Friday, August 17, 2012

Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama?

I know it must be hard for the supporters of Obama to try and defend their hero, when he can't even defend his own economic record over the last four years. I get that, but invoking the race card every time a person criticizes Obama only makes them look that much more desperate in the eyes of regular people. I understand that the MSNBC commentator Toure has some deep rooted psychological issues, when it comes to race, and it shows, when he opens his mouth. He like most people on MSNBC see racism 24/7, and their racial dogma is usually directed at a Republican who hadn't done anything to deserve their racially targeted angst. If Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck or Sean Hannity would have said that "the left thinks that we are trying to create a Niggerazation of Obama", I don't even need to go into what the response would be by the left and people at large. For starters Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity would be fired immediately, So let's say that Toure of MSNBC said that Romney was "engaging in the Niggerazation of Obama", what would be the response by the left? I guess we'll have to wait to find out.

This type of gutter commentary of Romney will no doubt go over well with hardcore progressives, but it won't with middle of the road Americans. There is a reason why MSNBC has terrible ratings, and it's because of looney observations made by people like Toure. I said a long time ago around the time Obama was getting ready to run for President that if he was elected, he was going to set back race relations thirty years. Part of the reason I said that was due to how I knew his supporters were gong to use Obama's race as a weapon against anyone who disagrees with him on policy issues and who can't defend Obama based on it. It's no secret that Obama has taken his campaign into the garbage ever since it became clear that Romney was gong to be the nominee. Obama's tone is not that of a person holding the highest political office in the world. He's coming off sounding arrogant and cold. That is the reason why he is still getting so much negative feedback from his "You did not build that" stump speech. To people like Toure, it's ok for Obama to go on the  war path and act as poorly and demeaning as he wants, but nobody better not dare call Obama out on it or else. I tried looking  up the word Niggerazation, and I couldn't find it any dictionary. No wonder so many people watch Fox News and tune out MSNBC. Instead of Toure having to use the race card in trying to stigmatize Romney, how about he defend Obaama's economic record instead?If Obama had a son, would he look and sound like Toure?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will always say everytime that about anyone who plays the race card: if you plays the race card you are acting ignorant.

Also, if people on the Left, and staff on MSNBC are going to make assumption, they better have something to back up their claims.

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of out all the most ignorant things that Biden has said, I'm surprised that Obama has not got rid of him. Many will predict that Obama will lose the election because Biden keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Many in Democratic party are telling Obama to dump Biden and have Hillary Clinton as his running mate. But will she be his downfall? It didn't work for McCain when he had Sarah Palin as his running mate. Oh, I almost forgot about Walter Mondale with Geraldine Ferraro.

3:25 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Of out all the most ignorant things that Biden has said, I'm surprised that Obama has not got rid of him. Many will predict that Obama will lose the election because Biden keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Many in Democratic party are telling Obama to dump Biden and have Hillary Clinton as his running mate. But will she be his downfall? It didn't work for McCain when he had Sarah Palin as his running mate. Oh, I almost forgot about Walter Mondale with Geraldine Ferraro.

Yep, Barry is sticking with Crazy Joe. It didn't surprise me that progressives tried to justify what he said and excuse it away. They "they want to put ya'll back in chains" comment doesn't have any clear connection to Wall Street in which he was referencing to prior. To be put back in chains would represent being put back into bondage, but I can't collate how people where in bondage during the time Wall Street was engaged in the subprime market. 40% of the audience were black. He didn't say "we all" which would have included himself, he pointed out and said " ya'll". Furthermore, Biden is from Deleware, I didn't know people in Delaware use the word "ya'll". If I was Sarah Palin right now, I would be laughing my butt off knowing that the left had to nerve to try and paint me as a flake, yet they are rallying around the real thing in Joe Biden. I can document ever single gaff Biden ever made during the primaries in 08 thru to this very day. I can't say the same for Palin. I'm sure Hillary is laughing to at this behind closed doors. The debate between Ryan and Biden is going to be massacre. Joe doesn't stand a chance what so ever.

7:09 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "I will always say everytime that about anyone who plays the race card: if you plays the race card you are acting ignorant."

If Obama had a strong economic record in which to run on his supporters could easily draw off that and give people valid reasons why he should be reelected, but they can't. They've use the race card so many times, people now just expect them to use it. What people like Toure don't get is that by using such over the top racial rhetoric, it only makes himself not Romney look bad.

anon "Also, if people on the Left, and staff on MSNBC are going to make assumption, they better have something to back up their claims."

