Liberals know that a "crisis is a terrible thing to waste" when it comes to the massacare in Arizona.

It's tragic what happened yesterday in Arizona to U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and six others who were attending a town hall event at a supermarket in Tuscon. Six people were shot dead by a deranged man by the name of Jared Lee Loughner, twenty two. Congresswoman Gifford was shot in the head. She survived and is in intensive condition. She underwent a brain operation yesterday. It is a miracle that she is even alive. She was shot at point blank range. When I heard about the shootings on the radio around 4pm yesterday, one thought immediately popped in my head. I thought to myself the media and left wing kooks are going to immediately come out and and claim that the shooter was a right wing, tea party extremist. Dam if I wasn't proven right yet again. It started with posts on twitter by the tin foilers and then it went over to the Daily Kos and then to liberal blog sites. It just showed how shameless and mental these people are, but it didn't really come as no surprise to me. Even though there is no humor what so ever in this massacre, I witnessed just how unhinged these nut balls are in their warped attempt to try and change reality to somehow link the shootings to of all people Sarah Palin!! They claim that Palin has "blood on her hands". Back during the summer, Sarah's Political Action Committee aka Sarah Pac displayed targets of certain house seats to win in the midterms. The media and the kooks have just become unglued and are actually trying to make a connection between Mr. Loughner's mental instability and the Sarah Pac cross hair ad. Only an absolute dumb ass could even remotely connect the two. Because Congresswoman Gifford was one of the targets for conservatives to target and DEFEAT IN THE MID TERM ELECTIONS, the kooks are grasping at straws in trying to bend reality in their favor. Palin nor any talk show host whether nationally or locally has ever advocated violence against any political opponent, and liberals know this. To them of course, it simply doesn't matter about the facts. It is all about the "seriousness of the charge", and that is what is at play right now in all of this. Political rhetoric as the talking points suggest had absolutely nothing to do with the shootings Saturday. Once again, it comes down to merely the "seriousness of the charge" more so then even having any evidence to warrant the charge in the first place. This is why I have absolutely zero trust of the so called mainstream media. I believe it will back fire on liberals and their hordes in the "media".
As always, great article Tyrone. I agree with you 100% this will back fire on the Left. Everything about this lunatic went viral on the net. The MSM can no longer compete with the web or to control it's content. We all got detail factual information via net shortly after the shootings. So sad the Left are so desperate that instead of grieving they gleefully point fingers for political gains.
I hate Mixed race dating myself I date and mingle with my own kind.But the one good thing about these little short Mexican men breeding these little stringy haired white girls and making mixed race Breed mutt babies is the white race will be the minority in America by the year 2030 like the census predicts is going to happen.
This tragic event was obviously a sign of the times. I knew it wouldn't take long until the liberals began directing blame at conservatives. Over the weekend, I was disgusted by the opinons of many well known liberal commentators, such as Juan Williams, who debated the emotionaless, Brit Humes, while suggesting that the "ire of the Tea Party movement", over Obama's "well thought out" health care package, somehow fueled this tragic violence!
I apologize everyone for some of the spelling, I thought I had this story saved in draft.
Juanita "As always, great article Tyrone. I agree with you 100% this will back fire on the Left. Everything about this lunatic went viral on the net. The MSM can no longer compete with the web or to control it's content. We all got detail factual information via net shortly after the shootings. So sad the Left are so desperate that instead of grieving they gleefully point fingers for political gains."
I agree 100% Juanita. The MSM doesn't realize that it's monopoly on the content and distribution of the news is over. I'm sure there are millions of poor souls who still rely on the MSM for their news, but I know some of those people have friends to set them straight on the crap they are getting from the so called news. Liberals don't have any shame. They would exploit their own parents if they thought it would help them politically. They are shallow to the core.
anon "I hate Mixed race dating myself I date and mingle with my own kind.But the one good thing about these little short Mexican men breeding these little stringy haired white girls and making mixed race Breed mutt babies is the white race will be the minority in America by the year 2030 like the census predicts is going to happen."
You do know that the first recorded interracial marriage was Moses from the bible right? I really don't care who dates who. I do believe that marriage is reserved for man and woman. As for the race, I can care less. My best friend is white, and he is engaged to a black gal. I wish them all the best.
anonymous "This tragic event was obviously a sign of the times. I knew it wouldn't take long until the liberals began directing blame at conservatives."
