Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another case of liberal fear mongering starring Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota.

Michelle Bachmann must be gaining traction, because liberals are now starting to go into Palinize mode on her. Congressman Keith Ellison recently spoke at the 2011 Campus Progress National Conference in Minnesota, and he said that women like Michelle Bachmann wants women barefoot, pregnant and back in the kitchen. I wish I could ask him what research he used to come to that ignorant collusion. Of course it never dawned on Keith that it was conservative men who voted for a woman to represent them in congress. It's conservative men who believe in limited government who support women like Sarah Palin. Progressives like Keith Ellison love giving speeches at colleges, because the students are just as ignorant as they are. Let's get real. Back in 2008, who were the ones who pushed the female "Hillary Clinton" aside in favor of a man child "Barack Obama"? It wasn't those folks who believe in limited government, was it? Maybe Keith should ask conservative women like Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin and other conservative women, have conservative men told them to "get back in the kitchen". Fear Mongering only works, when people are gullible enough to buy into it. It didn't take long for the ignorance of what Mr. Ellison said to catch the ears of actual strong independent women.

This is how women are treated in Mr. Keith Ellison's religion of Islam. I wonder why he didn't bring that up while he was speaking about "women equality" and "women rights in the era of extremism"?

My two cents which is far more valuable then Keith Ellison's no scene. Look at your religion Keith for how barbaric it is towards women before you make false claims against men who believe in limited government in this country.


Blogger Speedy G said...

As a Muslim and Islamic apologist, Congressman Ellison should know ALL about keeping women "barefoot and pregnant". Talk about a hypocrite pot calling the kettle "black"...

4:22 PM  
Blogger J Curtis said...

Michelle Bachmann must be gaining traction, because liberals are now starting to go into Palinize mode on her

And are they ever. Check out the stupidity that passes for "news" over at The Guardian (UK)..

First, the obligatory "Michelle Bachmann is a homophobe" story. Check.. Link

Secondly, the "Attempt to paint Michele Bachmann as stupid ala Sarah Palin". Check.. Link

Then, "Run a so-called 'news story' about a topic that hardly has anything to do about Michele Bachmann, but put her face front and center in eroto-fixation mode" Check! Check! Check! Link

She must be doing something right.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

SpeedyG"As a Muslim and Islamic apologist, Congressman Ellison should know ALL about keeping women "barefoot and pregnant". Talk about a hypocrite pot calling the kettle "black"..."

I forgot all about that Speedy!! You are absolutely 100000% right!! It's Keith's religion that is most brutal, demoralizing and demeaning to women. I wish I could have addressed Keith on that, just to see is face turn blood shot red. At least the people who believe in limited government don't stone their women to death. You gave a good idea Speedy, I'm going to do a video in response to what Keith said, and I am going to bring up his hypocrisy.

JD, I thought Cain would have it bad if he became the front runner, I'm beginning to think Bachmann is going to have a brutal summer from the peace loving and tolerant progressives as long as she is tied with Mittens.

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other week Bachmann signed the " Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family" vow. The pledge is simple, support and promote marriage as being between a man and a woman. Support family and value becoming a of an American citizen. The left viciously attacked her, and the pledge as being racist.

The race card really is getting sickening. A part of the pledge pointed out an undenialbe truth that a black child born during slavery was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household, than if he were born during the Obama presidency. That's absolutely true, and everyone know it. Black girls are pumping out babies like rabbits. Seventy-five percent of them are born out of marraige. But they accuse Bachmann of racism? Leftest are no good lying pigs....

3:00 PM  
Blogger J Curtis said...

The third link should have been this one re: a so-called 'news story' about a topic that hardly has anything to do about Michele Bachmann, but put her face front and center in eroto-fixation mode


When the measure didnt pass, they still fixate on Bachmann Link

The level of obsession here is downright creepy.

9:09 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"This is how women are treated in Mr. Keith Ellison's religion of Islam. I wonder why he didn't bring that up while he was speaking about "women equality" and "women rights in the era of extremism". Follow by a video...

You're stating that because Ellison is a "Muslim", he can't make a comment about women's rights. Here again you are broad brushing "all" Muslims as being radical. Yet you've claimed on several occasions that you don't believe "all" Muslims are radicals. What's the you, or don't you?

As noted in the Townhall's superimposed graphic over the FOX News video clip, "Democratic Rep. Ellison is a Muslim." Brian Kilmeade also made note that Ellison was a Muslim.

Earlier this year Rick Santorun said this to a radio host about Sarah Palin;

"I don't live in Alaska and I'm not the mother to all these kids and I don't have other responsibilities that she has,".

