Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chick-Fil-A under attack by the folks who claim to be so tolerant of other people's views.

Chick-Fil-A is a fast foot restaurant chain that basically focuses on serving chicken related items . They have over 1600 locations across the country. I did some research on the company last year, when I happened to have notice that on a Sunday one of their locations was closed, and it wasn't a holiday. I discovered that all Chick-Fil-A restaurants are closed on Sundays. S Truett Cathy is the founder of Chick-Fil-A and  is a devoted Southern Baptist as is his family which also runs Chick-Fil-A.The  CEO Dan Cathy has made no bones about how he feels in his support of traditional marriage and their familiy's Christian faith.. That of course isn't sitting well with gay marriage supporters. Because of the Cathy's support for traditional marriage, Chick-Fil-A has been slung into the national spot light by the media and progressive groups hoping to go after Chick-Fil-A. in an attempt to demonize it..The attacks on Chick-Fil-A has only managed to get traditional marriage supporters and conservative activists pumped up in defending the company. The founder of Jeff Bezos, the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates and other progressive business  icons have given money to gay marriage advocate groups with no peep from the media of course. I don't know why gay marriage groups are going after Chick-Fil-A. Actually I do.The left claims to support people's freedom of speech. Well, I guess they don't really support the freedom of other people to speak unless what they say supports what progressives believe in. On election day here in Maryland, voters will have a chance to vote on whether Maryland wants to legalize the oxymoron known as gay marriage or not. I know of some fake religious clergy who said that they will support the ballot favoring gay marriage, but they also said that they won't marry same sex couples in their church. It's amazing how blind these so called religious clergy really are. Progressives and gay marriage advocates are already demonizing Chick-Fil-A for merely expressing their views on the issue, the clergy who support gay marriage becoming law but say they won't marry same sex couples do not realize that they will be shunned, smeared and attacked the same way the Cathy family and Chick-Fil-A are if they do not go against their church doctrine and cave to political correctness. August 1st has been designated as Chick-Fil-A National Appreciation Day by the supporters Chick-Fil-A. They are doing this to send a message to the gay marriage progressive advocates who want to impose their will on a restaurant chain merely because of the convictions of the founder and his family.  The left's  boycott against Chick-Fil-A isn't bearing any fruit or chicken for that matter so far. A few days ago Mike Huckabee started a Chick-Fil-A appreciation day facebook site. Since then, over 300,000 people have showed their support for Chick-Fil-A. As usual, this is just another issue in which progressives find themselves on the losing end of. Progressives are the first to say that it's conservatives and the religious right who are trying to impose their views on people, but look at what is happening. Unless the Chick-Fil-A organization was discriminating against gays in the work place or in their hiring practices, this is a  non issue right? Apparently not, the Cathy Family has been pulled over by the progressive PC police, but they aren't obeying orders to conform, good for them.


Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"I don't know why gay marriage groups are going after Chick-Fil-A. Actually I do.The left claims to support people's freedom of speech. Well, I guess they don't really support the freedom of other people to speak unless what they say supports what progressives believe in".

Here again, you've taken the stance not based in reality. Boycott groups "ON BOTH SIDES" often don't agree on the other sides social views. Both often appear to want to shut down the others right to 'free speech.'

Betty Crocker faces boycott for endorsing gay marriage.
Boycott Home Depot.
Boycott Walt Disney Co..
Boycott JC Penny over spokesperson Ellen Degeneres.
Boycott Ford Motor Company.
I could go on......

CB;"The founder of Jeff Bezos, the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates and other progressive business icons have given money to gay marriage advocate groups with no peep from the media of course".

Really? Here's a 'PEEP'about Jeff Bezos support from ABC News (a major media outlet). There's also a "PEEP" from another major News outlet called FAUX News.

CB;;"Progressives are the first to say that it's conservatives and the religious right who are trying to impose their views on people, but look at what is happening. Unless the Chick-Fil-A organization was discriminating against gays in the work place or in their hiring practices, this is a non issue right? Apparently not".

DUH??? Who launched a boycott because JC Penny "HIRED" an openly gay spokesperson?????

As usual you "hack" the right-wing agenda and totally ignore the facts. Or could it be that you're just aren't informed enough to realize that social issues such as this one can turn you into a 'pawn'.

6:53 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

I'm not a big fan of most fast food. I've had a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, and to me it was no different than a Burger King or a McDonalds, etc.. sandwich. However, we've seen politicians, pundits and other activists publicly "promote" (apparently without compensation) a private business in an effort for forward a sociopolitical idea. I've even heard a right-winger state, even though he knew of Chick-Fil-A, he had never ate there. Yet through the publicity of Mike Huckabees "Chick-Fil-A Day" efforts, and the companies stance on rejection of gay marriage, he would start spending his money there.

Hell, is that all I need to do? I can come out against gay marriage, allow the opponents of my views to threaten a boycott against my business, cry out for support of my views, an 'VIOLA!' free advertisement and hundreds of thousands of new customers, many of whom didn't even know I existed, and might not even like my product?? What a deal! Not one dollar spent, yet possibly millions made? That's better than pyramid, card skimming, email sweepstakes, and Nigeria 419 scams combined!

7:36 PM  
Blogger No said...

I don't think they needed the advertisement. They were doing just fine. There is a Chik-Fil-A down the road from where I work and it stays busy and was very busy even before this whole thing.

People knew who they were before and now they know after.

The difference is the left wing nutcakes always promote violence, militant attitudes or telling everyone who eats from Chick-Fil-A should get cancer like crazy Roseann Barr for example. I'm sure Bill Mahr will be next.

Who are the real people trying to get advertisements? Chcik-Fil-A or those who are against the restaurant now? I'd say the latter because they always want their opinions, intolerance and ideas to be screamed the loudest. Liberals are the most thin skinned and hateful people I've ever met.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Milburn said...

