Monday, July 30, 2012

Nothing like a Christmas in July shopping spree in Chicago.

Let me set it up for you all.

Take one part youth  flash mob in Chicago, add to the mix a jeans clothing store and you get.

Rahm Emmanuel recently said that Chick-Fil-A doesn't represent "Chicago Values", Maybe flash mobs and violent crime is more of a Chicago Values thing according to him. Oh, the clothing store reported that it lost $3,000 in merchandise due to the Christmas in July flash mob sale. I hate to see what will happen to this store when Black Friday comes around. The only way the national media is going to start bringing attention to this epidemic of flash mob robberies is when store owners start using force to stop them. Of course the shop owners will be made out to be the villains of course.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone, my computer's anti-virus software informed me that the video you posted may contain a virus. I just thought I inform you about this.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Paladin said...

This kind of thing is truly sickening and a testament to how far our "civilized" culture has sunk. Sadly, I don't see any way to fix this country because this kind of behavior is ingrained in people"s DNA at this point. I expect it to get worse.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon " Anonymous said...

Tyrone, my computer's anti-virus software informed me that the video you posted may contain a virus. I just thought I inform you about this."

I think there may be a problem with your antivirus program. The video is a youtube video embedded off of youtube.

Paladin "This kind of thing is truly sickening and a testament to how far our "civilized" culture has sunk. Sadly, I don't see any way to fix this country because this kind of behavior is ingrained in people"s DNA at this point. I expect it to get worse."

20 years ago, this kind of stuff wouldn't even have been imaginable. Society has sunk, morality has become a joke to young people. This is the end result, that traits of progressiveness on display.

11:00 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"20 years ago, this kind of stuff wouldn't even have been imaginable. Society has sunk, morality has become a joke to young people. This is the end result, that traits of progressiveness on display".

(snark alert!)

Yep! Lets say 30 year ago this would have never happened. All through the 80's up until the early 90's these thugs would have been able to purchase the clothes. All of those young men would have had a pocket full of "drug money!"

During the "progressive" Reagan years, free-base cocaine (now known as crack) had just hit the streets of America. Cocaine and illegal aliens were pouring across the U.S. borders. By 1983 many of the Cubans that came here "legally", during the "conservative" Carter administration, those who were not able to find jobs turned to dealing drugs (which crossed the borders in millions of tons) to support themselves and their families.

The "conservative" Bill Clinton inherited the War on Drugs policy put into place by the "progressive" Reagan and Bush administrations. And true to "conservative" form, Clinton presided over the highest rate of incarceration, as well as the highest total number of citizens behind bars for a democratic state, in the history of the world.

The "progressive" policies of 2006-2008 totally wreaked the economy followed by massive unemployment. However, it's strange that the "conservative" policies of President Obama (low taxes, tax cut extensions, increased domestic oil production, tax credits for small businesses, although some claim they cost more, the Obama administration had approved "fewer" regulations than his predecessor, record number of illegal deportations, thus far defense spending has steadily "INCREASED" under "conservative" Obama, and gun rights have been expanded), yet unemployment remains high for these young men.

It's "progressive" policies that can help to prevent incidents like what happened in that security video. What you're seeing is the direct result of conservative policies. Perhaps what's needed is a return to Reagan type policies and action. Allow tons of cocaine and heroin into the country, and flood the cities with cheap high quality drugs. Stop throwing the lower level drug dealers in jail, and...VIOLA! You'd be able to post a store surveillance video showing drug boys lined up with thousands of dollars "purchasing" as much clothes as their money could buy!

4:16 PM  
Blogger Paladin said...

