Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Unpatriotic Barack Obama

On Thursday the nation is supposedly going to hit it's debt ceiling, and the left and the media are predicting economic Armageddon and a national Apocalypse will fall upon the land. I've heard that line before with the sequester, then with the government shutdown and now this. The boy can only cry wolf but so many times, before he is eventually tuned out and loses credibility.Dear Leader has been going around with his ever loyal butt maidens in the national media claiming that if the GOP doesn't go along with the raising of the debt ceiling, it will be the GOP who will cause America to be hurled back into recession. Frankly, I still wonder if the recession really ended in the first place. I find it odd that Obama would be out bellowing about the need to raise the debt ceiling. Some could say that what he wants is "unpatriotic" in wanting to continue to pile on the record debt on top of debt. I wonder would it be unpatriotic to continue to borrow on the credit card that is owned by the bank of China? Who are those people who would dare say such a thing?

Obama has made Bush look like a fiscal conservative.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"I wonder would it be unpatriotic to continue to borrow on the credit card that is owned by the bank of China?"

It's too bad he doesn't practice what he preaches. I lost track of how many times he and his family went out on extravagant vacations on the "Bank Of America" credit card, which is our tax dollars paying for each one of them.

-Big Pop

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stand fast! No debt ceiling increase. Republicans who cave will be primaried

Obama refuses to negotiate with congress. If the country defaults it's solely his fault. Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, so allow Obama to default.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Stand fast! No debt ceiling increase. Republicans who cave will be primaried"

They should. It's insanity watching the GOP butcher tea party and conservatives in congress for standing for what the GOP is supposedlyuppose to stand for, "fiscal responsibility". The national debt itself is the issue more so then the debt ceiling. The case should be made by that the government should only pay services in which it has the revenue through tax collection to pay for. From 2000-20013, the national debt has increased from $5 trillion to now $17 trillion dollars, the debt has more then tripled in 12 years. At this rate, a true default will happen within the next 10 years. Most foreign investors have stopped buying our debt a long time ago, most of it is being bought by the Federal Reserve. For the credit rating service Fitch to still have a AAA rating on America's credit rating is a joke, which reminds me of the days of Aurthur Anderson and Enron.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THEY CAVED! The U.S. Constitution has been shredded. America is on a sure path to destruction. Muslims and Socialists are running the government. This country will fall into chaos before the end of 2014.

4:36 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"Obama refuses to negotiate with congress. If the country defaults it's solely his fault. Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, so allow Obama to default".

Say WHUUUUD???? News Flash For Idiots: The president doesn't have the authority nor the constitutional powers to increase the debt ceiling. The President cannot appropriate one penny without the approval of Congress, and cannot directly authorize the spending of money.

Some of you conservative nitwits (i.e. Sarah Palin) are calling for the impeachment of a president if the country were to be placed in default. This is what the bird brain said;

"Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, and any attempt by President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without Congress is also an impeachable offense".

Bat crap crazy Palin basically created a "paradox" in order to impeach a sitting president. This is not "normal" American politics. Sure, there have been calls for impeachment over political differences about going to war, and even lying about having sex. But creating a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario for impeachment is self-contradictory and paradoxical.

The best thing that happened to John McCain in 2008 was that he didn't win. Since "QUITTING" elected office, time and time again Palin has shown herself to be the most inept dim-witted unsound ideologically motivated politician this country has ever seen.

However, Anon's assertion is more direct, in that you imply that an intentional default be used to impeach a sitting president. Whereas Palin's statement is based on shear stupidity.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "THEY CAVED! The U.S. Constitution has been shredded. America is on a sure path to destruction. Muslims and Socialists are running the government. This country will fall into chaos before the end of 2014. "

Of course they cave, they are the gutless wonders known as the Sorry Ass Party, I meant the Grand Old Party. Oh the country is sure as gone. It's humorous that the ruling class looked us in the eyes and told us that if the country isn't able to accumulate more debt, then the "the full faith and credit of the U.S Government would be at risk. Because so many Americans are so dam stupid, I've come to in a way accept why politicians say some of the dumbest and absurd things. There is gong to come the day when all the political speeches aren't going to mind stroke the masses. It's going to the day when the Fed can no longer artificially suppress interest rates and that will be the day that will make the financial crisis look like a blip on the radar of America's past. They can only fool reality but for so long because it inevitable caught up.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Say WHUUUUD???? News Flash For Idiots: The president doesn't have the authority nor the constitutional powers to increase the debt ceiling. The President cannot appropriate one penny without the approval of Congress, and cannot directly authorize the spending of money"

Why do you think the Senate hasn't passed a budget in 4 years allen? By law they are required to. Because the Senate hasn't passed a budget, the house can set a budget because it can't be reconciled with the house. That is why there has been all these continuous budget resolutions. Basically this was the Democrats strategy to override the power of house's budgeting powers.

p allen "Bat crap crazy Palin basically created a "paradox" in order to impeach a sitting president. This is not "normal" American politics. Sure, there have been calls for impeachment over political differences about going to war, and even lying about having sex. But creating a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario for impeachment is self-contradictory and paradoxical. "

Obama isn't going to be impeached allen, here's a tissue.