Lets not argue against freedom of speech from either side. We live in America where I can say that I believe in a Libertarian Philosophy and that my business doesn't support Civil Rights Legislation. Customers have an equal right to boycott my business. Both are examples of freedom of speech and both are allowed. There is nothing wrong with Chick-Fil-A expressing their belief and there is nothing wrong with customers boycotting or expressing anger toward the business. Both are protected and contribute to the market place of ideas.

4:54 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Christopher said;"I don't think they needed the advertisement".

You're absolutely right...but they're getting it, FOR FREE!! Chick-Fil-A doesn't need your advertisement, they need YOUR MONEY! The customer doesn't need Chick-Fil-A, Chick-Fil-A needs the customer.

I don't spend my money according to my sociopolitical views. I spend my money on my needs, likes, desires and what beneficial to me. If the owners of the Rolls Royce Company stated that they were against all LGBT Rights, and cut the price of their vehicles to $5000 to show appreciation of public support, I'm getting in line to buy as many as I can. To hell with a sociopolitical view. A brand new Rolls Royce for five grand? I'll take as many as my money can buy. So, what is Chick-Fil-A doing for you? How many chicken sandwiches, fries, and cokes will you get, simply because they object to LGBT?

Christopher;"Who are the real people trying to get advertisements? Chcik-Fil-A or those who are against the restaurant now? I'd say the latter because they always want their opinions, intolerance and ideas to be screamed the loudest. Liberals are the most thin skinned and hateful people I've ever met".

Did you notice the links I posted to companies who had boycotts launched against them because of their support of LGBT Rights? They don't need the advertisements either. However, are the conservative and religious groups that called for those boycotts "hateful and thin skinned" also? Using your own evaluation process they have to be! Thus, everyone who supports a boycott on this issue (those who are for LGBT rights, and those against) are "thin skinned and hateful."

But what about those who only see the hate coming from one side. How should we evaluate them? The answer is simple. The real hate comes from those who can't see that both sides are mud slingers. The real hate comes from people like you....

7:18 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "You're absolutely right...but they're getting it, FOR FREE!! Chick-Fil-A doesn't need your advertisement, they need YOUR MONEY! The customer doesn't need Chick-Fil-A, Chick-Fil-A needs the customer. "

So the supporters of Chick-Fil-A are merely suppose to sit back do nothing and let the haters of Chick try and rip their reputation and business apart? NOT This has evolved from merely being about the Cathy's family and Chick-Fil-A'S position on traditional marriage, this has become a first amendment issue about free speech. Why is gay marriage folks so upset with what the owners of a company says? If Chick had a policy against hiring gays and lesbians and or denying them serving them, then that is a completely different story entirely. Dan Cathy however didn't say anything that was anti gay, he only talked about how children need mothers and fathers in their lives.

p allen "Did you notice the links I posted to companies who had boycotts launched against them because of their support of LGBT Rights? They don't need the advertisements either. However, are the conservative and religious groups that called for those boycotts "hateful and thin skinned" also? Using your own evaluation process they have to be! Thus, everyone who supports a boycott on this issue (those who are for LGBT rights, and those against) are "thin skinned and hateful."

To an extent I agree. I don't need to be apart of an organized boycott in order to boycott a company that are opposed to my beliefs, I simply don't shop there. I don't shop at Target nor go to Starbucks. The fact that you don't see is that when socail conservative groups call for a boycott, nobody other then conservatives know about it for the most part. When liberals call for a boycott of an organization over a social stance, mostly everybody knows about it, because the media makes sure to report it. Think, why has this story become such a big story allen? Where is the discrimination against gays by Chick Fil A? There isn't any.So again how and why has this non story been given legs?

11:13 AM  
Blogger No said...

There is no hate coming from me. Please enlighten and amuse me with your rhetoric, allen.

This whole ordeal is one sided, you're right. The one side that is trashing an establishment for opinioning their beliefs. No discrimination or saying anything out of the ordinary. The intolerance and name calling continues from them and people

3:07 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Exactly Christopher.Those who are attacking, bashing and smearing Chick-Fil-A are acting as the politically correct thought police. This has become an issue of progressives crying to silence and shame others with beliefs and opinions that progressives don't tolerate.

11:57 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Christopher;"There is no hate coming from me. Please enlighten and amuse me with your rhetoric, allen. ".

I explained that the "hate" comes in the for of not understanding that "both sides" are guilty of senseless attacks. Those who attack Mr. Cathy (via his Chick-Fil-A business) don't understand that he has the right to give his opinion on gay marriage, gay people, gay love, gay anything. Mr. Cathy has the right to opine about what ever he chooses. What YOU don't understand is that some Americans (LBGT's) view his "opinions" as hateful toward them.

On the other side, JC Penny hired Ellen Degeneres as a spokesperson for their company. Several groups voiced their "opinions" objecting to Ellen's hiring, which they have every right to do. In the same vain, JC Penny and Ellen viewed the oppositions opinions and actions as "hateful" toward them.

Christopher;"This whole ordeal is one sided, you're right. The one side that is trashing an establishment for opinioning their beliefs".

No, you're wrong. I never said this whole ordeal is "one sided." I clearly said the silliness comes from "both sides." It takes two to tango dude. It's just as I said, and that is that you're "one sided." You "APPEAR" to have taken a stance that the religious right doesn't attack companies and individuals who support LBGT rights. Being that you can't cede to the idea, I can have to conclude that you harbor some form of hate.

So, if you're willing to say that there are "thin skinned and hateful people (your words) on the religious right, just as there are of those who support the LBGT left, I'll gladly retract my accusation, and humbly apologize. However, if you're not willing... if the shoe fit's, wear it!

10:54 PM  

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