Did you all know that Obamacare is the Civil Rights Act of the 21st century?

So I guess if you support the appeal of Obamacare, you must be a racist. That's not me saying that of course. I'm not mentally screwed up to utter such foolishness. Those were the words of Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina. For this human piece of garbage to pimp the name of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement on an issue that has nothing at all to do with the the Civil Rights era or Kings legacy is beyond vile. The Civil Rights era has become nothing more then a play thing to people like Clyburn and liberals.
If the ends justify the means, it' s alright in their eyes to exploit it for maximum political gain. These people have no shame. Clyburn has no credibility at all. That is why nobody believed him, when he said that a tea party person spat on him and claimed he was called a racist name last year at a tea party rally in Washington D.C. Congressman Clyburn is an embarrassment to himself. I would say that he is an embarrassment to the people he represent in his district, but they keep voting him back into office. So the people he represent are embarrassments to themselves as well. The talking point theme must have been handed down by the Democratic National Committee, because I see a pattern forming. Here's that far left whack job loon Ed Schultz on MSNBC copying the exact theme Clyburn used about Obamacare, the Civil Rights era and racism. I wonder what Ed meant, when he said "The Republicans basically, as I see it, have a pre-civil rights attitude when it comes to health care"?
Sheila jackson Lee made a fool of herself also. Everyone in America can get health care, even foreigners. Obamacare is the same as Hitler did in Germany in 1930-40s. All insane, crippled, elderly, prisoners were killed and 25000 black Germans were sterilized.
Clyburn is out of date and out of his mind with delusions of civil rights. South Carolina had the first black politicians until the KKK went on the midnight ride with Burqa like sheets looking just like Muslims.
Jews like Bloomberg is as bad as Clyburn, Whoopi and Lee. He owns business in Arab countries and he thinks that money will save his behind. He is still an ape and a pig and a dirty rat according to Muhammad and the allah with no name. Rats and monkeys have their own temples in India under Hinduism.
Clyburn supports Muslims who see him as a slave, and ugly, black, nappy headed pug nosed less than a donkey's penis Ishaq 243.
Obama is allowing Arabs to endanger millions of Black Muslims, Christians and animist. China is after the oil, caring less what Arabs do to Blacks, and not one big time Black says a word. NOI dont knowwhat to do as they depend on Arab money. NOI are no longer considered Muslims since 1998.
To get a copy of the put out:
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It's like the other liberals out there who try and make out people who do not support same-sex marriage a bunch of homophobes. Frankly, I don't care who gets married, just as long as we mind our own business.
Also, I am getting sick and tired of people who calling other people "racist" when they have an opinion or do not support Obama's agenda. Has it occurred to them, that it is they, the ones who are making the accusation are the one's who are acting racist?
Personal Note: Alpha Conservative Male, I caught the Sean Hannity radio show , this woman is a Tea Party activist, Anita Moncrief. She might be on the Thursday night program, I don't know or something on there about the African American Tea Party movement. I thought on the show she said she was in Houston but I pull up a blog and she talks about being in Maryland. http://www.anitamoncrief.blogspot.com/ , this seems to be her old blog. She made some good pointers on the radio show. So, just dropping a line, no need to publish this. Some good articles to read on this website.
How insulting to people who lived during Jim Crow. Clyburn is a disgrace. How is opposing Government Run healthcare an affront to civil rights. That doesn't make any sense. Back in the days when blacks were treated like cattle Government Healthcare was the last thing on their minds. Most blacks in those days were interested in outlawing lynching and real racial discrimination.
Dang, I found out more about Moncrief, sorry to bother again and no need to publish this: http://innerloophouston.com/houston/anita-moncrief-acorn-whistle-blower-spoke-in-houston/
I print the whole article here, so sure you must have known who she was, this with Sherman Williams, the paint people and Acorn were talked about on the Hannity show.
I guess Sherman Williams agreed ahead of time to have paint removed from a neighborhood in Houston but Acorn stuck to wanting to make Sherman Williams pay money and some people lost their houses. At least, this is what was discussed on Hannity, it is spoken about a bit below. But I didn't know this that she ended up getting security/protection for her troubles.
(snipped, said I was trying to put too much in)
As drove into the parking of Northwest Mall on Monday, September 27, I immediately noticed the large presence of the Houston Police Department. There was a restaurant near where the meeting was to be held. So I thought they must be serving good food to have all of the police officers here. I later learned that they were there to provide protection for Anita MonCrief.