Whenever an act of violence is committed by a radical Muslim, liberals always tell us "not to rush to judgment". lol Dang liberals are such two faced, 14k hypocrites. They are such a breathing, walking contradiction of themselves. Liberals wanted the Arizona shooter to be a conservative so badly, because they still don't have an actual example of a conservative that went nuts to point to in trying to tar and feather conservatives.
anonymous "Over the weekend, I was disgusted by the opinons of many well known liberal commentators, such as Juan Williams, who debated the emotionaless, Brit Humes, while suggesting that the "ire of the Tea Party movement", over Obama's "well thought out" health care package, somehow fueled this tragic violence!"
I wish I had the opportunity to debate Juan or Geraldo on the shooting. Those two couldn't afford a clue between the two of them.
[quote] I agree with you 100% this will back fire on the Left. [/quote]
I don't agree.
Their BASE, echoing this mantra will retain their ideological unity.
You all are mistaken in that you are assuming that their goal is TRUTH. It is not.
Think about it - What COST do they have for going too far? Can they be called "racists"?
ANSWER - there is no costs.
This is only about politics and a RALLYING CRY.
If they can put this stake in the ground and then on the next cycle where any right-wing operative uses language they only need to say "That is the type of language that got people killed in AZ"
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in my view by the left. They don't NEED accuracy. They only need enough people to hit 51% in an election.
Do you feel slighted that the murders in Baltimore, initiated by Street Pirates, have not warranted national coverage as did the nutt job in AZ?
This shows that with the Black operatives - if there is no political advantage to exploit they keep quiet about it.
Europe has the most whites in the world, the top Caucasian group Arabs and Indo Europeans are darker but considered Caucasians The world is mixed racially now so
to expect a different outlook is unreal Remember Caucasians conquered and sexed women and men all over the world When you mix you get two, not one of the same, look at Obama and many more in America. 85% of all blacks in America are mixed 3 ways, Mongolian, Caucasian and African
Since we had two people from the beginning, we are one race-human Hu means color and man We are all colored people Get use to it I love people all of us.
Democrats/Liberals have gone after Palin, taking advantage of the situation. Not sure how it will shake out, I don't think it is fair to do so. Also, Loughner was atheist, burnt the flag in a video, lots we already know.
n gun control, I have mixed feelings but when I question gun control it is cases where I hear of kids, not much younger than this Loughner person going out and killing someone. I understand the right to bear arms but this is also illustrative of when the wrong kind of person gets a gun.
constructive feedback "Their BASE, echoing this mantra will retain their ideological unity."
I have to disagree CF. Rational Democrats are turned off by what the hard boiled in their party is doing. There are still many rational minded democrats in the party. The actions of the nut roots will only alienate them to the point of re registering as independents or even republicans. This all in well maybe give meat to their fringe base, but their base by themselves can't do anything election wise. So in a way, I'm glad they are acting out and further making fools of themselves.
Constructive Feedblack "
Think about it - What COST do they have for going too far? Can they be called "racists"? "
CF, I know you know about the story about the boy who cried wolf. This is no different. Twenty years ago, people actually paid attention when liberals used the race card. Today it has fallen on death ears. The left has overused it's once power political rhetoric tactic to such an extent, it is now worthless. People use to go on the defensive when liberals called them racists merely for not agreeing with their ideology, now those same people are saying "try something new" to liberals.
Constructive Feedback "Do you feel slighted that the murders in Baltimore, initiated by Street Pirates, have not warranted national coverage as did the nutt job in AZ?"
lol, that is a great question. Six people getting shot in the span of 24 hours in Baltimore is a common place. It happens so frequently, it gets about 3 to 4 minutes on the local news channels and that is it. Since the shooters are always black, it doesn't garner the outrage as if lets say a white police officer was the one pulling the trigger. I wrote a story a few years ago about this very thing CF. I still stand by what I wrote back them. The life of black person really doesn't have any value when killed unless the person isn't black who killed him or her, then it becomes an "outrage". I just shake my head and sigh, when I think about it. If the shooter in Arizona was black and he shot six blacks in a night club, this story would have been over by now.
Bull! Gifford told Palin early in the campaign that the cross hairs were inappropriate. Gun violence is pervasive in this country. Its obvious that Palin is not smart enough to know that politicians and political types are targets already. No other country with a population of over 50 million has had as high a number of political assassinations or attempted assassinations. The idea of having cross hairs, and second amendment remedies directed at another politician is just sick.