2:00 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "The President cannot appropriate one penny without the approval of Congress, and cannot directly authorize the spending of money""

Um, the IRS collects the taxes and the Treasury Department pays the bills. Both entities fall under the executive branch of government which is headed by the Community Organizer In Chief not congress.

p allen "The best thing that happened to John McCain in 2008 was that he didn't win. Since "QUITTING" elected office, time and time again Palin has shown herself to be the most inept dim-witted unsound ideologically motivated politician this country has ever seen. "

Wow, Sarahcuda really dusted your doilies allen.lol Going back to the resignation thing, sad attack. lol The only reason she resigned is because your fellow libs had such vile hatred for the woman, they wanted to bankrupt her in office by filing countless frivolous lawsuits. She resigned owing over $800,000 in personal legal bills and the state of Alaska owed a million, so this wasn't about her, it was about what your side did that made her have to resign. Remember I know history very well, especially when it comes to Palin, so you might not want to go there, just saying.

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alpha male said-"America is on a sure path to destruction. Muslims and Socialists are running the government. This country will fall into chaos before the end of 2014."

Ha-ha lol! now your predicting economic Armageddon and a national Apocalypse will fall upon the land. get a life alpha. you sound like a little spoiled brat. If things dont go your way you start whining. here have a glass and some cheese to go with your wine. lol

Gerald T.-

11:01 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Gerald T "alpha male said-"America is on a sure path to destruction. Muslims and Socialists are running the government. This country will fall into chaos before the end of 2014."

Um, can you quote me where I said "Muslims and Socialists are running the government. This country will fall into chaos before the end of 2014."

I'll wait.

Gerald T "Ha-ha lol! now your predicting economic Armageddon and a national Apocalypse will fall upon the land. get a life alpha. you sound like a little spoiled brat. If things dont go your way you start whining. here have a glass and some cheese to go with your wine. lol"

LOL, follow your own advice Gerald, and get a life. But before you do that, pick up a few books on finance and economics and educate yourself. In the last 12 years, the country has added $12 trillion dollars of debt. This is unsustainable, it's common sense. I know that's a foreign concept to you Gerald, but try to follow me on this. Most foreign investors have been stopped buying our debt, because America owes so much and yet is continuing to borrow more and more.The Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates artificially low, because if interests were allowed to raise to the the natural market rate, America wouldn't be able to cover the interest payments on it's debt currently outstanding. They would have refinance all their maturity debts to much higher interest rates then what they are now. The US has more debt then the combined GDP of all the top industrialized nations combined!!! Most of the states don't have the money to pay for their pension obligations Four cities have already gone bankrupt in the last 18 months.

Chicago's finances aren't doing very well at all

Baltimore is slated to go under in 10 years if nothing is changed

This goes to show you Gerald that you aren't aware of what's going on around you other then the classic drawn out battle between the D's vs R's. The ground is starting to move underneath you, some actually are paying attention.

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

The Truth About the Government Debt Default...


Enjoy and educate yourselves, thank you.

1:43 AM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

Hey Gerarld, I recommend a book called Economics In One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt. It is a good read.

1:58 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Obama isn't going to be impeached allen, here's a tissue".

If you would have cared to notice, I never said that "Obama" was going to be impeached. I said "A PRESIDENT", and "A SITTING PRESIDENT." I was simply quoting the completely idiotic statement that Palin made. My point is that Palin, for reasons unbeknownst to me, created a paradox in her own mind to satisfy her perverted thirst to impeach President Obama. I'd compare it to, if she was told that if she stares into the sun with naked eyes the UV rays will burn your retina and you'll go blind. So, to avoid burning her retina, she takes a stick and pokes her eyes out, instead of just not staring into the sun! I really believe she's just that stupid...

CB;"The only reason she resigned is because your fellow libs had such vile hatred for the woman, they wanted to bankrupt her in office by filing countless frivolous lawsuits. She resigned owing over $800,000".

Sad attack??? Palin was the governor. Everything she did, she did to herself. You know darn well that personal, political and legal attacks are part and parcel tactics in the political arena. She couldn't take the heat so she "QUIT!" Don't try to blame he attackers. Hell, political attackers do what political attackers do! She did what any dim-witted spineless fake would have done....SHE QUIT! As far as the money, hell, she had already made a name for herself in conservative circles. She would have had no problem fund raising to pay her legal fee's. I'm sure you would have sent her a couple of hundred bucks!

2:43 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Since January 15, 2014 is the expiration date of federal government funding at sequester(2010)levels - which Mr. Obama opposes, but accepted in order to pass AHCA "ObamaCare" -

and since February 7, 2014 is the expiration date of the raised debt ceiling,

That means NOW is the time (not wait til 2014) to articulate and to try to enlighten American citizens (if that's possible)of the real $trillions debt now, and implications for the future.

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie said-"Hey Gerarld, I recommend a book called Economics In One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt. It is a good read."

You must me a stupid republican too. economic books like that was wrote for rich people. if your not rich your wasting your time reading it. theres economics for rich people. and economics for working class people like you. If your not making 5 million a year or more that book is no good to you. When you see rich people you think one day you will be just like them. they write a book or talk on tv and make millions. they tell you dont tax the rich because there the job creators. if they cant make money off you there not going to create a job for you. If they can make more money moving to china they will. rich republicans dupe you when the say they want lower taxes and less regulation for themself. but they want no minimum wage and lower wages for you. since your not rich your stupid.

Gerald T.-

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have to ask your selh what obama spend on
abbas hamas state of jordan dinner partys flying
pakistan Afghanistan
millions and millions go away
to allhuh askbarrrrrr


9:11 AM  

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