... She started her career by working for T-Mobile, but the idea of making America a better place caused her to leave in October 2005 to join ACORN.
She thought there was so much to do in America. Anita worked as a development associate with Project Vote. She researched voter fraud allegations. What she found was that ACORN was accused of voter fraud itself. Rather than standing up for their employees, ACORN placed the blame on them saying they had bad character. Nine ACORN people went to jail in Missouri. The truth according to Anita is that ACORN’s policy was to hire people with shady backgrounds. This way the company could claim they were rogue employees if anything happened.
Anita talked about community organizing and getting out people to vote. Of particular concern to her was the fact that ACORN was sending people into the communities to protest companies. ACORN would then go the companies telling them that for a certain sum of money the protesters could go away. Sherman Williams Paint Company was used as an example of this. Volunteers were given t-shirts with the lettering “Get the Lead out.” Referring to the fact that lead based paint can be harmful to children if swallowed. The truth was that Sherman Williams Paint Company had already agreed to provide money to remove paint from low income homes which had lead based paint. ACORN had changed from helping people to extorting money from companies particularity those in the housing industry.
The end for ACORN’s housing program came when employees were videotaped giving out tax advice and other advice on operating a prostitution business, including advice on the sex trafficking of children being brought in from Central America for child prostitution. Now being called the Acorn Scandal, one video was filmed at ACORN’s Baltimore office in Charles Village, while the other was filmed at their office in Washington, D.C.
Anita MonCrief has been threatened, sued for $5,000,000, and was in a questionable car accident last week. That is why 7 police officers were providing security at a meeting of 400 plus people. Who had come to see a courageous woman that tried to correct the system before it was to late. Had anyone at ACORN listened to her maybe we would still have ACORN housing assistance today.
Source: William Pfeifer Jr, Legal News Examiner
CB;"So I guess if you support the appeal of Obamacare, you must be a racist. That's not me saying that of course. I'm not mentally screwed up to utter such foolishness".
Without realizing it, you are saying it! Jim Clyburn named the bill with no less political discourse than the Republicans named the "Repeal the Job Killing Health Care Act" bill.
What's the difference in legislation that allows (or forces) equal access to health care, and legislation that allows (or forces) equal access to public accommodations? In the case of Clyburn, not very much because he has fought, politically, for both!
This latest legislation allows "ALL" Americans access to health care. Clyburn equated the process to the way the opponents of the civil rights act, without repeal, were able to work within the frame work of the legislation to improve it. In reality he's is using his past political experiences in forwarding this new legislation. Frankly, that's the way politics work.
Mind you, Dr. King also was an advocate for equal access to health care;
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”.
— Martin Luther King Jr. in a speech to the Medical Committee for Human Rights, 1966-
CB;"For this human piece of garbage to pimp the name of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement on an issue that has nothing at all to do with the the Civil Rights era or Kings legacy is beyond vile".
I've heard Republican politician after politician invoke the name "Ronald Reagan" when making a "political plea" to the adherence of a policy, issue, principle or value. You yourself Tyrone have made political invocations as to "Reagan styled principles" and "Reagan ideas" insofar that you once replaced your own picture icon with that of Ronald Reagan...and yet, you never met him. Hell, you were in grade school during his presidency! You only know as much about him as you've been told!
At the very least, Clyburn can claim something that you, and many Republicans can't. That is, that he was there during the Civil Rights Movement and marched with Dr. King. Who would know better about how to forward government legislation that gives "access" to a basic human need and service, and a service that many people believe is a right! In Clyburn's case, as it is with a Republican invoking Reagan, it's POLITICS...nothing more, nothing less.
Yet, for those Republicans that invoke Reagan, you have no criticism?
CB;"For this human piece of garbage to pimp the name of Martin Luther King".
As I've SHOWN you before,
-Dr. King was an advocate for equal access to health care.
-King was also against American involvement in the Viet Nam war, and encouraged young men to conscientiously object to the draft. -King condemned the amount spent on war in comparison to the amount of money spent on social programs
-His closest advisers were Bayard Rustin (a homosexual and a one time member of the Young Communist League) and Stanley Levinson (who was in the leadership of the Communist Party USA).