MSNBC has been a joke for years now. I would go out on a climb and say that the Huffington Post has more credibility then MSNBC has. This is the so called news organization of Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Toure, Martin Bashir and other far left kooks.

7:19 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

On another subject... the comment that Joe Biden made was of course aimed at Republicans as wanting to put "chains" on Black voters. It's nothing new for Biden, or for that matter, any other white politician or political pundit to use blacks grammatically in third person (ie. "they" or "ya'll") to score or make racial points.

Sure, some on the left use them. But yet again, there's plenty of racial politics played on both sides. I believe I heard the term "Democrat Plantation" used several times during the GOP primaries. Clearly, any reference to American blacks and a "plantation" is a direct reference to slavery. Which makes the "chains" reference no different from the "plantation" reference.

Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter went as far to proclaim that; "our blacks are better than their blacks." Does Coulter believe that the ideological construct of being a "conservative" like herself makes for a better black person? Do blacks who are neither conservative nor liberal fall completely fall off her scale of what she see's as being "better, or even good?"

The fact is that whites in both political parties exploit blacks, the black vote and black politicians. As what occurred with Vice President Biden, Democrats tend to use blacks to "race bait." On the other side, Republicans often use blacks to "justify racism", which is something you, Tyrone, do often.

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Westley Williams said...

It's unfortunate that Toure used the N-word in a description of a phenomenon which has existed for well over 40 years. It's the Southern Strategy. The strategy of winning elections by exploiting anti–African American racism and fears of lawlessness among white voters. This can be attributed to Mitt Romney‘s assertion that President Obama should “take his campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.” After hearing this, visions of evil and hateful blacks presenting a clear and present danger appear. To suggest that Obama is the “food stamp president” further perpetuates disdain of the black cohort.

The Southern Strategy also has a racial ethnocentric aspect to it. When Mitt Romney stated that Israel's "culture" was responsible for the country's superior economic development compared to other countries of the Middle East, he was simply using an argument long used to explain Black poverty in the U.S.. African Americans were poor, it was argued, because of a "culture of poverty" and a "pathology" which leads them to have children out of wedlock or become dependent on welfare.

Toure is angry because he doesn't like the rules of the game. He feels that coded racist language is repugnant and immoral. Yet, it's right works in this great nation.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Westley Williams said...

It's unfortunate that Toure used the N-word in a description of a phenomenon which has existed for well over 40 years. It's the Southern Strategy. The strategy of winning elections by exploiting anti–African American racism and fears of lawlessness among white voters. This can be attributed to Mitt Romney‘s assertion that President Obama should “take his campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.” After hearing this, visions of evil and hateful blacks presenting a clear and present danger appear. To suggest that Obama is the “food stamp president” further perpetuates disdain of the black cohort.

The Southern Strategy also has a racial ethnocentric aspect to it. When Mitt Romney stated that Israel's "culture" was responsible for the country's superior economic development compared to other countries of the Middle East, he was simply using an argument long used to explain Black poverty in the U.S.. African Americans were poor, it was argued, because of a "culture of poverty" and a "pathology" which leads them to have children out of wedlock or become dependent on welfare.

Toure is angry because he doesn't like the rules of the game. He feels that coded racist language is repugnant and immoral. Yet, it's how the political right works in this great nation.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Westley Williams said...

MSNBC has been a joke for years now. I would go out on a climb and say that the Huffington Post has more credibility then MSNBC has. This is the so called news organization of Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Toure, Martin Bashir and other far left kooks.<<<<<<<

Fox News has been a joke a lot longer. I would go out on a limb and say Stormfront has more credibility. At least they admit where they are coming from

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I forgot to mention about people who do play the race card, I wonder if they are aware that the majority of the American public are getting real sick and tired of hearing it? Whenever I hear someone play the race card, I get really offended because it hurts race relations. For years whenever I turn on my local news about a white police officer involved shooting of a black person, regardless if he was armed and has an outstanding criminal record, the media and members in the black community would assume that race was the factor.

But back to the subject, when someone like Toure and his MSNBC colleagues play the race card because people who oppose Obama because of his political record and how he is running this country into the ground, why are they in such denial? That's like a mother who claims his juvenile delinquent of a son is really a "good boy".

By the way, was the woman with the glasses at the panel table who confronted Toure a conservative?

3:35 PM  
Blogger Padzilla13 said...