There were plenty of articles written that Santorum wanted women "barefoot and in the kitchen." There was a bit of brew-ha over it when Palin responded by implying Santorum was a "knuckle dragging neanderthal." Yet no one attacked Santorum's religion...why?

In March last year you bashed Juan Williams for his Sarah Palin comment, "the only reason why this female is successful is because she is attractive." Why didn't you attack his religion?

Lets say you made a silly comment like, "Casey Anthony didn't kill her child, the verdict was right."

How would it look if someone attacked you by saying; "He's Black! What is he talking about, Black men don't even take care of their kids!" Honestly, what would you think about the person that would completely change the subject and focus of your initial comment to attacking your race, when race isn't the issue?

Ellison made no comments or references to his religion or any one else's. My point is this. Hating Muslims doesn't make you a bad person. If you hate a specific religion, it's your business. But, hiding the fact that you hate Muslims makes you hypocritical and insincere.

1:55 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "You're stating that because Ellison is a "Muslim", he can't make a comment about women's rights. Here again you are broad brushing "all" Muslims as being radical. Yet you've claimed on several occasions that you don't believe "all" Muslims are radicals. What's the you, or don't you? "

I'm stating it, because IT IS A FACT!! Are you saying that women in Muslim countries and even in America aren't treated a property allen? Are you saying the video I posted of the two women who were lashed and are not sentenced to be stoned to death is a lie?Are you saying that allen? Are women equal to men in the religion of Islam allen? Can you even prove what Ellison said was even remotely accurate? Of course all Muslims aren't like that, but a lot are. There are one billion muslims on the planet, even if 10% are of "radical" sec, that is still ONE HUNDRED MILLION.There have been stories in our country of honor killings of Muslim women. Everything I said can be backed up, what Ellison said can't. It is as simple was that allen.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "As noted in the Townhall's superimposed graphic over the FOX News video clip, "Democratic Rep. Ellison is a Muslim." Brian Kilmeade also made note that Ellison was a Muslim. "

The video highlighting the FACT that Ellison is a Muslim is important. Townhall was making the point that Ellison should focus his attention on the real atrocities being committed against Muslim women by Muslim men instead of telling false tales about people who believe in limited government in this country wanting their women home bare foot and pregnant. In other words, Townhall was making the valid point that a person with glass house shouldn't throw stones.

p allen "Ellison made no comments or references to his religion or any one else's. My point is this. Hating Muslims doesn't make you a bad person. If you hate a specific religion, it's your business. But, hiding the fact that you hate Muslims makes you hypocritical and insincere."

You are trying to twist my words allen, it's a sure sign you can't dispute anything I'm saying as usual. It is a FACT once again allen, that a percentage of men who practice Keith Ellison's religion DON'T HOLD WOMEN IN HIGH REGARDS. Keith Ellison has to know this fact by him being a Muslim himself. So I was high lightening how disingenuous Keith was being when he tried to make American conservatives as the ones who hold women in low regards. He needs to look in his own backyard before trying to fan a story about someone else.

10:53 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Tyrone, when it comes to his political duties, Ellison first and foremost is a United States Congressman. If you ask him, I'm sure he would tell you that. What I heard in the clip was a statement based on his political views, not his religious views.

Sure, he attacked Bachmann stating her politics equated to "putting women back in the kitchen." His attack was based on her "politics", not her religion. If his attack was fallacious, then I have no problem with striking back by stating his claim was erroneous. But to attack his "religion" because 10% of Muslims are radical, is conspicuously egregious.

CB:"It is a FACT once again allen, that a percentage of men who practice Keith Ellison's religion DON'T HOLD WOMEN IN HIGH REGARDS".

Its also a FACT that a large number of Catholic priests are pedophiles. Many members of congress are Catholic. Would you attack them saying a certain percentage of their religion are child abusers, if they spoke out about child abuse?

5:27 PM  
Blogger J Curtis said...

Creepy Media Cretins Digging Into Michelle Bachmann's Religious Life

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keith Ellison said
Michelle wanted to keep women barefoot barefoot and pregnant was stupid. Because he is a muslim convert, and accepted it loce stop and barrel makes him as stupid as any fool.

Islam says Allah create ALL women stupid Tabari 1:280
Black men are less than a donkey's penis - Ishaq 243
allah created Africans black, ugly, nappy headed, and pug nosed to be easily seen as slaves for white men and then go to hellfire.-Tabari 11:11
A man whose god said the earth the earth was as flat as a carpet-Quran 18:84 is what passes for educated is unfit for a role model.
Where he is from the Muslims teach their children that if they eat a pork chop, they would turn into a Christian!