-King was a "friend" to Planned Parenthood and sent his wife to accept the Margaret Sanger award on his behalf.
-King was the first to forward the issue of "reparations" and Affirmative Action.
-King spoke of the government obligation to provide employment and income.
-King spoke of "wealth redistribution" as a way to cure the ill's of the poor.
For Clyburn to invoke the name of Dr. King on any of the above stated issues is merely to put a his own voice in place of the idea's of Dr. Kings. Thus, in your eye's you have Dr. King being that same "piece of human garbage" as those who advocate those same ideas. No wonder you didn't post a Dr. King essay this year...
Anon "Sheila jackson Lee made a fool of herself also. Everyone in America can get health care, even foreigners. Obamacare is the same as Hitler did in Germany in 1930-40s. All insane, crippled, elderly, prisoners were killed and 25000 black Germans were sterilized."
lol, Sheila Jackson Lee is a poster child for stupidity on display on a daily basis. Half the time I don't think she knows what planet she is on.
anon "Jews like Bloomberg is as bad as Clyburn, Whoopi and Lee. He owns business in Arab countries and he thinks that money will save his behind. He is still an ape and a pig and a dirty rat according to Muhammad and the allah with no name. Rats and monkeys have their own temples in India under Hinduism.
I remember last year Bloomberg was so gutless he refused to admit the obvious that a Muslim tried to set off an explosive in a SUV in the middle of Time Square. He supports having the mosque built down near ground zero. The guy is a sniveling progressive worm and an embarrassment to the Jewish people.
anon "It's like the other liberals out there who try and make out people who do not support same-sex marriage a bunch of homophobes. Frankly, I don't care who gets married, just as long as we mind our own business."
I was just thinking that, your absolutely right, 100000%!! Liberals always try to link what blacks went through to their totally unrelated causes. Illegal Alien amnesty supporters try to compare amnesty to the Civil Rights movement of blacks. Animal Rights people try to compare how blacks were treated during the era of slavery to how animals are being treated in research facilities and on farms today. When gays try to pimp the civil rights movement that blacks went through for their own purpose, that really gets my blood boiling. Every time I hear them try and make that comparison, I shut them down fast and hard!!
anon "Personal Note: Alpha Conservative Male, I caught the Sean Hannity radio show , this woman is a Tea Party activist, Anita Moncrief. She might be on the Thursday night program, I don't know or something on there about the African American Tea Party movement. I thought on the show she said she was in Houston but I pull up a blog and she talks about being in Maryland."
I have to check her out, the name sounds familiar. I don't really believe in the concept of an African American Tea Party. The various Tea Parties that represent us all as people who are fiscal conservatives who want limited government is fine enough. Thanks for the info.
Sojournerlove" How insulting to people who lived during Jim Crow. Clyburn is a disgrace."
A disgrace is putting it mildly. I have much much harsher words for Clyburn. I'm going to keep it rated PG for now though. lol This piece of human waste lived through the Civil Rights era. There "zero, nada, ziltch, no" comparison between health care and what blacks had to go through. For him to prostitute the civil rights cause for cheap political points makes him lower then dog crap. I wish I could show him footage of blacks being beaten, killed, arrested etc fifty years ago, then I would ask him to compare all of that to "health care". He wouldn't know how to answer the question guaranteed. Power is so important to these worms, they will literally sell their souls just to maintain it.
How is opposing Government Run healthcare an affront to civil rights. That doesn't make any sense. Back in the days when blacks were treated like cattle Government Healthcare was the last thing on their minds. Most blacks in those days were interested in outlawing lynching and real racial discrimination.
p allen "I've heard Republican politician after politician invoke the name "Ronald Reagan" when making a "political plea" to the adherence of a policy, issue, principle or value."
Was Ronald Reagan a historic Civil Rights leader allen? Just answer YES or NO allen. Trying to make a comparison between parasites invoking the name of a civil rights icon in regards to a matter that doesn't have anything to do with civil rights and a politician invoking the name of a former president is as different as night and day allen. You have to do way better then that!
p allen "You yourself Tyrone have made political invocations as to "Reagan styled principles" and "Reagan ideas" insofar that you once replaced your own picture icon with that of Ronald Reagan...and yet, you never met him. Hell, you were in grade school during his presidency! You only know as much about him as you've been told! "
Your right allen, I have. My profile picture has Ronald Reagan in the background. Please tell me you have a point. Reagan was against socialist health care. I think I will post the video before the week is out just because you brought up his name. ;-) Also you are right in the fact that I was in grade school during his presidency. I remember when he gave his inaugural address. I was 6 years old watching it in class at Dallas F Nicolas Elementary School in Baltimore. So once again, what is your point?
p allen "As I've SHOWN you before,
-Dr. King was an advocate for equal access to health care. "
King was KNOWN for being a CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER not a crusader for universal health care.