LOL! MSNBC, CNN and FOX News are all jokes. The media mouth is open wide to spread lies and entertain the viewers. Nothing but hate brought on by both networks.

When someone tells me they heard their news from either of these channels I just look away because they are biased by whatever network they choose to follow.

5:27 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Westly Williams "Fox News has been a joke a lot longer. I would go out on a limb and say Stormfront has more credibility. At least they admit where they are coming from"

Really Westley? Fox News has been number one for over a decade straight and counting. People trust Fox News more so then CNN and MSNBC combined. Feel free to tell me how Fox News is a joke. I just gave a small sample of how MSNBC is one.

Westly Williams "Toure is angry because he doesn't like the rules of the game. He feels that coded racist language is repugnant and immoral. Yet, it's how the political right works in this great nation."

Rules of the game? Are you on crack? So calling a person angry is now considered "coded", are you kidding me? So if a white progressive says that I sound angry, I can call them a racist right, because they are using the N word coded in the word anger and hate right?

Westly Williams "The Southern Strategy also has a racial ethnocentric aspect to it."

Sorry but the Southern Strategy thing died a long time ago. The GOP is a moderate controlled party. Furthermore Romney is from liberal northern Massachusetts not the south. Have anything else of amusement Westley?

Westly Williams "When Mitt Romney stated that Israel's "culture" was responsible for the country's superior economic development compared to other countries of the Middle East, he was simply using an argument long used to explain Black poverty in the U.S.. African Americans were poor, it was argued, because of a "culture of poverty" and a "pathology" which leads them to have children out of wedlock or become dependent on welfare. "

You really do believe your insanity don't you. Anytime a republican or conservatives talks about reforming welfare, progressives are the first to shout that any reforms would harm black people and minorities the most. When someone brings up a topic about blacks and welfare, then the coin flips and the argument becomes why are blacks being singled out because more whites are on welfare then blacks. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. If you look at the inner cities, they are poverty stricken with most of the people living their eking out survival on government assistance. So what part isn't true? Also, 75% of black children are born out of wedlock. So it sounds like you are pissed that the facts get brought up, but they are still the facts. It's nothing racist to comment on the facts.

Westley Williams " To suggest that Obama is the “food stamp president” further perpetuates disdain of the black cohort."

Yeeaah riiiggght, I'm sure Obama being called the food stamp president has nothing to do with the FACT that a record number of Americans are on food stamp under Obama then under any other president in history. Let's just ignore reality Westly and make it about race. lol

5:54 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "On another subject... the comment that Joe Biden made was of course aimed at Republicans as wanting to put "chains" on Black voters. It's nothing new for Biden, or for that matter, any other white politician or political pundit to use blacks grammatically in third person (ie. "they" or "ya'll") to score or make racial points. "

When Romney addressed the NAACP. He addressed the people like ordinary people. He didn't pander his message based on the audience. Why is it that white progressives have to racially pander to blacks allen? Why can't they just talk to them normally like they do, when they talk to their white progressives friends and colleagues? Why is that Hillary Clinton has to have a Kentucky fried voice when she goes into a black church, and why she has to use race baiting terminology like

"the House of Representatives is run like a PLANTATION, you all know what I mean."

Why is that that Al Gore had to transform into Southern Preacher Al Gore when he addressed blacks?

Is it that they believe blacks are too stupid to be talked to in a normal way?

p allen "Sure, some on the left use them. But yet again, there's plenty of racial politics played on both sides. I believe I heard the term "Democrat Plantation" used several times during the GOP primaries. Clearly, any reference to American blacks and a "plantation" is a direct reference to slavery. Which makes the "chains" reference no different from the "plantation" reference. "

Your typical response is to say it happens on both sides without ever giving any examples of that. So here's your chance allen. Provide me with evidence of an event where a republican or conservative addressed a black crowd and used racial terminology to race bait them. Thanks

6:03 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;" Provide me with evidence of an event where a republican or conservative addressed a black crowd and used racial terminology to race bait them. Thanks".

Lol!! You didn't even finish reading what I posted! If you had read it, you wouldn't have needed to ask. Let's try again...

Democrats tend to use blacks to "race bait." On the other side, Republicans often use blacks to "justify racism", which is something you, Tyrone, do often.

Should I go into the numerous disagreements we've had about how many on the right have launched birther attacks, claims of being a Muslim a Communist, unprecedented blatant disrespect (called a liar aloud during the SOTU, finger wagging in his face) monkey and animal jokes coming from a right-wing federal judge and party leaders, etc... yet, at every turn you "justify" the racist intent of these characters. You've been instructed to use the constructed well thought out talking point of- "they're playing the race card."

