEEZZE! Everyone knows that blacks vote Democrat."

So are you saying that I am not black, because I don't vote Democrat allen? And here I thought blacks could vote however they wanted and weren't suppose to be a branded cattle herd vote. I guess I must be the "bad negro" or defective one huh? lol

p allen That's no secret. Where do you think they'd place "Vote For The Democrats" signs?"

Maybe someone should have put a "why" in front of the Vote for the Democrats. That would have truly given blacks food for thought. Why should I vote for the Democrats? I am suppose to vote for them just because I am black? Forget issues, values etc just vote for them because you are suppose to baaed on the pigmentation of your skin, wow. It's a good thing I expect far more then that in order for a candidate to get my vote.

P allen "In Lilly White Republican districts? You never listen to common sense and reason. The idea of courting blacks to vote for a particular candidate or party is done by "BOTH SIDES!" As usual, you're being blind and naive."

You still didn't provide evidence that Larry Hogan who is white is doing this allen? What is the racially charged literature they are using. I know you and facts are like oil and water but at least try to be factual, geez. The only person who is naive is you allen. You say that both sides are doing it, but all I ask is for you to present a grain of evidence that the GOP is race baiting in this election cycle, that's it. Hell, the Democrats are so open in doing it, even the freaking UK Daily Mail which isn't even an American News site sees what they are doing Why can't Democrats appeal to black folks on the issues? Oops, did I say that? lol, my mistake.

p allen "I could have told you that.... If you would have looked in the lower right hand corner of the sign, you would have seen; "Paid for by Cummings for Congress, Ron Thompson, Treasurer."

Who would have seen that small print unless they get right up on it. The only thing people see driving or walking by is "VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS". Now if Elijah Cummings was simply campaigning for himself, he would have put out a campaign sign saying "VOTE FOR CUMMINGS or VOTE FOR ELIJAH CUMMINGS" That's not the case now was it?

p allen "Hell, you said you personally saw how many signs? Yet you didn't take the time to at least "LOOK" to see who paid for them? Gee whizzz Tyrone... But I'll digress."

Nice attempt at misdirection, but it's still an epic fail on your part as usual. I have seen hundreds of these signs throughout Baltimore and none in the suburbs. That is the reason why I wrote this story to begin with, hello genius"! Duh! If I saw these signs everywhere, there would have been no need to say anything.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, the Dems aren't trying to scare Black voters into voting. Not at all . . .

Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of ‘klansmen’

2:50 PM  

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