Did the King national holiday come into existence because he fought for health care allen?
Did his "I have a dream speech "mention anything about "health care" allen?
Was King jailed, because he was fighting for "health care" allen?
Did the Montgomery Bus Boycott have anything to do with "health care"?
As for what Dr. King may have supported other then the civil rights movement. I could care less. The one cause that is the most noted and that impacted blacks and the nation as a whole was CIVIL RIGHTS and helping to unite this country.
p allen "What's the difference in legislation that allows (or forces) equal access to health care, and legislation that allows (or forces) equal access to public accommodations?
Are people denied equal access to health care based on the color of their skin allen? Don't be bo bo.
There is no comparison. If there is no discrimination on the lines of race, creed or ethnicity, you don't have a point and neither does clyburn.
CB;"Was Ronald Reagan a historic Civil Rights leader allen? Just answer YES or NO allen".
No, Reagan was far from a "Civil Rights" leader. Yet, neither are you a politician nor a Civil Rights leader. So does that mean you can't speak on either subject?
Dr. King spoke endlessly on many political issues. As a "Civil Rights" leader he gave speech's citing his objection to the Viet Nam war, wealth redistribution, and the American governments responsibility to socially and economically "repair" the plight of Blacks. What does a "war" have to do with Civil Rights, which is something (the Viet Nam war) he spoke out on several times? Does that make him a "human piece of garbage" for doing so?
The idea that Dr. King was "just a Civil Rights leader" has been impressed upon you by your conservative cohorts to simply "hijack" his legacy. He was much more diverse in his idea's, as his many speech's an writings show. Your belief in this propagandized disingenuous mantra shows how little you know about King, or how little the conservatives want you to know about him.
King was not a "conservative." How dumb is it to believe that Dr. King was a Republican (ie; vote Republican) when he work closely with a Democrat administration, and the Kennedy's to pass Civil Rights legislation?
Health Care has become a political hot bed of an issue. Politicians re-categorize and spin issues all the time. For God's sake man, are you so hell bent on bashing Clyburn that you're willing to appear dumb?
p allen "
No, Reagan was far from a "Civil Rights" leader. Yet, neither are you a politician nor a Civil Rights leader. So does that mean you can't speak on either subject? "
Who's stopping anyone from speaking out the subject of Civil Rights allen? Surely it isn't me. What Clyburn and Schultz were spewing had nothing to do with Civil Rights. That is the point I was making.
p allen "Dr. King spoke endlessly on many political issues. As a "Civil Rights" leader he gave speech's citing his objection to the Viet Nam war, wealth redistribution, and the American governments responsibility to socially and economically "repair" the plight of Blacks. What does a "war" have to do with Civil Rights, which is something (the Viet Nam war) he spoke out on several times? Does that make him a "human piece of garbage" for doing so? "
Let me stream line it for you allen
Vietnam had nothing to do with the civil rights movement.
Healthcare had nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement
Global Warming has had nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement
Gays trying to redefine marriage had nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement.
How animals are being treated has nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement.
Illegal Aliens trying to push for amnesty had nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement. Basically no other progressive "cause" can be "linked" to the Civil Rights movement.
p allen "King was not a "conservative." How dumb is it to believe that Dr. King was a Republican (ie; vote Republican) when he work closely with a Democrat administration, and the Kennedy's to pass Civil Rights legislation?"