Race baiting is not a tactic of the right-wing. Use common sense Tyrone. Why would it be necessary, or even possible, to race bait Republicans when ninety five percent of blacks are Democrats? The tactic used by the right-wing is "justification", which means that they will say whatever they want, and you must by all means defend what they say and believe.

Tyrone you often deal in hypothetical's of "what if a conservatives said this or did that." Answer this...what if, when Ronald Reagan was in office, Marion Barry met him on a tarmac, and Barry was photographed waving his finger in Reagan's face. What if, while GW Bush was making a State of The Union address, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. yelled from the floor "YOU LIE!" What if Rep. Keith Ellison called Paul Ryan's religious beliefs into question?

With concerns to the "birthers", Tyrone can you honestly say that you know for a "fact", that every conservative you've supported and/or voted for president was born in the U.S.? You've said you're going to vote for Romney. Can you say with complete certainty that Mitt Romney (who's family fled the U.S.) was born in the U.S.? So the question is, why are there so right-wingers questioning, and so many hell bent on removing this presidents birth right as an American citizen?

8:23 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Democrats tend to use blacks to "race bait." On the other side, Republicans often use blacks to "justify racism", which is something you, Tyrone, do often."

I use blacks to justify racism? That doesn't even make any sense allen. I expose racism, I don't promote it nor justify it.

p allen "Should I go into the numerous disagreements we've had about how many on the right have launched birther attacks, claims of being a Muslim a Communist, unprecedented blatant disrespect (called a liar aloud during the SOTU, finger wagging in his face) monkey and animal jokes coming from a right-wing federal judge and party leaders, etc... yet, at every turn you "justify" the racist intent of these characters. You've been instructed to use the constructed well thought out talking point of- "they're playing the race card."

So where is the examples of racism? Some on the right questioning Obama's birth of orgin isn't racist. Was it racist when the left questioned whether John McCain was a natural born citizen or when the questioned the paternity of Trig Palin? Fact, if Obama's father was born in the United States, the birth certificate controversy wouldn't have even been. Also, the fact Obama was paying to keep his birth certificate secret is really what fueled the speculation to begin with. Yes Obama has been called a liar by the right, and so has Bush by the left, so what is your point? The right calls Bill Clinton "slick willy" because of how smooth he lies. Moving on, I don't support any jokes about Obama based on race. With that said, did you support jokes by the left wing calling Trig Palin a retard and jokes about Sarah Palin being a "cunt, bitch whore, slut, skank, Milf" etc Did you support liberal Sandra Bernhardt, when she said that if Sarah Palin ever came to New York, her "big black brothers" would gang rape her. I can draw the line with what I support and what I don't, can you?
Also, being called a Communist isn't racist. Obama has had Communist upbringing. Furthermore, Sam Webb, chairman of the Communist Party USA, threw his support behind Obama's re-election bid.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "With concerns to the "birthers", Tyrone can you honestly say that you know for a "fact", that every conservative you've supported and/or voted for president was born in the U.S.? "

Yes, because every conservative I've ever supported for elected office was not only born in America but their PARENTS were born, so there was no controversy.

p allen "You've said you're going to vote for Romney. Can you say with complete certainty that Mitt Romney (who's family fled the U.S.) was born in the U.S.? So the question is, why are there so right-wingers questioning, and so many hell bent on removing this presidents birth right as an American citizen? "

Because George Romney was born to American parents in Mexico, his father wasn't Mexican. Both parents were American citizens living abroad, Barack Obama SR was never a U.S Citizen, big difference.

p allen "Race baiting is not a tactic of the right-wing".

Thank for admitting the obvious allen. So even with the Democratic party having 95% of the black vote, why do democrats have to resort to race baiting in the first place?

9:11 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"I use blacks to justify racism?".

Mon o' man... When did say that "you" used blacks to to anything? The conversation was about how "white politicians" and pundits use racial tactics on blacks to garner their support (eg. Biden's race baiting comments). Either you're not reading what I'm writing, or you're ignoring it. I'll say it again;

at every turn you "justify" the racist intent of these characters. You've been instructed to use the constructed well thought out talking point of- "they're playing the race card.".

CB;"So where is the examples of racism? Some on the right questioning Obama's birth of orgin isn't racist".