Catholic priest dont have God's approval to scre kids but they do and it is evil.. Keith has approval from Allah to screw a day old baby and sodomize babies from birth to 9, at which time men can actually screw girls. Quran 65:4.

The Jewish prophet Isaiah said the earth was round Isa. 40:22. Allah said he was Satan the Devil in Quran 35:4. If Allah of Islam was god, wouldn't he know what shape he made the earth.

Islam teaches incest is holy, and black Muslims are notwanted in his Paradise to get 72 big breasted white women and 28 white boys who don't bleed.

75% of muslims cannot read.
Mali Mauritania, Sudan and North Africa still have black slaves because it is in the Quran. In Iran Blacks lives in straw igloo like homes.

Not one of the Muslims speak out about the pedophilia sanctioned by Alah aka Muhammad bin Abduallah. Before Darwin used black men as a role model for evolution, Muslims alled the gorillas and zurkas and takrunis meaning dirth black nigga.

Allen supports Islam as though he was on, as seen written by him from Muslim infested Detroit.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next, In islam the water fountains are marked MUSLIM ONLY AND NON-MUSLIM drinking fountain and roads, today.
The average of Muslim women is 45 due to allah and muhammad teling men to beat them. Muhammad beat his 6 yr old wife

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No kidding, try and rebuttal all that. Thank you guys.

2:26 AM  
Blogger Speedy G said...

Lol! Great video! I wonder how many of the Congressman's constituents know his true feelings towards women.

But then again, they're mostly infidel whores who need a little taqqiya.

9:09 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon:"Keith Ellison said
Michelle wanted to keep women barefoot barefoot and pregnant was stupid. Because he is a muslim convert, and accepted it loce stop and barrel makes him as stupid as any fool"

Bebe, (a.k.a. Raisin Head), is that you? If so, nice to see you back!

As I've stated on many occasions, religious books and religious text are open for interpretation, and subject to what one wants to believe.

With concern to the "donkey's penis" passage, some months ago I did some research and found this;

[Surah 9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, ‘If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's".

With religious text being "open to interpretation", this passage obviously states that it was "Gabriel" who told this to Muhammad. In the Hebrew Bible, Gabriel is an angel who serves as a messenger from God. So if "one wants to believe" that Gabriel was God's messenger, and that he spoke to Muhammad, then it would be that Gabriel said "Black men are less than a donkey's penis", not Muhammad.

And again, if one is to "interpret and/or believe the Book of Genesis, Blacks fair no better as being descendents of Ham's son, Canaan.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blacks fare no better as being descendents of Ham's son

I daresay they fare better in Israel than in, say, the Sudan.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen, yes I'm back! How you be man?The Bible never said Blacks came from Canaan because Canaan are today's Lebonese. Blacks came from Cush and Put.
Cushites are from Africa. Moses married a Cushite, Zepporah and had two sons with her.
Exodus 18
Knowledge is power, but true knowledge is powerful!

Quadiffi told the Europeans that he would send many stupid barbarians(black African muslims)
as he was King of Africa and told all Arabs to come and take over Africa because black Africans were not capable. Farrahkan loves Quadafffi. Wright and Farrahkan went to Libya and were welcomed as light skinned Americans who would never expose the slavery in Africa
to the world as never did Malcom X(Detroit Red)
Black Africans are finally speaking out about Islamic slavery.

Allen, in New Testament slavery is evil in 1Tim 1:6-10.

Ellison in light skinned and knows not how dark skinned people are treated. Michelle Obama's brother is a Black Jew, and claim to be the lost tribe of Israel.However Allah and Muhammad said he turn the lost tribe into black rats!
Bukhari IV no. 534, p.333.

I remember when you had to pass the brown bag test in Black colleges.

6:49 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"I daresay they fare better in Israel than in, say, the Sudan".

Not to many people fare well in the Sudan...not even the Sudanese.

12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jews treat black Muslims better than the Palestinians. The Palis honor killed a girl who married a black Muslim over there.

Because Most American Black Muslims dont read, just listen to hate speeeches toward European whites, the dont even know that Arabs are Caucasians white, as the hadiths and the Quran said: black faces are cursed and white faces are blessed-quran 3:106.WAKE UP BLACK AMERICAN before you allow takkia overwhelms you and you return to the same slavery the tribalist and their parners, Muslims whoses god said he created blacks to be slaves to whites tabari 11;11.America's BLACK SHIELD IS A GOOD SITE ALSO

12:51 PM  

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