He might have been a liberal. I don't care. It's irrelevant allen. Don't you get it? Notice that I never talk about King the person, I talk about what he is best known for, the Civil Rights movement. I can like a person's position on one topic and be dead set against them on every other.
p allen "
Health Care has become a political hot bed of an issue. Politicians re-categorize and spin issues all the time. For God's sake man, are you so hell bent on bashing Clyburn that you're willing to appear "
Thanks to nit witts like Schultz and Clyburn, I guess health care is a political hotbed allen. It goes far beyond them though. Most Americans don't like the health care law and didn't want it. They are pissed off at how it was drafted and passed and rammed down their throats. They understand that the lying sacks of crap who voted in support of the 2000 page law NEVER EVEN READ THE DAM THING. Invoking the name of Dr. King by Clyburn and others isn't going to change how people feel about this.
CB;"Most Americans don't like the health care law and didn't want it".
I never really believed that, and I don't think it's true today. I think that most people were turned off by the overall process of getting the bill through congress. Not to mention the lies and twisted rhetoric coming from the opponents of the president.
Tyrone;"I've said it before that every poll is showing that Americans are as mad as hell at the thought of Obamacare becoming law. CNN is normally the mouth piece for Obama and his fellow liberal hordes. The Baghdad Bob media now has a problem. They can't spin the American people's disgust over this bill. In the latest CNN poll, 59% hold an unfavorable opinion of this bill that will become law tomorrow".
-Essay entitled "Even CNN can't spin how Americans do not want Obamacare to become law", March 22, 2010-
Since "polls" are your impetus for the truth in what "MOST" Americans want, I give you the latest poll of the Health Care Bill which "MOST" Americans are now in favor of...
"By 49%-40%, those polled say it was "a good thing" rather than a bad one that Congress passed the bill".
The illegal aliens equating their trespassing with the struggle for civil rights is enough to make me want to scream. Grrr! I've had it with people exploiting blacks to further their agendas. If only I could smack these miscreants across the backs of their skulls.
MLK: “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane.”
I still say, however, that we shouldn't be socializing the health insurance, we should be socializing the education.
Michelle Bachmann proclaimed recently that "It didn't matter the color of their skin. It didn't matter their language. It didn't matter their economic status. It didn't matter whether they descended from known royalty or are of a higher class or a lower class. It made no difference. Once you got here, we were all the same. Isn't that remarkable? It is absolutely remarkable."
It is remarkable that this lady and her cohorts and their followers have such a shaky grasp of history.
She also said that while slavery was still tolerated when the nation began, the "very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States," including John Quincy Adams.
And we're supposed to believe that these Teabaggers and their twisted logic and their twisted history have a tight grasp of the Constitution? Yeah, right.
Stras: Then you are also aware that Dr. King's niece is a Pro Life Advocate, when in the Blue Blazes is Abortion health care?? I know that deviates slightly from this article's subject but the rights of the Unborn is a matter of Civil Rights.
"While yesterday's liberals and today's progressives have championed the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a hero for decades, a niece of the legendary civil rights leader says her uncle would be considered a pro-life, "social conservative" today.
"Uncle Martin sounded no different than a conservative Christian preacher does now," Alveda King said in a statement on Friday. "He was pro-life, pro-abstinence before marriage, and based his views on the unchanging Word of the Bible," said King. "Today, Planned Parenthood would condemn Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as part of the 'religious right.' "
Stras, furthermore, it is the Tea Party movement. Do you mean something when you mispeak and say Tea Bagger? Maybe you can tell us what connotation you are trying to give to this GRASS ROOTS movement??
And indeed, all indications are that Martin Luther King was a Republican, George Wallace and Curtis Lemay and Bull Connor, Sherrif down South, these people were all Democrats.
" King, who is director of the African-American Outreach for Priests for Life, said her uncle, assassinated on April 4, 1968, would have been in the pro-life movement if he had lived to see the results of abortion in America since it was declared a constitutional right by the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision of January 22, 1973.
"Martin would say, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.' So how is it going to be just to murder somebody and rip them up and burn them with chemicals?" she said. "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of peace, justice, and most of all a man of God, Were he alive today, he would be working to secure peace and justice for those in the womb and healing for a nation that is still pained by over 50 million missing lives."
p allen "I never really believed that, and I don't think it's true today. I think that most people were turned off by the overall process of getting the bill through congress. Not to mention the lies and twisted rhetoric coming from the opponents of the president. "
Really? Funny how the Democrats who supported Obamacare and voted for it, then run on it, when they are up for re election last year. If that was a crowning achievement, don you think they should have campaigned on their "accomplishment" allen? Also, why did Democrats get curbed stomped in the midterms, if the people supported Obamacare and "got what they wanted"?hmmm It doesn't add up allen. Also, what were the "lies and twisted rhetoric" about Obamacare allen" Give some specifics.