Perfect example of justification!!!! Do you really believe that out of all the countless number of right-wing politicians, pundits and media talkers, that NONE of them have a racist intent with their birther accusations? I can't find one, not one of them that have questioned any other Democrat president's place of birth or "American values."

Self proclaimed "king of the birthers", Republican Andy Martin is a prime example. Members of his own party have branded him as a kook and anti-Semite. If members of the Republican party have enough sense to admit that some birthers harbor a racist intent, why can't you?

Calling President Bush a liar, or President Clinton slick willy, and a liar, or Sarah Palin the "C" word, or joking about her special need child, pales in comparison to questioning an Americans right to hold the office of president, while labeling him a Communist, racist, Muslim, socialist, with the purposeful intent of destroying the country and office he was elected to protect and serve.

Let's pretend (thank god it'll never happen) Sarah Palin were elected president. What would you think of politicians, pundits and media talkers who constantly spoke out against her and believed her to be a promiscuous whore who frequently has sex with black basketball players? Let's also say there were several groups who were invited to speak at conferences, spent huge sums of money promoting the idea on billboards, and in the media. Lets say, some rich guy like George Soro's kept insisting that she provide proof that Trig was her child instead of her daughters, and he claimed that his investigators were surprised by what they found. Let's say a local sheriff created a posse to investigate the charge that Trig was not really her child, and concluded that the child's birth certificate was a fake. In addition, that her own birth certificate was fake, and brought court cases against her all over the country. Let's also say that a prominent national cable show host, publicly proclaimed that Sarah Palin truly has a profound hatred of all men.

If she were President of the United States, and all of the above charges were being made against her, wouldn't you stop and think that there could be a even a slight possibility that some of these people attacking her were doing it for reasons other than her simply being a politician?

Being the first "non white male" anything in this country has always offered the challenge of overcoming the resentment of those who wished to preserve the so-called status quo.

CB;"So even with the Democratic party having 95% of the black vote, why do democrats have to resort to race baiting in the first place?".

For the same reasons the Republicans use you to justify their use of racism....

3:40 AM  
Anonymous Westley Williams said...

The GOP is a moderate controlled party.<<<<

Huh??? It appears we have a differing interpetation of political paradigns. Yet, I will seek objectivity and not evoke my own personal or professional prejudices. The current GOP view supports: a personhood bill that would give fetuses full personhood rights from the moment of fertilization; abolishment of the Federal Department of Education and eliminate public education and replace it with vouchers; abolish the Department of Energy; 46% percent of Mississippi Republicans believe that interracial marriage should be illegal so you can acknowledge that a significant portion of southern GOP support return of misensegnation laws; and a host of other radical changes in the structure as it exists today.

I understand that there are arguments which support all these issues. Yet they are mainstream republican dogma which exists today. From a Democratic/ liberal/progressive prospective, this is a right-of-center framework.

Can you provide me with what you feel would be a right-wing conservative controlled GOP. I'm not being judgmental of differing political phisophies as long as they adhere to the US Constitution.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Westley Williams said...

The GOP is a moderate controlled party.<<<<

Huh??? It appears we have differing interpetations of political paradigns. Yet, I will seek objectivity and not evoke my own personal or professional prejudices. The current GOP view supports: a personhood bill that would give fetuses full personhood rights from the moment of fertilization; abolishment of the Federal Department of Education and eliminate public education and replace it with vouchers; abolish the Department of Energy; 46% percent of Mississippi Republicans believe that interracial marriage should be illegal so you can acknowledge that a significant portion of southern GOP support return of misensegnation laws; and a host of other radical changes in the structure as it exists today.

I understand that there are arguments which support all these issues. Yet they are mainstream republican dogma which exists today. From a Democratic/ liberal/progressive prospective, this is a right-of-center framework.

Can you provide me with what you feel would be a right-wing conservative controlled GOP. I'm not being judgmental of differing political phisophies as long as they adhere to the US Constitution.

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog by the way and I have to say that this "conversation" if you can even call it that was beyond belief and reality. Who honestly takes these,I would say clowns but I feel that would be an insult to some fine entertainers, seriously?

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Libertygirl said...

Tyrone, I sure wish there were lots more of you! By the way, have you seen 2016: Obama's America? I am truly scared if he is re-elected. Our political pendulum has historically swung a bit to the left and a bit to the right, however this is the first time in our nation's history that we've had a president who is truly anti-American and LYING to our faces to serve his communist, anti-colonial agenda of ruining what we have. I just don't get how people can remain so blind to what he's doing.

2:07 AM  

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