P. Anthony Allen, I think you'd agree with me, what's all this talk about Mixed Marriages?? It seems way off topic but if spoken of, Hey, I'd consider myself lucky if I could ever marry one of the 3,000,000 White Hmong in the world. Now, to you others, let me explain, there are a number of Hmong tribes and they might be what are called "Hillside tribes", the various Hmong tribes that migrated out of China are actually called names like White, Green, Blue, Black, even Flowery Hmong and it is actually based on the kinds of clothes they wear. The Hmong proper you could say, still live in China and are called the similar word "MIAO", Hmong is said like Mong, so you can see the word Miao is a bit like that. China is famous for it's history of war lords, there is even a movie called that. So, in the past, these wars happened and a portion of Hmong migrated to Laos, Viet Nam and possibly Thailand and Cambodia too. There are actually a number of hillside tribes like this in all of Asia. Here is a good picture of some "Black Hmong Children" and you note, the little girl dressed in black. Yes, like all peoples, the Hmong have had some problems adjusting to life in America but I think overall, have contributed a lot and have done well. One would be very fortunate to marry a Hmong.
I have to laugh at much of the liberal media, such as MSNBC, make these claims and have the evidence that some right-wing nut job is trying to destroy society as is.
But, when some other news organization such as Fox News contradicts these claims, they present the evidence and MSNBC goes full swing into damage control. How many times has this happened? When are they going to learn.
These claims are as hurtful as to when a white (or anybody) police officer shoots a black suspect and
the liberal media and black leaders try to make the cop out to be a racist and give police officers a bad name, especially those who put their lives on the line daily.
Tyrone in Baltimore black deaths dont mean a thang. Black on black crime is blamed on slavery. Preachers march and never tell the men to stay home with one woman and take care of the children.
When someone speak of this problem, they are lambasted. The motherless and fatherless children in America are mostly black. Now those males are forming gangs to belong, and Muslims have gone to prison to inculcate the hated of being fatherless with hate of America, Jews, Christians, education and the white man. It is a shame that the immigrant Muslims are mostly seeking and get an American education, yet the black mules dont do it although they are native Americans who refuse to attend school.
Tyrone I have heard on the street guys say, I can kill you and get away with it. Lawyers and judges allow it. A man got 7 years for murder, and two sisters got life for an 11 dollar robbery. Theyy were released last week on a medical process.
anon "Bull! Gifford told Palin early in the campaign that the cross hairs were inappropriate."
Both parties use the targets. This is so fake. What Gifford said and what Laughner did are TWO COMPLETELY "UNRELATED THINGS". That is what you can't address. Laugner didn't act on the Sarah Pac target, that has been proven. Try again.
anon "Gun violence is pervasive in this country. Its obvious that Palin is not smart enough to know that politicians and political types are targets already.
So does that mean Obama isn't smart enough either? He did say in his own words "If our opponents bring a knife, we will bring a GUN"! So dry your fake crocodile tears, I'm sure as hell am not buying them. Where was your outage over Sarah Pac's "taken back the 20" targets when it was first created back during the summer? Liberals seem to be mad NOW but why not then?hmm If this so suppose to be all about being sensitive to gun violence and such, right ;-)
anon "No other country with a population of over 50 million has had as high a number of political assassinations or attempted assassinations. The idea of having cross hairs, and second amendment remedies directed at another politician is just sick."
Well then maybe liberal politicians should aggressively deal with the gun violence in the cities that they run. I no for a fact that violent gun criminals don't read political action committee sights to determine what politician to target. Once again, for fake outage perform was entertaining, you should be nominated for "best fake outrage in a blog post", bravo.
I never said Palin had anything to do with the shooting. I was talking about a gun reference which can be made by any politician. Politicians shouldn't use gun references in this society. It would be the same if Barney Frank ran for office touting that he'd like to back-door his opponent, or sneak up from behind and stick it to em hard, as his metophoric stance. Stick to bashing liberals buddy, that's all you seem to be good at.
TSVDP;"P. Anthony Allen, I think you'd agree with me, what's all this talk about Mixed Marriages?? It seems way off topic but if spoken of".
I're WAAAAYYYYY off topic!
anon "I never said Palin had anything to do with the shooting. I was talking about a gun reference which can be made by any politician. Politicians shouldn't use gun references in this society."
Many politicians use it, and no politician has been shot because of the bulleyes symbols. That part seems to be getting overlooked. Palin's PAC had 20 bulleyes on 20 congress people and how many were shot because someone acted upon the website? 0, zero, nada, zilch.
anon "It would be the same if Barney Frank ran for office touting that he'd like to back-door his opponent, or sneak up from behind and stick it to em hard, as his metophoric stance. Stick to bashing liberals buddy, that's all you seem to be good at."
Your comparing apples an oranges. Should photographers and people who own camera stop using the reference, "I going to SHOOT your picture"? While we are at it, maybe Dayton Hudson should re brand their "TARGET" stores. I mean we don't want someone to get the wrong idea right? Do you see how absurd this all is?
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