Answer me this question. During Obama's state of illusion address. Did he mention his accomplishment of signing Obamacare into law? If not, why not?
Sojournerlove "The illegal aliens equating their trespassing with the struggle for civil rights is enough to make me want to scream. Grrr! I've had it with people exploiting blacks to further their agendas. If only I could smack these miscreants across the backs of their skulls."
Liberals have been pimping the plight of blacks for well over 50 years. They never gave a dam about blacks, we have been nothing more then a political prop in which they could use to advance their true initiatives and causes like amnesty, gay marriage and universal health care etc. Ever notice when Republicans talk about reforming welfare and social security, liberals immediately come out and call Republicans "racists", because they claim reforming social security and welfare will negatively impact blacks the hardest. Some liberals tried to pimp the black civil rights movement with the fighting to repeal don't ask don't tell. It's beyond sad that most blacks don't see what is going on right in front of them.
OK, Jerome. No, I was not aware that Dr. King’s niece is a Pro Life advocate, but it does not shock me. Nor does it shock me that Dr. King himself was anti-abortion, being that he was a Baptist minister. … Yes, Dr. King was a registered Republican and George Wallace was a Democrat. Please note that RONALD REAGAN WAS ORIGINALLY A DEMOCRAT.
Now that I’ve been polite enough to address your concerns, please go back to my original point and tell me why the Teabaggers – the most famous of whom actually get quite ornery when it comes to their understanding and appreciation of the First Amendment – should be entrusted with guardianship of the Constitution. Most Teabaggers haven’t even read the thing. If they had, they’d realize that the Constitution is a forward-thinking document that wasn’t written to reflect the views of any one citizen. If they read the thing, they’d find about as much in there that they disagree with than what they agree with.
If you get tripped up by today’s Us-vs-Them political culture, you’ll get fooled into rooting for one team against another. As if it were Yankees-vs-Red Sox. The history, however, is a bit more complex than that. You’d know this if you paid attention in school. I find it fitting that the faction of Jefferson supporters that started the party that favored decentralized government with limited powers was known as the Democratic-Republican Party, which actually evolved by the 1830s into the Democratic Party, which decades later became the chief rival of Lincoln’s Republican Party. … If all you care about is who was a Republican and who was a Democrat thru the years, your understanding of U.S. history will be warped and confused.
See, Jerome, you and most Teabaggers don’t know this because you’re too undereducated and not sophisticated enough to fully understand politics and history.
Sadly, this describes most voters these days no matter what rooting section they sit in.
"Answer me this question. During Obama's state of illusion address. Did he mention his accomplishment of signing Obamacare into law? If not, why not?"
"And it is precisely to relieve the burden on middle-class families that we still need health insurance reform.
Now let's be clear – I did not choose to tackle this issue to get some legislative victory under my belt. And by now it should be fairly obvious that I didn't take on health care because it was good politics.
I took on health care because of the stories I've heard from Americans with pre-existing conditions whose lives depend on getting coverage; patients who've been denied coverage; and families – even those with insurance – who are just one illness away from financial ruin.
After nearly a century of trying, we are closer than ever to bringing more security to the lives of so many Americans. The approach we've taken would protect every American from the worst practices of the insurance industry. It would give small businesses and uninsured Americans a chance to choose an affordable health care plan in a competitive market"
Did Sarah Palin tell you not to listen to the speech? Your next assignment is to explain how Sputnik brought down the Soviet Union. Never mind, you've been told it, so you have to believe it.
Stras wrote: "If you get tripped up by today’s Us-vs-Them political culture, you’ll get fooled into rooting for one team against another. As if it were Yankees-vs-Red Sox. The history, however, is a bit more complex than that. You’d know this if you paid attention in school. I find it fitting that the faction of Jefferson supporters that started the party that favored decentralized government with limited powers was known as the Democratic-Republican Party, which actually evolved by the 1830s into the Democratic Party, which decades later became the chief rival of Lincoln’s Republican Party. … If all you care about is who was a Republican and who was a Democrat thru the years, your understanding of U.S. history will be warped and confused."
Good enough post, many of us don't know history, that's what Glenn Beck's show was about this morning.
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