Well thankfully there was zero cocaine and no illegal aliens coming into the country during the Conservative Clinton years. Bill was only known to import illegal Cuban cigars, which he smoked and used for other things.
The reality is that liberal polices have and will continue to wreck the country and it is being hastened by the fact that many intelligent folks like yourself have ingested the Kool Aid.
You're kidding about Obama's contributions, right? Because if you are not, I already know it's hopeless to engage you with facts.
Assuming you are kidding, you see the realities of Obama's actions, Highest unemployment in decades, Continued Wars he railed against as a candidate (Bush's Wars), kept open Guantanamo (Bush's Creation) despite promises to close it, kept the Bush tax cuts because he knew they are working, continued Bush's efforts to get Osama bin Ladin, continued Bush's use of Drones in Pakistan, Continues to pursue the "War on Drugs" (Started by Nixon NOT Reagan)despite the fact it is not working, I could go on but , you get the idea. He is more of a republican than the republicans.
Evidently, the only two people happy with him are you and Jimmy Carter. Carter because BO moves him up one rung on the worst U.S. President's ladder, you, I'm not so sure.

12:34 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Paladin;"Well thankfully there was zero cocaine and no illegal aliens coming into the country during the Conservative Clinton years".

There was plenty of cocaine coming across the border when Clinton was i office (and still is to this day).

Paladin;"The reality is that liberal polices have and will continue to wreck the country and it is being hastened by the fact that many intelligent folks like yourself have ingested the Kool Aid".

You say liberal policies wreaked the country, but I say conservative policies have. For every liberal policy you can name the caused social damage, I can counter with a conservative policy. You'll never believe me, and I sure as hell know better than you.

Paladin;"Assuming you are kidding, you see the realities of Obama's actions, Highest unemployment in decades".

Name the Obama administration policy that created or caused the highest unemployment in decades. Be specific.

Paladin;"Continued Wars he railed against as a candidate (Bush's Wars)".

Continued ONE Bush war he railed against as a candidate. Against the cries of many neo-cons, Obama pulled the troops out of Iraq. If you don't believe me check it out for yourself, then tell your friends. Also, I'm not a big fan of the Afghan war effort. If you want I'll march in protest with you.

Granted, Bush did start 2 wars on his watch, and the Obama administration has continued (and escalated) one of them. President Obama did not close Guantanamo like he had promised. Sure, for that he should be held accountable for lying.

Paladin;"kept the Bush tax cuts because he knew they are working".

DUUUUUUH??? The Bush tax cuts are "working"??? Working doing what? Doesn't the conservative mantra state that "tax cuts" create jobs? How dim can you be? Didn't you just say unemployment is the highest it has been in decades? So how are the tax cuts "working" and there's still high unemployment? Paladin speak with forked tongue.

There's also an air of hypocrisy surrounding most of your claims. The Afghan and Iraq wars, and their policies came along with new presidents job. So if the burden of 2 wars accompanied the job, why ignore the huge debt, faltering economy, and massive job losses and skyrocketing unemployment? All of which were in full swing before President Obama was even elected!

You wanted him to fail, didn't you? So, it really doesn't matter how many success stories I tell you, you will claim they are all failures.

7:46 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Paladin;"continued Bush's efforts to get Osama bin Ladin".

If you believe that, you're as stupid as "W." It's good there's video of him saying, I'm not really worried about him (Bin Laden), I don't know where he is. Otherwise you might have went all "Mitt Romney" on me and claimed it never happened.

In July of 2006 the C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden. So in 2002, Bush says in a press conference that he doesn't know where Bin Laden is, and he's not concerned about his where about's. In 2006, the CIA disbands it's special unit. Bin Laden is located and killed in 2011...AND YOU THINK BUSH'S EFFORTS WERE CONTINUED????

Prove that any one of these "FACT" are not true;

low taxes, tax cut extensions.

increased domestic oil production.

tax credits for small businesses.

although some claim they cost more, the Obama administration had approved "fewer" regulations than his predecessor.

record number of illegal deportations.

thus far defense spending has steadily "INCREASED" under Obama.

Gun rights expanded.

gun rights have been expanded again.

Many conservatives show their "true colors" when reproducing facts, and simply just making stuff up when attacking President Obama. I have more respect for idiots like this. Even though he's as dumb as a bag of rocks, he at least believes the nonsense he's saying. And he cut's directly to the chase (fast forward to 7:38 of the video). In the ends he gives his main reason why he hates the president, which I believe many conservatives "hold but hide" the same sentiments.

8:30 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Correction; the last link to a video of a right-wing idiot is HERE.

10:11 PM  

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